The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1920, Image 5

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    v -I .
Barnes Merry
; ,
Big Street Parade at Noon
Black-Face Comedians, Singers, Dancers 01
Monday, March 29th
POPULAR PRICES 35c and 7Sc Plus War Tax
: w : k
VI 14
w js a; js a-: x :: s as a? :: : k sk : as
k x x k h k & 3-: !h 3;
April 4th is Easter.
Will Fry spent Thursday in Super
ior. The city election will he held April
Work or. the paving commenced on
it. u. aicpiicnson spent hunuay 111 1
INe.l ours for sale Frame . Smith ,
Urns Co
Bruce Robinson was up from Mt
perior .Monday.
Clias. Hunter was down from Ina
vale Satuiday.
Miss Mary Christian went to Hust
ings Friday morning.
County Agent H. H. Fausch was in
C'amhridgo Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chin. Schultz spent
Thursday in Hastings.
Attorney Miller of Uloomington
as ir. the city Saturday.
FOR SALE 25 tons Alfalfa Ilav
at $12 per ton. 1). C. Bell. ,
(iond meals jjoml rrice mndct'Hto
pticcs Powell ,v. I'orif ocnfc
Mr. Watts, of the Watts Construc
tion Co., was in the city Monday. j
Special Agent Schmitt of the Bur
lington was in the city Thursday.
. State Agent Oliver Hedge spent the
weekend with his wife and family. I
Sutton &. Shipmnn unloaded a car
of Reo autos the last of the week, j
See Warrick, flic eye. enr, nose mid
tin out specialist, at Iir Uuiiii'rcUV
olllce. Wednesday, March .11 MouisS
to "i. CJhisscs llttud
Chas. SchulU spent Monday in Huh
Kut ami drink at l'owell .fc Pope's
Cafe. tf
See Cotting's new line of spring wall
UmmI oars for s-ile. Frame - Smith
Bros. Co.
Father Fitzgerald spent Thursday
in Superior.
Joe Crow was down from Kopubli
can City Tuesday.
Geo. Hasselhacher spent the first
of the week in St. .Joe.
Alf Nolan accompanied his ship
nient of stock to Kapsns City.
Ed Lewis accompanied his shipment
of stock to Kansas City Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth Overman went to
Lincoln .Saturday to spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs Art Nelson spent Sat
urday evening with friends at River
ton. S. C. Ellis spent the weekend with
his wife and daughter, Helen, at Den
ver. C. C. .MrConkoy of Grand Island is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. li. Lippin-cott.
Buy Brefld at Powell and Popes.
Use tho great ogg tonic, "More Epg'
sold by C. L. Cottlng.
Two lute model Fonts ami one Dodge
in good order, for hale or tunic. Sut
toil A Sliipiumi.
FOB RKXT So acre farm with food
improvements CIIABLES IIOWIO
fmvin, Ni
Jack Wisecnrver, .las. Keaglc and
E. S. Fit, attended the Farmers'
Union convention at Hosemont, Saturday.
spent Tuesday
Don Fulton, t"pcnt
Hustings. I
' Father Fitzgerald
in Superior.
Win. Crahill & Son shipped a car of
hogs to Kansas City Tuesday morn
ing. Frank Long and son. Balnh. of
Carpenter, Son & Co.
Home Office Red Cloud, Nebraska
.'!12--Imi)IOVrd half section nilioinimi- riii.'lm. iil. en . ..? .. 1 i
n Lit, Kansas spent the weekend which all goes to buyer, u bargain at $10.00 per acre. (Thomas CounK-.l
.'lin One cf the finest sections in Thomas county, not a pimple on it,
filiO acies in eultivaliui, f;ne two-story house of !) looms, big ted barn with
u largo loft, good gi-ar.cries, chicken house and other out buildings. Price
$10.00 per acre. ?7,5()0 cash, balance five years at 0 per cent. (Thomas
1IG A fine sccli n, three miles from Campus. $12,000 woith of im
provements, till eipiipped for handling cattle or hogs, fine water system.
House nil modem, ubeut ."100 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture, 20V
nrrnci nf 4ltin telii-ml ..M ,..,.,. I.. 41... 1.,..A.. riM.!M f i-.i it
. ... I .uaw.F vt ...I. Klklllil II. I lWl-.-1 III LIU? IIIIVI'I. I 1114 IV II II lllf.111 fill TllllTIIlUn I.I..V.I
.. i f.... ti... i f uri.iin num. iirrivi'ii in tun niftf "imciiiu . . ... - i -i -
mr. ami uih. iuiiu .miuici ui inn - -. ""- ""J i and ti ueatltv.
in Kfl Cloud.
The city and precinct assessors will
soon commence to make their yearly
rounds to find out what you are wotth.
The W. r. T P. will meet, to study
Mrs. Hazel Kosler returned to( citizenship, on Wediiesduv afternoon,
Omaha Monday nfter spending a fcWi Mutch :11st, at the home of Mn.. Mary
days at the G. J. Warren and E. L. Arison
Grimes homes. Homer Baker of Ft. Morgan, Colo-
'iim cit r.n ..r... ....,. ir r
. .. v.....: ;...., ... ,. :. i niornlmr t vie!, t.iu i.n i. :-' '" ' '"" """" '" l ,,l-,u' vv,uxu uiy.;
wouu. Kansas, an ,,. ... y ". -, J19Half section, all fine, level land, 220 acres in cultivation, 110 netc
have accepted positions with the Hat- yn- :n na!,turc. 1(ift ...,,, ... ...,,, ,, ,, ' M ,,,, .. '. " . .."". VVV
field restaurant. v union neecnam returned to Jn-,, ,,, . , 7 , ... , V , , . ' ' '"
ni.ui iuuiuiuiiu I (.noil wpll mill u'lnilmil: iroml 1... ... ....,..! ..i.ji t i
ruesday after attend ne- the' "'";.. .' '"" """.". :'"-" ""'" --"""' -'i iioumj ami granary
The Burlington round house parted
funeral of
...tiU mI.amI -V...4 mlnf.k fnnl ftf Wa
Willi itUUUli nil t 1IV11IV -..v v ' ..m 1 I t
roof .luring the high wind Thursday "a " MmV acrnoon.
nnd Monday the roof was blown off ..AK,cnt N n 15uh wc"t to Omaha
the water tank. Monday evening to help formulate a
The Southwest Nebraska Teachers', "' iRcrator schedule for the C.
Association will meet at McCook,!"" Q'dur,nff the un""er months..
April 7, 8 and 9. In looking over tho' . wm Kcnt who has been employed
program wc find that Miss Minnio in he Farmers' Union store for sev
Christinn is chairman of the grade. cra months, has tendered his resig
;CCtion nation which has been accepted, and
' Farmers state that the winds of' JJWrencc D,k'' wiM taku "
last week nnd Monday have b!own
most of the wheat out of the ground 1,mnk atkniH loaded his car of
and that there won't be enough wheat holl!oId goods Tuesday and shipped
... . the same to fiilh.M.. ur,.,.,!.... n..
in tns loca ltv tins vcar to nair u . . - -v" "iiiik. m-
..sdav after attendim- th,"1 (:00,!.U. uml wlntlmli:, good shed barn, c
f Mrs. Douclas which nc-l tor 100U "r,lc,f" VrK0 M P1' " "vo County.)
110 18L' act c.4 well improved, nice house and barn, lots of out buildings
good well and windmill. About 2G0 acres in cutlivalion, the balance in pns-
bread wagon.
Tho following shipped stock Sun
day: Delaney Bros., two cars of
hogs to Kansas City; Ed Lewis, one
car of cattle to Kansas City; Alf No
lan, two cars of cattle to Kansas 'City;
Wm. Crahill, one car of hogs to St.
Joe. .
Mr. and Mrs. N;ito lllingsworlh are
isiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J
A. Burden. They arc having their
household goods stored here until lie
finds a
ing inun and has boon trnnsferwd to
a new territory
Earn $.'i0 weekly. Experience unneces
sary. We start you in the candv busi
ness, at home, small room, or any
where. Everything furnished. Grand
opportunity. Write for particulars.
ISth St. Philadelphia, Pa.
Tho Home Sector states that there
were 17.'!.011 draft deserters during
the late war. The war department
ought to publish the names of those
who were vellow of which there were
several in this count that hid behind
skirts, or were afraid to get away
din'ng table and
1 uesday for
will make
and his wife left
place where thev
home on a farm.
I County TicHstirer Kvimlnor, C I).
Itohliisnn or this city, lequcsts s to
1 .l!llfl I li..l It I I. .. .1 . . . .
" -" " '- ut lie uiiu i') ti cuiiili.
date fur Bepieseiitntivelioiii u,is ,.,,.
t.V. lie is desiiousof thi.s fact lieirg
laid ln-roro tho pul.lie mi account i.
iimtiy peopl,. in this vicinity heiny 0r
the opinion he scuhs this i.lllce. I f ( ur
rciiners wm carefully notL. tin
i Mninii'niiifti.t . t... i.
new location as he is a travel- '. ", i '""ig "' '.. t tlio
ai ,i.iiers uiey Will hfc(. that tile
KentleniHii seeking this 0III20 signs
ininseii t 11. JCobinson ami his
of residence as Bladen.
Church of the Brethren
.Sunday School 10 a ni.
PieuchiiiKiit II 11. ni
Weluoinp to everybody
wor.siitp with us.
Bi:v. B. .V. Ksiiki.jun,
Conm and
Barnes Merry Minstrels
Billies .Meiii .Mnislrels, n wliite
shoi or unusual niei it is Imoliud for a
on Mnii.laj, .Mm eh '!
The liie while minstrel show conies
10 OUr e tv well
I ... .... i.11, i-n leeouuneniieii as a
jgood, clean show with plenty of hurin
". ouy. music, comedy, sinking, daiioiiii:.
C- rii. , . . "
Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Swartzfigor of .board would enjoy
Friday and Saturday
George Walsh
A Sea Story and a lively one
chartctcristic of Walsh
Also a two-reel Comedy
A Jungle
featuring Mrs. John Martin
an extraordinarily intelligent
Adinittion 25c ami 10c. war tai paid
Firht slum
starts h 8 o'clctU,
1 !', ffond iliow 9:15
umnha spent Sunday with Mrs. Lam
born. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Itobinson of
Bloominton .spent Sunday with Frank
New Kiiirantceil bicycle tiles $2 ."m
each at Sutton it: Shipnmn Service
Pear! New-house spent Saturday
with her In-other, Paul and wife at
Guide Bock.
The new oil engine for the city ar
rived the last of the week and is now
being unloaded 1
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newhouse of
Guide Uoek spent Sunday with rela
tives in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zachery spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hard
wick at Inavale.
Mrs. B. McNeny and the Auld
children went to Denver Thursday to
spend a few days.
Mrs. and Mrs. A. K. Ensign of Bun
Oak, Kansas, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Bailey
Mrs. Albert Holver.son was called
to Blue Hill Friday on account of the
illness of her father.
Mr and Mrs. Jim Hoskiss of Burr
from their parent
wcie exempted.
The Southwestern Nebraska Teach
ers Association at McCook, April
8-f). Send $2.50 to J. A. True of Me
minsiri'i iii .
mers as Nate Busby, foiuieilv with
the Bushy MinstrelH; Hurry Milo. the
fealuied hlacKfHce coiniuedinn of tie
old Hi llMiijt .Minstrels: Johnny hmI
Bobby Dale, the fenious hhick-lace
twills II Mil ii. mil. ..II..... ..I 1
Utending the nuto .,,,. " ' , " . 7. '.
,,i t.n.... I - I'ui.iuu ,111, noun aim
mil hear- ('.. 1 1 ... ...... . ..
...... 1 uiiirni in ironi ot 1 lie
ril.irn u.... Li...l.
r-,.,.1 1 1 . j....i! .. .i " ' "" " IMilllMI'
.iurv .11111 hum; yuui le.m.suailOll ""'".
reserveit seats to all tlio lug attrac
tions the Chocolate Solider, Gen.
Wood, etc. Tel! what you want to'
pay for rooms and they will be re-
served. The members of the school
show- held at the same time
ing Gen. Wood.
Oak, Kansas, spent Sundav with Mr.
and Mrs. E. S. Garebr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shepherd of
McCook are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. T. Dickenson.
Friday passenger trains No. M and
10 were several hours late on account
of a bridge burning at Max.
Mrs. Henrv
In The District Court Of
Webster County, Nebraska.
intuit l soman rlmliler,
.Mai Ilia. I. Ileal. Heal her liusliaml.
llrht ami true name unknown: Knuillne
Moicati, Miuiftiiiich culled Mis ilrorno Ly
ons, oilier uiiiiie uukiiow n. Mnruau
or Ljoiih. her liuMiaiiil, llrsl tine
uiiiiie uiiKiiown: l'aiun. llrsl ami
true nauie uuUumiil, liusliaml of Aim:i
I'allin. ik ceased: or It any or all ot the
(iliuxe nauietl and l(sKuatiil deli ud.ints
aiedLceaticd then Hie lull, iiuwn icls. dc
l-ccs. pcirunal reiiosentalleMif such ile.
leamii i imiii or ni -oils mm ail oilier pi r
sous Inleri sled In the estate or t slates o(
such diccastd person or ierMins; and the
unknown heirs, dcNlsccs.ileuatccH, and per
sniial repreenlalleK autl oilier persons In.
teicsltd in the cMille ot Anna I'atlen de
ceased: and Hie West Halt itt'Li ot Hie
Northeast nai U r INK", 1 and the ICnsl
Halt d-:''..! ot Hid Northwest (uarler (sw i,i
ot .Section number Six (ii), 'lowushlp Uiie
l. Norlh Ultimo Nine, , Wehster conn
l. . Nebraska, and all oilier pcisous claim
liu; any Interest of any kind In aforesaid
1 en I estate or any pait Iheieof,
The aboe dclt mlants will take notice
that on tho tilth day of l-'ebriiniy. I'.rji that
iliittlliliSioiuuiei holder, as plalutlll.lllcd his
petition and (ommeuccd an action In the
dlsti let court of Webster couut.x, Nebraska,
aiuihisl "aid dcfeiidnniH, the 0I1J1 ct anil pra -erofulilch
ate to unlet title In said plniiitlll
auahisiany and allot the ndycihu claims of
Mild UHiiied and designated defendants or un
of them to the Went Half W'i-j ot the North
ciiht liutirtiT 1 m:i'i una tliuKnti Half l.i.
tiiimti.. ti, 11... ... 1 . . .
v v in hi-rwiiiiu,-neioie ine per
formance 1h one of the leatures of this
Mlnsttel iiKgiegMtlon. Popular pi ices.
Mrs. Henry Pharos of Central City "' the Northwest (jutim-i tNWi,j()f Motion
arrived in the citv Friday evenintr to1 ",lllllK;rSU ml-Township due i. North,
visit her mother v Pl.'.-iu V.,:.D , IIiuiko Nine ll. W ebster county . Nebraska,
msii nu motliei, .Mis. Chris Zeiss. ,.nd that said .lelcndants so luuned and d.-
Karl Spence of the Franklin News i-.u-l mul all persons eiaiiniiiK throuub or
is a candidate for Senator of the "0th 1 ,",,,cr"" "'lietu ue fon vei barred ami . n
iiioii,.f .. 41.,. i) in n,'." " Juliuit froiuelnliiilmror (useriliiuniij ritslu.
District on the Republican ticket. !tll ..rlntercstlnm i.,ald premies or am
rrank r.lltr.ger went to Hustings "" iheitoiadueto tin pininiiu
iniiivday morning anrl accompaniei
hi.i wife anil baby homo that evening.'
H. Thomas drove an old army
truck homo from Lincoln Sunday anil
the same will bo used for voml work.
Pearl Wh'le, Mnmii mi May Ship-
man spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. Max Marshall nt Kivorton.
Willis. Tllltfoi MMltfal tliii 1..rt r i 1.
uiu tank ill lilt' - . . --T .
wed; with his car of household goods axRiiaraiing tsurierjuo; vnuccviwi
farm implements, etc., from Axtcli. $l,E,A,'V4.wcP?n:?cC(.,r,S!,t,,,i,9g,
Charl-s has ranted J. L. vi owe-' l tADItS DIME lt'HE FVERY WEEKDAY
farm and has moved onto the ,aine. tf&K ffiUlfa?nUm!r
Vim are ieiulrtd to answer the netttlon
of tin plaint!)! on llle In the olllee of the
I'lerk of hald court, ill lied i-loiul, Nebraska,
on or liefme Monday Aptll 12, lllji),
inn n.iv II K(lIMKIIll01.liKII,
liy, I. I. Muiiilny, ills Attoino
Glycerine Mixture for Gas
on Stomach
Simple L'lycerine. hncUthorn baik,
etc, as mixed in Adler.l.Ua lelieves
ANY CASH gas on siouutch or sour
stomach. It acts on hotli upper ami
lower bowel and lemoves all foul mat
ter which poisoned stomach Often
CL'BhS constipation Prtu cuts appen
dicitis. The i: VhTA.Vi' pleasant action
of Adler-i-hu surprises both docloiMiud
patients. One man vm suireied live
years trniii indirection and constipa
tion wtm hcipi-d by O.N'K iJoe. ('. J,
Cottlng, driiKulM.
Notice of Referee's Sale.
.-.ouue. is iicruiy Kiveu tbat under and b
It tue of an order made and enterul In the
district court of W olxtei eoituty. N'eluaika,
on the llth dav of IVbruarj . nun. In an action
therein peiidlnu whertln W'llllani V. Miller,
Is plnlutlll and lena Lauihet nl. niedefind.
antH, for sale of Hie follow Itm described rial
estate situated as follow :
Notth Half iNi.i of Hu Northwest 1 ; 11 1 r.
tei iXW'1,1 of Section Klcu ill , in lowu
ship Four .11. N-oith. HaiiKo Nine t, West 11
I'. M. Webster County. Nebraska,
theundcrshined lefene duly appointed bj
aid court In nnlit ncilon. will, on the .fist day
ot .March, WU at :.-: I'. M. of .Standaid Time
ol said day at nine Hill. Nubiiuka, In said
county of Wetister at tho South fi out door ol
Corner .V I'mlun'M viiriiKoou the main sin .l
runiiliiKitiHttuiit Mi't In lllue Hill, Ntbias.
ka. Fillaloienald nal emate to Hie hhtlust
bidder for cash. '
Hnld Kile w III be held open one Jliour. V di
t-oslt ol ten pot cent of the purchase prli
will he rou 11 1 red on tlio Any of sale and the
lilancv to in) paid when the u- Is omflrui
Haled Ihlc'JSih day of I'tbruary, 1',
Krul V., Maunr Id fine.
r. J. Miimtay.
A'i..rnev (or IMalutlir, '
ture, mm ucres ot lino wheat, all goes to tho buyer. This is seven milea
from Cnmpiia ar.C in a good community. Possession any time. Price $07.
50 per acre. (Gove. County.)
15 Fine quarter of land two miles front town, 120 acres in cultivation,
n'.l level, good five room house, shed barn for 12 hentl, good well antl winmill.
40 acres fenced in pasture, rented for this year. Price $32.50 per acre.
(Logan County.)
:0;: Tliis i. a beautiful half section, close to Grainfieid, not a blemish
on it, 2ii0 acres in cultivation. This is strictly a German settlement. Half
it; wheat. Price $27.50 per acre. (Sheridan County.)
2 M--This is without doubt one, if not tho best, sections of land in tin
county, about G iiiiloa north of Grinncll, nnd six miles from the famous An
gelas chinch, one of the finest in tlio state; 480 acres in cultivation, 30-1
acres ir. wheat, one-fourth goes to the buyer; good granary, and fine well.
Price ?:12.:"() per j.cre. (Sheridan County.)
10 :!20 acres veil located and 150 acres in wheat and 100 ncies in pas
ture, biiianco will bo put to spring crop. One-third of the crop goes with
the farm. Nearly new 10-toom house, large barn will hold o0 head of slock,
hay-mow for about 20 ton of hay, good large granary, good well and windmill
and tanl . Half mile to school. This farm is considered a bargain nt $00.
00 per uir on cr-y terms. Could give possession of the land if necess
ary. Thi.s farm is well located hewteen two good railroads and two towns;
eight in 's from one town and six milos from the other. (Sheridan Coun
ty.) The above YmX ic subject to prior sale or change in price without notice.
The.--o tiro just a fow of our special bargains. Wc have cheaper land,
if intcvosted write 01 come and seen us.'
Carpenter, Son & Co-
Office Over Staste Bank, Red Cloud. Neb.
Invest Your Idle Money
The Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co.
which is paying regular quarterly dividends of
And i.s now oll'cicd to the imestmi- public at its par value :?lu0.Q0
per share in amount' to tin the t"urchascr.
Tho Stock and Pividend air f:re from all Nebraska taxes ewl
Normal IVdeial Income Tax, so invest your taxable monev beruio
April ls.t.
'1 he safety of the Investment is unquestioned.
Th Compare lias paid those dividends regularly for the past
eleven years, in January, April, July antl October.
The of this stock and regulation of the Company's
rates aic under tiie supervision and control of the Nebraska State
Railway Commission, assuring protection of stockholders interests.
The oilicers of the Company are well known, successful Nebraska
business men.
The stock car. bo transferred in whole or part at any time by
simple endorsement, without expense.
It is nil subject to market fluctuations.
There is no insurance or repairs to lie looked after.
There ere no renewals to make.
7 per cent is a good rate of interest.
And a check for $1.75 per .-?100 share is mailed to your address
four times a year.
air. G. J. Warren the Manager of the Telephone Company at
lied Cloud v.ili furnish information in regard to this offering of
, block, or uddrcxf
The Lincoln Telephone
& Telegraph Co.
K (.'. P. Ru.sscl. Secy. Telephone Mtlg., Lim-oln, Neb.
'luiiunirjiBiiuiiHJiniifriaxtiiRSMis'Ji nmanKrasinnnB n Knntxti'iPBiiuafcaffliBnBicisx'UiacDa.jcn.uiiiuai.tiBa BtinniHnini.TDiaiHniiB'HiHniffinrfffir
Th'.' "White
-. OT. '
0' CCH7HE," TIESt2jS2
purity in Htinln is
'He showed tho
origin In refer-
'.i.-iircil gnmi
' black fentlM
n a wlilto 'j
lightest liii-j"
destroy the t
y Between the Farm and the Market
J IJAVE you ever stopped to figure what nukes the dilference between the value
H ol two farms - one which is located 5 to 10 miles from town and the other
only one mile? The land may have th'e same productive qualities yet the farm
nearer town will command a higher price per acre.
its probucts TO THIl MARKETS. Long Hauls require more time.
You can CUT THIS DISTANCE one half or one third by adopting the
RIGHT kind of TRANSPORTATION. Besides deriving yearly profits you
you increase the value of your farm
The motor adopted must be of a type SUI TABLE FOR THE FARM. A
cutnbersom, slow moving truck is little better tlun the old team and wai(on
Thousands of farmers have found the IDEAL TRUCK lor their purpose Is the
bird's pluck, hence the white feather
Is tiBed to denote cowardice.
There are nearly 25,000 in use today more "REOS" than tvny other truck
The "SPEED WAGON" rmets the demands of the farmer because it enables
one man to do the work ol several men and teams. As us more about 'REOS
Suitor. .-ShiooTisti
C 4J - -
I service ila.tior R.ed Cloud