The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 15, 1920, Image 1

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' " ' tM -.! jjlt
---- ynay,!TCTgytagft yr-r!yT-..T'yT'MjP a -' Tr-v! .i"-ggi'-?'-
asT- ki wi',-M v .-- -l . - iJ w.jb' wv ra - .i i.v.-ai' --- iar es xnns. , - . --- --. ; rawm
msfe:- s?f i?, . -- - " fra mi& b E3 . rca wn M- ra - (&& w . jf-- aw m - : --- --THrrs5.
A Newspapp.r That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Tor $1,50
u jmiw mnniiiiniii mm mi mn in mnmii
um! iwiuiMuawiCTiiwi n ii i WMOWCTuwrngcmiiiBM
wmmmtw .KZBJSSggacqgsasnBraE
You can rely
on vur jewelry
Do you KNOW Jewelry?
Can you tell whether it is plated or solid?
Then, when you can not trust your own
judgment you must trust just one -thing
the reputation of the store where
you buy.
Ask those who have been our
longest customers about us!
Your Satisfaction or
Your Money Back!
B.H. Newhouse
Jeweler and Optometrist
Will Giie Three Operettas
' Tin, K.
Hi n "i ' s (luring Up week if; I rank IJoan, local Horcfonl Hrccil
M v ! ' in ilit AmUtnrlmu. ' r and County Afrciit Fausch rcturn-ri.-M"i..mi.
Iijivp liwii worlcliipiinr. .,,, llul KanHn8 Clty M0n(iay wi,oro
ciill on . i.h tiliiys for the imst two' , , . , ,
moiitiii. ini.i. . n.V .niwitoii or tl.i-lr ''"V i"',,''ltsod ,Jl head of Hereford
lom-'u-r - mi I Miss owiiii, who is th llc-ifoi's to ho used in tin's year's Calf
m.i-. i. iiiri.-tiir. .Miss Ovprmmi is in ' C'luh. Thoso Heifers worn niirehiisi'd
pJhif-.'MI...suko Tli-MiiiieiyilMyUl from Wallace Good, Uwlinp Here
lip live i i.i iviichiiso ti piano for tne;, , . ... . ,,
, Mi ron. Imlldimr J io.d Hireder in Missouri. Thos
civo Heifois are mostly Anxiety Dreading.
I I'liP llliril fc-M'linill IMIOI'IIX Will
riiuliiip ". Sixih uraiiH "I'olisiirtil L'oo-j 1 hey will ho shinned in and distri
ties; niiil"llieHrov. i,utc( th(. )attc,. L of A ... t t,
inn iiiiimi 111 i' urjiiiiHi l.... .. i i i . ..
.. . . ,, ,, i ,i , "oy.s and girls who have maiu nnp'.i
'J hu ppnplp -iiiiiilii iittpixi llipse on-' . , , ' '
..'....... in i.i.. ,i...... ct't.onh for same. To ilato 17 nnn
bUI lill IIIIIVIIl'. HI Lilll lll I'lI'l.JiTJ llimt . , .--. s.(...
to mm just wlnit proKros-. tlu-lr clilldn-n ( tnii.s cbme in for Hereford
nro uuilclnir 'nl if I''l lmip Calves. This leaves four more Calves
which di'Mive- their .iipirt.
H'lrrjottc Hoxsey
TIip unit lf-ricmlM oT llarriette
llosscy iirlni.'- pain hiiiI ndiies not
iilonp in Hip licarts nf her pHrpiit" mid
immediate relative hut tiKh to iniiiiy
frluiiils in His (Minuiiiiiiily. lleliiK vt
an alfxptiiiiinii' nut mi' she won the rp.
soul and MdinirHtioti of nil with whom
she ciime in .'OMt'iPt. -
.She hie' ."mii tnUi'ii ton hospital 1"
UnMim."-. iilinnt, ti week ano for nn op
eration fur I hi removal of her tonsil.
She fulled In i.ipovnr fnun it- elfeuts
ami her mhh pnssvil to its maker Inst
Monday. .
The rema'n. were hrouuht to tins
city Miiiida eveiiiiiL'. and the fnncinl
i h I 1 We.lnpsilay Hfteriioon Hi 'A'
ifie'yif. ri eini'treot Iiov Mary Mltoju
II In'oiiuei.t mis made in the cty
Robert A. Wll9on
Ked Cloud
Work That Satisfies
Whether you. have a Portrait
made, or bring us a- Jilvi to
finish or enlarge, our aim is to
We want Your Work in all
lines of the photograph 'business
and you will find our " work
The Geason Studio
Over Smith's
-Shoo Store
In I... .,)..... I
I n i.i- jrillt-. -
Any one intorested should get in
their application. Hereford Dreed-,
ers Association is oirering ?.")0.00 to
County Champion, and Mr. Good is
interested in the Doys and Givls Calf
Cltih and is giving .$50.00 to be used
ah premium money.
Noted Arlistatjuditorium I
The formal opening of Red Cloud's
hotter than $100,000.00 audi
torium will, as announced by the com
mittein charge, take place on Mon
day evening, May Hid. The attrac
tion olfered for the opening night is
Frieda Hempel, the noted Metropoli
tan Opera Prima Donna, who. stands
among the Joremost artists of all
"Not Just Now"
Perhaps you wore thinking of when
you can pay for a New Edison.
Then know that Thomas A. Edison '
has made ample provision on this
point. His instructions to us are:
li'rrroitt' who wants a jVcxv. lulison
must be given every reasonable op
portunity to have it.
To this end, wo arrange the pay
ments according to your -own con
venience, j
"The Phonograph with a Sou"
This plan solves your question, docs
it not? Come in and tell us how
you'd like to pay for a New Edison.
TY..1 t lUHn,... nun tf I .111 HinLT I -a
uiiunri. . iuii, : - . "- ii-noda Hempel is now at the pinnacle
iiiKuiy reM.wie.1 i'ir. " .,.-..-.... or her vocal fame and for some time
tliisRomuiiiulty passed away, at his t ,,. ,jeolJ onQ . tJ)e nrtis
hniiiD In tlie southwest part ot the city j wW a).t ms hQm JmClvalci for'
Friday inoriiliiir. Ho IihiI heen In fail- 1)0lh ,,,,,.. au, Victm. n,C0l.(K pr
illK health since the death of his wife. KlorioUn vwn, liqu!pment cx, uisto
last .lone, whlchiomlereil home.. nnl.lo,tonal colo.i1KB finc mw,lca jj,,,,.
to snrvlvcMi roeent attack or pnec fluw,P!s ty,e un(, fa8cinntiIB
V1"'11 . , ,. I jiersonality have won for her her cn-
Tho deceased whs born m Iialmnii, . ,. ... nf i,,,,,,.,,, ,, .
.""iv 'vi av k ILkMtlll, - j'l ttllVf UV
the Metropolitan Opera House and
her a lasting figure in
.the operatic and concert world. Her
career ha boon brilliant, with sue-
,time in her double conquest of tlio, H . - w 7 n ITTir rn r rr in
;:5cnjr:.,,Uii.jr::l,i"s1 B. H. NBw HOUSE
ni!ii",v!aci:ii:cuii, :, jli' nisciitairaiffliiujca Jiramiiiii :n,'i.i!:iiiu"ij,!i!-! v. "mi i iwiiiciiiiiaiJiiiiiiiiisiiaiirairaa'rainiBiiramTi
Koveinhor 1!. iSKi. Ho served through-1
. . . .. . i- i... 'i..:i ,. .i
out too perion in me tmi n " .. jJaV(; ma(0
proved hiinselt to Do mi a me tioii'inier
of the cause for which lie served.
He was united in inarriaco with
Mni'V .Jane llendersor, December 1.
lbtW.' To thll union were bom two
fcons. llubeii nnd .lohn A. and no
daughter, Mrs. Martini M. Diednek.
The son, Kubon, died in infancy nnd
Mrs. Diediiek passed away May
11)11! His son, John, now residing at
Sargent, nnd three grand children,
Minie. Rhv and Clilt'ord Dediick stir-
vivo him. .
Pmieral firvlcps were (ji)tiiluetoii
from the Aiuack mortuary, Saturday,
in charge of llev. It. N. IfishelniHii In
inent vhs in theoity oeinnteiy.
T A . Tftl
i our Anennon-ri
That Satisfy
Il Quality ijwhom she was a faithful, devoted
1 daughter as long as thoy lived. Her
and Price!
That's the kind you'll find in our store
Wc don't consume large amounts of ad space,
spasmodically, telling you about big bargains in
special lines sold at and below cost because
every mctchant must derive a certain percent of
profit on the goods' he sells if he expects to pay
interest on his investment and remain in business.
During our many years in the grocery business
we have found that the average customer pre
fers high quality groceries at honest prices to
inferior brands at "below cost" price.
Our guarantee of satisfaction stands behind the
merchandise we sell. You take no chances
when you trade with us.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
ccjsscs both in America and the Old
World, where dio has sang in most
of the European opera houses. She
has 'the distinction of being the only
woman upon whom the Dclgian OIH
cers' Crosn of the Order of Leopold
has been bestowed.
The distinguished critic, Mr. H. T.
Parker of The Doston Transcript, has
paid this tribute to Miss Hempel:
"Not one of her present compeers in
AmericU has a voice so rich nnd
smooth of body, so lustrous, so amplo
from beginning to end of its range.
ANN. ELI A COTTING ' The ornaments of sonjr spring from
Ann Eliza Cotting was born in her lips in a kind of splendor that
Dristol, Wisconsin, April 17th, 18 M. not another sinner of our time may
In Dristol she was a member of the now attain." While other well
Methodist church and very active in known music critics have said: "Hers
church and Sunday School work. l'is recognized as a supremo voice of
As n young woman she taught in its typo," and "She is the most
tho public schools for a number of richly endowed soprano in America."
years until she was needed at home' The Frieda Hempel Concert Coin
to euro 'for her father and mother to pany, besides Miss Hempel, consists
of Conraad V. Hos, a Hollander inc
laughter as long as they lived. Her iuicu pianisi um. K"" " i
only sister passed away leaving two nrst tiutist oi u.e i-nuuue, . ,..
young children to whora she gave a Phony Orchestra and the loca. com
,' l mittco in charge are to be congrntu-
Sho came to Red Cloud in 1907 to l upon the wisdom and l"yj
i i. i-m .., i. i'...nii,ne dispinycil in securing sue. a uuwu v
a. i J lt. fnMM.ii Annnillr. . 1
i.,.q x.raciion lor mu iujhhh wi..n.ih j
Monday's Advertiser.
As ever we arc on the alert to keep our stock up
to-the minute for our very rapidly increasing
number oE customers.
ISN'T IT SURPRISING we are selling goods farteer and
farther and farther from here enck week, Why? Because
we are handling the best goods money can buy and selling
them at a saving to our customers, affording them to come the
many miles to trade. We arc finding it easier to sell goods to cuAomers
from other and larger cities, for llicy have seen this saving not only in
Price but also in Quality by buying here.
Every thrifty housewife should take advantage of the following
twelve items priced at 98c each. They arc money savers
6 cans No. 3 Pumpkin.
jj 4 cans pink Sasmon.
7 cans No. 2 Victory Beans..
6 cans No. 3 Frontier brand Hominy
2 lbs Rob Roy Coffee ..'. .'
6 cans Red Dot Corn
6 cans Hein? Spagelte .
1 0 lbs Pinto Beans
10 lbs Lima Beans
3 lbs Rio Bulk Coffee
3 large pkgs Rolled Oats.
20 bars Lenox Soap
To Our Patrons
Charles L. Cotting, and also
made a homo for him. In this city
she united with tho Congregational
j church and took the same active in
terest in the cliurcn and bumiay Ynn will noto thnt this week's Issue
U School work: that marked her afliliu- of Tl0 Clkt ls ,,,.. 0 nnws nni isn
t'i is ...:.i. .i.A Ai..MAi. ;m T)..:ni7' i ... i
nun nun um wnuitu in uruivi. d )es not contain tno regular woeKiy
Her passing leaves vacant tho pros- jHtalniient of the serlnl story. Tldsj
idency of the W. C. T. U. of Red i, ,iue to the faot thut "tho force" hav
Cloud, which position sho has filled been demoting their ontiro tinio to the
for many years and the treasuryahip printing ot the ballots for Tuesday's
of the Congregational church, also primary oleotlon. A limited time al
Farmers Union
J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb.
Ono District Judgo
leaves a Sunday School class without lowol bylaw to accomplish this task Jr this district ought to bo
a teacher. She was interested in W SSS Sun ""'
the world work and outlook and an n nnmpleto bnmpl of which iMipears h
earnest worker in tho cause of Wo- Hi's Issue. The wm-IiiI story will be 1 jfk for hIs lllnc on non-partisan
n... . si'AMfiwinarii week. i w.ww
mans ouurugc - iwifJl '.Jijimn i""v' -
Sho lenvos her brother, ChnrloL. l?P nlc t'in7iicii7ruy 'Nick" in Pol-
cotting, tnrco ncices, jurs. l'lorenco ishert rubbles.
Mitchell, Mrs. Jennie Piatt nnd Mrs.i We are going to Kalrylnnd tho week
According to tho State Hoard of
Health's yearly report for Webster
county for tho year 1911) tlioro were
, May Cheney of Wyoming, also two of May 'M to see tho llrownle Hand
. nephews, Edgar t. Cotting 6f Citron- Tho Lincoln anidn school neods tv
olio, Alabama and Charles W. San- piano and thoohildreu will appreciate . ono marriago licenses and twelve di
born of Elgin, Illinois. l it lf J'011 wUI ftltt,ul t,leir t,,ru0 P1"'8 vorce proceedings.
two hundred nnd fifty eight births,
eighty four deaths, ono hundred anil
E. S. Gaurber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the 'Fixtures