RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I ' c m i M I n ?j v i EAT LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Take a Glass of Salts If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. The American men and women must guard constantly ugalnst Kidney trou l)le, because we eat too much and nil our fond is rich. Our blood Is tilled with title add which the kidneys strive to lllter out, they weaken from over work, become sluggish; theelltnlnatlvo tissues clog ami the result Is kldnev trouble, bladder weakness and a Ken oral decline In health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; our back hurts or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment or you ate obliged to seek icllef two or tin re times during the night; If you suffer with sick headache or (Hazy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you liiiVe rliou matlsm when the weather Is bail, pet from your pharmacist about four ounces of .Tad Salts; take a table spoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla. and has been used for generations to Hush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids In the urine so It no longer Is u source of Irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. .Tad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot In jure, makes a delightful effervescent llthla-watcr beverage, and belongs In every home. becn'iso nobody can make n mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. Adv. In 1930. "I want to buy a battleship," said the lady secietury of the navy. "Well?" "I wonder If I could get the chair woman ot the naval committee Inter ested?" "Ask her to go battle-blp shopping with you." Louisville Courier-Journal. . -..,..---, "CARRY0N"! If Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, take "Cascarets" Feel grand ! Be efficient ! Don't stay sick, bilious, headachy, constipated. Re move the liver and bowel poison which Is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coaxed, your breath bad and your stom ach sour Why not get a small box of Cascarets and enjoy the iilcost, gentlest laxative-cathartic you ever experi enced? Cascarets never gripe, sicken or Inconvenience one like Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh pills. Cascarets bring bunshlne to cloudy minds and half-sick bodies. They work while you sleep. Adv. Sad Confession. "The olllcer sas jou weio not park ing parallel." "I I" "Don't you know ?" "I can't lie sure." "What Is your business?" "I am a professor of geometry." Louisville Courier-Join mil. USES OF ASPIRIN Bayer Company, who Introduced As pirin 18 years ago, give advice, Aspirin created a sensation when In troduced by Bayer over eighteen jears ago. I'hjslclans at once proved Its wonderful efficiency In the relief of pain. The genuine, world-famous As pirin, In "Ihiyer Tablets of Aspirin" Js safely taken by millions for Colds, Headache, Khcumatlsni, Neuralgia, Knrache, Toothache. Aching Joints, Neuritis, and I'nln generally. He sure the "Hayer Cross." which Is the mark of true "Hayer Tablets of Aspirin," Is on each genuine package and each genuine tablet. Hoxes of 11! tablets cost but a few cents and contain proper directions. Druggists also sell larger "Hayer" packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Hayer Manufacture of Mononeetle a ..tester of Snllcyllcacld. Adv. Might Help. "flood many scraps In the house these days," remarked the parliamen tarian. "What of It?" "I was Just thinking I'd better post up a little bit on prize tight rules." Louisville Courier-Journal. WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women' complninta often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder diseaue. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other or cans to become diseased. Pain in the buck, hendache, loss of am bition, nervousness, are often times symp toms of kidney trouble, Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pre scription, obtained at any drug store, may bo just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle im mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &, Co., Hinghamton, N. Y,, for a sample. bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adr. Th Choice. "Tho fireman In the stable Is look ing around for a horse." . "I suppose ho wants a plug," BROTHERHOOD CHIEFS FIGHT I t h S fcb fl SV 1 mjjG "" fR BBBBIBBBBBf tfiHBL BBr BHSBEJ With 11)8,1(00 members throughout thu country loyal to the brotherhood, their chiefs, who are lighting the "in surgent" stnke ol switchmen, say they cannot lose. Sitting at the table are John Hannou, St. Louis; A. l Whitney Chicago, and J. A. Kurqtihurson. Muskogee, Okla., all vice presidents of the biolhei hood. Insert. John Oriinau. elder, ofvthe "Insurgent" switchmen, who with '-"J other leaders in the stilke, was arrested In Chicago under oiders from Attorney (icneral Palmer In Washington. They are charged with Interfering with the movement of the malls and violation of the provisions of the Lever act, and iuteifeilng with luteistatu comment' mmm ' ' ' " ' " " ! ! I .- .I I IM I. i in .I...,. . I I., i. I . ! ...i ... -. , TRAINING SCHOOL FOR POSTAL ' .j -. ,,mrjGm&timxmmmimm3aammmBimmmmmmmemmK&&mmKumwwjLSto&jjxiwia l -" v .'.t;i '''S&tLilZa&Jsiid&iirsiU&lk First pupils In the Washington City Tost (.Mice's Tialnlng School for I'ostal Lmplo.vees. The classes will cocr all kinds of postal work. At left Is City Postmaster Merrlt O. Chance, while Supeilntendent Fied 15. Sillers, who has charge of the training school, Is nt the right. ELEVATED TRAINS IN COLLISION View of the wreck on thu Ninth Aenue elevated In New York, when an express train ran through mi open switch Into the local track and collided with a local train. One car of the local train was hurled Into thu street. For- titnntnlv few were In lured. The neeiileiit tmik nlnee nt Mix-tor sinmr I GOBS AT RIFLE PRACTICE j0S fptrosjss lHJJMlKHWTsff ''MsMfcll- 90 B"r",k " Jty) . 'jjif --r rffffl IW m'a " i ?. '?!'" "y"sVir",:'w .7.TK.vAiMav5l.rn Nwtpjr UnloiiKd A view of tho rlllo range at Ouantanamo, Cuba, showing Just how Uncle Sam's sailors aro given their prnctlco In rlllo and small arms shooting. Guan tnuaino Is only ono of tho numerous places visited by tho happy "gob" who selects Undo Sam as an employer, and ho'll nlwuys be found a Just and fair one, willing to advance his honest helpers. .7Ty,.xij.i..,'...k'liA' ;' rsr. - ' ?'S RAIL STRIKE EMPLOYEES IMPORT TEMPLE PORTICO A complete Hindu temple, portico has been brought Intact from India and will be set up us a memorial to Adeline Pepper Gibson, who died abroad, whllo In thu service of her country. The picture shows ono of the figures in a praying position. STARTS SECOND CENTURY ! I. rt i '-: w ,"i? $' fM r. W-s'" .Miss Sarah Anna McGuluness start ed on tho second century of her Ufa, attending n little celebration g!"on by friends In her honor nt tho Dronx Uomo for tho Aged. Y. r-" Vn" "-.. 1 vi 'mfSXSS'tlum 1 at tBBPRHH t i2 ' S :i i ssiiiiiBsMisiisBs HjlNrtContonta 15PluidDraohrl -mm '.'.'J.'.i.w -n niMf nl'.NT I, At(Jcl'blcPrcpnrntionforM-similatitniUicroodbyRoiiula-i .. ..if. .tn.l Wi-rMVKCI UnQUAC310maun.- Thcrctij'PfomoUniDKcbUon nclthcrOnlum.Morphlncnor Mineral. Not NAitcoTic . ""Aiui'rnmni r WmJW htotfntnlmr . ". . r..t'nnAirfr GonsllpntionnnUDiarrhoci ni-';fj !ol w: facsimile S.Omw"- mi-Si mi UEVyu m to5 eo' ss? T"! Exact Copy of Wrapper. SEEKS FOE OF JAP BEETLE Specialist Has Been Detailed to Bring to This Country Enemy of Horticultural Pest. The Japanese beetle Is going to have Its old enemies nn Its trail In this country. The United States depart ment of ngrictiltino has sent a man to Japan to llud those enemies nud send them nr-rnss the ocean. They will then be established In the sections of New Jersey where the beetle has gained a foothold, and they are ex pected to aid greatly In the control of the pest. The ngent employed In Jnpan Is fninlllnr with Japanese conditions nnd Is a specialist In this hind of work. It Is cvpected that the task will require his sojourn In Japnn for two or three ,enrs. While something Is known of the parasites of tho Japanese beetle n gnmt deal Is still to be learned only under Held conditions where the beetle lives with all the enemies that prey upon It. The beetle reached this country with Importations of green house plants, and thus far apparently has been comparatlely free from mo lestations by natural enemies. Easily Remedied. "Whom have wo hereV" said tho l.lng of the Cannibal Inlands as a pris oner In soldier's uniform was dragged before him. "He appears to bo n raw recruit," answered the prime minister. "Very well, cook blin." No Longer. "How long do you suppose n young tnarrled couple could live on love?" "As long us It lasts, I Imagine." Jh. ., L. BlK Aji . 4 1 1 Health and Economy Rule Your Table Cup when you make your meal-time beverage Instant Postum Its rich coffee-like flavor satisfies and its freedom from any harm ful ingredient, such as the coffee drug caffeine, makes it a better drink for young and old. There has been no raise in price and the high quality of Postum is always maintained. There s Made by POSTUM CEREAL COMPANY Battle Creek, Mich' CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CtNTAUIt COMFAnr, N(W YORK CtTT. M ft JA' lr DON'T l.KT THAT COlTtill CONTINUEt Spohn's Distemper Compound will Knoctc It In yrry nhort time. At tho flmt rIkii C a couith or colli In jour liornn. kIvo a few iIoich of "Sl'OllN'M." It will net nn tlio Kluntlx. rllmlnatn tho ill(icain enrm nml prevent furth or ilrslructlaii ot boily liv illrpiinn, "Sl'OIIN'S" Inn licn ths Hl.imliinl romeily 'for D!HTKMI'Bll, INI'I.tinNZA, l'INK KYIS. CATAIIKHAI. l'KVnn. COIK1HH nml COI.HS for a nunrter ot a century. GO cent nml Jl 15 per buttlo ut all ilruif nturas. M'OIIN SIKDICAI, COMl'ANY. flonhen, Incl. I GOT MARK TWAIN STIRRED UP Humorist, Tired of Listening to Series of Remarkable Stories, Rose to the Occasion. A naval olllcer said at n banquet In New York: "Some of the war stories that I hear remind mo of Mark Twain. Mark, you know, once sat in the smoking room of a steamer and listened for an hour or two to soino remarkablo lies. Then he drawled: "'Hoys, theso feats of yours thnt you've been telling about recall an ud vonture of my own In Hannibal. There was a lire In Hannibal one night, and old man Haukliiaon got'eaught In tho fourth story of tho burning house. It looked ns It he was u goner. Nono. ot the ladders was long enough to reach him. The crowd stnred at ono another with awed -eyes. Nobody could think of anything to do. Then till of a sudden, hoys, nn Idea occurred to me. "Fetch tnu ii rope I" I yelled. Some body fetched a rope, and with grent presence of mind I Hung the end of It up to the old man. "Tie her round jour waist 1" I yelled. Old man Han kluson did m and I pulled him down.' " Had Enough. "What's the fuss at the fountain! Cholly has been drinking there nil day." "Yes, and the druggist hns refused to sell him any more Ice-cream sodn." Louisville Courler-.Totii mil. Thu nverago innn doesn't caro to pose as 'n hero when nobody's looking, Self-esteem never lets up until i roaches tho .tumping off place. a Reason 99 ' ? V.I