The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 18, 1920, Image 5

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    lHiHnpHMr:, !jHH
rv i iti'ivttttimtfiitihtafmimk
'Back to God's Country'
M li
Sell Sh1ralrcQWfieerer'0eiKman
fVylBackltoiGod:ountry - -. u
Orpheum : Monday -Tuesday
Admission 35c-lCc
k ss a; k k : k a:
.T-. ft
. t ! ! j i .
Vi ft ft ft ft ft ft .(-. ft
Mrs. Tony Clark is on the
sick list
Dr. McHridc is drivinir a
new Ruick
Clove Loy spent Friday in
Frame .v Smith
Used uiirs for s:iIm
Hros. Co
Sheriff Huffcr was in Hastings : j
yesterday. t
Louis Schultz spent Tuesday in
Guide Rock.
(leorgc Hoit was down from Cowles
, Miss Nellie Kmcrton spoilt Friday
in Hastings.
Mrs. Waldo was down from fnuvnlc
on Wednesday.
Hew Drueo tishelman spent .Satur
day in Chester.
Rev. Fitzgerald held services at
Superior Sunday.
Friday and Saturday i
Also a big comedy
'Ahe Roaring Bath Tub'
Monday - Tuesday
Not a war picture but a story
of the great out doors
Adapted from tho story, "Wapl,
Walrus" by .lames Oliver Curt
wood; featuring the great swim
lug star, Noll Shipmnn. Tho
winter scenes and Vnpls grout
tight nre notmtlly phntograpliHl
away up in mo ariic circle. m
Sixteen verities o
wild animals n
Never A Film Like Thi
An extraordinary story and
one of the best pictures you
have ever seen, full of thrills
and intense scenes.
Admission 35c nnd Mr, wr tax paid
Fiist show starts at 8 o'clock
Saturday at ?:!!0
I"1 "S
1 1 1 1 v l!relil at Powell and Popes
I ' 'I'll i'iii lur silo Finnic A Smith
Urns. Cn.
.leir Chaplin was down from Cowles
Tue-dav morning.
County Attorney H. S. Foe was in
Nelson Wednesday.
Ed. Ilurr of Guide Rock was in tho
Clt" on Wednesday.
Fruilt 1 Hughes Cleans and Itlocks
hat HohpiHiii.".
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oatman spent
Saturday in , Hastings.
Saturday is the last day for poli
ticians to file for office.
Mrs. MeNeny returned home from
Lincoln Thursday evening.
Rev. Rcobe returned home from
Superior Thursduy evening.
Miss Ethel Hilton spent Satuiday
with her parents at Hardy.
FOR SALE 25 tons Alfalfa Hay
at ?12 per ton. I). C. RelL
I flood meals irood ervlce moderate
prices Powell J.t Pope's cafe
Mrs. Grant Turner spent Friday
' with hoe father at Rluc Hill,
i Miss Ronnie Miller spent th- week
end with her parents at Inavale.
Mesdames Ed I'ulsiphor a. d Mar.v
Polnii-ky spent Friday in Hasl'ngs.
Mrs. Lloyd Perry is visiting her
p.irei.i.- at Park Rapids, Minnesota.
Vru i. ii ,ruiitiil liicele tiles ?2 rt0
cih ;it'on iV s.iiiii.iii Sol vice
s-at . .
A naliy girl arrived at the home of
M '. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston on
Mr.-. Pan! Pope went to Superior
Friday Jo spend a few days with her
George Overiug went to Lincoln
Saturday to attend to some business
.1. ,W. Crow shipped his house
hold goods, to Republican City Friday
Pat Kellett and J. E. Thompson
were in Kansas City the first of the
the week.
J. W. Aultz of Riverdalo is spend
ing n few days with Mr. and Mrs. A.
V. Ducker.
Nate Piatt of Hastings was looking
after some business matters in the
city Monday.
Mrs. E. H. Newhoue spent Satur
day with her son, Paul, and wife at
Guide Rock.
Harney Sutton laid the cement
foundation for his new garage build
ing this week.
G. W. Hutchison, Porter Hale and
J. C. Mitchell have boon quite sick
the past week.
Arthur Gilbert went to Lincoln
Tuesday where he will attend the
state university.
Another steam cement mixer for
the Wntts Construction Co., was un
loaded Tuesday.
Airs. Cecil Essig of Yuma, Colorado,
is here visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Jernhurg.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hurgcsx and
Mis. G. F Walker spent Sunday with
lilntiw at Rivorton
lack and Hud Steffins spent Sat
urday with their sister, Mrs. C. A.
ScheKnk, at Hastings.
An eight pound baby boy arrived
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IJoy'
RViglo Sunday morning.
"""Don't fail to attend the big clem
salo at the Ellis Shoe Slnro, now y, .-,.
on It means dollars for you.
See Wat rick, the eye. ear, note m
throat HpccinlU, at Ilr l)oniiflP
office, Wednesday, Murnli III. I loin k -toO.
Glasses lilted
Ent and drink at Pdwoll k Pope's
Cafo. tf
Use tho great egg tonic, "More Egg'
sold by U. L. Cottlng.
Fnvnk U. Hughes Qleiiner and Dyer
runs a eiill and delivery iti'vlee. Both
Two late model Fords and one Dodgo
In good order, for sale or trade. Sut
ton & Slilpmnti.
This vo)k tho workmi'ii are busy
crrotitiu the portico on (he front oi the
Hesso Auditorium.
Mr. and Mrs. l.afc Herhurger of
Omaha are in the city visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joo Herhurger.
Miss Tilie Cook left Monday for
iJonncllson, Iowa, whole she wj'.I vis
it her sifitor, Mts. V.illis Robertson.
The Misses Julia Funk and Emma
McClelland returned home from Hust
ings Thursday evening.
Operator Dcnney of McCook is hero
working third trick at the depot dur
ing Harry Thompson's absence.
Tho Inst of the week, the (rnlmni
Furniture Company added another ear
load of furniture to their Inrge stock.
Mr Sharp of Liberty arrived in tho
city the first of the week nnd has
taken charge of the Ellis Shoe Store.
Mr. Graham of Hastings was in tho
city Monday looking alter his inter
ests in the Graham Furniture Store.
Roy Cramer went to Republican
City Saturday evening for tho pur
pose of driving his car back to this
Halbert Thomas went to Lincoln on
Wednesday to look over the govern
ment trucks that are stored at that
place. ,
W. R. Brown, cattle salesman for
the National Live Stock Commission
Co., of Kansas City, was in the city
Mr. and Mrs. ,R. F. Miwr and.01 ""oignt.
daughter, Miss Josephine, returned ,ls- w- X- Richardson received
homo Satiirdav from :i liin to tho' wo'l Thursday staling that a baby
Pnciiis coast.
Messrs. and Mesdamcs J. W. Hauck
and N. R. Rush attended the funeral
of Mrs. H. F. Thompson at Denkel
man on Tuesday.
Mrs. Moranville returned homo
Monday from Holyokc, Colorado,
whore she had been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Amack.
The following shipped stock Tues
day; J. Rasser, one car of cattle to
St. Joe and Rciher & Son one car of
cattle to Kansas City.
Isaac Molettc arrived hero Thur.';-
day with his household goods and im
plements and expects to make his
home on a farm near this city.
The following shipped stock Sun
day : J. E. Thompson two cars of
cattle to Kansas City, Delaney ilros.
three cars of hogs to Kansas City, J.
E. Yost one car of cattle to Kansas
Ciiy and Wm. Crabill & Son three
cars of hogs to St. .Joe. . , t,
Earn $;'0 weekly. Experience unneces
sary. We start you in the enndv busi
ness, at home, small room, or any
where. Everything furnished. Grand
opportunity. Write for particular..
18th St. Philadelphia, Pa.
So nt il
In The District Court Of
Webster County, Nebraska.
dottlli Ii iiiiiiitrliilili-r.
Miiril'n.l. Ileal, llenl lier litish.-unl.
lli'M nnd tine name unknown: Knmllne
Moiiinn, Miim'tliih'h enlhct Mis (icort'o l.y.
oiis, ot In r name iinUnoun. Mnruan
or Lyons, lier lui-li:inil, Hist tine
inline iiiikiiowii; l'atteii. llrnl anil
true name unknown. InisliaiKl nt Anna
l'atten, ilcceuMil: or If any tu all of I he
alioo named ami iloluuutril ilelenil.ints
ire ileeenRiil then the unknown heirs, le
lieev, jiciFonal roirescntatlvcsof sneli tie
craseil person or pt'ihons am! all other per
sons Intorestcd In the estate or estate of
Mieli ileeviiHttl pcrHou or ptrsoiik; niul the
unknown litlrs. de lsees,Uei;ateen, ami per.
M)iial repriKentattes and other persons in
terest) d In the estate of Anna l'atten 1 1 li
censed; ami the Went llnlf tWii of tho
Northeast uarter (NUl() and the Kant
Half ( !:, i of thuNortliweHtQuartiT owm
of Section iHuuticr.SIx ((i), Township one
1 1 1, North KniiKe Nine, (!, Webster eoun
l. Nebraska, ami nil other persons clitlm
Ins any Interest of any kind In a foresaid
rent estate or nuy pnrt thereof,
The above defondnnts will take notho
that on tholUlh day of 1'ebruaryt IiJ thiit
OottllehSnuuiierholder. as plnlntlllVlllol htn
petition and coiiiiuuiiced an action In the
district court of WubHtvr county, Nebraska,
nuuiiist salddefmidnntH, the object nnd pray
cr of which nie to itiliit title In said plnlntlil
axuliiHtnny and all of the ndverno elalins of
KHld UHiiieil and deslminteddufendnutHorany
of them to the West Half (Wtj of the North
rant Quarter NIH',J nnd the Kast Half (KtJ
of tho Northwest Quarter INWVi of .Section
iiiiinbersls il, Township One I, North,
Itango Nluo (U). Webster entiuty, Nebraska,
mid that Mid defendants so ninied and do
hlKiintcdaiidall )ersoim claiming throunlior
undorany of ilium bo forever barred and en
Joined fiom clnlmlimor iissertluKiiiiy rlhl,
title, or Interest In or to said premises or any
part thereof mhcrMi to the plalntlll.
Nou aroniulnd to answer tho petition
of the plalntlll' on tile In the oillre of the
Clerk of s.ild conn, at Ited loml, Nebraska,
on or before Monday April 12, iwii.
lly. R.I. Monday. Ills Attorney.
3 '
I -.
r ' '
Surlcsque; Vaudcviilo
. CriuUnl Senile Cnikon.Tmt
- '"-tare menu u'rcmiv
(iiiuu ul.ii i nniti
' ody Goo: AH Anylibd)
ulCOSSI JUiQ BUTtHtlvr ' "j
i (
Soe otng'8 now lino of spring wall
FOR RUNT So aero farm with good
Improvements. CHARLES HOWE
Cowles, Nob.
'Frank R. HurIicb has specialized In
fnncv drosses and waUts foi 5 Veins.
Send your in. Hot tt Pinnies.
Rig discounts on. shoes at the big
clean up Mile at the Kills Shoo Stoio.
Values must be seen to be appreciated.
Hotter liurrj'.
Found. February Mill, between Red
Cloud mi. I Uuidc Rock, u rim ami cas
lug si.- :;j :!!.,. - ,1 ll.ivls, lluir
0.ilc Kiiiisms.
Rev. Mary Mitchell of Franklin will
preach Ht the Congregational church
Muudny tiioiuitig. Sunday School will
be Inlil at the usual time.
If you are a Republican or Demo
crat and desire to be a delegate to
your convention you should file at
once as the time for filing clones
Ed Ciarbcr has secured the contract
to build a transmission line from tlio
city limits to Mr. Uomjue's farm. Tlu
gentleman intends to use electricity
on his farm.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lippincott re
ceived word Thursday stating that rt
bnby boy had arrived at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Wm. W. Noyes,
who resides in Inmnn.
Willis Robertson returned to his
home at Donnellson, Iowa, Monday,
after attending the funeral of Mrs.
Cook which was held on Thursday.
The Hewitt brothers, W. C. of Min
ature, I. M., of Scottsbluff and E. P.
of Omaha, are in tho city being calj-
ed here by the serious illness of their
mother, Mrs. J. M. Hewitt.
S. E. Bailey shipped u car load of
hay to llelvidere, Illinois, Thursday.
Mr. llailev has severa! cars of hay
ptirehsurd but is unable to ship l.j
account of the embargo on this class
daughter named Mary Elizabeth, ar
rived Wednesday tit the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Han Harbor who resides at
Sacremento, California.
A Kirl leaps into a turuld mountain
stream, swims down foaming rapids
where a swerve would mean death on
the rooks, (lirlits lier way through a
swirllmr pool mill through a wnteifall,
in 'Illicit to God's Country" to be
nhown at the Orpheum on Monday ami
Salespeople Wanted: Wr. have posi
tions open in nearly all departments of
our store andwe desirous of communl
tilling with exprrlrnctd salespeople. If
looking for a pernuinciit position with
opportunltes for hcttcrini yourself,
BROS 0. Hasting, Neb.
The many friontU of Mrs. S. C.
rilis will be interested to know that
she and her daughter, Helen, are com
fortably settled in a hotel in Denver
and if it were not for the fact that
l.the altitude is rather too hieh for
both of them they would be well
One of the neatest piec'.s of piloted
Hint toi- thai w lime liiul the pleasure
of seeini; ill ni'iiiy ii d.iy is the booklet
sunt out by Armour .V t'nmp'iiiy. The
live illustrations: Vision, Science nnd
Mull, llisiriitiiti.iii, Knlivjlitmiuent niul
Achievement ale indeed llu uu.k of
an artist. The booldet. contains facts
that nre win III lending
E. II. Slawson has resigned his posi
tion as janitor of the Lincoln school
rand has accepted a position as fore
man of a cement jjnne; with tho
Walts Construction Co. Ho intends
leaving .soon for Kansas to take up
his new duties. Tress Hurwood has
taken his place at the school house.
Agent Hush advises us that the
lhirlington intend putting on trains
1 and 10 on the main line of their
road from Chicago to Denver. These
two trains were taken oir when the
government took control of tho roads.
They also figure that it will bo neces
sary to run Nos. 1 and 11 through
to Oxford during the summer but no
definite arrangements have been made
us yet.
On Thursday night Uenj. S. Harjc,
state organizer for the Armenian Ko
lief, and a native of Armenia him
self culled u meeting of thejocul citi
zens at the high school for the pur
pose of reorganizing this work for
tho season and to attend to the elect
ion of new officers to conduct tho
work. The following ofllcer.s wcro rj
duly elected: Prof. A. T. Holtzon.jM
president, N. II. Hush, secretary, .1. "
W. Auld, treasurer, and Miss Stella'1,
Ducker and A. II. Pierce assistant
chairmen. Webster county's appor
tionment for this year is about twen
ty six hundred dollars, four hundred
of this has all ready been taken up.
The drivo to secure the balance will
begin March tho 28th and is to con -
;.,,,,. .. .. ,,..,,. v. o, ,...,!,, n, ,..i.i -
tiiiMU iui Uliu tlLtni .luirt; uii; n ',
is lor a worthy cause and the citizens
of Wcbtser county will not allow their
apportionment to fall below the allot
ted amount.
Having disposed of our hhoosto& we
wish to asl: Hieli and every ono that
known themselves to be indebted to h
that .ou diop in and nettle tho account
TIih undersigned will bo ;i tho stoio
fri m 0;D0 a, ip. to 3 :) p. in. .nnd Mr
Hliarp. will utvetid to tins ('urng.iuyi
aliAt'iiee, -.,, i o. C?.."ICl.Ljf )
Home Office Red
!U2 Improved half section Jidjoining Oakley with 80 acres of wheat
which all goes to buyer, u bargain at $10.00 per acre. (Thomas County.)
.'115 Ono of the finest sections in Thomas county, not a pimple on it.
R00 acres in cultnatiui, hne two-story house of !) rooms, big red barn with
u huge loft, good generics, chicken house and other out buildings. Prici
f 10.00 per aero. $7,500 cash, balance five years at 0 per cent. (Thoma;
11(5 A fine sccti n, three miles from Campus. $1J,000 worth of im
provements, all equipped for handling cattle or hogs, fine wnter system.
House all modem, "bout MO acres in cultivation, balance in pasture, '20'
acres of tine wheat, all goes to, the buyer. This is an ideal all purpose farut
mid a beauty. Price $:J7.riO per acre. (Gove County.)
110 Half -cclion. all fine, level land, UU0 acres in cultivation, 110 acrci
in pasture, 100 acres in wheat and it all goes with the place, all drilled
(Jootl well and windmill, good shed barn, cement chicken house nnd giannry
for 1000 bur.hels. Price S:i2.50 per acre. (Gove County.)
110180 acres well improved, nice house and bam, lots of out buildingj,
good well and windmill. About 250 acres in cultivation, tho balance in pns
ture, 200 acres of lino wheat, all goes to the. buyer. This is seven milei
from Camp'iii n.'iti in a good community. Possession any time. Price $37.
50 per acre. (Govt County.)
.15 Fine quarter of land two miles from town, 120 acres in cultivation,
all level, good five room house, shed barn for 12 head, good well and winmill.
10 acres fenced in pasture, rented for this year. Price $.12.50 per acre.
(Logan County.)
20K This i- ti beautiful half section, close to Grainfield, not a blcmiiit
on it, 2(10 acres in cultivation. This is strictly a Gcrmnn settlement. Halt
in wheat. Price S27.50 per acre. (Sheridan County.)
lilt This is without doubt one, if not the best, sections of land in tha
county, about G miles north of Grinncll, nnd six miles from the famous An
gclus church, one of the finest in tho state; JS0 acres in cultivation, 300
acres in wheat, one-fourth goes to the buyer; good granary, and fine welt.
Price ?;12.50 per t.crc. (Sheridan County.)
1 0 .'120 acres veil located and 150 acres in wheat and 100 acres in pns
lure, balance will bu put to spring crop. One-third of the crop goes with
the farm. Nearly new 10-room house, largo barn will hold ,10 head of stock,
hay-mow for about 20 ton of hay, good large granary, good well and windmill
and tank. Half mile to school. This farm is considered a barirain nt ?(10.-
'00 per uric on easy terms. Could
ary, lins rami is wed located bewtcen two good railroads and two towns;
eight niltcs from ono town and six miles from the other. (Sheridan Coun
ty.) The above !ht i.- subject to prior sale or change in price without notice.
TIigjo ate jus-t a few of our special bargains. Wo have cheaper land,
if interested write ot come and seen us.
Carpenter, Son & Co.
Office Over Stacte Bank, Red Cloud. Neb.
Make Your Clothes
Last Longer!
Good all wool clothes do the lasting for
you. You get more wear, less cost
per year you do not buy so often.
Thafs the kind of c lollies service wa offer. -
Hart, Schaffner and Marx
make the kind of clothes that save money.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money back!
We offer only the Best Merchandise
in all the lines we carry.
Why buy a cheap made hat when you can get a
Stetson or a Mallory for ihe same price as others
sell inferior qualities,
the best line in the country today. $ 1 .50 to $3.50
All the latest patterns and colirs. Priced $2 to $13.50
NECKTIES FOR SPRING. The most exclusive
line ever shown in Red Cloud. Priced 75c to $4
We would also call your attention to our Work Clothes line
in Overalls Kay and Oshkosh, Work Shoes Endi
cot Johnson, Work Gloves Hansen Line and John
Davy, guaranteed not to rip.
W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co.
man f n: tr tun iiki in ; n ii i m uiriitu u unu ; mm .n i tiim t. m- it im m n i nnm; m u xtinumcmnmi oasnn inuimu rmiuasmui: rum nnimnginiaajiaau miimniiiai.ti ;
Between the Farm and the Market i
flAVE you ever stopped to figure what makes the difference between the value
11 of two farms one which Is located 5 to 10 miles from town and the other
only one mile? The land may have the same productive qualities yet the farm
nearer town will command a higher price per acre.
its probucts TO THE MARKETS. Long Hauls require more time.
You can CUT THIS DISTANCE one half or one third by adopt! the
RIGHT kind of TRANSPORTATION. Besides deriving yearly profits you
you increase the value of your farm.
The motor auopted must be of a type SUITABLE FOR THE FARM. A
etimbersom, slow moving truck is little better than the old team and wajjon
Thousands of farmjrs have found the IDEAL TRUCK for their purpose is the
There are nearly 25,030 in usi todiy-more "REOS" than tny other truck
The "SPEED WAGON" mls the demands of the farmer because it enables
one man to do the work ol several men and teams. As us more about 'REOS
Sutton (Si 5hipm$ari
I -
il - .
' i
I Service Station
Son & Co.
Cloud, Nebraska
give possession of tho land if necess
R.ed Clovid