.M.f,:M' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF o LESS MEAT IF BACK -AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys If Bladder Bothers You. Ealing moat regulnrly cventunlly produces kidney trouble In some form or other, says n well-known authority, hecnuse the uric ncld In meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up nnd cnuse nil sorts of( distress, particularly back ache and misery In the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder nnd uri nary Irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or If bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jml Salts from any good phormney; take a tnblospoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act line. This famous salts Is made from tho ncld of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with lltliln, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kid neys and stlmulnto them to normal nctlvlty; also to neutralize the acids In the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts ennnot Injure anyone; makes n delightful effervescent llthln wnter drink which millions of men and women take now nnd then to keep the I kidneys nnd urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. Adv. On Even Terms. An old codger, disliking the re marks of the chairman at a political meeting, shouted: "Voting man, I was a Itepuhllcnn before you were born." "What of that?" came back the chairman. "I will be a Republican af ter you are dead. Sit down!" Exchange. TAKE ASPIRIN RIGHT Bayer Company, who introduced As pirin In 1900, give proper directions. To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions In each unbroken package of "Buyer Tablets of Aspirin." This package Is plainly stumped with tho safety "Bayer Cross." The "Bayer Cross" means the gen nlne, world-famous Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" can be tnken safely for Colds, Headache. Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lum bago, Rheumatism, Joint Pains, Neu ritis, and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tnblcts cost bat a few cents. Druggists nlso sell larger "Bayer" packnges. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcucldester of Sallcylic acld. Adv. Had Experience. Doctor Otaurgein (meeting former witlont) Ah, good morning, Mr. Blnks. How are you feeling this morn ng? Blnks (cautiously) Doctor, does It cost anything If I tell you? Boston Transcript. OPEN NOSTRILS! END COLD OR CATARRH How to Get Relief When Head and Nose Are Stuffed Up. Count fifty. Your cold In head or catarh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will open, tho air passages of your head will clear nnd you can breatho freely. No more bundling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or heuduchc, no struggling for brontii at night. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of tills fragrant antiseptic cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through every ulr passage of the hoad, soothlug and healing tho swollen or Inflamed mucous membrane, giving you Instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield liko magic. Don't stay stuffed-Bp and miserable. Relief la eure. Adv. The Contrary Sex. "How wold you answer the objec tion to equal suffrage that every wom an would think und vote Just as her iiiKlmid iloiw?" "That tho user of that argument wns not a married wan." FRECKLES Now I the Time to Get Rid of These Uajjr Spots. , There's no looser the slightest need ot feellne oahumnd of your (rocklen. as Othlne double ntreiwrth 4s guaranteed to remove these liitmely spots. Slmpijr got an ounce of Othlne double etrotttjth from your druggist, and apply a llttU ot U nloht and morning and you nhonld soon see that even the worst freckles have bosun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce Is needed to com. pletely olear the skin and gain a beautiful cloar complexion. Do sure to ask for the double strength Othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee oi money book If It falls to remove freckles. Took Him Literally. Honpeck "That woman is unspenk uble." Honpeck "Then sho's Just the woman for me." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIN. To half pint of water add 1 ot. Bay Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and oz. of glycerine Apply to tho hair twico a week until it becomes the desired shade. Any drtiRgbt can put this up or you can mix it at homo at very little cost. It will emduallydarkcn streaked, faded gray hair, und will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not co'or tho scalp, in not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Farmers arc the only men who can "help each other with their work." SOPHIA KNOWS WHO WON THE WAR HbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV -M j hsBBBBsHaBsKsBBBBf ' . n& -E7V I A 1 nUrnnto 111 ?&' VcjMfrn NwPMH-r Unlunjf BBBBaBBuBBUro- JRPIbBX --"' " s validity of the stipulation covering her fortune. Another hit Is that Constantino's wife, former Queen Sophia, who Is tho sister or the former kaiser of Germany, would not allow him to go to tho wedding, though he had promised to be present. "What!" the once royal lady Is sold to have cried. "You promised Chris topher you would go! Well, you won't 1 Don't you know she's an American, and If It wasn't for America nnd that hateful President Wilson we'd still be on our thrones and dear brother Wllhelm would still be on his? Go to an American's wedding, encourage an American. N'lcht!" WIDE-OPEN OIL POLICY FOR WORLD America, with only four months' supply of oil In storuge, faces the prospect of having to seek oil from foreign sources which nre now show ing "a tendency to exclude the United States from purchasing from Uieir Holds," according to Van II. Manning, United States director of mines, (por trait herewith) in a paper read be fore the one hundred and twenty-first annual meeting of the American Insti tute of Mining nnd Metnllurglcol En gineers. A "wide-open oil policy for nil the world" was advocated by Di rector Manning, who urged tho nctlve projection of such n policy by citizens nnd legislators. George O. Smith, director of the United States geological survey, con firmed the statement of the director of mines, und said the position ovf the United States In regard to Its oil sup ply at the present time wus "pre carious." Mr. Smith estimated the supply which is still undeveloped, however, at enough for about twenty years. Latin-America, Great Britain, France und the Netherlands, It wns said, control the main potential sources, and all these countries have udopted pol icies tending to shut out those of other nationalities. COLBY'S APPOINTMENT A SURPRISE , The surprise of the politicians is echoed In the press comments. Almost Immediately there was an acrid tilt in tho sennto between Senator Reed of Missouri und Senator Ashurst of Arizona, botli Democrats. Senator Reed bitterly assailed tho appointment and Senator Ashurst defended it. BRITISH AMBASSADOR TO AMERICA It Is definitely stated that the carl of Rending has declined tho am bassadorship to Washington nnd that Sir Auckland Geddes has been select ed for tho place. Sir Auckland, who wns minister for national servlco and reconstruction during the latter part of the war, also llllcd at tho samo tlmo the ofllco of minister at tho head of the local government board of Lon don, which was ono of tho most Impor tant departments of tho administra tion. As minister of tho national servlco department ho dealt with tho whole man power of tho United King dom, and to him was given the task of supplying tho requisite men to ev ery government department. Sir Aucklnnd, who has an Amer ican wife, a Miss Ross of Statcn Is land, was a professor of anatomy at McGIU university, Toronto. At (the outbreak of tho war ho enlisted as a private, and was severely wounded In Flanders. IIo later was put In charge of British gravo registration In Frauce, nud discharged his duties so ably he was given ono higher position af ter unother. IIo Is held In very high esteem by Premier Lloyd George, nnd by King Edward. Sir Auckland seems to hnvo critics In England. Tho London Times says: "Wo cun symputhtzo with Premier Lloyd George's manifest dcslro to get rid of Sir Auckland and Jettison bo compromising a Jonah from tho ministerial tramp steamer, but we do not agree that Washington Is tho suitable whale for his reception." UMTCVim. SZ'IiSftAJ 3 Here Is a new "closeup" of Princess ChrNtopher of (Iroece, for merly Mrs. William B. Leeds of Hough Point, Newport,, It. I., U. S. A., wid ow ot America's late "Tin Plato King." Naturally there Is lots of In ternational comment over her mar riage to Prince Christopher, younger brother oMlic exiled Constantino1, for mer king of Greece. One bit of gossip linn to do with the llnanclal relations of the prince and princess. It appears that the Rhode Island law provides for sep aration of property. The Intention of both parties has been expressed not only In a contract made In Switzer land, adopting the Rhode Island statue an the law governing their property relations, but also by nllldnvlts exe cuted by the prince and princess be fore the American consul In Geneva. The fact that the princess now Is n subject of Greece docs not affect tho ssmsmsshJ President Wilson's appointment of Balnbrldge Colby as secretary of stato to succeed Robert Lansing, has evoked much comment throughout the country. Mr. Colby was born at St. Louis Gl years ago, and was gradu ated 'from Williams college, Massa chusetts. Ho spent one year at the Columbia lnw school and hns prac ticed law In New York since 1892. Ho wus a member of tho New York as sembly In 1001-'02. Mr. Colby was a lifelong Repub lican until the famous Bull Moose bolt at the Chicago convention In 1912. When Colonel Roosevelt bolted tho convention Mr. Colby helped to found the Progressive party and was a dele gate to Its Chicago convention. Ho continued am active leader In tho party. When Col. Roosevelt threw tho weight of his Influence to Charles Evans Hughes In 1010, Mr. Colby Iden tified himself with tho Democrats. ffjCtif Mu tit 1, , A , r&.. (Wnltm Nwipipr Union. I'hotn livv.1. a ilv.'' ' 7y i jf Tm. akr l PT ?'! ' Mk&$ ,j. 0V I r lL r JT P e1eHWB ertH v-Cir ' J,,& UTr ml'F? j? 3':B '"V W ,i i'l Wj Vi-&1 1- '1 ".'JJ&JJ zy "i . : CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION NOTES Lincoln. The constitutional con vention, b. a vote of -in to :, adopted n i evolution by lladke and others pro tiding In a measure that women may t"le on adoption or rejection of thu new constitution. The resolution pi o ides that the nr iMimciiicnt und phraseology committed submit a plan whereby all citizens en titled to a vote on president of the Piuied Slates lie allowed to ote on the new constitution, and If federal MiiVmp. is not In force at that time that .separate ballot bo.es he provided for men and women. .Many of the delegates who opposed the proposition explained that the present contention cannot In Itself make women electros, a right which Is diyilcd under the old constitution, and that If the federal amendment is adopted by the time the new constitu tion Is submitted to die voters, then the resolution offered Is not necessary, as women can vote on the new consti tution illlllOV. The committee on salary schedule has recommended () the convention thu following salaries for state olllclnls, the constitutional provision to bo ten tatle until Used by the legislature: Governor, chief Justice of the su preme court, und associate Judges ot the court, S7.r0() per year; stale ollk lals, railway connnlssloneis and dis trict Judges, ?r,(0()0 per year, except lieutenant governor, who Is to receive twice the pay of a slate senator. It Is the Intention f the convention to submit the salary schedule In sepa rate form from the other amendments, ! so that any feeling tbe voters may huvtt on the matter of salaries will not aT feet ratlllcatlon of the more Important work of tbe convention. After several hours' discussion the convention sent Proposal No. :ct2 to the committee on phraseology with aiiiendnienls which makes the members of the Slate Railway Commission elect ed by districts, the districts to be three In number, and until otherwise pro vided by thu legislature the First and Second congressional dhftrlcts shall be as the llrst district, the Third nnd Fourth the second and the Fifth and Sixth the third. Jurisdiction over com mon carriers is In the hands of the rail way commission, but shall not extend to publicly-owned carriers. Jurisdic tion over publicly-owned utilities shall ho regulated by the legislature. Douglas county, If the work of tho convention Is ratified by tho people, will be divided Into legislative districts and each district will elect Its own representative instead of electing tit largo as has been thu case In the past. Adopted in commlttca of tho whole, Proposnl No. 314 not only upplles to Douglas county, but to all other dis tricts In the state where more than ono representntlvo bus been elected. The counties affected will be Douglas, Lancaster, Dodge, Saunders, Gage, Hall, Custer und Buffalo. Proposal No. Ill, submitted by Jerry Howard of Douglas to regulate the hours of fcniule workers, received tho approval of the convention. The pro posnl as adopted says: "Law may be enacted regulating the hours ami con ditions of employment of women and children, and securing to such employes a proper minimum wage." There are already laws on these subjects except the minimum wage question. Proposal No. 27S, which provides that all public utility corporations uhall not lesue stock or bonds except for'iuouuy, labor or property actually expended, and all fictitious stock, dividends or other fictitious Increase of cnpltal stock or Indebtedness shall be void, wns given llnnl approval by the convention, by a vote of 77 to 0. The convention eliminated the Pe terson amendment to the rural credits proposal giving the state the right to back loans to nny amount and then ndopted tho original proposal limiting the amount to which the state could go Into debt to $r.00,000. During n discussion over the merits of the rural credits system, combined with thu proposal to raise the limit to which the state could go In debt, the proposnl was amended so that the, state may go Into debt to any limit, In-, stead of $100,000, the present limit. Tho constitutional convention ndopt ed nnd advanced to third reading pro posnl 333, providing for n combined state trade commission nnd Industrial court created by law. Constitutional convention members expect to adjourn at the end of this week. The proposed new constitution probably will be submitted nt a special election, An amendment to tho Industrial court commission proposal adopted by tho convention, gives tho right to nppeal from the commission to tho su preme court. A By a vote of 70 to 2 the convention approved Propositi No. 20fi, which pro vides that county authorities shnll never assess taxes the aggreguto of which shall exceed fiO cents per $100 netiittl valuation, as shown on grand, assessment roll, except for payment of existing indebtedness, except by voto of thu pooole. IMPIOVED UNIP01M INTERNATIONAL smsrsaKHi Lesson y nnv. r u. i-iiv.WAJii.it, d. d., Teacher of KiikIIhIi Dibit) In the Moody Hllilo tiiMltotu or CIiIcako.) tfnvrglir logo W'ftrn Ni-wmiimT Dnlnn) LESSON FOR APRIL 4 EASTER LESSON. LKSSON Ti:.T-l,ulP 24.13-21. OOhDIIN TKXT-OUKltt lint Clirlut ta have stinYreil thoso tilings, uinl lo entui into hl Kloiy? l.uko 'J4."t. PltlMAItV TOPIC Tim Story of a Wonitoiful Walk. JI'NIOUTOI'IC-Tlm WnIK to Kmm.itis. INTi:HMI2UtATi: AND SKNIOll TOPIC -Tlio 1'roofn That Johuh Itoso From the Demi. YOUNO PICOPI.IJ AMI) ADULT TOPIC -The Knct and the Mennlni; ot tho ties urrcctton. I. Two Disciples Journeying to Em maua (vv. 13-10). 1. Who they were. One was Cleopas (see v. IS) ; some think tho other was Luke, whose modesty forbade him to gle bis name; but It Is not definitely known. Why they were going wo can only conjecture; perhaps they wero only walking away from Jerusalem to relieve their anxiety and drown their sorrow. The ordeal through which they had passed left them somewhat stunned; they needed the physical ex ertion and ipilct of thu country to calm their nerves. They wero sad (sou v. 17). 2. What they talked about (v. 11). "All the thln;s which had happened." Strange and wonderful things had taken place and they could not but commune together concerning them. 3. Jesus Joins them (vv. 10, 10). It wns while they communed togther and reasoned about Jesus that he appeared to them. He never leaves those In. doubt who sincerely seek the light; ho promises to meet even wiUi two or three who gather lu his naino (Matt. 18:20). Those gathered In his name have their heart toward him In love, and their talk Is concerning him. If we would have Jesus draw nenr to ua more frequently then lot us more fre quently commune together concerning him. II. The Conversation on the Way. (vv. 17-27). 1. Jesus' question (v. 17). Though he wns n strnnger to them his question did not provoke resentment; thuro must have been something In his man ner and tone which uuluckcd, their hearts. 2. Tho disciples' answer (vv. 18-24). Though surprised that there should bo a single man In tho confines of Jerusa lem unacquainted with the things which had recently como to pass, they spoke fully anil freely of what they had communed about (1) It was concerning Jesus of Nnzn reth (v. 10). This Jesus was mighty In word and deed before God and the people. (2) Delivered, condemned nnd crucified by the chief priests (v. 20). (3) Shattered hopes ot the disciples (v. 21). They had reposed their hope In htm as tho Redeemer of Israel. (4) Their bewilderment (vv. 22-24). Tho Btory of the women concerning tho empty sepulchre reminded them of Christ's words that ho would arlpe on the third day. A new hopo seemed to bo arising In their hearts, yet they were too timid to take tholr stand up on It (5) Jesus expounding the Scrip tures to them (vv. 23-27). lie chides them for their unbelief of t'.io prophet ic Scriptures (v. 25). Whnt sorrow and perplexity they would hnvo es caped had they believed what God had recorded I Jesus showed thorn Ihut what had happened wns exnclly whnt the Scriptures had foretold concerning the Messiah and that It behooved Christ thus to suffer and to enter Into his glory. III. The Lord Reveals Himself (vv. 28-35). 1. Nenrlng tho end of tho Jotuney (vv. 28, 20). He made us though ho would go farther, but thoy constrained him to abide with them. It would hnvo been a great loss to them If he had not been "constrained." 2. Sitting together at the table (w. 30, 31). His blessing of ho brend and breaking It wero so fnmlllnr tbnt they knew him. Then, too, they may have seen tho nollprlnts In his hands while he broke tho bread. Tboy now knew for n certainty that the Lord whom they hnd mourned as dead wus alive and In their very presence.. If wo had eyes to perceive we could see Jesus dally walking nnd tnlking with us. Whnt a different life would be ours If wo would but teo him I 3. Tho disciples convinced (vv. 32 35). They nt onco returned to Jerusa lem and reported to the cloven what things were done nnd how tho Lord hud revealed himself to them In the breaking of the brend. They ex claimed, "Tho Lord is risen Indeed l" May Christ como to every believer on this Faster occasion In such a way that we may know beyond tho perudventura of u" doub't tbut he Is really allvol Reaching tho Top. It Is by attempting to reach the lop by n slnsle leap that so much misery Is produced In the world. Cobbott. Keep Straight On. Tho way to heaven: Turn to the right nnd keep straight on. Spur geon. Be Wise. Be wiser than other people If you can, but do not tell them so. Karl of Chesterfield. 48,000 Drug Stores Sell It Five million people use it to KILL COLDS HILLS cascaraEHuinin fiftOMUfc Stindtrd cold remedy for 29 ytixs . in uuici loiiii-wic, iui. no opisies orcsKi up a com in z . nourt relieves prip in j aiyi. S. Money back If It falls. Ths genuine oox nas Kea top w 1 1 u Mr. Hurt picture. At All Drag Start Nebraska Directory MAAkMAMAAA'WWWMIA' S. S. SHEAN OPTIOIAN 1123 O Streat U Lincoln, Nek 7 PER ANNUM TAX FREE Tlin Lincoln Telephone ft Telegraph Com rny, l.lnrntii. Noli . In nffnrlllK to invostnrs st li ii r. MOO per lOinri-, mimo of Its tnx-fren -7 stock Hint hns puld iiunrtnrly rilvlili-mls for tliii pint II yon f. Tills Is a snfo nnil con venient liitritttiiriit, vheclis for illvlilf-tiils be lint ntnllfil In oiir uildrcdi for Jl 76 tier. 110.0 slinro In Jntiunry, April, July nnil 'Oc-' tolior Tor Infariiiutloti or for nlinres nt stock I mltlipSM C, 1 Itu-.rll, Secy. Lincoln Tole- plionn & Ti-leitraph Company. Tolephone IMilif.. Lincoln. Neb. Omaha Crematory Sond for illustrated booltlot Addross or call on Forest Lawn Cemetery Assn. 720 BrandYu Theatre Omaha, Neb. TAX FREE Mortgages and Bonds for Sale In $100, $500 and $ 1,000 Uonomlnntlonj on farms and hlcti class city property to net 0, SM and 0 per cent. Soma can be cashed any day before due for a commission of one months Inlerost. Monthly papor for investors sent free. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY 120 North Uth Slrset LINCOLN. NED. SEEDS Field, Garden and Flowers Nursery Stock Bco Supplies Egcs for Hatching Writs for catalog HILTNER & RIGDON 1042 O Street Lincoln. Neb L. Stine & Sons Solicit your shipment of Hides and Fum. Returns made same day as arrived. High eat prices guaranteed. 234 South 9th, Lincoln. Nebr. WEAR OUTYOUR OLD TIRES Ues't clit t!M to ths Jvsk out) BY U8JLNU THE w rmp'sus- Hill UIWCAKXa YOUCANADD2.000TO 8,000 tulles extra service 7. 7tfar -.7-i,mum to many tires which vuu fn'.?M'jtnt now throw away. iAlni Xl,''l3l Ths ooet of a FUrM 8nb-Oailni( Ii nbontono-ttilnl the cot of anow tiro, tho narno Hab-Uaoloi? can t oied to wear out anroral old II re. Uecanto the flexi ble itcel rims (marked "II") are endleea and are) mado conical to nt agalnn tho iDildo of the outer Urn at the boad. auial rims ("II") are below rlm-cat ("H") therefora thorn Is no chanoa for the Bob Gating to bn formxl tbrongh the rlm-cur. A mUI IU krlaf M JU lagntallll, U'MIll FISIIKIl MANCFACTIMINO COMTANT 1083 N Htroet Lincoln, Web. Storage Battery Facts Why not buy the best, when it costs no more? TITAN batteries last longer and give less trouble during their life and Cost no niore. Insist that you get a TITAN when you are Eold the next battery. One Year duaraniee No Restrictions RANDALL & NOLL Hloclrlo Htartor Specialist) 321 S. Uth St. Lincoln. Neb. SANITARIUM SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own premises and used in tho Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpas&ed in tho treatment of RHEUMATISM Ueart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases. Moderate charges. Address DR. O.W. EVERETT. Mar. MtB and M Sis. tlnccla, Nab Crusty Comment "Wo nil think tho biiby hus got Itf mother's nose." I 'Tin glud to henr it. Then sin enn't ko nround nny more poking II into other people's business." Work! Work I that is my unfulllng euro for nil troubles. Lydlu Mnrla Child. A pawnbroker who Is nlwny.s ad- .nliillin In si i f l 1MI 1 1 f t flf Ii iUol Vft il in; III tn tiuiiiwiiij ,i.", yfrnilDINF N,lih Bad Morning". VilUJllHC Have Strong, Healthy 'Z!fc?S. Ew.U they Tire, Itch. ?or GQ&lidffl Smart or Burn, if Sore, CMCC stated. Inflamed or YOUR tYtO Granulated, use Murine Jften. Soolbcs. Refrashes. Safe for fnfantorMult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. HnrlM Ej ktmtij Co., CWctja isssV. M'fl" "11 iAViiii m X V S X I 'Wick. -ffllCfci-i 7'.j3UaiaVRr XiXMEllSBtSnrik M j.l