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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1920)
1 1 ' r RED CLOtiDT NlrtillA8KAr ClttEI1 vflUll ninn TRY US FOR STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS . VEGETABLES Sunflower and Advo Brands of Fruits and Vegetables cannot be Excelled Try "ROYAL LEMON IKLEANER" for Hands, Bath and Laandry Removes Stains : Whitens Clothes tmThe Best is Always the Cheapest" IMIONBS-Ind. :i:.: Hull :. M. A. Albright imromfflMHM rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. c'UULISlIBD BVERY THURSDAY Entered In the I'oMiitllrc nt JUd (loud, Nob nil Uocond ClasH Matter A. B. Mt'ARTHUR, Kditor tinil Owne OIK ONI.V DKMUL'ltATIU l'Al'KU IN WKIIHTKU COUNTY Political Announcements Commissioner Dist. 4 I hereby announce myself nsacfiiidi date, for re-nomliiiition for County Cntuiuivbioiier of District No, 1, tit t lie piimiiry, 120, )!.'(), Mibject to the will of tlio Republican vott'i'H of Wob. stcr County. Wji. H. THOMAS I hereby announce myself asneandi (Into for nomliiiitioii to tbo olllec nf County CommlHflioner from the 4th Commissioner District, subject to tlio decision of the Republican voters at tlio I'riniury election on April 20lh. H. II CROWELI,. 1 hereby Htitiounce myself nsacandl (Into for nomination to the office of County Commissioner from the 4th Commissioner District, subjoct to the decision of the Republican voters ut the Primary election nn April 'Joth. C. R BESSE. KNIT OFFERINGS It will mean a BIG SAVING to you to buy your Sweaters, Caps and Scarfs now as wools will be no cheaper. Every indi cation points to higher prices. Ladies Wool Sweaters $8 to $12 Misses Wool Sweaters - j$4.25 to $7.50 Misses Part Wool and Cotton Sweaters $2.25 to $4 Childrens Part Wool, Cotton Sweaters $2 to $4.50 Childrens Part Wool and Cotton Sweaters, Caps and Lerjgins from - - $3.50 to $5 Mrs. Barbara Pharos For Clerk of District Court I hereby announce my.self.'usacHtuii ilute, for the nomination for Clerk of the District Court, ut the primary, April 'Jo 1020. subject to tlio will of tlic Democratic voters of Webster ! I'ounty. EDITH 1,. Mi KHU'.HAN. I I lie re by announce myself as nciituli 'Into, for the nomination for Clerk cf the Distiiet Court, ut the Primary. i April 'JO, I'.rJt). subject to the- will of the Republican vntoisof Webster conn. ty. Clara McMillan For County Judge 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for the olllco of County Judge- at the primary April 'Joih, 11)20, subject to th'i will of the electors of Webster County. A. D. RANNEY VVWUVV, WAWWWVW, r. Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB mwwwuwuw wvwwwwn samamiiiiroaimiMiaw Groceries That Satisfy hi Qualify and Price! I y IP i That's the kind you'll find in our store We don't consume large amounts of ad space, spasmodically, telling you about big bargains in special linessold at and below cost because every merchant must derive a certain percent of profit on the goods he sells if he expects to pay interest on his investment and remain in business. During our many years in the grocery business we have found that the average customer pre fers high quality groceries at honest prices to inferior brands at "below cost" price. Our guarantee of satisfaction stands behind the mi rrhandise we sell. You take no chances win ii )om mule with us. Jrik M WHO MJ jy uiioran Groceries nnd Qucensware iniiiimiK Atl County Representative I hereby announce myself as a candi date for Representative of Webster county, subject to the will of the Re publican voters, at the Primary Elect ion on(April 20, 10 Jo CH AS. HUNTER. Senator 20th District I hcteliy iiniiounco myself usacaudi date for Senator'of the 'JOth Senatorial distriut, subject to the will of the Democratic voters, at tlio Primarv election on April "JO, 1DJU. Your sup port will be appreciated. LE Mi CALL. To Supporters of Johnson: I would like to bear at once from men and women who will stippott lllram W. Johnson in the primary, and who will help welcome him on his tour of the state. Frank A Harrison, Lincoln. Kansas Pickups Smith County Albert Gieweii Hpaut, Sunday with .lames Mutson. Miss. Loi.-T Luiinigitn spent Monday with Mrs. Luil Abbott. Miss Thelma Latmigan spent Satur day and Sunday witli home folks. Mrs. Maegic I'pp and (huujhtur Pearl visited Sunday at the Orril I'pp home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Abbott spent Sun- J Uluy with her folks, Elmer Spurrier ami family. Misn Edith Grouull is touuhliii; school at Oriole this week for Arch Calloway. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest l'reeman visited Sunday with her folks, L O Vance and wife ut Lebanon. Miss Pearl I'pp ism the Elinor Spin r ier home at this wilting duinjj the bouse work as Mrs. Spurrier is just tfcttiiitf over the Mil. i T. S. Spin rier, E E Spurrier, P. I. j Collins, Kie.l Corbelt, Davis, R. I II Stones and t'lydo Eralor were busj. j ness c-Uleis at Smith Center Saturday Miss Muyiue Mmics spent Saturday and Sunday with Mi-s Clailce Payne Tliey retuii.eil to Lebanon Sunday evening where they hi tt uoinc; lo. school MIhs Edith lirewell closed a success ful term nf school at what is known as the .Siinni'Uis school. At noun the pa trons of the district came in with Wl-.l lilted baskets and a piod dinner was sorvud. Alter noon they all oninyod listening at a jjood program tfivun by the teacher and pupils. Election Boards Appointed I Tlio following tiro the names of those who have been appointed Judges and Clerks of election ut tho Primary election: I Guide Rock: Judges John Ohm i sleek, Sum Richardson, Floyd Simp son. Clnrcnco Guv. E. Peters, R. F. . Pln.lro .IP. W Unit... Hurry VaiiKhun, J. 11. Cvary, Vera Dunbar, Itouvcr Creek: Judges Y R. Crary, Frank Scott, J. S. Kindschor, V. Woodward, K. J. Cox, Frank Duffy. Stillwater! Judges Chris Shafer, Ludwig Ranker, Frank Britton, Fred Thompson, Mark Reeves, Paul Scho-j rer. Clerks Joseph Gilsdorf, Joo Hinos, August Bongort, Emit Sock. I Oak Creek: Judges D. M. Stevens, Ed Haas, Ernest Rrown, W. G. Shep pard, Win. Lcctsch, H. C. Wright. Clerks Harm Rose, Lewis Lynch, "John A. James, Roy Laird. Garfield: Judges George Amack, Harry Harris, Chas. Ailes, Geo. Drake, Ira Wagoner, Joo Mudd. Clerks . F. Watt, Ed Wiggins, L. IJ. Stan scr, Miner Kent. Pleasant Hill: Judges II. C. Har rington, Geo. llnylor, Walter Rasscr, John Saladen, Sam Giger, Louie Bcrgfiold. Clerks S. W. Frisbie, James Doyle, Sr., Tom Swaitz, Henry Johnson. Elm Creek: Judges A. L. Foe, W. E. Reitler, Peter Britton, H. W. Ar nold, John Meinute, Fred Huppcrt. Clerks Harry Conway, Fred Arnold, Arthur Stcarn, Ed J. Gcrlach. Potsdam: Judges John C. Rose, S. . Johnson, Phillip Fasslcr, John 'Faugh, W. A. Barns, Edgar McBride. Clerks Mark Kort, Ed H. Funke, Clyde Smalley, F. O. Dclehoyd. Line: Judges L. A. 'Aubushon I. T. Amack, Walter Sheldon, C. J. Mc Cnllum, Len Wilmot, .Frank Barlow. Clerks Alex Bentlcy, Henry ZaK nian, Lloyd Mclntyre, Norton I. Steward. Red Cloud: Judges Arthur Bilker, R. E. Hurris, Luther Crabill, Geo. GriiTcth, Oney Abbey, Geo. Coon. Clerks Lawrence Pierce, Lloyd Crow,' Clifford Plshclman, Leonard Reiner. Rutin: Judges John Pavlick, A. J. Grout, Joo Strob:, Frank Bean, ChrN Han-en, Vcneil Kudrna. Clerks Cinude Cramer, Ed Sidlo, An;. Engle haulr, Goo. Kudrna. j Glenwood: Judges Nelson Barllett, D. O. Bennett, S F. Green, J. A. Den-' ton, Olo Iverson, J. R. Horn. Clerks O. L. Lindgren, A. J. Williams, L. E. Spcnco, Warrane Davis. I Walnut Creek: Judges Fred Chap lin, Harve Farnham, Glen Mitlhol!,' Carl Hedge, B. F. Points, R. L. Strat ton. Clerks Floyd McCall, A. L. Stoner, Wm. Norris, Edward Jones. Inavale: Judges John Mitchell, Er nest Loeske, W. E. Bean, Link Daily, Howard Deisley, A. L. llrossman. Clork.s Fred Copley, Paul Pitney, Robt. Nowton, J. S. Reiglo. Cathorton: Judges Otto Skjolvor, Tlieodore Lambtctch, Howard Gruhb, Oscar Banks, Jay Lovojoy, P. H. Lar rick. ClerksRoss Brooks, C. M:. Wil-on, Van Nogloy, H. V. Johnson. Harmony: Judges J. C. May, A. G. Wheat, A. L. Koch, L. E. Feis, J. R. Scott, J. E. Lutz. Clerks C. W. Fulton, W. E. Patterson, Wm. Chap man, Vein Stout. f'owlos: Judges John Hutchins E. c. Fickle, Chas. Harrington, Wm. Good, John Waller, E. L. Fawcett. Clerks E. K. Simmons, Juntos Doyle, Jr., Goo. G, Hoyt, Earl Latta. Rod Cloud 1st Ward: Judges l rant Turner. Chas. Turner, A. Hoff man, J. F. Sliigley, W. H. McKimmey, Phil Sherwood. Clerks V. A. Kent, Glen Foarn, E. J Pulsipher, R. P. Weesner. WE ARE SHOWING Better Values in Spring Hats, Caps and Furnishings Than most (clothing concerns. Our ' reputation for good values in MENS and BOYS WEAR is unsurpassed we manage to maintain 'this high standard during these trying times in merchandising. Kuppenheimer and Cloth Craft Suits for Spring present the best in style and quality We like to show you our goods because we have faith in them Let us be your clothiers Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE Red Cloud, 2nd Ward: Judges ( Art MeArthur. Clerks Dan-el Bur John Burgess, John Griffeth, Jay den, l has-. Gilhnm, E. J. 0oring, Jr., Pope, C. II. Potter, Floyd Turnure, Paul Polnic-k. Geo. W. Hutchison Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Abstracts PHONES ;tLV77 Ind. 63 Red Cloud Nebraska Wichita County, Kansas FARMS WE have 150 of the best farms in Wichita County. Kansas, for sale. These tracts of land are divided into 1G0 acre tracts. 320 acre tracts. 610 acre tracts. 800 acre tracts and one tract of 2000 acres. There are all smooth, of the best of soil. Wheat lands. You can take a tractor and drive right around them and plow every acre. We can furnish you these lands at from S17.5!) to S'W.OO an acre depending on the distance from the county seat and rail road station. In 1919 there were probably 1000 quarter sections sold in Wichita county. The price is going up, If you are interested in some of the best farms and farm lands in the west call on us. As sure as you are a foot high you will like this Camel Turkish -lw UUU lUlllUi'wlL. K.Tr7CrClU4&i . uw.M. K26w"2Qttffefi5Y4 Richard, Geo. Richailson, ,1. W. Ham ilton. Clerics F. A'. Vance, Jrvin .TPfrvo;, .n .".. KirjarYTiM if -. tp ,-"jitivx: )'jfuu'(',H ,mmmi wend! ' MmmWWmm& I i iFTC - a ut il I H ffH inmrF.'M "nit- : mm JrnnHffrjKP'ffSwMi l&"liiiTLiriMMTBfcy npHfMHBuH muuvory where in DHPH9Hfli9B!BM9( cienliHcnlly stated packages mJBuBPaBmQMBSM nf SO cigarette for 30 centt: 1wBQEjuB9lfl9v iirteniiackaitmWOOctilarettii) tBammSlSStVKUiwfkzH '" aiilrtlne-papfr-cnviredctir- 29HMIbVt9HHMK '"" 'r 'Ironily recommend jifadFBflPMnHHHJS '' ration for the home nr of- rJftMNHWPPNMMv!WKHHi Hce iiipr or when vou trael. 'wiiii(?KWE! H-J- REYNOLDS IHmSmmmj todacco co. sSiwfiMwJsa,rm' N,a & J"-t--Craffiy YOU never got such cigarette contentment as Camels hand you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic Tobaccos make this goodness possible an d ma hey'ou prefer this Camel blend to either kindoftobaccosmokedstraight! Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation! Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste ! They leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor ! Give Camels every test then compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world ! -- m. f 'V-1 em i , v mm j r .VI ,!l i. ' V v k I V vl J?' 1 &;" Tr -tirrj ?r$f w -r- -