The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 08, 1920, Image 5

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K SB K $ & X ffl & S & &
liny Itrend nt Tow ell and Popes.
See Cutting's nw lino of spring wnl1
paper. l h
Used ears for sale. Frume .v
Urns, Co
Commissioners Prfoee'djjng
Red Cloud, April "tffc4&0.
ajayor 1'opc called the Council to- Kcd Cloud, Apri
gewier in regular session on Tuesday The County Board of Com
I k fA.f--tt l.4u
cvumiig wun nu memuer present cra mct as per" adjournment rat 1
and after the reading of the minutes o'clock p. m., with ull members pros
was dispensed with, City Engineer 0nt except Hubatkn and Kniggc.
Geo. II. Overing, recommended the The resignation of ti. K. Simons
mm ot orant, fuiton & Lctlon, as as Deputy. Assessor for Cowlos tiro
Ilich Lippincott was in
Earl Hall ' spent Wednesday
Smith consulting oneinpnr.i. to nssit with -1....1. ...a i. i... ii.. , i mi...
Pnvlno. nuw v i rw ...!"" .. "r"""-u ui "l? "u. "' 4,,u " Pri'frr
" ?. "'--" " w.-"iuuui.ij appointment oy county Assessor, o:...,,
Hastings. - -; "". .m,i ....u -.n. i ucrricK ot. u Lacy as Deputy As- ,....,. .
enter into a contract with s.iiil firm -.-...I.- ...-).. , i ""
. - nunnur iur suwius i rccinci in piucc ui :
War Risk Insurance Facts
Announcement is made by Direct
or II. (J, Clibmley-Jones of the IUtrcnu
of War Kink Insurance that it is not
the policy of the bureau to attempt
to dissuade ex-service men and women
from pin chasing form of Government
, Converted Policy for which they show
all forms of insurance con
Carpenter, Son & Co.
Home Office Red Cloud, Nebraska
:U2 Improved half section adjoining Oakley with 0 aeies of wlieas
which nil goes to buyer, a bargain nt $40.00 per acre. (Thomas County.)
"15 One of the finest sections in Thomas county, not a pimple on it,
JiOO acres in cultivation, fine two-story house of 9 rooms, big red barn will
specially those which will hcl ''irgo Irt, Bod g'ar.nnes, chicken house and other out buildings. Price
n io nssisi, mv. uvering. . K, Simons was nnnroved by the
.ii. wenng men sunmuicti plans Hoard
Mrs. E. A. Crcighton spent Tuesday Council and he was instructed to pro
Airs. F. W. Cowden spent Friday, nnu specifications lor 1'aving District On motion made and carried C. A.
in Hastings. No. 4 which were approved by the Hcrrick was annointcd Hail Adiustcr
i for Webster County for the vcar
said. in2 ' ....
The contracts ntfe' with Lloyd
Sweeten, Alfred Engelhurdt, K. H.
Leggett and Harold O. Elfingcr
operators of the maintcners for
l'ederul Highway roads were
in the
in Hastings,
Commissioner Kniggc was
city Friday.
C. E. Putnam of Cowles was in the
city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tanquary spent
Friday in Hastings.
Frank Dclehoy spent Sunday with
his mother at Blue Hill.
Jsadorc Johnson spent Sunday with
n friend (?) in Hastings.
J. H. Ellinger was in Colby, Kan
sas, the first of the week.
Hood inouh srond ervlct' moderate
prict'o -Pmvt'll .V 1'npK'sciiff
FOR SALE 2f tons Alfalfa Hay
nt .$12 per ton. D. C. Hell.
nt FAUMP.11S Kl.-:vT(l
L. C. Piesiger was down from Hlue
Hill the first of the week.
Frank Starr shipped his raco
horses to Lincoln Thursday.
Will Pcgg returned home front Re
publican City Sunday morning.
Misses Velum and Grace Boozloy
went to Lincoln Monday morning.
Dr. and Mrs. Gillette were passen
gers to Lincoln Monday morning-.
Deceit Hobertson returned homo
from Republican City Sunday morn
ing. Chas. Funk returned Monday morn
ing from Florida where he spent the
Millaid Aile? returned to Linom
Tuesday after spending a few days in
the city.
Miss Augusta Sourers went to St.
Joe Thursday to spend a few days
with friends.
Miss Hazel Moore of McCook is
viisting her grand parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Clark.
Attorney A. M. Walters was down
from Illuo Hill attending district
court this week.
(rant Hai'.ey returned to Omaha
Tuesday after spending a few days
with his parents.
John Wilson of Sargent arrived in
the city Monday to visit his father
who is seriously ill.
Forrest Mountford, who is attend
ing college ut Hastings, is home for
n few days vacation.
Lew Walters went to Omaha Tues
day to spend a few days with his
sister, Mrs. Chas. McCord.
Mrs. Fred Taylor of Rivcrton spent'
the last of the week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smelscr.
Miss Mary Peterson went to Colo-j
rado Snrinirs 'luesdav evcninir to at-i
tend the funeral of E. W. Coplen.
Cecil Cummings arrived home Sun
day morning from Grand Island to
ipcnd a few days with his parents.
J. II. IJailey and his ncice, Miss
Ethel Waller, spent Tuesday with
Harry Waller and family at Superior.
Earl Saladen arrived homo Thurs
day evening from Licoln to spend
a few lays with relatives and friends.
"Mrs Chas. Sheror of Lincoln ar
rived in the city Thursday evening
to spend a few days with her mother.
ccou to advertise lor mils on
paving district, Wednesday, April 21,
1920 at 10 o'clock a. m. being the day
and hour set for the opening of same.
Council then adjourned to meet on
Wednesday evening, the 7th, at 8 p.
m. at which all members together. j.ovcd by the Hoard
wun mo .Mayor were again present.
After the minutes of the March 2nd
and 29th meetings were read and up
proved the report of S. R. Floranco
was presented and ordered placed on
Petitions were presented to the
Hoard from Hlue Hill and Red Cloud
asking the Hoard's permission for the
playing of Sunday base ball outside
of the limits of the above mentioned
nlneos. On motion of Shidlcr and
.-.. . ... j. . . i
.Mr. Clark, a representative ol tltc, j.,.rftndpil liv Wnldn Hir following , u i.
r it x. n ,,,l n.i ui.i wcon,:M, Ual"? l,c lol'mNin specifically sought
.. ... . t. ....... ,...-v..i. ...... ow.v. vnsnititinn ws miiiln nru tmssp( :
he came with the understanding that. iailiVp,l. Tlmt tlio nliivinir of Sun
a large portion of the paving would, ,,nv h,wo 1)lin i,e uH0wed as prayed
be abuting their property, but as it fm. ,jy thu ,,ctitioners on the locations
only eirects u small portion, said they stato(, , thoh. ,)etjton8 iSai(i Rnmog
wouM be able to take care of the ex-(to ,)C con(luctcd in accordance with
pense -of connecting up to the pave- Houso Uoli No o00 ,)as,C(i i,v the
ment- ' 191!) legislature of Nebraska.
Dr. Stockman wa present and ,,,, foHowjRB cijms wel.e audited
...1. .:...,.! .. i.!.. ti., .,,..,,..,,...1. .,,t ... . .
.uu.j.imm:ii ui in .ui-. ..,,,.......,, H 0WC(l an,j ColltltV ClClk lit
ssued by the government, are based
on actual principles, they are desig
nated according to tho amount of
premium charged to get the full
value of the money received.
For instance, while the endowment
policy is more expensive from an in
surance point of view, if the insured
lives to the end of the endowment
period, it is one of the cheapest forms
of insurance, and a stated preference
for this policy therefore should not
be discouraged.
It is the position of the bureau
that it is perfectly all right to ac
company an explanation of tho vari
ous policies with all necesnry infor
mation, but advice as to selection
... . . ...
should he given only where it is
Usually the sc-
l leciiun is (ii'penniini upon mo iniuv-
ual, who should be encouraged to
make his own choice and to follow his
own desires. All of the policies are
In emphasizing the general recog
nition of their exceptional value to
former m rvice men and women, Presi
dent I'ml A. Howland of the Xntion-
liis grievance was duly referred by sll.ucto,i to ,lruw warrants on th"
j al Life Insurance Company of Mont-
mo -Mayor to me aircei :mi Aiiey prop(Jl. fu1(lj, , ,mvmenl of c;
council men procceucu io caiivass Webster County Argu
F. G. Turnurc & Son
Morhart Itros.
Red Cloud Chief
P. A. Wullbrar.dt
the returns of Tuesday'
I the following results:
1st W 2nd
election with
Vote cast
Ed Amuck
O. C. Teel
S. R. Florance
171 217
1 2
Geo. II. Overing 159 207
N. I). Hu.di 92
& T f 1 f
i A. it. uoiimun ii
C. M. Sherwood 19.'J
M. H. Corner 107
Vote cast 201 251 452
F. V. Cowden 121 1M !!57
K. J. Overing, Jr., 158 19JI :551
Scattering 10 70 8G
"After allowing a largs tiuiiilipr of
claims the Council adjourned to meet
on MondHy evening, April 2d at S p. in.
District Judge
C. S. Jones .
McKinnan Office Supply Co.
Edith L. McKeighan ... .
Annie H. Spanogle
Freeman Erickson .. -
Charley Edgerton
I May L. Huffor
Robert Damerell
R. C. Iturcli - - -
Harry Cloud
1-. i. fl, !11
I j'ji'nusi, lurnu
Henry R. Fausch .... .
Fred Maurcr
E. A. Creighton -.
J. W. Stockman -
Geo. H. Overing
C. A- Waldo - .
Win. H. Thomas
Grant Shidlcr - .
Hoard adjourned to May !!,
H. F. PERRY, County
$ 38.65
41. GO
Friday and Saturday
The New Screen I
Buck Jones
in the
A Great Big Western Drama
of Thrills and Romance
From the famous novel by
Harold Tilus. Directed
by Dennison Cliff,
Also a two-reel comedy
Uncle Tom Without
A Cabin
Admlition 25c and 10c,
Fint hhow sturts nt 8 o'clock,
Saturday at 7:30, ccond iliow 9.00
A matter of special importance is
the selection nf w district judge at th
eotnintr niimnrv.
L. H. itlnckledge ii tho only cmidi-
i date lf)(M'd In tho south tier of ntiiit-
ios lie is cni'cedud by nil to bf e.
cpptiotitillj wll iimUIPil for the posi
tion, and bis nmny years of residence
and good standing in tills community
will insure n heartr support for him.
Besides Red Cloud mid Webster county
now luive tho opportunity to place u
worthy honip man in this responsible
position, whieh honor this enmity bus
never vt bad, and thp voters ouirht tn
make Mr. Illaelcledge the linaninious
elinico as otmof the judges, there being
two to select.
Closing Out Sale
Having purchased the M.A Albright
grocery stock we will cloo out the
most of the same at special juices li
the Albright building on Satin day,
April 10Mi. H. P. WEr.SNKIt CO.
Mrs. Waldo of Inavale spent Thurs
day with Mrs. Mell Sherman.
Will Hrunner returned to Lincoln
Monday after spending his vacation
with Jiomc folks.
KORSALH-H tons alfalfa hay in
Mack, 3 young horses and 2 set harness
Call after school honrs.-Jesse Wagoner.
Mrs. George Hines returned to Lin
coln Tuesday morning after spending
a few days with her parents, Mr. atrJl
Mrs. Ailes.
There, will he regular services next
.Sunday, at. 11 a. m., and conlirmutioii
fit. 1, at the Episcopal chundi. All ate
cordially invited
Charles Flohns, of Downs, Kansas,
and Mrs. Edna Cody of Inavalo were
granted a marriage lincense Wednes
day by Judge Ranney.
r Dave. Hell, Will Delauey and Oeorg
Tilne went to Oklahoma this morning
wheiM they will look after their Inter
ests in tho oil ilKlrict.
Considerable Intel est was manifest
ed nt the city election on Tuesday, de
spltu the taut that the inly olllecs that
were in the contest were t tint of conn
oilmen of tho two wanli, A large. ote
was polled, tho Indies being well rep
resented. A. IL HolViniin defeated N.
H. Hush for eotiiicllinan of the First
Ward liv 15 votes. Jn tliuSeiioud wind
C. M. sherwoiid won uvur M. II. Corner
by ti majority of 86. Having no oppo
sllion Ed Ainaek becomes mayor of
thu city OiUclul llKiireb appear'ln the
couuoll proceeding!!...
Referee's Sale of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereby itlvcn that when as In thu
iietlou jieiKlliii: In thu nihtrlctrouit )( Well
HtprCiiiuity, Nclinihkii. whuruln William II.
t loud, uiitl Myrtlu i'. riouil :u iltilit HI m anil
Hon K. i lomletal.. are ileleiulanN for Hie
partition of the rial eslato hfii'hmller ih-mtII-iiI
a ileei t e ol t-ulil court has been enti r
eil eoiillruilni! thesbaresol the parlies ami
(liuctliiii p.ii I lilim ami a reportol the red lie
IuihIhiii niailiMliat a tllvMon of the html
cannot iiiltabl be inaile ami the court has
UiU os cil Mil h r)orl Mini illicctcil a sale of
llio ptellllMh.
Ml TIlKKUKOIti:. I. Ilnwanl S. I'oc.
it (en e In Mild action, will on Momhiy Mav
III. I'.li). at two o'clock p. in., nt the soulh
limit dour nt tbe court house In Iteil Clouil.
Webster oiuily. NehraHKii. m-II at public
auclloii lo Ihehluhcht bhltU r. (or cash, the
(ulliiwtinriU-erlbeil real estate, tow It:
The Northeast (Juarter iNKH) ( Section
'I'Mcniy-scvcn cjiLTownslilpTwo (i) Itaiiue
'I'weHe il-i In Webster toimty Nebraska.
The purchaser will liu required to jiay to the
relcrceatthe tliueol the silti SliAM and the
lonialnitcrol Hie purchase price upon con
llrmatlon o( ihei-alu by the court. Sale will
be bebl open one hour
Hated AprllT. W.M.
HOW Mills. I'Oi:. Ilefcrce.
.I. A Hradford went to OiiihIiii Wed.
nesday evening to attend to some busi
uess ali'alrs.
Owing to the Mot in theeoiiiinitteo in
charge of the Aimcniaii fund did not
get to sue all of the citizens and they
state that those wishing to contribute
can do so by seeing tho Treasurer, .I
W. Auld.
Tho following shipped stock T'tcs
dav morning: Delaney Hros., one car
pelier. Vermont, in the course of an
address to the March meeting of
Commanders of the American Legion
Host of the state of Vermont, niiule
the following statement from the
viewpoint of an olliical of a life in
surance company:
"Tan ou imagine what would hap
pen if all the employees in the three
hundred life insurance companies of
America were drawn into one depart
ment, nnil were rcnuired to administer
,5'ort' tne tremendous work that the Hurcati
15.00 .. DTI. 1 ,,.,,. .,,,., l,u 1,.,,1 in ln
UL ) ill I.IDI I ll.lll ..livi, i..r ... ' "
in Washington? In view of the fact
that it wrote over forty billion dol
lars worth of insurance within a few
months, necessarily there were mis
tukesthe contrary would have been
imonililn Vn V.verntivo of llllV life
insurance company hesitates to rec
ommend, in the most emphatic terms,
that the Government Insurance is al
good thing. You cannot expect tlicj
regular old line life insurance com-
panic.-, lo turnish insurance in. uiu
same rate as the Government does.
Thr fiovernmont nremium does not
carry administration expense. That(
is borne by the tax payer. There,
is no tax, there is no labor expense.
All of this is borne by the tax payer.
So in the lust analysis there is every j
reason, and every life insurance agenv
will' tell you there is every reason,
why you should hold on to your Gov-(
ernment Insurance. It is the cheap
est, has the most substantial backing, '
The Treasury of the United States
itself, and will be made the most at
$40.00 per acre. 7,500 cash, balunce five years nt G per cent. (Thomau
Uf A fine section, three miles from Campus. $12,000 worth of im
provements, all equipped for handling cnttlc or hogs, fine water system.
House nil modern, nbcut 300 acres in cultivation, balance in pnstmc, 200
acres of fine wheat, nil goes to tho buyer. This is an' ideal all purpose farm
and a beauty. Frico 537.50 per acre. (Gove County.)
11!) Half section, nil fine, level land, 220 acres in cultivation, 110 acre
in par.ture, 1G0 acres in wheat and it all goes with tho place) all driller!.
Good well and windmill, good shed barn, cement chicken house and granar;.:
for 1500 bitrhcls. Trice. ?32.50 per acre. (Govo County.)
110 180 acres well improved, nice house and barn, lots of out buildings,
good well and windmill. About 250 acres in cutlivation, the balance in pas
ture, 200 ucres of fine wheat, nil goes to the buyer. This is seven mile?
from Campua and in a good community. Possession any time. Price $37.
50 per acre. (Cove County.)
15 Fine quarter of land two miles from town, 120 acres in cultivation,
all level, good five room house, shed barn for 12 head, good well and winmilt.
10 acres fenced in pasture, rented for this year. Price $."2.50 per acre.
(Logan County.)
20:; This i a beautiful half section, close to Grainfield, not n blemish
on it, 2!0 iicies in cultivation. This is strictly u German settlement. Half
it; wheat. Price S27.50 per acre. (Sheridan County.)
21 1 This is without doubt one, if not the best, sections of land in the
county, about G milon north of Grinnoll, and six miles from the famous An
golus church, one of the finest in tho state; '180 acres in cultivation, 300
acres in wheat, one-fouilh goes to the buyer; good granary, and fine well.
Price $32.50 per i.ere. (Sheridan County.)
10320 acres veil located and 150 acres in wheat and 100 acres in pas
ture, balance will he put to spring crop. One-third of tho crop goes with
tho farm. Nearly new 10-room house, large barn will hold 30 head of slock,
hay-mow for about 20 ton of hay, good large granary, good well and windmill
and tank. Half mile to school. This farm is considered u bargain at $G0.
00 per rieic on easy terms. Could give possession of the land if necess
ary. This farm is well located bewtcen two good railroads and two towns;
eight m'ks from one town and six miles from the other. (Sheridan Coun
ty.) The above HM m subject to prior sale or change in price without notice.
Tho5o arc jiifl a few of our special bargains. We have cheaper land,
if interested write oi come and seen us.
Carpenter, Son & Co.
Office Over Stete Bank, Red Clovid, Neb.
Miss Anna Gilliam returned to
Aurora Monday morning after spend
ing a few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Gilliam.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith returned
to the Soldiers' Home at Grand Island
Tuesday after .spending a few weeks
with relatives in the city.
Miss Margaret Miner has returned
to Lincoln to resume her studies at
the state university after spending a
few days with her folks. .
Glen Foe and Will McHrido have
returned to Lincoln to resume their
studies at tho university after spend
ing the spring vacation in 4lic city.
Glen and Nellie Fry returned to
Lincoln Monday to resume their
studies at Cottier university after
spending a few days with their par
ents. Mrs. II. P. Hoxsey and son, Robert,
snent Monday with their daughter
and sister. Harriet, who hits
Starr's Barn
Sale Commences at 1:00 p. m.
Two Carloads of
Western Horses
E. Buchanan
J. H. Ellinger - - Auctioneer
& Son, one car of hogs to St. Joe and pital at Hastings. ,'
' m
of hogs to Kansas City; Wm. Crnblll,very sick nt the Mary Lannmg hos-
Alf Nolan, two curs of cattle to Kan
sas City.
. i
C. E. Powers left Thursday evening
for Denver where he will spend a few
Karl McKimmcv was homo tho first days. He intends to go to llutclu-
of the week. He has resigned his son where he has accepted a position
position with the Minden Courier and with u construction company,
has accepted a position as operator
with the Adams County Democrat at
The wealth of the world comes from
land. It's more than an investment.
It's ii lion m There's only ono crop of
It. V tiro now iiiriihMlng that crop
Hays, Kciisas. ""
A. T. Wulker, agent for the Dodgo
cars, lias rcnteii tne muiiiing lormer
ly occupied by Ed Gnrbor ond is hnv
ing tho front of the building remodel
ed preparatory to moving his line of
autos into the same.
Mr. Wolfe, tho man in charge of the
plauiug of tho scenery and stage oqiiip
ment. of tho Hesse Amlitoiiuin has ti -
rlvod in the city mid the innterirtl is
expected aiiv day. Coiitniotor Hiss,
ford will liavft the palatini; and decor
atlng completed this wcuk, In all
probability everything will be ready
for the openlngAprlblDtluMws v.
A reuular meeting of tho Mnonle
Indyo was held last Krldnv evening, at
which time the. Muster Mason derive
was eonfeieil ou Don Fulton. Afler
the session had beenVnuiplcted n delic
ious luncheon was served. A number
of visitors were piesent
Earn $30 weekly. Experience unneces
sary. Wo start you in the candy husi-
I ness, at home, small room, or any
i where. Everything furnished. Grand
opportunity. Write for particulars.
18th St. Philadelphia. Pa.
tllC rULno-ro TEU. 'EM AU- ABOUI
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudcvilto
Eqilpatt. Brilliant Senile Emitiinrreiit
1.Evorybody Cont AiK Anybody
AUVitt THE 1106 HI UU BEST SHOW r ' ' "
Mr. and Mrs.
Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB
Capital and Surplus
Interest Paid on
Tuns Deponts
Lincoln said: "1 ill he prepared and when my
opportnnity comes I will be icady'1
HIS BANK offers facilities to help tneni pie.
pare for the time when their opportunity arrives.
But you must do your part by depositing reuularly
a portion of your earning), We will guard it for
you, pay you interest on it and when (lie lime comes
that you need it we will hae it ready for you.
Prepare for the opportunity, it may come any day
and you should he ready.
Edward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Cashier
litpotitt GwmmUtil by the Dtpotlttri'GUarantte Fund of l,e jbtatr of tlraiU it