The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1920, Image 7

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    "- .
Claims Moonshiner Beau of Sis
ter Committed Quadruple
iHraovED urnroti ihterhational
(By m:v. 1. U. FlTZWATKlt, D. O.,
Teachor ot English Illble In the Moody
HIIiIp tnstltutn of Chicago I
(Copyright, 1910, Wetlrrn Kvwipacrr Union)
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Reliable Information
AH American women know of the great success of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in restor
)ng to health women who suffered from ailments pe
culiar to their sex, yet there are some who are skeptical
and do not realize that all that is claimed for it is
absolutely rue if they did, our laboratory would not
be half large enough to supply the demand, though
today it is the largest in the country used for the
manufacture of one particular medicine.
The Fact contained in tho following two letters should
prove or bcnclit to
Buffalo. N. Y. " I suffered with
organic inflammation and displace
ment. "When lifting I liad such pain
and hearing down that I was uot
rfblo to stand up, and it hurt mo to
walk or go up or down Rtalrs. I was
going to doctor without any re
sults and ho said tho safest thing
vould bo to havo on operation. I
mot a lady who told mo elio had
thrco operations and was not well
until sho took Lydia E. l'lnkhaia'a
Vogotablo Compound.
1 felt rolicf after taking two bottles
of Vegotablo Cornpouud and I Uopt
on wnn ic until 1 was cured, l ai
i uso Lydla E. Plnkhnm's Liver
fills anu tlioyaro;
l tlwvaroflno. Everything
tucd to turn sour on my ctom ach and
tho Liver Pills njliovod that." Mrs.
A. ICoamis, C93 Fargo Avouuo,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Tho fact Is, the Best Medicine for Women la
EStuaa.'"! 'ww
Flsaless soda wntor Is a lizzie Just
the same.
S100 Reward, $100
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
thercfora requires ronstltutlonnl treat
is taken Internally and actfl through the
Blood on tho Muoous Surfncca of. tho Sys
destroys tho foundation of tho disease.
fives tho patient strength by Improving
ho Bcnoral health nnd nsslsts nature in
dolntr Ib work. Jtoo.oo for any case of
Catarrh flint HALL'S CATARRH
MKDICINK falls to cure. . m
DniBKlHta 75c Testimonials freo.
P. J. Chcuey & Co.. Toledo, Ohio.
Some men waste n lot of time try
ing to convince others Unit they ure
Tells How to Get Quick Relief From
Head-Colds. It's Splendidl
In one minute your clogged nostrils
will open, the air passages of your
head will clenr and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking, snuflllng,
blowing, headache, dryness. No strug
gling for breath at night; your cold
or catarrh will be gone.
Get a smnll bottle of Ely's Crenm
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
n little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream In your nostrils. It pen
ertatea through every air passage of
tho head, soothes the inflamed or
Gwollen muoous membrane and relief
comes infltnntly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-tip
with a cold or' nasty catarrh Belief
comes so quickly. Adv.
One has to be ablo to reason some
what In order to know when he V
HWwwwtwvv v vrvvnpyviww'vvvTyvvvvv v x v wwi"tM"H''
Take Aspirin
If your Aspirin tablets havo tho
amo "Bayer" stamped on them,
thoy aro genuino "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin," proved safe by mil
lions of people. Tho namo "Bayer"
identifies the true world-fumous
Aspirin prescribed by physicians
for ovor eighteen years.
Always drink ono or two glasses
of water after taking tho tablets.
Each unbroken "Bayer packago"
Aielria It trade aaik of Btjet Munhctaie
many women :
Bacramonto. Calif. "I bad or-
ganlo trouble and had such terriblo
pain and swelling in tho lower part
of my sldo that I could not st: nd on
my feet or oven let tho bed clothes
touch my sldo. I gavo up my work
thinking I would not bo ablo to go
back for months. Sly mother ad
vised mo to tako Lydla 15. Pinkham's
Vogotablo Compound as it had saved
hor Ufo at' ouo tlmo, and it put mo
in a wonderful condition in a couplo
of weeks, bo I cau keep on working.
I work in a department storo and
havo to stand on my foot all day and
I do not havo any mora pains. I
surely rocomtnond your vegctablo
Compound to all my friends and yoa
may uso theso facts as a testimon
ial' IJEItTIU. J. PAniUB, 3320 il
St.. Sacramento, Calif.
If there is to he much brotherly
love, one 1ms to make himself deserv.
lag of it.
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Hum,
a small box of Barbo Compound, and
oz. of glycerine. Apply to tho hair twice a
week until it becomes tho desired shade.
Any druggist can put this up or you can
mix it at homo at very little cost. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair,
and will make harsh hair soft and glossy.
It will not co'or tho scalp, is not sticky or
greasy, and docs not rub off. Adv.
A distinguished scientist estimates
the mean annual rainfall for the en
tire surface of the curth at about 30
For many years druggists havo watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine. It is a physician's prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine. K helps the kidneys, liver and blad
der da the work nature intended they
should do.
SwMnp-Root has stood the test of years.
It to sold by nil druggists on its merit
nn- it should help you. No other kidney
medicine has so many friends.
5e sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binfzhamton, N. Y., for ft
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Nail This, Quick!
"Why bus he named his motor Wil
"Kwmiuso It's his oar-pet."
With Water
contains proper directions for
Colds, Headache, Toothache, Ear
ncho, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheu
matism, Neuritis, and for Fain.
Always say "Bayer" when buy
ing Aspirin. Then look for tho
safety "Bayer Cross" on tho pack
age and on tho tablets.
Handy tin boxes of twclvo tab
lets cost but a fow cents. Drug
gists also soil larger packages.
MsoouetUiclatMtt ol StlkrUocM
Facing Trial for Attack on Girl, Man
It Believed to Have Planned
to Wipe Out Whole
Amory, Miss. Charlie Mnrslmll,
mooiHilner and backwoods beau, is
under heavy guard In the Jail at Aber
deen, charged with the most brutal
(liiadruple murder ever known In thl3
For, when they hurled the charred
and hhattered bodies of Fannie (Sreen
Miller, who bad been Marshall's sweet
heart! her elght-inonths-old baby, Hur
ley, said to have been Marshall's son ;
Robert Miller, Fannle's father, and
Leonard, her brother, sixteen, the stage
was set for tho lynching of Charlie
I'carl Miller, thirteen, the only sur
viving member of the family, says that
she watched Charlie Marshall at the
hideous task of slaughtering the four
victims of the swampland tragedy.
The belief of the countryside Is that
Charlie Marshall, facing trial shortly
for an attack on Fannie Miller,
planned to dodge this trial by wiping
out the whole Miller family, and that
the escape of the thirteen-year-old girl
upset this plan.
From miles about the lean and
swarthy dwellers of the bottom coun
try drove In with their womenfolk
seated in chairs In the boxes of the
lumber wagons to discuss In shocked
whispers what had been done In the
blackness of a stormy night. There
were ominous bulges under homespun
hblrts; there were well-worn shotguns
and rllles tinder the wagon seats.
Sheriff John 15. Lewis fled from
Amory with his prisoner In an automo
bile and saved Marshall from the ven
geance of the countryside.
There Was much tall; In the Tom
Illghee bottom about the Miller family
and Charlie Marshall. Fannie Miller
had known Marshall till her life, but
started "keeping company" with him
three years ago. when he "saw her
home" from a circuit rider's meeting.
She was fifteen then, and Marslmll
twice her age.
Tells Father of Attack.
About eighteen months ago the girl
returned one evening and tore up Mar
shall's picture, scattering the frag
ments in the fireplace.
Her mother died 1- years ago, and
In the lonely farmhouse Fannie had no
one to whom she could confide.
Later she was compelled to tell her
father what had happened. She said
that Marshall had seized her as she
Clubbed to Death the Crawling
was walking with him In n field, nnd'
had dragged her Into a canebreaki
smothering her cries by pressing his
hand over her mouth.
Robert Miller had his three mother
less children to care for, one of I'lem
needing him more desperately than
eer. so he determined lo let the law
take Its course. He had Marshall ar
rested. Marslmll said he was Innocent
of tho girl's charges and his trial was
to have been held at the next term of
According to Pearl Miller's story,
which she tells with the self-control
of n strong-minded adult, Marshall en
tered her home after her father, broth
er and slsler bad been shot down and
the home dynamited, lie clubbed to
death the hnby crawling on the floor
beside its dead mother, soaked the
place with oil nnd set fire to It as
Pearl fled through the loft and ran.
with a sprained ankle, over a mile of
flooded fields to the home of a neigh
bor. Prisoner Throws Self Under Wheels.
New York. To avoid facing n
chnrgo of picking pockets, Nathan I'm
estlne, while being taken to coart, o
caped, placed his head on tl e elevnt
ed railroad tracks Mi New York and
let n rnr decnpltitte him.
sfsBf - -w. & m
UOUHiN THXT-Clii ye thorcfore and
tench nil nations, baptizing them In the
nninu of tho Father, nail of tho 8on, and
of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to oh.
serve nil things whatsoever t havo com.
tnnndcil you: and, lo, I am with you nl
wny, even unto the end of the world
Mutt ffli. 19. 3).
21:lD-:i. 1 I'oter 1.3. 1 John 1:1-1
PRIMARY TOPtC-Two Stories About
Peter (Acts 3:1-1C. 12:1-17).
JUN10U TOPIC-Peter und John Win.
nine Others to Christ (ninterlal of last
Peter and John Compared and Con
Contribution of Peter und John to
Christian History.
Tho review of the quarter's lessons
can be profitably made to center In
the service of Peter nnd John, or per
haps better, the activity and power of
the risen and ascended Christ mani
fest In the service of Peter and John.
Lesson 1. Peter Preaches at Pentn
cost (Acts 2).
Peter proves thnt Jesus Christ arose
from the dead, ascended on high and
poured forth the Holy Spirit upon tho
church; the evidence of It was tho
unusual behavior of the disciples.
Lesson 2. Peter and John Heal n
Lame Man (Acts .1).
This remarkable miracle wrought In
the name of .Jesus Christ proved that
though the Jews had crucified him, bo
was now ii I ho and continued his work
through the disciples.
Lesson 3. Peter and John Witness
ing of the Illsen Christ Before the San
hedrln (Acts 1).
As a result the Sanhcdrln took
knowledge that they had been with
Jesus, that Is, hi life and work were
being repioduced in ami through them.
Being with Christ will: 1. Clve an
experimental Knowledge of him, so
that the life will remind one of Jesus.
2. Take away the fear of man. Pe
ter, who a little while ago quailed
before a Jewish maid. Is undaunted
before the august sanhedrln. X Open
a man's lips. Peter said: "Wo can
not but speak the things which wo
have seen and heard." What the heart
feels, the mouth must speak out.
Lesson 4. The Ulsen Christ Vindicat
ing Ills Church (Acts 1 :5-10).
He passed Judgment upon Ana
nias and Sapphlrn for their hypocriti
cal pretence of generosity. Tho living
Christ knows the Intents of tho heart;
nothing can he concealed from him.
Lesson 5. The Living Christ Saving
Men and Women In Samaria (Acts
8:4-25). Ills sanction of the preach
ing of the Gospel by Philip In Sn
marln Is shown by the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit. Peter and John were
sent by the mother church to confirm
the work.
Leson 6. The Living Christ Healing
the Sick and liaising the Dead (Acts
That Christ Is allv Is proved by the
vanquishing of the dreadful malady of
palsy nnd the retenantlng of a corpse
by the departed soul. Nothing llko
tills had been known since the days
of Christ.
Lesson 7. Tho Risen Christ Reveal
ing Himself to a Gentile (Acts 10).
Peter testifies to Cornelius thnt
Jesus Christ died for sin and Is to be
the Judge of the quick nnd the dead,
and that everyone who believes on him
will receive remission of sins.
Leson 8. Peter Is Delivered From
Prison Through the Living Christ
Sending His Angel to Open the Doors
(Acts 12:1-111).
The church prayed for Peter's deliv
erance and the prl-on was opened. All
power Is given him In heaven and In
piirth; there Is nothing too hard for
the living Christ.
Lccson 9. Peter Shown the Resur
rected Christ as the Head of the
i Church (I Peter 2:l.r; 11-2.".).
llecause Christ Is alive, those who
are Joined to him by faith grow. He
cause of the contact with him they are
able to mnliitnlu seemly behavior hi
tho various relations of life.
Lesson 10. Christ Is the Reealer of
God's Love (1 John -1:7-21).
The proof that Christ Is alive Is tho
love of God in the hearts of those who
have been born again.
Lesson 11. Christ Is Alive llecause
He Is Walking in the Midst of the
Churches (Rev. 1:1-18).
Lesson 12. In heaven, the crucified,
risen and glorified Christ will be (he
center of worship. All glory and hon
or are ascribed to him because of his
marvelous work of redemption.
Anger Injures the Soul.
Rnd temper is like the scorpion
which Itself, livery fit of an
ger Injures noil the soul that indulges
!n It.
Theso who bring sunshine to tho
lives of others cannot keep It from
themselves. J. M, Ibirrlo.
Being Always Right.
From a worldly point of view there
f no mistake so great ns that of be
tig nlwayH right. Samuel Ilutler.
p appetite.
m The avor digestion ! f
H lasts-and the
electrically- A
A sealed V f
p package v y. S
brings jY
f wrigleyshC
to you with all Its fffi
6 goodness perfect- V 1
' ly preserved. V A
II Sealed It yJ
Tight lllHraill
S$NK$$$ jj3 lip 1CH EWI NG GUM r JSNJC
T ah i.itSS5SSISI
Their Practice:
"The group I was with In the at
tack brought down a man with every
"Then I bet they were a party of
amateur hunters."
Instant Relief With a Small Trial
Bottle of Old "St
Jacobs Oil."
Kidneys cause Rackache? No I
They havo no nerves, therefore can
not cause pain. Listen! Your back
ncho Is caused by lumbago, sciatica
or n strain, and the quickest relief Is
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OIL"
nub It right on your pulnful back,
and Instantly the soreness, stiffness
and lameness disappears. Don't stay
crippled 1 Oct n small trial bottle of
"St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist
and limber up. A moment nfter It Is
applied you'll wonder what became of
tho backache or lumbago pain.
Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs OH"
whenever you bnve sciatica, neuralgia,
rhetimntlsm or sprains, as it Is abso
lutely Jiarmless and doesn't burn tho
skin. Adv.
Reai Signs.
"Ik that a baby squall which Is com
ing up5" "I guess so from the way the
boat Is rocking."
"Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded, Shabby
Apparel Into New.
Don't worry about perfect results.
Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to
give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether It he wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods, dresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children's
coats, feathers everything !
Direction Hook In package tells how
to diamond dye over any color. To
mntch any material, have dealer show
you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv.
Applause has made fools of moro
men thnn criticism.
&, i f
1 meriT
Morning -
eeoVbur Evfes
Clean - Clear " Healthy
Writ for ! & Ctra Book Murine Co.Chloio.OlA,
f KYWrtl
Save time and hard work by using E-Z
Stove Polish; absolutely dustless, smokeless,
odorless; gives a durable ebony-black shine
Try a 15c box of E-Z Oil Shoe Polish. All
colors and white. It saves the leather and
prevents cracking. Don't risk cheap polish.
To open box just lift the latch.
A girl never forgets the first klsa
tic gets after leaching the age c'liero
kisses count.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORTA. that famous old remedy
for infants and children, und sec that It
Slgnatnre (JuZiUeJitU,'
In Uso for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castona
There aro no buffet cars on a train
of disasters.
6 Bell-ams
Hot water
Sure Relief
mPfor indigestion
When the body begins to stiffen
nnd movement becomes painful
it is usually an indication that the
kidneys are out of order. Keep
these organs healthy by taking
The world's standard remedy for kldm f,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Famous since 1696. Take regularly and
keep in good health. In three sizes. All
druggists. Quuronteed as represented.
Look fo the Dtmt Gold Medal on every box
nil accept no imitation
Beauty to Cray and Faded Hair
puc. ana i w ai uruBsui".
llln-ni Chem. W ki. I'atf noma. W.Y
HINDERCORNS Uemom, Corn. CaI-'
loniri, eta., eion ail pain, cmurna cm for".' in tho
lr(, makes walking eair. 16c by nail or at. Vttf
tUU. iiltoosCtalcalWorka,fatcuoiraM.Y. '
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 12-1920.
r f i
M$ tB
EisSvJi' s?
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