- gZK3m "5L. V ' rTir 9 r-a xWjr A U KID CLOUD, MB1EUXA iSfi WV I-:' A Columbia Grafonola With C oiumma Jkecoras is tiic Idea! Musical Gombinption In a COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA you tfeU graceful cabinet, artistically correct, a tone of exquisite clearness and purity and the exclus ive Columbia tone leaves, which enables you to obtain the most exact musical shading. On COLUMBIA RECORDS you get all the music of all the world much of it made by the host of popular headliners, concert singers opera stars and instrumental artists who make Records for Columbia exclusively. J. C. MITCHELL Columbia Grafonolas THE JEWELFR Columbia Records n CM rifc onAfi Diiii'niiA -'.,. v' .. .. PROBLEM Of ROAO, BUILDING HlQhway Official Tells How Great System Can Do Built First Essential Equipment. Thrtnl's to tin imshriil, ihtviHvp i lniiliirrnr, Atiirlr-iii rmid blilhliiii; lun J "k'I h miiiw on" nt lust. TIn'iv 1 ivir.- when tlio rry for nun's, for mmv rnniW J mill for lu'lli'i roaiN. T'tr tlrnuluii'k ! Iiu hi'Pii Hint, iia yet, tlii-n list lncn no ('(I'firdltiiitloii f tlii'ScmtiltltiKllnoiH i,iiliriil'i'.s. Tin ;iivM(li';U of tlit Nm llnmtl HlKliwtiy nssocliiiloti, (.'liurliw llonry Duls, l:i a icrcnt imjicr Htntcd that wo .spout last i-ar !?lUI),()rr.!HS7. or inori than two-il'lnls of tin total of money (.nmlt'l ho far on tin; con- TAfeVING ARMENIA "It Isn't iJleaHnnt, but wc can't es cape It. Unless we can rench aril impress you In this wav wo rannot ;et food, AND' TIIKY 1)1 K. Are vi jroing to turn oiu back-, on tliem bcrause thmr fkt!ron frame's',' the i-kin atrctchod over their bones, thpir toiu'iitf exprei. ion arc unsightly 7 Im. a thousand times no. Jt is un thinkable. They are th same (Icil Kiven bnbio.s to be found in moat 1 ome.s. It is oino liulhor's child, rerhapt the mother neer came bark after fleeing from the damnable Tmk. There are tiiotinantls of them who cannot .say 'father, mother, home'; other thousands with anguish Ntnictlon of the Tanaum canal for oil mothers helpless to save them, road improvements throughout the The war over, they came back to their country. Mr. Davis' contention Is that , own country to desolation and des- fiiioil roads, roads that run for thou sands of miles through state after state, are, properly, not the responsi bility of the state, but of the nation, says I'.ostou Transcript. He would have the federal government build a Dr.W.H.McBridie DENTIST OVKtt STATK HANK RllDCLOUD NEBRASKA Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Ollli'eOvtT AlorlKlil'H Store Red Cloud Nebraska to j.r-j.?mn.TJ7gf v;rB.w;i','mwjaMr:iiii- Wheat Farms and Ranches 117'E have over 20,000 acres of fine wheat lands for " sale in the rich wheat belt of west central Kan. We can take in part payment some liberty bonds at rpar value. Our lands range from $25 to $40 per acre. We make Free trips twice a week. See Schultz & Betz, Red Cloud OUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES Special 610 acres. 400 acres of free wheat. New combin ed harvester and thresher. Titan tractor, all other farm machinery, all goes. Six miles from McAl lister in Logan county. Kansas. Running water. 3 room house. Price S35 per acre, a snap, will sell at once. ' lth. All of section -1 in township 10 and the SE of Section 32. Township 9. all in range 31, Thomas county This is a tine farm of 000 acres, well improved, located in. the heart of the famous Thomas county wheat belt. 8 miles west of Angelus and tt miles northeast of Oakley, one of the finest level wheat counties in Western Kansas. This farm is all fenced, has a 0 room house, cistern, fine well and windmill, good barn and cattle shed. 39G. All of section 5-12-31. a line square level wheat section in Gove county, located six miles from Campus and eight miles from Oakley, in a fine well settled neigh borhood; has a well and windmill, is fenced, no other im provements; none of it is cultivation, but all could be plow oil. i'rice 530 per acre, half cash, balance on time. Pos session at once. "G. iiiurt fouilm of lnml . i miles smith of UiilVulo Park "ii a iui i-d loud, in the eMivnie uisUw-u pint ot (lovo county, two m.los fiotn sehool; tvw it of Impuiveau'iits; two houses, two InirnsoueKian. ary, two well-: tlvo miles feneed; live miles from (lovo City. There uiu ..nly luOaeies in uiililv.Umii, lint il is n-ly all tillable, leiHul sluue or loo siures wheat trot-: possession Muivh 1, 1H20. This is a line 'ieee of land. om of the oheiipest and best that we. httvo. 1'iieed at j-'io per aere. 5SOOO oiui be oanh'd bunk for .") yours at (1 per cent. lb. li!n iieivs, located:! miles northeast of Oakley in Thoiims county, in tho NW., of w ni.:ii; ho acrub in wheat; oiii-foiirth km us to purchaser, pi iced aiSIo per acre, half cash, balance lor. " years; jios.sess ion Auyu-t 1. va'IQ ljjt. UOaciei located In a well settled wheat, stock and nlfnirii country in the Mmtheastein cornerof Thomas county in tho Saline al ley. There are .'120 acics in 'fiisture, somewhat rolliiif,'. but due (,'niss has 'sU acre- line alfalfa land, iiuc-linU of which noes, lion acres in wheat one-'ourth j,'"--; 'l-iooiii house, bij,' burn with loft, cuttlu she! tor .'ill hcail Mi. i: 11 U-'J!) in Ciovo eouuty. a very line wheat farm. It is cut by the I'nioii i'acllle railroad on the north side and Is locate I l , miles from lirniiifield on thu (iohlen licit Highway. Tho land now in eulti VHtion is 'JOO and some acre it absolutely level and Is all in hi.j,t, one fourth of which k" '" tho purehaser, mid theiu aie l.Mi acies ui imstore. The wheat on this laud is 1(X) peieent ami tho halt.seiition is cl 100 with half cash payment Possession can heaven In the spring This is a baiiMin. ' iTj. All of section liO.ll.ICI, in l.oVan county, :(20 acies In cultivat luii. .evel, second bottom Ilaeliberry Ciei'U wheat laud vcu hliallow watei. all feni'ed with two wires, fairly Kod house, sheds, uu imilu traveled road, inlldH south til Monument, in a dandy location, pileed at .!" per acre, Sl'niMi ea-h, balance ft ycaih 'Jth Hill acres uniinpioved wheat laud located d miles northwest of OuUiey in Thomas county, t'l) acies barley, one half jfoes l0 lHl. j,i,.lfts. er. Priced tit SilO per acre, no iinpioeniunts Immeiliate possession Bird Land Co. Hays, Kansas in. viiv'ins .i.rix: t'Jfzri&rAW!y ; MiATi'AW'A WA " . .&..(& I . ' '. 'jn7rjM.i7 mr .iwtu.m.:'..i i Bituminous Macadam Road. system of nntlomil roads' Joining the West with the Kast, the Xorth mill tin? South, connectlnc every part of the country, ns is the ease with the nn tloiiiil hlK'hwii.s of Ihirope, uuil, u.s history shows, .such ns was the essen tial equipment of every llrst-cltiss pow er of the past. irow would such na enormous con htruethm be paid for nnd kept up? ''.Suppose," n.sks this eminent end iieer, "the government built "100,000 miles of properly planned roads nnd nt the .same time purchased, suy, ."Oil feet of land on either side. This hind would so e.'intlnunlly Increase In value mid In demand for leasing on lnn rental, that the cost of tin road nnd the hu d purchase would soon he paid. A rental rate of ?(i.Gd per Mere would pay the interest on the cost of con st ruction, lint such would rent at vastly higher rates In cities u;i towns, IiIkIi euoiiu'h to K've the nation iu In come equal to Its total annual ex penditure," from these iintloiml high ways ulouel Most Delightful Place. Make pood roads, nnd tho country will be the most delightful placo la tho world to live. ' pair homeless, hungry, diseased. The horror nnd sulTeririfj of it all is be yond description. "There ure suflkient sympathetic hearts to provide our apportionment of a careful general survey that lias fixed tho amount necessary to bring these deserving people, back to sclf- t support, and they arc deserving, for, . remember, they cast their lot with the allies regardless of promises of power and territory if they would de sert; that their army of 250,000 sol diers held back the Turks at a criti cal lime after the Uussian collapse, that they provided a smaller but sim uar detense to that Kclgium early in the war." "We leave it to you. These act ively engaged can only give so much of their time. Wc are going to put rotes in some checks, cushions on some of those bones, blood in the veins of some of those babies over there, thousands of miles away. We can do it to all with just a little more help." "In conclusion, every dollar you give, every dollar you induce some one else to give to our NEAH EAST RELIEF COMMITTEE, provides food to go into those empty stomachs. Some one will live because wc reach them, some will die because wc could not provide for them." WE LEAVE IT WITH YOU This is our appeal rto you and we hope when you? local chairman calls on you .sometime during the week of March 29 to April 4 that you will do your part. Webster Ci .'car East Keli-.f Com. A. T. Holtzen, Supt. City Schools C! airman. X. IJ. Hush, Sec. J. V. Auld, Treas. Stella Ducker, County Supt. i I fa i!1 I l!1- J - -JL,. jy Money Wasted. Thous-nnds- of dollars ure wnsted every jear thiouu'Ii the purchase of eheii; woven wire fence. Only the best should le i iircluised. Serious Farm Problem. Tho fertilizer pv'blem Is one of tho most serious confronting the farmer today. Pure Water Supply. Stf p and thl il; aliout tho water sup j 'v. It shoul : be secured from u source uncuiilai.il:uitd by Impurities. To Have Coud Friends. Tho v.iy to h-i.. (.'..mi friend-; is ii hC Olie. 'ihe fie.i.i.sli f,,r ulilllli; lov nnd su'"c is- to luru'et all abnut your fcelf, arl love ami -ivvi' others Tho girl who U the eei.irul tlsnrc of her thought and planning Is likely to bo poor In ft lends bemuse sin under stands so nm,, of the llie.illiug of friendship. IVnnsjilvnidn (Jilt. Watering. House Plants. I'lnnts .should he watered with a Fprny, not with a cup or u glas-s Those that cm be moved should Im Iilaccd where the water will not daiie age carpets or Hours; those that can not such as largo ferns or palms should have something spread on the floor beneath them to catch the water ns It drips. The water must bo sprayed from nboe so that nil the leaves receive It; this carries oft" thu dust and H the only natural way for a plant to receive water. Notice o? Final Ufpnrt In ihe ( ount C'Hirl nt WclMer count) . VelTa-K.i. In the miUUr of Hit (.statcnt l.r:i lloiwc iteci nseil. All persons tutti t-stotl In salil estate, an litritty tiollllfil tlr.it tlit l mliilst r:it or h.is ti:is llli'il her. III a llnal account and report of Ills :it uiltitst i :itt ti. ami a petition for the ilntil settleniini of stieli aecoiint anil report anil lot ailecrx ( ilistrlixiilnniif the icilituc ol s;tlil estiue ami (or Hie iisiUiiment ot the icul Ktato lielunvlut; thcniio. ami a tils (jliarue Iroin his trust, till ot which s.iiil lllhttyTs'J-tyivIe In en sit tor licirlui; helon .suui court mi tin -1'iHi il.ty of March, Ui .M, nt the hour of 10 n'liuek. A. M . when all pir sons Intirestid may appear and contest the sainh. Dated this St Ii l:i) of March lliJO. Ishvi. A. 1. It nm:i. A true ioj?. i ounty .Indue J'layer 1'iatio liari-alii. Someone in the vicinity of lied CI mi can secuie a i;ood ns ijbw Player I'iano at a great dargain. Will accept upright piano as pail settlement N rite for paiticulars fol,eiti..n liept .1 OLNUY PIANO CO., Ill Fol Nt . St .Il s,.J,, M. "Quality ' Job Printing The Margin of Safety Is lepiesitited ly the aiiiinini of iusiu aiiee you cirry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. llccause lire has never touched you it doesn't follow that you're immune Toinonow -no today, if you have time and you better llnd time, come to the olllec and we'll write u policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY UK TOO LATH O. C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVES A FLORENCE is a triple blessing -" bakes, cooks and roasts and does it easily and at the same time. No ashes, no smoke, no fires to poke, no dampers to regulate. No wicks, no valves. Burns kerosene. Come in and see how simply this oil stove works; how the intensely hot blue flame means more heat and less care. Let us, s'how you why the Florence Portable Oven with its baker's arch assures even baking, tempting pastries and well browned roasts. More Heat Less Care GEO. W. TRINE Red Cloud, Neb. Exclusive Dealer "Chece is an I I uLf ' ' it !VA Xiik -simmms m ?:'.; " . .. d .' CiiT V - . 1 'is- ., It .J '.. . V. 1- :.: In-o! . i.... . 'i.T'-KV'ft i..i, ' , .. -.t .,-... ,- ..ji . "i.. .. .CI i "i i it .. '$Aj 'Jiyl i r,',i" " 'vice '"' f roe to nil Wuceryiv.ers,. V4V; t Uiii d RupaJ- . the irumpc aj'ul satisfactory Vl.r-! I .'V.?.-V i,!n;l. .-, v- runt-ft nf U.sr !...-, .. 1,"! .....v, . . ,.. .11.4111. WI t7.li,tll 4lL lllJ rijjhr price. Baftery for Your Car ?.n and it vMlgivo "punch" O W r11'1 "P ' t'yov.r3lnrt- in i-jTvm. - Thj pp;.ce ,. snvn. "t-riit S:.il" c.jn- 'Clion jiivc; ..;:. yl-M.vn'.-.cti -- t .-.i",U' . y . i-iii -1 1 '( - L vZ . . sJ?) Red Cloud Battery Service Station, Autherized Sales Agents Job Printing of Quality-The Chief wjimorjiiiMiiiaimiWiWtBawii s 1 Capital nnil 'Sutpltis $35,(HX)00 M hittnrtt Paid on Time Dcpoi.ti A WORTHY IDEAL Lincoln id: "I ill he prepaied and when my oppoitnnity comei 1 will he ready'1 -TO THE YOUNG MEN OF TODAY -1 HIS BANK oiler lacililie to ludp liictn pre. pare or die time when their opportunity airue. But you muit do youi pint hy depoiiling regularly a portion of your rainiiiu. We will Kuard it for you, pay you inlcieil on it aivl when the lime come lhal you n.eed il we will have il ready for you. Prepare for the opportunity, U may come any day and ou ihould be ready. f PUBLIC SALE! Having decided to farm less this season, will sell in connection with the A. B. Meyers' sale at lnavale, Nebraska, on Saturday, IVIarcli 27 THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, Preiident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance. Caihier f Dtjuntlk Outirttntettl hy tjt Jlrpo-ilon hmiMntu tnut (' tht Mut of XebhiUn t fiiZ'Mtfswewtwttftm rvrv. vm viwrsj pi wumn mvmmteimaiim fMrnpinmWiWii HSWifiCi The Following Described Property 1 pair of bay Mares, coming 4-yrs old, sound 10 head extra good Ewes, bred to lamb in April 2 Duroc Gilts, bred for April farrow 2 sets of good 1 1-2-inch work harness Gilbert Reed il . h, ,f - 4 . - -