RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i ,i ". w i A SHIRT TO STAND HARD WEAR Perhaps you've had the ex perience of buying a shirt in a hurry without paying much attention to anything but the looks of it. After you got home you discovered It wasn t what you wanted at all. There was no comfort about it: no fit just a shirt, that's all Why not buy the shirt that carries right , with it the guarantee of comfort and quality, as well as good looks? Beau Brummel Shirts "A Real Combination oj Style and Comfort" There nro plenty of crisp, snnppy patterns horo In tho lioiui Itrum uiel line Wo can show you some Unit will miiUo you k'ivo them more tlmn a casual "once over". I loan ISituumol shirts are shirts of comfort, too. for they arc made over patterns which give nbsolnto lit. There's nothing "hit or nils'" about lleiiu Brummel workmanship, It is skilful, scientlllc, exact, niul tho result U a 'comfort nnd freedom of movement which will delight Blackledge for District Judge A ' Notwithstanding Hint Mr. Ulnclc ledge renmlned during the whole pri mary cHinpxign by the bcdsldo of his sick wife ntid was thus unable to niaho any personal canvas, his friends camo to his support with such good effect that complete unotllelal returns frftn tho district show that he stands second in the list of six candidates, in his home county of Webster his Jvoto was 111.1 while that of the next high man was 178. In FrnnUlln he had 030 to '10 1 for the next man and In Harlan It stood Oil to loo. He also received a very creditable vote In tho north side counties altho not so well known there. L'pon the total result he was scpuintcd from the high man by only 17:2 votes and under tno circumstances, especial ly that Adams county, wlere tho heavy vote Is, had two horn men who wovo well supported by the voto there, the result ii it high comjiiendation for Mr. IJlueklodge and demonstrates that he has tho approval and support of the voters who know him utid ought to be, as wc believe he .will bo one of our next District Judges. Kansas Pickups .Smith County Lorcu and Jack lllair have the mens- you., Fabrics are depeud-iblo, too. eitning from tho tub bright, and clear uftor repeated latinderliigs. Beau Brummel shirts are sbiit-. of real economy thev will stand the test of hard wear. For that next shirt, try a Beau Brummel You'll be vitislled-nnd you'll get real shirt service, too. $2 to $13.50 W. G. Hamilton Clothi ing Co. los. k k is m m at & m :: w AS TOLD TO K k & js a & m :: $ m :: k h; m k US .j. .,. ... ., Eat and drink at Powell & y w Uafe. jij Used cars.for sale. ! rame V Smith ! Bros. Co. FOR SALrJ :io tons Aiiaiia nay nt S12 per ton. D. C. Boll. Buy Bread at Powell and Popes. , Oood meals-good service-moderate See Cottiug's new lino of spring wall prices Powell ,t Pope'scafc paper. 1 Laird Potter went to Hardy Sunday Dun Uariier spent rrniay in super- mo,.njnir to snend the day with rela tives. F. W. Cowdcn and daughter, Mi ' Rachel, returned home Monday- from Sarsent chicaK0. The Sells-Flolo circus of jor. Mrs. Will Hunt spent Wednesday in Superior. John Wilson returned" to Saturday. spont Ttte.-dny T. S. Spurrier and wifo spent Friday at the J. C. Peterson home. Mrs. Nettie Payne visited with Mrs. John Harcsuape in Lebanon Friday. Miss Kinlly Million is spending the week with liracc Brown at Smith Center. f.ittlc Myrle rpp has been quite sick for sometime but is belter at this writing. B. B. Spurrier and wife and B. K Orowell and wife visited at J. C. Peter son's Sunday. Mrs. Uobt. Lannlgan and daughter, Miss Thelma, visited with Mrs. B. B Spurrier Wednesday. Mrs Win. Relihan has returned to her home in Topekn after a months visit with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs Lucy Snow and son Dewey have returned home after spending the winter in Los Anglos, California. Mrs. J. 0. Peterson had the misfort une of falling and fracturing her hip This was done over a week ago and g'SHU IS Hill m.-LUIP illUllg US WCII ilS WU ' would like to see her. Mr. nirrt Mrs. George Kohrer, who Denver have spent the winter in .Smith Center, INITIAL CAMPAIGN Sl'PPBR HCHKDl'LKI) FOB FRIDAY Determined that their quota of Iho New World Movement will bo sub scribed in full and their church re ported over the top on time, Red Cloud Baptists will meet for the ini-j tial campaign supper Friday evening of tins week when team assignments' will 1m made by J. M. Hewitt, local' Campaign Diiectoi and finnl plans foi the big enmnaign completed. TliO local church hn. been psked to contrl-. bute ,r.7-l f a i's quot i of the Nc-J hraska apportionment of $1,50(5,000 to the New World Movement fund of one hundred million dollars. Local Baptist met in an Hour of Prayer son icp at the church last Sunday af ternoon and tho spirit of serious en-thuiu.-in which marked that service strongly indicated tho splendid deter mination with which local Racists are entering this campaign, the great est -hirch project they have ever at timptrd to shoulder. At the supper Friday night all de tail- for the actual canvass will ho checked up and the teams will bo ready to make their every-home visi tation on Sunday, April '215. Tho li nancia'. campaign will ho launched at the rlo-i ol tho services Sunday morn ing. The bulk of the local quota is J expected to bo obtained in subscrip-. tions Sunday .afternoon and the bal ance of tho week will he devoted to iii-.iiiuiK it i wjuuuvui ui'iiiii luiiuwiia after tho Sunday canvass. The Baptist- hore arc hoping that they will bo able to go over tho top Sunday after-! noon and report their church across tho goal in tho first day of tho cam paign. m m m&w Big US) Saxophones Buddha - Dardaneiia ' f UIL .vK wWT mkSi A5V J CWibw sSSKPml XL ff m va&vuifli? '" m &W The Columbia Saxophone Sextette plays this rollicking, rhythmic fox-trot, the "very thing that you've bcea wanting to make your dances a success. Come in and hear it. "Lime-' linnsi TMmlirs " iln Np-l?o coupling, is a novel one-step by these V. JL fi s a m e exclusive Columbia artists." &N. A.2R7R RK 4 J. C. 7vn;ji. ?i iM$' Mitch ell Columbia Phonographs The Jeweler Columbia Records Pope's tf WW 5 MaaauaMi i h n m m m iaaaaa vavjw I Building Material 'J UL- 1 passed thru St. Louis. here Sundav Garry enrouto to' are out on their farm putting in gard en and potatoes. We tire clad to see Zeiss returned homo Satur- these old neighbors ablo to be out with ho spent "s "K'1'"- William Moede Called Clias. Schultz Guide Rock. ' ' John Holcomh went to Denver day evening. ! ,iav from California whore FOR SALK Little chicks. Call ' ih'Q wiutor. Ind. Phone 2o. .it Oilbm-t relurned tc Lincoln Sun' W.'M. Clements of morc was in ,ay ,lftoi. spcndintc a few days with1 After a '.ingot ing illness extended the city Tuesday. his parents. lover many months tho breath, of life Mrs. Andrew Saladon spent Satur- j... E,.ncst Wdsch was in Blue passed out and the cold hand of death day in Hastings. ! jtju Thursday attending tho .funeral laid hold of all that was mortal in the S. C. Ellis went to Denver Tucday of jir jlow ( I personage of .William F. (i Mocle, evening to visit his wife. Countv A cent Fausch went to Hum-1 last .Monday afternoon. bolt Sunday morning to purchase sonic live stock. Mi.-s Emma Bargr-nan went to l'eatrice Wednesday to spend a fov days with friends. . Mrs. J. II. Bailey went to Superior , Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. ! Harry Waller and family. Mrs. J. W. Hauck went to Kansas Citv Tuesday to visit her neicc who' events and experiences in u hospital at tint city. inmu uiniiiBii uicin nit wim a outer t,. nml ATi-c Ifnv Stnvnnn rn iinmi niimiuuii iiiiu iiiuck mai 1 Ctiaracier to Hastings Monday after spending Sunday with relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Paul .McDowell arc tho parents of a baby hoy which ar rived ut their home Sunday morning. Attorney F. J. Monday left W.nos day morning for Tulsa, Oklahoma, where ho will attend to some, legal affairs. If you want to sco mote sco Dr. Warrick. Everett Bean was down from Ina vale Monday. Fied Temple of Kansas City was in .the city Friday. Mrs. Will Hunt ppont the last of tl.V week in Rivcrton. Mrs. D. G. Britton relumed homo from Dcshlcr, Friday morning. Miss Ethel Waller spent Saturday with her parents at Superior. Gilbert Beck returned homo from Omaha, Monday, where ho recently underwent an operation. Will Bohrer .shipped his household goods to Maybcll, Colorado, Thursday where he intends to make his homo. Dr. Warrick, tho specialist, will , meet eve, ear, 'nose and throat pa- The following shipped slock to St. Tuck Amack found an auto jack on (!(. m.,,1 iw n,i;o- ,rie i:t .Too. Sunday Delanev Bros., one car the road south of town Saturday morrr-x te.l nt Dr. Daniore'.l's f.ilice. Wednes- of hoirs and Geo. Coon, four cars of ing. day April 28. Hours 2. to 0. .cattle. Commissioner Jas. hubatka was m the city Friday afternoon. Editor Karl L. Spcnco of Franklin spen Monday in the city. GOOD NO !1 OATS Sl.Wl a BL'SHBL at FARMERS ELEVATOR. I Clark Crow was down front Repub lican City the last of the week. Russell Summers returned homo Saturday evening from Hastings. D. G. Helfelbowcr shipped a mixed is car of stock to St. Joe Tuesday. Isadoro Johnson spent tho week end with a friend (?) at Lincoln. Miss Beatrice McKeiirhan went to' Guide Rock Tuesday to visit relatives. Tho deceased was a nian who had pa-sjfil through all tho early stages ol pioneering, coining to tilts country at an early day and had experienced at t its rugged hardships. Mo was a good eitizonand had rented a tnnt intete-ting family to mar hood and womanhood':, estate. His life had been fraught with many iulcrcstiui: 'nt'litltu flll1 (lVtlOKIillwin oii.l l.j-t 1....I wimh (tilt VI'WI IUIILU3 tlllll lit; HUH of every description and at prices that are in keeping with quality The Malone-Gellatly Co wvv-vv.vvvvvv-vAv'ws1. of ing. The owner can have, same uy calling at tho Farmers' Union store. ORPHEUM Friday and Saturday "WM. FARNUM in 'The Orphan' A love story of the desert plains with the dash and spirit of the great outdoors Also Sennet Comedy First show Saturday 7:20; 2nd 9; 1 5 NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday, Dorothy Phillips in "Paid in Advance" A strong picture. Also comedy, news. Wednesday and Thursday, Blanch Sweet in ''The Deadlier Sex" A big picture of the great outdoors. Also a two reel comedy. Fridav and Saturday, Tom Mix In "The Dare Devil" His greatest picture Also Sennet Comedy. No theater big or little any where ever offered more excellent and timely pictures than the Orpheum offers all next week. You cannot go wrong on any of them Gcodnuislc evening. Regular price 25c and 10c Fiist show, except Saturday, at 8:00 Saturday at 7t30 and 9sl5. Regular 1 istiooi tnoso o: ins raco. Tho funeral ser lees were conducted yesterday at the St. Paul Lutheran church, where a large body of relatives and friends had gathered to pay their last sad respects. Tho Leader will furnish an extended obituary next week, hut pauses at this time to tender the ptofouiid condo leuee of the community, to the boreitv ed wife and children, in their loss of ti faithful and indulgent husband and father and the community's loss of n worthy citizen. Blue Hill Leader. 1 Frank McCalTerly reH:ned to New York City Wednesday tftcr belnJ called hoi-e-to attend lie funeral of his wife. Bert Stunkard purchased a Short horn bull at tho Ahilrcws-Shalleij-berger cattle sale held at Cambridge last Friday. Mrs. W. H. McKimmcy spent Tues day with her son, Earl, who is hold ing down a position in tho Democrat Estate, ofirco, at Hastings. N. I'0' I Tho citizens of N.'hon voted bonds J',,fl"" to the amount of JtOO.Ol-i to build u new school building at a special elect ion held last Friday. ' j I Mrs. Mitchell returned to her homo at Storm Lake, Iowa, Friday evening Lots i mid 25 in block 1, Kab-y In Tie County Court Of Webster County, Nebraska In tho matter of tho estates of Joseph II. Baker and Alice II. Baker, dcccnscd. To All Persons Interested In Said co is hereby iriven that Anna ndorman has this day filed a petition in the County Court alleging .!... fr..,..l. TT I). .!... .l!.l ............ 1 a resident of Webster county, Nebras ka, on the 27th day of December, I!)0S, seized in fee of the following described real estate, to wit, Ink dpk 1 jffllk 1 i i rne da Hempel Dr. and Jackson's addition to Red Cloud, Webster county, Nebraska, of the after spending a few days with R. P. Hoxscy and family. Miss Beat been visiting Anmclc ,at HoiyoKo, uoiorauo, arrived decedent, never In the citv Saturday to visit her' parted this life grandmother, Mrs. E. M. Moranville.1 testate, a resident of Webster county, b ' Nebraska. Wherefore your petitioner that said trice McKcighkan who had valuo of SUOOUO and that it was the . . . " .. , homestead of tho decedent: that, IB her sister, Mrs. Russel AUco H 1Jnkei. was lllc wl(bw of tho re-married, and March 2G 1920, tie-' in FARM LOANS j If you want a farm loan and it is an exceptionally good one I can make it for you if closed soon atan at tractive rate of interest. J. II. BAILEY TkTrnilfQAT HOME EXPECT YOU I lIG rULKaio TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT "OMAHA'S FUNrf,,-1,-jrr-ir VISIT CENTRE," THE -r" "i Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville Slit AlwiFllltdlthrrittrOlrli,FunnTCIoni,Oo((ioiii tqvlpigi, Brilliant Scanle Enilionraent LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY A Everybody Goes: Aak Anybody,. AtWATI Tl H68EIT M0 IEIT SUOW r ' ' V prays or estates may be pro- ated as ono estate, thnt tho prem ises bo declared of less value than $500.00, and exempt from creditors lines, and a decreo entered determin ing heirship to said premises. It is therefore ordered by the court that said petition bo heard before tho court at the countv court room in tho city of Red Cloud, Nebrnska on tho 7th day of May, 1920 ut the hour of 10 o'clock n. m., wlun all persons in terested may appear and show cnuso why tho prayer of tlitl petitioner should not bo granted. Dated this 8th day of, April, A. D. 190 Ts'fata ..a. d. ranney. (he voice svpreme Prima Dona of the Metropolitan Opera Co., New York. The soprano whose perfection of technique and grelness of soul have made her one of the truly distinguished figures of the American concert platforms. Hear her! MONDAY NIGHT, MAY 3rd BESSE AUDITORIUM When you hear Frieda Hempel, Monday night, shut your eyes. Imagine yourself in your own home with the same Glorious voice pouring upon your ear. That is exactly what the New Edison gives you. x Edison selects only those aitists whose voices pass the Edison method of voicc analisis. The New Edison RE-CREATES these wonder voices with such fidelity that the enr cannot distinguish between the RE-CREATED voice and living voice. 2&-NEW EMSON "The Phonograph with a Soul" Hear Monday, why Edison found Hcmpel's voice worthy of perpetuation. Then come to our store and hear how the New Edison gives you everything the living Hempel does, excepting her physical presence. E. H. NEWHOUSE Red Cloud Authorized Edison Dealer Nebraska .!! prices 25c and 10c. I ';? County JuliKa'