The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 18, 1920, Image 8

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f .'.'
A Columbia Grafonola
Watra I BsTimirasa
t ? a.iaz vawiiiaflwyt j&wv'urA
Is the Ideal Musical Combination
graceful cabinet, artistically correct, a tone of
exquisite clearness and purity and the cxclus-
ive Columbia tone leaves, which enables you
to obtain the most exact musical shading.
On COLUMBIA RECORDS you get all the '
music of all the world much of it made by
the host of popular headliners, concert singers
opera stars and instrumental artists who make
Records for Columbia exclusively.
Columbia Gtatonolas THE JEWELER Columbia Rccoids
Dr. R.V. Nicholson
OHIce 0 er Albright's Store
Red Cloud Nebraska
and Ranches
I17E have over 20,000 acres of fine wheat lands for
" sale in the rich wheat belt of west central Kan.
We can take in part payment some liberty bonds at
par value. Our lands range from $25 to $40 per
acre. We make free trips twice a week. See
Schultz & Betz, Red Cloud
' Special
6iu acres. 400 acres of- free wheat. New combin
ed harvester and thresher. Titan tractor, all other
farm machinery, all goes. Six miles from McAl
lister in Logan "county. Kansas. Running water. 3
room house. Price $35 per acre, a snap, will" sell
at once.
lth. All of section 4 in township 10 and the SEM of
Section 32, Township 9, all in range 31. Thomas county
This is a fine farm of 800 acres, well improved, located in.
the heart of the famous Thomas county wheat belt. 8 miles
west of Angelus and 8 miles northeast of Oakley, one of
the finest level wheat counties in Western Kansas. This
farm is all fenced, has a 6 -room house, cistern, fine well
and windmill, good barn and cattle shed.
39G. All of section 5-12-31, a fine square level wheat
section in Gove county, located six miles from Campus
and eight miles from Oakley, in a fine well settled neigh
borhood: has a well and windmill, is fenced, no other im
provements: none of it is cultivation, but all could be plow
ed. Price $30 per acre, half cash, balance on time Pos
session at once.
TO. tenure Miction of hind t. miles south of Iimmio 1'uik on ,i
graded road, in the extreme extern part of (Jovo county, two milos
Horn tcl.ool; two sets of improvements; two houses, two lmrn one gran
iiry, two wells live miles fenced; live tulles from (Jove Cltv There
are only HW.iuies In cultivation, hut it Is nearly nil tillable, rental
Miareof 100 aeio-, wheat goes possession March 1, ISUO. This is a lino
piece of land, one of the cheapest anil best that we have. Priced at Flo
per acre, 18000 can be ctrrlul back for f yearn at l! per cent.
(Mi. Itio msres, located :i miles northeast of Oakley in Thomas
county, in the XWI4 of W.lO.Ill; 80 acres In wheat; one-foiinl, goes to
purchaser, priced at SI", per acre, htlf cash, balance for fi years; possess
lou August 1, 1020 ' '
Igt. H'20 acres located in n well nettled wheat, block and HlfaKi
country in the southeastern cornerof Thomas county in the Saline Vu.
ley. There are '.Via acres in pasture, somewhat rolling, but Hue grass
has 60 acre- line alfalfa land, ono-half of which goes, .'ion acres In wheat
oncfourth ross r..ioom house, big barn with loft, cattle shed for fin
Oti. KJ llll-ii'l in Gove county, a very tine wheat farm. It Is cut
by the Union I'aolUo railroad on the north side and is locate! 14 miles
from Uraiillield on the (lolden Uelt Highway. The land now in cultl.
vation is 200 nnd some aero is absolutely level and in all in wheat
one fourth of which goes to tho puichaser, and theie are 150 acies In
pasture. The wheat on this land is 100 peieetit and tho half-seotlon Is
811008 with half cash payment Possession win be given in the sunn
This is a bargain.
lb. All of section IIO-ll-JW, in Logan county, :iJ0 acres in eultivnt
ion, level, second bottom Hacldierry CieuU wheat nunl. wiy shallow
water, nil fenced with two wires, fairly wood house, sheds, "cm iiuitu
travolDd, 2 inll.tH south of Monument, in a tl.iudy locution, piieod
at S:i.r per acre, $!U)0o cash, balance ft yeais
2th 1110 iiores unimpiovod wheat land looted miles northwest ()r
Oakley in Thomas county, CO :icres barle) , one half gt to u,,. ( un-inis-er.
Priced at 3:iO per acre no impiovomtmts immediate posses. v j,
ird Lan
Hays, Kansas
Farm Bureau NotM
Tho germination of tho seed coin
is ory poor, due to the huge per,-!
cMi'i-Jfc of moisture this fall, anil'
i'U tho laid l'ui'701 coming tm-j
. it . ... ... f
0 uv.y cany mis year, resulting in
killing tho germs.
Several weeks ago 1 secured sam
ples of corn from al! parts of the
cci'iity. Ono kernel from 25 lepre
M'litativo cars was secured, nnd sent
to Lincoln for a germination teat.
Thr results of tho tost was that the
majority of samples had a gonninn
tion tost of f8 per cent, u few running
around 82 per cent anil one going to
01 per cent. Tho lowest was 21 per
ccnl. These samples were takon
iron? cribs or corn, and fiom good
looking cars.
Two weeks ago I judged at the
Corn anil Poultry Show, at Orleans,
and the seed corn situation was very
bad there. Not a single ear, out of
many of the exhibits, would grow.
Only one exhibit rnn to 80 per cent.
County Agricultural Agent
"Nothing wrong; -with out
npHE right balance of costly Turkish
8- and Domestic tobaccos, propor
tioned by experts that's why
Chesterfields "satisfy."
Every puff brings you the full, rich
flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco
and the lively relish of choice Domes
tic leaf.
And the blend the manufacturer's
private formula can
not be copied.
Every package enclosed
in glassine, moisture
proof paper that seals in
the flavor.
Puts Candidates in Field
The non-partisan league convention
in this city hst Fiidav, was largely at
tended. The town was lull of auto
mobiles nnd reminded us of theold time
days when the fanner's alliance was in
It zenith That the fanners have de
oidnd to set tho stakes fur the other
fellows, was made evident when they
eiidoised candidates for the nllice of
county representative and for commis
sioner of tho 2d ami. 'Id districts O. II.
Itob'iiison was the choice of tho con
vention for state tiiit"-("itiitiv in d II.
A StunipeiihiMSt fur commission! r in
tho 'Jd district mid Adam Albet.s for
thecomtnissioiiPrshipof the lid. Tlio-e
tWree named men are tepieseiiraiivo of
I lie farmer's interest as they of tie
league look upon if and will without
doubt pane to be strong candidates in '
the primary race. Tho senatorial situ
ation was taken up Monday of this
week, when delegates from Nuckoiis.
Webster and l-'iHiiklin met in this city
and gave their endorsement to one of
their number C. Cowley. Illuu Hill
Lender. k
All very well said, Mr. Matthews.
Hut yoi? failed to state that these can-
didates feared tlmt the 11011 -pur list u '
party was not strong enough to vote '
them into oillee. therefore they have1
tiled on tho P"p'ibllitan ticket, the
name of Mr Robinson already appear-'
lug in the. political announcement of
one of the county's papers which advo
cates the principles of tho Kepublloau
party, ltjsa pleasure to note tliutjthe
Democrats have not catered to,.tlo
1.... ......... .. .....I i.... 1 . 11 .ri
nMH.n-m in men- &cieciiou 01 candi
dates. . .
Having disposed of our shoo stock,
we take this method of thanking our
many friends for their patronage1
during these years we were in this'
business. Our successor is now put-'
ting on a clean up sale. Wo bespeak'
for them that a better line of boys
slices was never in lied Cloud and
shoes was never in Red Cloud and
going at way below wholesale prices
of today. A complete line of white
shoos lor every body including men
and a good line of ladies', girls and
children's which are going at very
low prices. We hope you will take
the advantage of this sale and come
in and look.
r whe; s i AJH
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aaaaaaaaaHaaaaaHavB. "aaBaaaaarTaal
BaaaaaflBaaBBaDRBulaav aaaaav Aaaal
aaaawofflwwajiMwiiwiuaB .ERHawa laaaaV
Ba2Barxb9VwNflBcWHuvsBtk laaaasBKiSilBi Paai
Kin9aa aaaPHR
SHbt aaaaaH pQlfllKHBDP j!v5 Viti V mfeP
aaaaaaV BrWfl
aaaaaaaaW MKKBMBVmmMmSkmMfTFT'Zi
i, ., .
Glycerine Mixture Surprises
Red Cloud
The (j nick action of simple glycerine,
buckthorn bark, etc , as mixed in Ad
ler-i-ka, is surprising. Ono spoonful
rolinrci ANY UAyK gas on stomach or
sour stomach. Adlerd-ka a 0 t s on
liOT.II upper and lower bowel nud ro
moves all foul accumulated matter
which poisoucd tomach. Often CUR
KS constipation Prevents .tppeudlcl
tls. Cue lady reports she has no more
pain in back of head or gas on stomach
since using Adler-i-ka C L. Colling,
Notice of Referee's Sale.
Church of the Brethren
.siiiiiIhv School ID 11 m.
Pleaching at 11 a. m
Welcome to everybody. Come and
worship with us.
Ki:. IS. i. Pastor
Miss Daisy Hewitt of the Mary
Limning hospital at Hastings is here'
helping care for her grandmother,1
Mrs. .1. M. Hewitt.
Notice Ih hereby l en that under anil by
Irttiu uf an order tuaile anil entered In ttie
district court ot WulHter county, Nebraska,
on the ttth duy o( l'iilru;ry, l'.fJJ. In an action
therein peudiiitt whurulu William V. Miller,
is platnlllVaud Alena I.aiuliet at. are deteud
ants, for .salo ol tho lolluwlni; ilescrlbed real
1 slate situated ax follow:
North Half (Nl4 ol the Northwest ijunr
tor (SWHI ot KbCllun Klevtei (II) In Town
ship Kour (I). North, ltanae NI110 (!l) Welti!
V. M. Wctiitur t;iuuty, Nebraska,
the uiiderslntil rbturee duly appointed by
said court in said action, will, on thu:ilst day
nt March, ViBi at t:'W I'. M. o( Stundard Tliuu
of said day at llluc Hill, Nebraska, lu said
loiinty of Wcibstirat the South (rout door of
Tomer v KraltiuM arut:c on the main street
riiuulnii east and west In litue Hill, Nebras.
kn, sell aforesaid real estate to the hiiihcnt
bidder for cah.
Said salo will bo held open ono hour. A du
posit ol tun pur cent of the purchase jirii 11
will bereiiirmlon the da ol sale and the
balance to be paid w lu.n"tlii s.ilo Is oinllrin
ed. Hated tills -ijili day ot rehriuiry. IWU.
l'rcd K. Maunr Itefirie.
I-'..I. Miiaday.
Attorney lor I'lalntlll.
Geo. W. Hutchison
Real Estate. Insurance, Loans, Abstracts
piiomfq I OSiee, Red 33. lad, 63 Rtd Cloud
PHONES 5 Reiid;neei ,77 Nebraska
Wichita County, Kansas
WE have 150 of the bust farms in Wichita County.
Kansas, for sale. These tracts of land are divided into 1G0
acre tracts, 820 acre tracts. 010 acre tracts, BOO acre tracts
and one tract of 2000 acres. There are all smooth, of the
best of soil. Wheat lands. You can tako a tractor and
drive right around them and plow ovory acre. Wo can
furnish you these lands at from $17.50 to $30.00 an acre
depending on tho distance from the county seat and rail
road station. In 1919 there wore probably 1000 quarter
sections sold in Wichita county. The price is going up,
If you are interested in some of the best farms and farm
lands in thd'west call on us.
Invest Your Idle Money
The Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co.
which is paying regular quarterly dividends of
,Anil i.-. now offcriM to thu luvcstim public at, its par value $100.00
per sharu in amounts lo suit the rurchascr.
The Stock and Dividor.ils arc nee from all Nebraska taxes end
Normal I'ederal Income Tax, so invest your taxable money beOie
April J si.
'I he s-aftty of the Investment is unquestioned.
Tlu Compar has paid these dividends regularly for the past
eleven ycaiv, in January, April, July and October.
The t.i3uar.c of this stock and regulation of the Company's
rates aie tinder the supervision and control of the Nebraska Statu
Railway Commission, assuring protection of stockholders' interests.
The officers of the Company are well known, successful Nebraska
business men.
The stock car. be transferred iu whole or part at any time by
t-imple endorsement, without expense.
It is nut Mtbject to market fluctuations.
There is no insurance or repairs to be looked after.
There are no renewals to make.
7 per cent is a good rate of interest.
And a check for $1.75 per $100 share is mailed to your address
four times a year.
Mr. O. J. Warren the Manager of the Telephone Company at
Itcd Cloud will furnish information in regard to this offering of
stock, or H'ldrCftS
The Lincoln Telephone
& Telegraph Co.
C. P. Russcl. Secy. Telephone Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.
Notice ef Final Report
In tlio County Court jil Webster county,
In the matter ol tlio ostaluot Kcra House,
All peruana Ititerefltcit In snlil citato, :iro
huroby notliloil that tho Administrator hi"
hai tiled herein a flnnl account and n port ot
tilt iidiuliililratton, and n petition for tlio
Una) settlement of mien account ami report
mid for a dcereo of distribution of the rcMduo
of nald estate, and for tho ftsslimiuuiil of the
rcitl estatu beloimlmt llure'o. and a dls.
rharfio from bin, utl ot which wild
matter linto been but lor heartim before
wild court on tho "illh day of March, IUJ1, nl
tho hour of 10 o'clock, A, M . when all per
hiiiih liitcruHlutl may appear and contest tho
Dati d this Hth day ot March 11)3). I
A true cop). County Indue.
. E. S. Garber ,
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
I (Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kindi
i Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
Player Piano lliirjraln. Someouo iu
the vielnity of Red Cloud can secure a
good as uew Player Piano at a great
bargain. Will accept upright piano as
pnrt settlement. Write for particulars.
Collection Dept J.OLNBY PIANO CO ,
411 Felix St , St. Joseph, Mo.
"Quality" Job Printing
ThcMargln of Safety
is icprint(ri by tho amount of
iiiMiratico you curry.
Don't lull yoiirsiilf into a funojod
Uociiush tiro bus novcr touched you
It doesn't follow that jou'ru Immune
Tomorrow -no today, if. you have
time and ylui better llml time
ui.tno to tho nUlue uml we'll writo
u policy on your house, furniture,
htore or inurcliHiidiso.
FLeliakble Insuro,rce
?Wnt'.itH -