The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 11, 1920, Image 9

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    Tfc4t-SV nvr -HT
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Kir v- v u f mt T as-
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'I'lit' icnrliers nml HiiN of iuu of
h .!. ? ' - uti cvtirrjp tK-v lh nvtnv i ..j, ?
fe c ' EHGUSH h? j , I BEAN 1 5s&3- i Ci
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"III llllll 1IIIM1 Willi lUHllll'l II lilt Ill'IIIUIIMI III I MHIt. 11 IS U
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siiSiiwJsjwwj t!LM&ifo?jZt. .',&. iti&iti.&.yi ir.wTfi
i Tc fi,l
At a 'sl of 11,000,000 I'm'tlmid. Oic, Is IhiIUHdk rnt i locks for tin
Orient, nml Is carrying out other extensive port linpinvempiiH. ThN Is one
After an Inspection of the Hunker Hill monument by the state engineers,
the commonwealth of Massachusetts has formally taken over the euro of the
monument from the Hunker Hill association. It was found that the monu
ment was badly In need of repairs. The photograph shows the Massachusetts
fctate Hug being hoisted over the entrance to the monument.
ir"",rt' WWJWW"MW WWWA
tt,t.W r. V . WJ.VJJMJUAJ i lii I ..- ..V-. -aayfiYf-n- f --1 r iW t i'-Ytt r T Vl rt -frYrfi . . - Jti'tWiJl,Vfrwwrwwj.i
Sccno In tlio Btuto dpiiartniont llbrnry, WnshliiRton, tliowhiR somo of tlio
(limibands t lut t Imvo vlowcil tlio imtlon'H most iiruclutis (locnincntH slnco tlicy
wuro opcuiMl to public liiHpoctlon. Tlio orlglnalf wero shown of tlio Consti
tution of tlio United Status, tlio treaty between tlio colonics and England,
717R.'U liv wlilfli dm Ilnlti'il Slutps ciitnod 1tn ind(nnnilrnnn ! tlio Donlnrntlnn
ot Independence, Lincoln's cuinnclputlnn
war treaty, minutes of tlio continental
(lugton and the Northwest Indian trlbos.
sansarrK , ,, ,,,,,. i
- 'n;iik; - xv ?2
cooo cnsush
the hig schools- of I'
ntlliinil. (lie..
qicelullj nVctlvf wlili
- WWW, flnm..fMWiWWsiwVWVWWwww,
proclamation, tlio Spanlnh-Anierlcan
congress, and tlio treaty between Wuah
niliiiliil Mils novel iiiclliml of uumiig
ilii children.
liuinlUn of truffle to ami from tlio
of the units of the dock system.
HERBERT ll00VER decoraied
Charles Kvans iiuhes, presenting
to Herbert C. Hoover, at n meeting In
Carni'Klo hall, New Yorlc, tho Civic
Forum medal of honor for distinguish
ed public Rcrvlcc.
Miss Hetty lialcer, daughter of Sec
retary of War and MrH. Newton D.
Halter, In tho "danco of flowers," a
part of tho carnival and bnll given
by Washington society for the benefit
Uf n Irwml rhnrltv.
CONVENTION NOTES 'I'll,, rnii em Ion bus adopt"
od ii-iii.,sn No nil, which croiites a
ImhihI nf imnlons ckiiipomI of the gov
niinr nt luting I'lMieril mid secretary
of srnii. Tlil Imaiil must pass upon
all malum nf eleiiieniy, and notice
must . iv(n the Jndgiw and prose
euniiK iitimiie.xs of the einmt.v where
th'' "ii(( ,S sinitiiccil Public
lie.'riiuv must M h!i m all mes.
H'iimij the debate r lit n,nndaN
In II"' nl.'tise of prisoners from the
p"'ii! nn,ir weie generall, nlied. Up
pers i, ,,f ci,j tm t said that the
in. hun show that finiii .Imiuiiry 1,
"" t.i .In nun r. I. IPL'0. :i"!t men
luiM' l n released from the penlten-
llii' !. i.ii'c method or aiioiher. and
lb " 'l'i of them had been released be-loii-
ii. - had son-oil their mliiliiiiiin
I'lni' mler the Imleteimliiate seiitenco
Af-iT refusing to cut out any of the
slnle nltliei's, lis the eeeill( cilllllllll-
tee I nl teiommemled. ami putting
Inn K lii'o the list oT eecutle otlheis
to I leeted -the lieutenant goxernor,
uttiriie. geiiei-nl, sicretary of state
and siiito s(ii,.i'nteiident the coiincii
t tn iefiisid to reinstate the land coin
tnlssloiier as an elective otllcer, and
lidded a lav commissioner as a new
nlilii'i' It also pr. vlded for salaries
for i he suite Hiipieuie Judge of S7,."(K)
etnh. Inn cut down the pioposal for
S7..V( fur the governor to SililOO and
other sin-,, olllcers from .i(M)0 to
S HXin The lleutemiut governor will
rece've. as now. Iwhe the pay of a
semiti r, hut as the provision was made
for n inise of members of the leglshi
lllte finm SliDO to SS()f). the lleutemiut
governor will receive SI, MM).
A pinposal that Is the result of con
ditions surrounding the failure of the
lei:ifin S'nle linlllc, gives the legisla
ture iiuthorlt.v over leelsla'lon as to
pr'orll" of claims, Creditors of the
lieiniir hunt; claimed prioiltv right
to th.' pssets of the banlc 'I'lie coin
inl"!"' on Insurance leconuiieiuls this
piiin'il out for adoption, 'i'ho-e In
elo-e lo'ieh with promoteis of the pro-j-osal,
as well as delegates from the
northeastern part of the state, say the
mucin!!. icnt will be upproved.
No It!'!, the proposal on taxation
pi'ovtdiiij all tangible properly shall
lie taei unlforml.v as to class, nml In
tunrlble property as p-ovlded by the
legislature was adopte 1 lly the body
on second reading last week, as was
Proposal 'J-'U, which piovhles that the
state normal board shall consist of
slv members to he appointed hv the
governor with slate superintendent
member evolllclo.
Proposal No. :t-0. which provides
that territory tran'furred from one
coun'.v to another must be by consent
of voters of both counties, and when
count. line in :nuht legislature shall
have power to place It on nearest sec
tion llin' or main river channel, wiih
missed by a vote of 7!) to !!.
P.y utiiMilmou vole the conventldn
approved Proposal No. !!()!). whhh pro
vides that constitutional amendments
submitted by the legislature shall he
adopted bv majority vote, which shall
be equal to at least ,"i(J per cent of the
total vote.
The commit lee on Insurance lecom
inended for passage Proposal '-".)!).
which will give the legislature author
II v to presi rlbe the prefeience o
claims In the distribution of the as
sets of Insolvent banks.
Propo'al No. 'fll.", which provides
that the house of representatives shall
not be composed of more than 100
members and the senate llfty, to h
lived by law, passed on second
by u vote of 71 to 10
The convention voted last Friday to
take a week's ieoss In order that the
members might go home and look
after business whhh it N geenrally
Important to be taken rare of tliu llrst
of the mouth.
The Nub-comuiltto' to which was re
ferred file question of what to do with
the 'state school lands, valued at U2
millions, recommended to the Joint
committees having the matter In gen
eral charge, that the lands bo sold.
The convention by a vote of fil to
11 went on record as opposed to the
women of the state voting on Iho
ratification of the new statu constitu
tion. Tho convention has approved a pro
posal to turn In fees received by tho
department of fish and game Into that
department Instead of Into the school
Amendment No. 101 which raises
age limit for bo.s for reformatory
from 10 to 1S years, passed on second
reading unanimously.
The committee on private corpora
tions Indefinitely postponed several
proposals dealing with the reorganiza
tion of the slato railway commission.
Shortly after the convention gave
the legislature power to e.vtend tho
terms of state ofllclnH as it sees fit, It
defeated proposal No. ISO, providing
for tlio recall. It was killed on a roll
call vote- of 47 to -III.
Proposal No. 10S passed second road
lug by a voto or l'i. to 8. It reduces
the necessary signatures to an lnltin
tlvo petition from 10 to 17 per cent;
constitutional nmendments from 15 to
10; referendum from 10 to fi. Only
tltlo of act to bo at tho head of petitions.
Leap-Year Privilege Has Long
Been Accorded.
Custom by Which She Is at Liberty
at That Time to Choose Her
Life Partner Is Ancient
and Honorable.
According to an old myth, girl
aspiring to matrimony In leap year Is
at liberty not only to choosu her llfo
partner, but slmtild the man of her
choice by any chance feel Indisposed
to wander by her sldo lie Is under
obligation to soften her disappoint
ment by proffering n silk gown and a
In these days, when the prices for
raiment of any material, not to men
tion silk, liavo soared to such Inac
cessible heights, It might be advan
tageous for a man "to cherish and
obey," repent and rue, for the rest
of his quota on earth rather than
produce the price for an nll-sllk gown.
An old law, said to have existed In
Scotland In the year 112S3 may afford
uddltlonal comfort to skeptical spin
sters of today, even to tho extent of
rejuvenating their hopes for securing
during the coining year n spouse, n
silk gown, n kiss, or nil three; at all
events, It will doubtless Instill further
assurance ns to the veracity of this
tlineworn but none the less tender
privilege. This law reads:
"It Is statut and ordnlnt that during
the rein of her tnaslt bllsslt Megeste,
for ilk j cure knovvno as lepe yeare, Ilk
maydun luyde of hothe blghe and lowo
estalt, shall hue llherte to bespoke yo
man she likes, albeit he refuses to talk
her to be his lawful vvyfe, he shall ho
mulcted In ye sum nne pundls or less
as his estalt may be; except and nvls
glf he can make It nppcurc that he Is
hetiothlt aue Ither women, ho then
shall bo free."
A few j ears later n similar law In
Fiance received the approval of the
king. It Is also said that before Co
lumbus sailed on his famous voyage a
like privilege was granted to tho
maidens of Florence and fJenoa.
A curious little hook entitled "Love,
Courtship and Matrimony," published
In London In 1000, contains the fol
lowing contribution apropos to the
"Albeit It nowc become n part of the
common hiwe In regard to social rela
tions of life, that as often as every
leap yeare doth return, tho ladyes
have the sole privilege during the time
It cnntlnueth of making love, either
by wordes or lookes, as to them It
secmeth proper, and, moreover, no
man will be entitled to benefit of
clergy who doth In any wise treat
hero with slight or contumely." New
1'ork livening Sun.
Couldn't Stand It.
A little hoy In Frankfort refused to
go with Christmas baskets this oar,
He remembered his lust year's experi
ence. Following her usual custom last
year, his mother sent a basket to ono
of her husband's employees. In tho
basket were placed candy, nuts and,
on this occasion, some candy nnlnufls
she found which had been given her
own children on the previous Christ
mas, The little daughter and sou
were dispatched with the basket and
on arriving were Invited In. Follow
ing their childish Inclination, they
eagerly looked on while the contents
of the basket were opened and ad
mired. I'speclally did the children seem to
appreciate the candy animals. They
were in the act of eating them when
the little boy to whom, the year be
fore this pleasure had been denied,
could stand it no longer.
'' "Oh," lie exclaimed pathetically,
"those are the ones mamma gave us
last Christmas." Indianapolis News.
Endurance Test
The setting for the talc Is La .Toll a,
n small town near San Diego. It Is
a place that boasts of great swimming
and ninny other attractions, besides a
museum. A little maiden, whom we
will cnll Nellie, wns passing the mu
seum with her mother. Hoth were
newcomers In the town and were tak
ing their first sightseeing tour. Nel
lie glanced up nt tho sign In front
of tho museum: "Mnn-euting shark.
Fifteen cents admission." So the two
passed on.
Two or three hours later mother
and daughter came back by the same
route and ngaln passed the museum.
Tho sign, of course was still there.
Nellie could not ho silenced. "Is that
man still eating the shark?" she asked.
"I should think he would get tired."
Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
Air Parcel Post.
Among the national requirements
voiced by delegates to the lute Pan
American flnnnclal congress In Wash
ington wns the suggestion by the Hrn
zlllans that there ho established nn In
ternational training ground for devel
opment of tin aviation servico between
tho Americas, to bo used for parcel
post services. The conference voted
to request the governments of the Unit
ed Stntes and Hrnzll to appoint a Joint
commission to study possibilities of
Somo Nut.
Gasser was at bis club and had held
forth on tho Lcuguo of Nations for a
full hour.
"That Is tho situation In a nutshell"
he declared at tho close.
"Heavens l" exclaimed one of the
members; t "what a nut 1" Boston
Well Known
Kansas Woman
Nortonvillo, Kans.: "During middlo llf
x oocamo an run
OH'IL-,aiA uuvu, wean sou dot
TjS s-'Vv vou8. I took Df.
VK . si Piorco'n Favorite
Prescription nnd it
brought mo through
this criticnl period in
pplcndid health. I
liavo nlso taken thfl
vjJjteJfiV Dr. Pierco'd Goldon
f5' s Medical Discovery
7 ' yp -y ns a blood tonic and
' Cifcri Py" or t'10 "vcr nn
LrfK& Ss-i? found it equally M
pood. 1 nin always glad to recommend Dr.
Pierce's mcdlcinea." MItS. WM. OCKEB.
A Nervous Breakdown
Kansas City, Kans.: "Dr. Picreo'a Fav
onto Prescription brought mo through
very critical period for which I shall nlwayi
bo very grateful and I am glad to tell of it
that other suffering women may tako ny
advico and try tho 'Prescription.' I had
sovcro nervous break-down, caused by
woman's trouble. Doctora called it inflara
mation. I doctored for nbout fivo years witl
very iittlo help. I saw Dr. Picrco's mediclnf
advertised and was so discouraged thot
was ready to do anything for relief. I M
onco got both tho 'Favorito Prescription
nnd tho 'Golden Medical Discovery.' 1
think I took nbout n dozen bottles but it
wns surely worth it ns it restored mo to good
health, curing mo of all my allmenU.'J
MI13. LUCY FOREMAN, 811 B. Pack,
nrd Qt.
Remarkable Case of
v a Kansas Woman
Atchison, Kans.: "About twenty yean
ago I first commenced taking Dr. Piorce'a
Fnvorito Prescription for displacement and
other feminine weakness. Tho first half
doicn doses gavo mo groat relief, and by the
timo I finished the first bottle I felt strong
than for a long whilo. Binoo then I have
tnkon this medicine whenever I havo felt
run-down, weak or nervous and it haa
always given mo the dcilrod rcliof. I am
very glad to recommend 'Favorite Prescrip
tion' ns a woman's real friend." MBS.
IDA TICKNEH. 1118 N. 10th Bt-
Can Be Quickly Overcome by
Purely vege
table act sure-
, and gently on
j'.e liver, cor
rect bilious
ness, head
ache, dizzi
ness and indigestion. They do their
Small Pill Small Dose Small Price
great nerve and blood tonic "for
Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness,,
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness.
OeoalacBislkeirsliiii-rs yvteirivC
Shave With
Guticura Soap
The New Way
Without Mug
( iiicltfd Hill nmve. who npcnml up thl
greiitt-st hlKh Kroilo oil IIpIiI In tho uorlil, ti
drill for ini llo wiih uroko tlireo ycnr hko
Toiluy ho Is worth millions. Am I a picker!
Ih ho? Ho tell" mo other crrut nit pool
ire to bo opened up. I don't pick otten
but when I do look out. fiend for freo "tor;
of how Illll Bono did It. Adriresx .Miumlna
No. 1 WcHt allli Street, New York City.
0 Compl.u. UttiUi. frtr "" t"
Uuk Nn Yk StwiMMl ruU St -Hiu.
vth buwtiful cem pKtum of lunous Film Sure
n nlon. tecllxr with ZrruifPufvtuuAt Iflro.
AKturv Otto Cetpoa. Ill V "th let c).
Watson K. Colemil
1'aient lJtwyor,VathlniU)
li t). Aiiil-nd book frst
lutes reuontble. Ulgnestraforence. ISeatterrloM
Let Him Beware.
"The prliiiu donnii hucms n lilt unset.'
, "Is It norlous?"
"Not very. Slio Iiiik inlsltild her hua
hnntl soinuwhere. If lie Isn't caught l
the eoinimny of u younger woniiin nl
will lie well." HlrinliiKlium Afje-Heralo
How's This?
Wo offer $100.00 for any case of catarrl
that cannot ho cured by HAL.L.I
en Internally anil acts throush tho Dloo
on tho Muroun Surfaces of tho System.
Sold by druuRlsts for over forty years.
Price 75c. TcBtlmonlaJa free.
F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Il.-lle Isn't It cold?
Nell Vc-h; I'm so sorry I hnd U
put uwuy my summer furs.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
KeslorA IZalar tnd
Baauty to Cray and Faded Hair
kxj. una i uo at arurcuu- .
Illsrax Chtm. Vtk: iVtehogu. W.T.
mrtmijrt s r ...... ....
HINDERCORN8 Itemorea Onrru. Oat
Iodms, eta, atop all fain, eraurei comrurt Uttau
ttti. nukes walklor eur. Ua. by mall or at Vnf
KUtiu UucosCaaniloaiWorkAil'atolioKaaiM.x.
ksSyuB' yi
1 -.ymiii