The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 08, 1920, Image 6

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Eft m s'mMWit&km i ggasfr rSToSflHI
1 -llSKSS's awQHIH
'I'lit: famous Devonshire' hnin-'o In riecudilly. London, homo of the duke of
niirchnscd by mi American, with a view to using It as n situ for a monster
(shows the gorgeous hull anil concert room of the innnslrii.
Recent Discoveries Bear Out
Tradition That Chinese Once
Peopled Country.
Hieroglyphics Found on Foundation
Stones of Pyramids at San Juan
Teotlhuacan Indicate Primitive
Migration From Orient.
Mexico City. Hieroglyphics recent
ly discovered on the foundation stones
of the pyramids of San .Tiian Teotl
huacau, U7 miles northeast of Mexico
City, mny solve the problem which has
perplexed historians and urchcologlsts
for centuries ns to the true origin of
the Mexican nation. These strange
carvings arc said by some authorities
to be Chinese, thus tending to bear
out the old tradition that In the dim
past wandering tribes from China
crossed to the new continent, settled
within the present boundaries of Mex
ico and beenmo the progenitors of
the race' which now dominates this
republic. '
.So Interesting nre the recent discov
eries that the bureau of ntithropology
lias been Instructed to conduct a vigor
ous research, and In this connection
This JiipancH! miss has taken her
place us the llrst feminine conductor
on the "Fifth Avenue llus Line" which
was recently Inaugurated In Tokyo.
WH fit
tfSfti lis is
V2Z&WWm& VW . fJT tffKS 1
ErfSSftati'SS?SaJt3't I
mSSSSmmr "'''
Was Left $100,000,000 by
"Rockefeller of Turkey."
New Arabian Nlahts Tale Told In New
York by an Alleged
Now York. The talo of tho "Thou
Band nnd Second Night" was told In
New York by JJen Mahomet, who pro
claimed himself a sheik of Arabia and
a brother of tho amir of Iledjaz.
Hen Mahomet arrived hero with six
retainers, Ills mission, ho said, was
a world-wldo search for Sari, Turk
ish heiress, who, tho sheik declared,
was plighted to marry tho amir.
Sari, according to Ben Mahomet,
was last seen in Constantinople talk
ing to a sailor from an American war
ship which hnd put into tho port. How
the Turkish maid was able to escapo
the vigilance of her nurso long enough
Kong Tslnng Killing, charge d'affaires
of the Chinese legation In Mexico, vis
ited the pyramids and stated that the
hieroglyphics were similar In many re
spects to certain symbols now In use
by the Chinese. He declared the words
"sun," "city" and "eye" were clearly
depleted. Mexican anthropologists who
have Interested themselves In the dis
covery have declined to pass final Judg
ment until further excavations nre
made and more evidence obtained.
The pyramids of San Juan Teotlhua
can as well as those In Cholula, In the
state of Puebhi, are among the oldest
marks of primitive habitation to be
found In the republic. They stand ns
colossal monuments to peoples whose
history was as obscure to the conquer
ing Spaniards In the sixteenth century
ns to presciit-dny historians. Because
of their general construction, some au
thorities believe they are the handi
work of the Egyptians, who In some
mysterious manner crossed the seas
and denoted their plnces of permnnent
habitation with these stone and cement
structures, which nre even larger tbnn
the most famous pyramids of Egypt.
Pen Picture of Jesus Is Discov
ered in Rome.
Drawn by Proconsul In Palestine
Letter Describing "Man of
Strange Virtue."
Home. From the dust of more tbnn
10(H) years a studious modern Homun
has rescued a pen portrait of Jesus
Christ. It was drawn In one of the
letters that l'ubllus Lontuliis, who was
a Itotuau pro-consul In i'ulcsthie and
new the Savior In Xii7areth, wrote
to a friend in Italy.
"There has appeared here a man
of strange virtue," l'ubllus l.entulus
wrote. "Ills disciples call him 'The
Son of Ood. lie cures the sick and
'raises the dead to life. He Is a vers
! handsome man and
worthy of all
hair Is blond
our attention. His
and covers his shoulders in separate
curls and Is parted In the middle,
after the fashion of the people of
Nazareth. His forehead Is smooth
and serene, without marks or
wrinkles; his countenance Is pink;
his nose Is well formed; his beard, of
the same color as his hair, Is parted
In the middle.
"In his gazo Is an expression of
wisdom and of openness; his eyes are
blue, but shlno terribly when he re
proves people; but In conversation
they are amiable. His observations
to hold this conversation was not ex
plained by the Arabian chieftain, but
after this meeting It seenib Sari disap
peared. .
Her father Iladahlsmo, grieved bit
terly for the loss of his daughter, who
was known tho length and breadth of
Turkey for her beauty anil charity,
and soon he died, leaving her $1(X),000,
000. iladahlsmo was In Turkey, ac
cording to Hen Mahomet, "like Rocke
feller Is In America."
When It was considered certain that
Sari had left her natlvo land, cither
voluntarily or with un abductor, the
amir Is said to have asked his broth
er, who studied at Cambridge universi
ty In England, to search the world for
her and to spare no expense. From
Turkoy tho shclk went to Franco,
thence to Italy and Tnnglers, and
Anally set snll for tho new world, or
riving In New York via Hallfnx. Hen
Mahomet announced that If detectives
Here had failed him ho would appeal
Devonshire, is ii-portuil tiliont to Do
American hotel. The photograph
The little village of San Juan Teotl
liiiacan, which In the Aztec laiiguago
means "City of the Cods," was In tho
early days of Aztec history the scene
of extraordinary religious ceremonies.
The two pyramids, one dedicated to
the sun, the other to the moon, nre
known to have been the tombs In which
hundreds of tribal dignitaries wcro
burled, and excavators have exhumed
wrought stone containing huinun bones,
obsld'un knives, tcrrn-cottn bends with
brond faces and lint noses, fragments
of rare pottery and great numbers of
Find Mask of Monarch.
One of the most recent and most
valuable discoveries was a Jndelto
mask of some past monarch with tho
brow covered with the diadem known
to early Mexican history. The pyramid
to the sun measures 701 by 721 feet at
the base and Is 210 feet high; the one
to the moon Is nil by 420 feet at tho
base and Is Ifil feet h'gh. They both
contnln numerous chambers, and their
severnl stories are complete temples In
themselves, but connected by winding
st n Irs.
The Inscriptions hnvlng Chinese char
acteristics were discovered through
excavating In the ruins of what has
generally been known ns La Claud
adela (The Cltndel), but which, ac
cording to recent reports of Investiga
tors, are whnt Is left of a pyramid
larger and perhaps older than tho two
pyramids of the sun und tho moon.
nre expressed with liveliness, al
though lie alwnys remains calm. No
body has ever seen him to lnugh ; but
he often weeps. Of n good height and
straight figure he has very beautiful
hands and arms. Ills manner of
speaking Is serious. IIo speaks but
little, and Is modest. In short, he is
ns hnndsnmo as a mnn mny be. They
call film Jesus, the Son of Mary."
Expert antiquarians nnd students of
history pronounce tho letters of l'ubll
us Leiitiilus to be entirely genuine.
For centuries they wero forgotten snvo
by students of Lntln nnd nnclent Rome.
The advent of Chrlstmns brought the
letter quoted to tho mind of an old
professor here. He translated It Into
modern Italian and sent It to some of
his learned friends as a historical curi
osity. It seems to verify the belief
that tho Savior had a fair complexion
nnd light hair, as many old artists de
pleted him.
British Seaman Sets Record
Under Detention More
Four Years.
In Army
London. John Fnrrlngdown, a sea
man, has been fourteen times eolirt
martlaled, passed four and half years
under detention, and was never
abroad, according to army records. Ilu
Is now serving three years' penal servi
tude for theft of postal drafts.
to tho government at Washington and
fceek to learn what ship It was that
touched at Constantinople soon after
tho armistice, when Sari disappeared.
New Emergency Calling Device
sures Attention for S. O. S.
London. A novel wireless emer
gency calling devlco by which ships
In distress can ring alarm belle on
other ships within wireless range, Is
reported by tho American chamber of
commerce In London.
Tho present wireless system of com
munication requires that nn operator
to hear a call, must bo on duty, wenr.
Ing tho usual telephnno headpiece.
Tho calling up, according to tho Amer
Icnn chamber, Is effected by n bell
which starts ringing on tho ships
It Is claimed that one of tho most
Important uses of tho dovlco will bo
to Insure Immodlato and general ut-
tcntlon to S. O. 8. calls,
Timely News Culled From All
Parts of the State, Reduced
for the Busy.
l.clloy Iiigliatii of Lynns took hlgh-i
st honors In the college ami school of!
agriculture livestock JudirliiL' context
tit Hie university fin in ut Lincoln, lie
was rewarded with a cup. The ten
high men Judging nil kinds of stok
ranked as follows: l.clloy Ingham,
L.vons; K. A. Clark, Craig; Paul Atch
Non, Cozad: Hoy nl Schoen, Wells
.Minn: I'atil Tnggari. Chambers: lid
ward Scheldt, Friend; L. K. Flnne.v,
Lincoln: A. K. Hepporly, Norfolk: Al-l
Mil Menlck, Osceola; Harold Hedges,;,,,, ,,v , ,,, ,r x(.,n,in.
liidliiiioln. They were awarded with
olllclals ut" telephone ami telegraph
eoNpaiilcs of Nebraska Miy that Un
wind and snow storm which raged over
l lie slate March i!S blew down no less
than 110,0(10 poles and caused a loss of
many thousands of dollars. In many
places of the north nnd northwestern
part of the state the gale reached a
velocity of (JO miles an hour.
Secretary of State Amsberry an
nounced Dial the inline of ex-Covernor
John II. .Moiehead of Falls City will
appear on the di cratle primary bal
lot as a candidate for nomination for
governor despite a ruling to the con
trary by the attorney general.
O. V. Langley, who shot and killed
Judge C. II. 1'feIITer of Cortland, was
sentenced to the penitentiary for Ul
years by Judge L. M. I'einberton In
district court at Hen trice. A Jury pre
viously had returned a verdict of sec-,
ond degree murder.
The state board of control has ap
point Mrs. Kdlth Richard of Lincoln
manager of the new custodial farm for
women, at York. Not a man will be
uiployed at the farm. AH the oul-of-dor
labor will be performed by In
mat?. The Nebraska supreme court has
ruled that an nutoi'-'.bllo used for il
legal transportation of liiiior in the
state can be confiscated ami sold by
state authorities, even though the ma
chine is the property of a person other
than the driver.
Professor M. M. Fogg, formerly of
the slntv university, will direct the
publicity of the Nebraska committee's
campaign to raise Its share of Ameri
ca's gift to France the $'J."0,0(Mt mon
ument to be erected on the Marne river.
(age county suffered considerably
by the storm March '23. Small build
ings In many parts of the county were
overturned, trees uprooted ami tele
graph and telephone vvi res were lev
eled to the ground.
Census tigures released the past
week give Columbus a population of
5,410, an Increase of 7.0 per cent over
1010; Hastings, 11,(5-17, an Increase of
24.7 for the same period, and (Srnnd
Island KI.IKIO, an Increase of .'13.1!.
The Lincoln Automobile club has
started a campaign against certain
farmers who have bpen charging ex
orbitant sums for helping nutolsts
who have become stuck In the mud
near their farms.
The Sidney Community association
lias appointed a committee to work
with one appointed by the city council
to establish a camping ground for
Dealers predict that ,he Increased
wages granted coal miners will cause
a boost of about .() cents a ton In tho
price of soft coal In Nebraska.
The Women's Relief Corps of Liu
coin Is to furnish dully newspapers of
Lincoln to wounded Nebraska soldiers
nt Fort Sheridan, III.
The Fremont Woman's club passed
a resolution against permitting picture
shows to operate la the city on Sun
days. Tho congregation of the Christian
Church of Auburn celebrated the pay
ing off of a $.'l,r00 debt by a huge lion-
The Lincoln Telephone anil Tele
graph Company Is planning to bull a
new home at Nebraska City.
Contract has been awarded for a
new $:i(),(MI0 telephone exchange build
ing at David City.
A. II. Meyer of Harwell purchased
the estate of the late Thomas G. Hem
iiiotl for 71,(XK).
A heavy hall storm at Fremont dam
aged greenhouses In the city to tho
extent of $10,000.
Construction of a new 80-room hos
pital at O'Neill will begin lit June or
early In July.
Tho village of Johnson Is soon to
vote a bond Issue for the purpose of
building a transmission line, either to
Auburn or to Tecumseh for the pur
pose of providing light and power for
the town.
In spite of the fact that the 1010
crop was large there Is a shortage of
good seed corn, according to reports.
Karly wet and cold weather, together
with labor shortage, la blamed for the
Steel signs, In the shape of an arrow,
are to be placed along highways lead
ing Into Hrunsvvick by the Community
club of tho town,
Leo Darling, negro, who confessed
to the killing of Conductor Robert
Marsey of Omaha nt North Platto a
few months ago, was sentenced to 00
years In tho state penitentiary.
Red, oily, clay soil from Kansas and
Oklahoma plastered the sidewalks,
streets and buildings of O'Neill as a
result of the recent high winds. Dust
even penetrated the Interior of stores
nnd homes.
It takes nn editor of n country!
weekly to solvo Intricate problems such
as tho high cost of living, etc., tho lat-l
est being a scheme originated by M.
Wirt Illntt, publisher of the ChnmberH
Sun, In order to beat building ma-'
terlal profiteers, he Is going to build
for hlmsi'lf a sod house, cemented In
side and out and Install therein his
printing plant. The building will bo
10 by (HI feet and the walls four feet
(hick, will he of prairie sod. After the
walls have settled the building will be
cemented Inside and out and the ve-
n,,,'r 'hied Imitation of masonry.
Fnreglslered liberty bonds totalling'
s.'i.OOO make up the loss In (lie robbery
of tile First National bank of (Jreeii-.
wood March 'J'.', according to olllclals
of the Institution. Itobbers obtained
$I-,1H)0 In registered bonds, not ne
gotiable, and .v(i,(Hio In war savings
stamps, which cannot be cached be
en uo the government has warned post-
,olllces against tliem.
4 leper colony Is not to be estab
The one
lone leper recently found In Madison
county Is to be sent to a colony in
Louisiana at the expense of Madison
county, which, it Is said, will be about
Slfi per week.
Six soldiers and three civilians re
ceived citations at Fort Omaha for
heroic action In two llres at the fort
last January. The honors were or
dered by Piesldent WINon and were
the llrst of the kind ever conferred on
men at the fori.
A movement Is on foot In Omaha
and Council HI nil's for a double-deck
bridge to lie constructed across the
I Missouri river that will be owned by
both cities nnd operated free of cost
to tin- public. The structure will cost
about ,(KM),(HM).
Tlie Cnlverslty of Nebraska nt Lin
coln will oiler a twelve weeks' course
next summer, two terms of six weeks
each. Registration for the llrst term
will begin May U!) and class work on
May 111 ; the second dates being Julv
10 and July 12.
Census figures for Scottsbluff give
the city a population or (1,012, an In
crease or 203.0 per cent over -1010. The
record hung up by the hoot sugar town
Is tuiciiuajlctl by any city In Nebraska,
It Is believed.
The Nebraska Hampshire Hreetlers'
association Is offering !200 in prizes
for Hampshire pigs exhibited at the
state fair, and si a head for every
Hampshire pig exhibited, to members
of the Nebraska boys' and girls' clubs.
K. M. Pollard of Neliawka, who with
drew from the republican primary
race four years ago in favor of Judge
Sutton of Omaha, states that lie Is in
the primary race this" time to stay.
All teachers In the Friend public
schools have refused to sign contracts
for next year without an Increase In
salaries. The school board has declar
ed all positions vacant.
The state supreme court has ruled
that the administrative code bill Is still
lu force ami operation and will so re
main until it has Issued its full man
Miss Carolina (loehry, 2,'l, of Lindsay,
was found dead beside an overturned
and badly wrecked automobile near
Columbus. She was alone in the car
when the accident occurred.
Conrad Sold, 30, of Ashland, and
Chas. Hullock, 33, bridge workers, were
killed at Louisville when a Rock
Island train ran Into u motor carrying
live men.
The new $20,000 Raptlst chveh,
Heraneck bakery, Flsner automobile
salesroom and oil station, and about
a dozen new residences In Loup City
are neaiing completion.
Many requests are being received
by the state college of agriculture at
Lincoln relative to farm accounts from
Investors lu high-priced Nchiasku land.
Secretary of State Anisberry has no
tified county clerks that women are
eligible to appointment on election
boards as Judges and clerks.
Ronils for SUO.OUO for improvements
to the county fair grounds at Sidney
will be submitted to the people for, ap
proval at the April primaries.
Among Hie Improvements planned
at Albion Ibis year are, 2,000 feet of
additional sewerage, 8,00(1 feet of wa
ter 11..1I11S, jiml 43 blocks of paving.
The new club house of North Platte
golfers, built by the Country club ut
u cost of $10,000, has been completed.
The district conference of older boys
of the northwest section held at Child
ren, proved a pronounced success.
The (ienoa-Alblon road, which was
built within four miles of Albion Inst
fall, Is now being completed.
A Rotary club with twenty charter
members was organized at Columbus
the other day.
The American Legion of Nebraska
announced that it will probe the war
record of every candidate for public
olllce In the coining campaign.
John II. Diindas, pioneer of Nema
ha county, died nt Auburn. For many
years he was editor of tho Nemaha
County Granger.
The American Legion of Nebraska
bus Inaugurated a campaign to secure
IIO.OOO members before the expiration
of 1020. The total membership hi the
state now Is over the 12,000 mark.
There are 31,000 men eligible to mem
bership. A paint factory with a capacity of
200 gallons a day will go Into opera
tion at Geneva.
Tho final survey of the O'Neill-'
Spencer hlghwny luia been completed
by Assistant State Engineer Noble and
a federal engineer. The highway Is
expoced to bo completed this fall.,
Nebraska Amorlcan Legion odlcers
have asked Governor McKelvie to de
signate May 1 as Americanization day
In this state, with programs In every
city and town, to Impress foreign-born
with Amerlcnn principles of government.
What Lydia E. PinkhamV
Vegetable Compound Did
for Mrs. Warner,
Onalaskn, Wis." Every month I had
Buch pains in my back and lower part of
siomncn i could not.
lie in bed. I suf
fered so it seemea
ns though 1 would
die, and I was not
regular either. I
suffered for a year
and was unfit to do
my housework,
could only wash
d is hoc once in a
while. I read an
advertisement of
what Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound had done
for other women nnd decided to try it.
It surely did wonders for me. I have
no pains now and I can do my house
work without any trouble at all. I
will always praise your medicine us I
do not believe there is o doctor that cam
do as much good in female weakness,
and you may use these facts as a testi
monial." Mrs. Lkster E. Warner,
It. 1, Box 69, Onalaska, Wis.
The reason women write such letters
to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.
nnd tell their friends how they are
helped is that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound hasbrought health
and happiness into their lives. Freed
from their illness they want to pass the
good news along to other suffering
women that they also may be relieved.
No More
or Blotchy Skin
Want a clear, healthy complexion.
regular boweu, and a
perfect working liver?
All easy to ob-1 a rvrr- wr
tain if you take
Little Liver
safe and easy
acting rem
edy For headache, dizziness, upeef
stomach and despondency, they have
no equal. Purely vegetable.
Small Pill Small Dose Small Price
great nerve and blood tonic fos.
Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness,.
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness.
Stilee Bin ti ilmtirt s&aaiZvC
Cuticura Soap
For the Hands
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 in ' 53c, Tilcna 25c.
He Voted, Did Andy.
Andy, a negro porter at a Ilroiidway
theater, belongs to a lodge. The other
night the lodge met to vote on t he
question of changing meeting rooms,
but Andy didn't get there. Yesterday
we met him on Broadway and he said
the organization was to have new
"Did you vote for a change," we
ll sked.
"I wasn't at do tnectln'," replied
Andy, "but I voted by peroxide." New
York World.
The Second Best.
Mr. Knngg I don t see what you
have to complain of. Haven't you bad
the best of everything since we were
married? Ills Wlfi- Well, I didn't marry th&
best man at our wedding.
Fresh, sweet, white, dainty clothes
for baby, If you use Red Cross Ball
Blue. Never streaks or Injures them.
All good grocers sell It, 0c a package.
Larger a man's brains the less vain
he is of tliem.
Australia has neariy aoO.OOO acres of
untouched forests.
It isn't right to drng nlong Icolmg
niihcrable hnlf sick. Find out vvlmt in
making you feel so badly and try to
collect it. l'erlmpx your kidneys uro
cnuMing tlint throbbing bucknclie or
those Blinrp, stabbing pninH. Yqu may
Imvc inoi niiiR liiincncrts, tno. Iip.iiI
aches, dizzy tpcllo and irregular kid
ney action. Ui-e I loan's Kidnc) Pills.
Tliey have helped tlimmnmls of ailing
folks. Ask your neighbor!
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Harriot
Stump, Mcl-imo &
Heveatcenth StB.,
Kulla City, Neb..
fuj'h: "I BiifToreil
terribly from tny
kidneys. I had
rlieumutlc pnlim In
my back and sides.
After uulng three
boxes of Doan's
Kidney IMUa I vvoh
entirely cured. My
limbs, which had
been swollen, vvoro
reduced to normal
filzo nnd tho uore-
nose all disappeared from my Joints.
That wan over five years nno and tho
trouble has nuver returned."
Cat Doan'a at Any Store, 60c a Box
A Bad Cough
If neglected, often lead to aerioua trouble.
Safeguard your health, relieve your dUtrets
and soothe your Irritated throat by taking.