IW i.'" BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF URIC ACID IN MEAT . CLOGS THE KIDNEYS Take a Glass of Salts If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. If you must have your ment every day, ent It, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, nays n noted au thority who tells mm that meat forms uric ncld which almost paralyr.es the kldncyB In their efforts to expel It from tho Mood. They become sIiir glsh and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery In the kidney region, sharp pains In the back or sick head ache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and when the weather Is had you have rheumatic twinges. Tho urine pets cloudy, full of sedi ment, the channels often get sore and Irritated, ohllRlnR you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To neutralize these Irritating acids to cleanse tho kidneys and tlush off tho body's urinous waste get four ounces of .Tad Salts from nny phar macy here; take a tablespoonful In n glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with 11 1 li In, and has been used for generations to fluili nnd stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids In urine, so it no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot tn Jure, nnd makes n delightful efferves cent llthla-water drink. Adv. For Eastern All-Air Routes. The government of India has sent Jotters to various chambers of com merce suggesting that they And a way to maintain seven centers for aircraft. The cities proposed are llomhay, Cal cutta, Madras, Karachi, Delhi, Nag pur and llangoon. The centers are believed to bo sulllclont for all-air routes In India and Durum. OUT 0' LUCK Never mind I Just take Cascarets if Bilious, Constipated 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in . Everyone must occasionally give to tho bowels some regular help or else iuffer from constipation, bilious at tacks, stomach disorders and sick head cbe. But do not whip the bowels into activity with harsh cathartics. , What tho liver and bowels need Is & gentlo and natural tonic, one that can constantly bo used without harm. Tho gentlest liver nnd bowel tonic Is ','Cascarcts." They put tho liver to work and cleanse the colon nnd bowels of all wnste, toxins nnd poisons with out griping -they never sicken or In convenience you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or Purgatives. , Twcnty-llvo million boxes of Cas Cflrcts are sold each year. They work yihlo you sleep. Cascarets cost so lit tle too. Adv. Fatal Opinion. "Young Glgh'ts thinks he Is the big gun around this place." "That Is Just tho reason he Is going to bo fired." DON'T FEAR ASPIRIN IF IT IS GENUINE Look for name "Bayer" on tablets, then you need never worry. To get genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" you must look for the safety 'Bayer Cross" on each package and on each tablet. The "Bayer Cross" means truo, world-famous Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years, and proved safe by millions for Colds, Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neu ralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain In general. Proper and safe di rections aro In each uubroken "Bayer" package. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost 'but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Munufncturo of Monoacetlcncldcster of Salicylic ncld. Adv. Much More. "Why, you tail: as If weren't human." "He isn't. He's n tenor. the man HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD ays Cream Applied In Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. Instant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breutho freely. No more hawking, enuQlng, blowing, hendnche, dryness. No struggling for breath nt night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get n small bottlo of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a llttlo of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In your nostrils. It pen etrates through every nlr passage of tho bead, soothes the Inflamed or swol len mucous membrane and relief comes Instantly. It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed tip with n cold or nasty catarrh. Adv. One of the queer things about a man Is tho way he thinks It Is Impossible for any vorann not to admire him. CQRNHUSKER ITEMS Mews of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout Nebraska. OF INTEREST TO ALL READERS Fire fighters were greatly handi capped by bllzzaidly weather and In tense cold In combating Hustings' bit', gest flro last Thursday. Buildings oc cupied by the Barley Storage company nnd the linger candy factory were consumed, with their contents. The total' loss, Including tho destruction of household goods .stored by 200 fam ilies, Is pinrcd nt botween $1275,000 and MOO.OOO. Tho stato Board of Control has abolished tho practice of contracting with undertakers to bury Indigent dead In the fifteen state Institutions. The board has ordered the superin tendents to rotate tho business among all local undertakers willing to take rare of the funerals nt a stipulated price. Tho new state women's custodial farm will he located across town at York from tho I. O. O. 1 home. This settles an nrgument presented by thu I. O. O. R bends against a purchased site next to their home. The former site will be used by tho York Com- pmorclnl club. Tho first consolidated school under the new redlstrlctlng luw has been or ganized at Nellgh. It embraces forty sections or land. The children are transported to school by trucks and other vehicles. The school board of Nellgh has supervision over tho new district lintll a new bonrd of tho whole district Is elected. An example of profit made In Ne braska land which should bring set tlers to this stnto Is revealed In a deal mnde last week by N. S. Snyder, own er of -100 acres of land near Fremont. Mr. Snyder bought the land fifteen yenrs ago for Stfi.OOO. His net selling price was $.).",f0() above tho purchase price. Members of congress at Washington are being besieged dally with com plaints from Nebraska stock raisers, because of failure to ratify tho peace treaty, which has caused tho closing of export trade and is resulting In prices going down every day. Im mediate relief Is demanded. Mrs. Wllllnm Rector nnd her son, Bnymond, died nt North Plntte with in a few hours of each other. Ray mond bnd been 111 with pneumonia and when tho mother wns told ho could not recover she suffered a pnralytlc stroke and died In two hours. The Bon died n fow hours later. iThe Bight Rev. Kmcst Vincent Shayler, Episcopal bishop of Nebras ka, has accepted tho Invitation of the regents of tho stato university nt Lin coln, to deliver the bnccalaurato ser mon June 0. The services will bo held In St. Paul's church at Lincoln. Two damage suits, each for SriO.OOO, have been filed at Fremont ngalnst tho railroad administration, one being by a man whoso auto wus struck by n U. P. train nt Ames, tho other by relatives of a flagmnn killed nt n crossing nt Fremont Mothers of Wnhoo boy scouts were entertained by tho youngsters at the .scouts' new headquarters tho other day. Wahoo scouts have their own home and nro planning to raise garden truck this summer on an extensive scale. Red Cloud city council has passed an ordinance providing for the adding of forty-live blocks to tho city's paved districts. This will give tho city over six miles of paved streets. Emerson R. Purcell, publisher of the Broken Bow Chief, wns elected presi dent of tho Nebraska Press associa tion nt tho recent meeting nt Lincoln. It Is rumored In political circles at Lincoln that Oovernor McKelvcy will have no opposition for re-nomlnntlon at the prlmnrics next month. Work has begun on the new cnttle bnrn to take tho place of the one de stroyed by tiro last fall at the state fair grounds at Lincoln. Flro destroyed tho plant of the Tlmcs-Trlhuno nt Beaver City. It Is the oldest paper In southwestern Ne braska. Two cases of encephalitis letharlgs or "sleeping sickness" are being trented in Omaha hospltnls. The Wnr department at Washington has turned over to Nebraska U."0 war trucks for use In road building. The board of education nt Harvard voted to glvo all teachers a $!t0 bo nus at tho end of tho school year. Announcement has been made that the Nebraska Economy campaign and Fair Price commission have been merged and tho stnto divided Into three districts, Omnhn, Lincoln and (Sruud Island divisions. High railroad officials In Nebraskn say that the return of tho roatls to their former owners, nfter nearly two years of government control, has so far had no no'lceablo nffect In this stnte. One-third of the farmers of Gage county are In need of seed corn, re-' ports pay. Nebraska, with 1,003 stato banks, stands fifth among all states of tho country In tho number of such Institu tions. It Is exceeded In number only by Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota and Kansas. Decreaso In tho number of hog cholera cases In Nebraska was more apparent In 1011) than In any year hIiico state and government authorities have co-oporntod In fighting tho disease. District Judge Pnlno, beforo whom Alson B. Cole nnd Allen V. Grnmmer were tried and sentenced to denth la Howard county for tho murder of Mr. Lulu Vogt, In denying n writ of "coram nobis" a common Inw mo tion for a new trlnl for Cole, declared that the verdict of the Jury and tho sentence of death Imposed on the men, Is richly deserved and should be car ried out as soon as possible. Tho ex ecution of Cole and (Iraiumur has been stayed until March IP. At the state road Institute at Lin coln Inst week It was shown that there are seven grade crossings In every four miles of railroad track In Nebraska, of which about fi per cent have some form of protection. There are about SO.DOO miles of highways In the state, -1,000 miles of which" aro known as state highways, averaging one crossing of a main track per thir teen miles. Nebraska was one of tho twenty states which asked the Fnlted State supreme court to dismiss the suit brought by Rhode Island to nntest the validity of national prohibition, and, according to W. T. Thompson, who was chairman of the Nebraska dry federation when the state went "dry" three years ago, tho action wa.i purely moral. Attorney Oeneral Davis has launch ed a campaign to prevent the sale in Nebraska for beveiage purposes oi patent medicines, proprietory reme dies, perfumes and drugs of high al coholic content. All county attorneys In the stato have been called upon to aid in the movement. II. M. d'aylor, deputy federal com missioner of Internal rexcuue In charge of prohibition, shattered hopes of tho thirsty in Nebraska when ho declared at Omaha that stato laws, which prohibit the sale of Intoxicating liquor, supersede federal laws. O. W. Lnugley, charged with the murder of Justice Chris Pfelffer of Cortland, August 18, 101!), was found guilty of murder In the second degree by a Jury In the district court at Beatrice. Tho penalty Is from 10 to DO years Imprisonment. Frank Hughes, a farmer living nenr Battle Creek, states that the installa tion of a dralnngo system resulted In the production of 80 bushels of com an acre on n tract of land which until two years ago never grew nnythlng but grass. Oil has been found on the farm of James Martin, nenr Pressor, Adams county, nccordlng to reports. Two Texas oil inen'nre nt Prosper looking over the ground, but hnve not report ed their findings. Outsldo of tho hampering of train service and the suffering somowhnt of livestock, the cold snnp and blizzard which gripped the entire state last Thursday nnd Friday, caused no me terlnl damage. Petitions with 2CS signatures, In cluding two women, have been pre sented the city council nt Aurora re questing nuthorlty for Sunday motion picture shows. A movement has been Inunched at Lincoln to organize a $2."0,000 corpora tion to build homes and sell them at cost. It Is stated the city Is Bhort 1,000 houses. McCook Is stepping lively toward tho metropolitan typo of city, tho latest move being tho acquisition of a paid secrotary for the commercial club. A Lincoln grain exchnnge has organ ized In nn effort to mnko the city n pri mary grain market. Tho exchange will open within a few days. Dorothy Lee Morchead, only daugh ter of former Governor nnd Mrs. J. 11. Morchead, died nt Falls City of dou ble pneumonln. Rnllrnad heads In Nebraska havo nnnounced that lmmodlntc steps will bo taken to relieve the freight car shortage. Nebraskn farmers suffer .55,000,000 loss annually from rats and Insects, nccordlng to flio college of agriculture nt Lincoln. Fire destroyed tho Scbmoeller nnd Mueller plnno factory nt Omahn, caus ing a loss of a half million dollars or moro. A weekly clnss In Americanization for tho benefit of foreigners who wish to become citizens of the United Stntes Is being held nt Geneva. Figures compiled by reliable sourco show that on January 1 of this year there wero 18l),ar0 automobiles, Includ ing trucks, In uso In Nebraska. Saunders' county hog raisers havo perfected preliminary plans for a breeders' organization. The spring recess of tho University of Nebraska will extend from March ;u 10 April (. A government survey shows tlint ther aro 2,739 Nebraska farmers using auto trucks und that this stnto Is third In the union, population considered, In tho number of trucks on farms. Farm laborers In Nebraska are ask ing $100 a mouth with board and room at tho present time. This Is almost twenty per cent higher wages than was paid last year. Andrew M. Morrlssey, chief Justlco of tho Nebraska supremo court, has tiled with the secretary of stato for renomlnatlon to tho office of chief Justice. At a community gathering nt Wabash, Cass county, $100 was raised to assist destitute families In Armenia. Sixty-three years ago tho first of March Nebraska was made a state by presidential proclamation. Many of the schools throughout tho state cel ebrated tho occasion. Work Is expected to begin shortly on tho $100,000 memorial auditorium nt Kearney. Tho building Is to be ono of tho finest In tho state. It will ha used by tho American legion members of Buffnlo county and by kindred organizations. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION NOTES Lincoln. All sorts being made around of guesses are tho convention chamber as to how long the conven tion will continue In session. Tho guesses range from five days to two weeks, and ono guess appears to bo as good as another. At the beginning of this week only five proposals re mained on tho genernl file to be con sidered the first time In committee of the whole. In addition to the llvn proposals, which mny get to second rending there aro three or four others still remaining for passogo on second rending. This much of the work can probably be disposed of In short or- ,der. However, all the proposals which ' bave been passed and those few still to be passed, approximately forty, which have been referred to tho phraseology committee, will again havo to run the gauntlet in couunltteo of the whole. Tho convention ndopted Proposal 120, declaring water for Irrigation and domestic use to bo a natural want, and declaring tho water of every natural strain for those purposes. It provides tho right to divert such Streams for the public ue, priority of appropriation being given the better right, but when tho water of any na tural stream Is not sulllclent for tho use of all desiring It then preferenco shall be given to domestic purposes. Those using the water for agricultural purposes shall havo preferenco over those using It for manufacturing pur poses. Proposal No. 82, which provided that all fines, penalties and license money collected by the gamo and fish depart ments bo used for thnt department In stead of going to the genernl fund, was defeat eil by a voto of .'" to .1G. For the first time tho "call of the house" wns Invoked In nn attempt to get the necessary fifty-one votes, but the call wos raised when It was found many members were not even In Lin coln. Tho convention in committee of the whole adopted Proposal !124. which will allow the legislature to detormlno n minimum school year for districts in certain localities and thus participate In the regular apportionment of school funds. The present constitution pro hibits school districts from participat ing "for the year in which school 1 not maintained." Tho convention assembled last Wed nesday after a recess of several days. There Is little talk of an extended recess of the convention. Members who belong to the farming fraternity as well as lawyer members nro nearly all In favor of completing the work of tho convention without further delay, A proposal providing n stato board of pardons, composed of tho governor, attorney general and secretary of state, was adopted by the convention. A proposal embodying n clause cover ing the election of state university re gents by congressional districts was adopted unanimously. The convention adopted n proposal 'providing that the state railway com mission shall havo Jurisdiction over no public utility other than public car riers, including street car companies, telephono companies, etc. Gas, olec trlct light and power nnd water con corns nro left under local control. Tho lndurlul relations and miscel laneous subjects committees, has rec ommended the Indeflnlto postponement of Proposal 1120, which provided for on Industrial commission nnd Industrial ,court, nnd Proposal !Xl, providing fo n state trade commission. Proposnl 2S0, ndopted In rommlttoo of tho whole, provides that all foreign public utility corporations doing busi ness In this stnte will in tho future bo compelled to become a body corporate ,In this stnte, including those now here. Proposal :i2(), providing thnf tho English lnnguago Is to be the official .language for nil public records, and for tho teaching of common school branches In public, prlvnto nnd pa rochial schools, passed by n voto o 77 to 0. Tho convention In committee of tho whole ndopted Proposal 111, by How ard of Douglas, which gives tho legis lature power to creato a minimum wngo for women nnd child lnbor, and regulato tnelr hours of labor. A proposal raising tho limit of stnto indebtedness from $100,000 to $r00,000 nnd one designating English as tho of ficial language of tho stato received tho convention's O. K. Proposal 78, providing for n com pulsory workmen's compensation fund to bo administered by tho stnto and chargeablo to tho Industries, wns killed In commit teo of tho wholo. Tho members nro worrying along listening to orutory, good, bad and In different, and beginning to look for ward to tho time when, In tho words of n former mombor of tho legislature, they can "unhitch and go home." Proposal .125 provides that the leg Isluturo nor nny political division shall rnot mako appropriations from public (funds or grant lands or other property to n sectarian or denominational pchool or Institution thnt Is not under the supervision of the stnte, was ipasscd, 75 to 0. IMMOVED tfflirOIH IlfTEINATIOIfU SUMMTSCnOOL Lesson Hy KUV. l. 11. KITZW.lTEtt, u. d., Teacher of HiicIIbIi tllble In the Moody lilblo Institute ot ChlcitKO.) (Copyright. 1910, Wrulrrn Nwsppr Union) LESSON FOR MARCH 21 JOHN'S PICTURE OF WORSHIP IN HEAVEN. LESSON TEXT-Rtv. TlO-17. OtiLDlIN TEXT-Mi'sxliig, nnd glory, mid wlxdoin, unci tliuiiksulvliiK, tind honor, and power, ami mlk'lit be unto our Uod for uver and over. Allien. Itev. 7:1'.'. PRIMARY TOPIC - Tho Heavenly Home. JUNIOR TOPIC.-A ailmp.se of Heaven. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC A Vlnlon of the OlotlmiM Future. YOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC I'ciiimncnt Mcitsagu of the Uoolt of Revelation. I. The Worshipers (vv. 0-11). 1. Who they are (vv. !. 11). (1) Redeemed men (v. 0). They are main ly (iontlies "of all nations, and kindreds, and people, nnd tongues." They are thoM to whom the "gospel of the kingdom" has been preached by converted Israelites (Matt., 21:1 1). In the first part of chapter seven we saw tied sealing his chosen ones from Israel, They were sealed with the seal of (led In their foreheads, which doubtless means the supernatural en dowment of the Holy Spirit on the last days (Joel 2:28-2). While this was partially fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, Its larger realization Is still future (Acts 2:1.1-21). This out pouring Is for the equipment of the Jews for their divinely ordained mis sion, namely, to preach the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world. When (led sends forth the 14-1.000 Jews with the unction of the Holy Spirit, the iuuuuicruhlc multitude from nil nations will receive Christ, the slain Lamb, for their redemption. (2) All the angels (v. 11). These angels Indorse this ascription of praise offered by these redeemed men by saying "Amen." 2. Whence came these redeemed? (vv. l.'l. 14). They came out of the great tribulation (v. 14). After the rapture of the Church (I Thess. 4:1.'! 18). awful days of suffering and trial shall come upon the world (II Thess. 2:7, 8). It Is the time of sorrow when the nntl-Chrlst shall hold sway; such days as were not before nor shall be after. In which If not short ened no Hob could be saved (Matt. 2:ir. 21. 22: of. Dan. 7:S; 0:20, 27). :t. What they say (vv. 10. 12). (1) Salvation to our Cod and the Lamb (v. 10). They ascribe their salvation to Cod through the sacrifice of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. (2) "Blessing." They acknowledge thnt all blessings come from him. (.'!) "Olory." They acknowledge him as the glorious one and the one to whom all glory should he given. (4) "Wisdom." He Is In finitely wise and all wisdom comes from him. (fi) "Thanksgiving," be cause salvation was provided by him. (0) "Honor." Their hearts went out to him In high esteem. (7) "Power and might." They recognized that all power Inhered In him. II. The Blessedness of the Worship ers (vv. 1H-17). 1. They are before Cod's throne (vv. 0. ir). They are In heaven and nenr the throne of Cod. Jesus Christ. Is now preparing mansions for those who slmll go to heaven (John 1-1 :1-!. 2. Clothed with white robes (vv. !. 14).- Their white robes suggest their character. They have been made such in the blood of the Lamb. The only way for a sinner to be made ready for heaven Is through the blood of Christ. .'I. They bear palm branches (v. 0). The significance of the palm Is found In the use that the Jews made of It at the Eeast of Tabernacles, it was a time of great 'oy, because It repre sented the gathered harvest. The bearers of the palm branches will ex perience the blessedness of not only being In heaven, but of enjoying re wards fur their work on earth. 4. They serve Cod day anil night (v. 1.1). Heaven Is not a place of Idleness, or altogether of singing Cod's praises, but a place where real, vital service Is rendered to Cod ; In deed, there are nobler fields of en deavor awaiting us beyond this life. This lire Is but a training school In which we are mnde ready for service In hem on. !", Cod dwells among them (v. Ifi). To get to heaven at all would be truly Messed, but to be there nnd have Cod to dwell among us will be wonderful. 0. Hunger no moro nor thirst (v. 10). Here life Is one continuous round of hungering and thirsting. In heaven we shall neither hunger nor thirst, for Jesus Christ, the Lamb, shall feed us. The straits and necessities of life will then be over. 7. Neither shall the sunlight or heat come upon them (v. 17). 5. Cod shall wipe away all tears from their eyes (v. 17). This Day Only. Knjny the blessings of tho day If Cod sends them; and the evils bear patiently and sweetly; for this dny only Is ours; we are dead to yester day, and not born to tomorrow.- Jeremy Taylor. Greatest of All Cunning. The greatest of all cunning Is to seem blind to tho snares which we know nro laid for us; men are never so easily deceived as while they are endeavoring to deceive others. Rochefoucauld. ?DANDERINE" PUTS BEAUTY IN HAIR .Girls! A mass of long, thick, gleamy tresses Let "Danderlne" save your hair nnd double Its beauty. You can have lots of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. Don't let It stny lifeless, thin, scrnggly or fading. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. (Jet n .'lo-cent bottle of delightful "Danderlne" nt nny drug or toilet coun ter to freshen your scalp; check dan druff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic; then Its life color, brightness nnd abundance will return Hurry l Adv. Black Opals in Australia. A find of black opal at Tlntebar, near Balllna, New South Wales, has caused much excitement at Melbourne, reports Trade Commissioner A. WV Ferrln. There has been a rush of up plicnnts for miner's rights and per mission to enter private lands. The Melbourne Atre states that nearly a. hundred claims have already been, pegged. INFLUENZA starts with a Cold Kill the. Cold. At the firt neeze take HILL'S CASCARA&MUININ - fii0Mii Standard cold remedy for 20 year in laoiei lorra saic, iun, nv opiates Drema up a com in t ,. nours relieve kih ' - kl Money back It fall. The Centime cox nas a ea . lop vim nr. nu picture. At All Drag Set Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system. In order by regularly taking COLD MEDAL "'"iii Th world's standard remedy for kidney,. liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the nemlet of Hie and looks. In uso since. 1696. AH druggists, three sizes. Leek for Ike name Cold Medal oa erety box and accept act Imltatloa Baby's Clothes will be white as the driven snow when laundered if you use Red Cross Ball Blue It never streaks or spots the clothes, nor does it injure the most delicate fabric. All food crocers sell itj 5 cents a package. LAND FORD COUNTY, KANSAS Delightful climate, year round. Altitude 2,500 feet Cool, refresh ing summer nights. Relief from, hayfever nnd asthma. Water the best, inexhaustible underflow. Soil very deep silt loam. No rocks, gravel, sand or gumbo. Wheat, corn, oats, barley, milo maize, kafir. Country developing rapidly with modern towns, fine schools and churches. $40.00 PER ACRE We arc reliable and do not misrepresent THE L. E. WAIT COMPANY llmiKBii in Colonization Tiiaita and hancii Panrcimifr DODGE CITY, KANSAS UttabUitiod 1UU1 fcuUenmiui Wuutetl Clooil propnaition. rrevl ou experlunce unnecoaiary. Free .School ot Inatructlou. Mann. Uondlnir nnd Ina. Co. Accident and Health Dept.. Saulnaw, Mich, ilpS k X." VAii'n nu k. i IP' " ? i 'em Mlmcb. BarsV V ,vl oi u. y- aTaraTaTaT BVaTi'vV'limfl BLsir A I V i yryiaraKMariraiss vmt9takaU( Mt&iv&Jwffl'' .jmrn "?&m?4 i i&WS!!'C.rfKf '. u,- ''" y