. t r -,. w. BSD CLOUD, HBBRASKA, OHUP 4 1). E h 9t A Columbia Grafonola With Columbia Records Is the Ideal Musical Combination i In a COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA you get a graceful cabinet, artistically correct, a tone of exquisite clearness and purity and the exclus ive Columbia tone leaves, which enables you to obtain the most exact musical shading. On COLUMBIA RECORDS you get all the music of all the world much of it made by the host of popular headliners, concert singers opera stars and instrumental artists who make Records for Columbia exclusively. J. C. MITCHELL Columbia Grafonolas THE JEWELER Columbia Records w k m m x m k ? m m : : m m AS TOLD TO. US to k in u: iv. to x iz m : m k k k a ik Woit Stevens wus in Riverton Mon day. t'sed curs for sale Frame .t Smith Itros. Co Mrs. Will Cloud spent Mondnv Jr. Hustings. E. S. Garlicr spent Tttofday In Guido Rock. John Arnell vottirned , Thursday from Fremont. Joe Law returned homo MondayJ from St. Louis. L. 11. Wagoner went to Kansas City Sunday morning. . John Edwards was in Guido lloc'c Thursday afternoon. Chns. Waldo was down from Ina valu Monday moraine;. County Agent II. It. Fausch spent Thursday in ChcHtcr. A. T. Walker unloaded a car of Dodge cars Wednesday. Mrs. W. A. Frahm of UIuc Hill was in the city Monday. Dolnney liros. shipped a car of hoga to Kansas City Tuesday. Oooil nieiils poml fcervice -iiiixhwuto price" I'owulht I'odo's l.l ft' J. FJ. E'.lisor. was in Fluglor, Colo-! rado, the last of the week. ' Chus. Steirins went to Hastings Mrs. W. G. Hamilton spent Thurs day with relatives at Guide Rock. Regular services at Grace church next Sunday. Rev. J. M. Bates, pas-' tor. I J. H. Bailey went to Omaha Mon day morning to attend to somu husi ncss. Mrs. Marion Bloom went to Fair-, bury Saturday morning to visit her parents. j Wm. White was down fom McCook Sunday and spent the day with his' family. C. T. Smith is driving a new Reo truck which he purchased of Sutton & Shipman. Mrs. Mell Sherman wont in Ti-.m- valc Sunday evening to visit her sisj tor, Mrs. Norris. J Frahm & Coiner, of Blue Hill have traded their garage building and fix-1 tures for Iowa land. Five largo trains of stock passed, thru here Sunday to the maikets at St. .Too and Kansas City. Friday and Saturday Love Pie! Love My Elephant! Coming Like a Breeze from the Bid Ton Wm. Fox Presents f! SHIRLEY MASON as the dainty, demure, daring rider of the ring in the sweet est circus story ever lold HER ELEPHANT MAN Admission 25c and 10c First hhmv sUrts at 8 o'oloek B, biiturdity at 7:'i0 3 I ORPHEUM I Uert ears for rule. Frnmc it Smith Uioh, Co. Ituy llrend at Powell and Popos. Wycth Fogel spent Monday in Cowlcs. Ucilly Hayes spent Wednesday in Hastings. 0. I). Hedge went to McCook Sun day evening. Attorney E. G. Caldwell is driving a now Buick car. Mies Mable Drain wont to Hastings Monday morning. Clayton Ranncy was down from Blue Hill Sunday. Ue tlit grout, egg touio, "Moro Egg' Mild by (J. h. Cotting. Mis Nellie Emcrton spent Wed nesday in Hastings. County Surveyor Geo. Overing was in Franklin Tuesday. Earl Hull went to Omaha Tuesday to attend to some business. Father Fitzgerald returned home Friday evening from Nelson. Rev. J. M. Bates was a passenger to Kearney Saturday morning. New KUiiruntoed bicycle tires $2 .10 eiioh at Suttyn &. Siiipinim Heivbje Station. Mrs. Tom Nash went to Hastings Wednesday to spend a few days with her daughter. Dr. Root. Damerell left Sundav evening for Denver where he will at tend to some business. The Burlington shipped a car load of Mexicans into "Red Cloud Tuesday to work on the section. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens of Hast ings spent the first part of the week wjth relatives in the city. Jim Hubatka was down from Bla den Saturday and filed for rcnomina tion us Commissioner of his district. Mrs. J. W. Hauck and her mother, Mrs. Davidson, left Tuesday for Cof fcyville, Kansas, to visit relatives. Mrs. Marion Bloom returned home from Fairbury Tuesday evening after spending a few days with her nar cnts. n i Beck & Keith have moved their pool hull into the building formerly occupied by the Sattlev furniture store. Vifl'i Mrs. S. C. Ellis and daughter, Helen, left Tuesday evening for Den ver, whore they will spend several weeks. Mrs. N. W. McDowell was called to Axtell Thursday on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Davis. James McCormick shipped his household goods to Flagler, Colorado, Wednesday where ho expects to make his future home. Eugene Ryan, Chas. Bitchier and Harold Ludlow left Sunday evening for Torrington, Wyoming, to partici pate in the land drawing. Mrs. Chas. StefTins and daughter, Madeline, spent the last of the week with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Schel lak and family, at Hastings. The Kansas Border Oil and Gas Co. will hold its nnnuul meeting at tho court house Friday afternoon tit at 2 o'clock. The public is coidinlly invited to attend. Attorney and Mrs. h. H. Black ledge returned home Saturday from Denver, Colorado, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she spent Severn', months in hopes of regaining her health, but her raanv frionilH are sorry to loam that very little bum wan derived. (it llio exsolliers ami Millors of tl community who ih'siro to Join tl Aincrli'iiii Legion post, which will oigail.(l in thin .iv. ohm ,,,.. kiL, the nppliuHtioii hbtnlcH which tiro in the JtiiinlKof l'nul Pnlnlcky, nt tho limn iil urn Limning store, or A. II. MoArth Tho following shipped stock Sun T. M. Steward, otto car of cattle to ly: J. M. Steward, one car of catllo - Kansas City; Wm. Crahill & Son, . car or nogs to St. Joo nnd one car 0r to Kanaaj City; Dolanev , two air of hog.t to Kansas' cw . Ent nnd drink nt Powell it Pope's Cafrt. tf Watch for the big carnival at tho High School March Kill.. Wanted a first nnd second cook at Dormitory of Finplclin Academy. Good wugos, tionrd anil room tree. Apply at onco. tailor wruo u. w. lvreibingcr, Franldin. Nubr. Tho infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wugoner passed away at their home Sunday evening. The fu neral services were held Tuesday, Rev. Eshelman in charge. 'J' lie io will be no services nt the Itap. tibt church next Sunday as tho mem bers will meet by Invitation with the Brothieu church and discuss the World Interchurcli Movement Dr. R. V. Nicholson has remodeled hi.s dental parlors and when the same is complete it will bo a credit to him and the city. The doctor bus or dered an X-ray machine and several other new pieces of modern dental equipment. Mrs. Clarence Branon, who had been making her home with Mr. and ftlrs. Anihcw Saladen, left Wednes day morning for Mullen, where sho will join her husband and make their homo on a farm. ADVERTISE CANDY: Men-Women. Earn .$30 weekly. Experience unneces sary. Wc start you in the candy busi ness, at home, small room, or any where. Everything furnished. Grar.rt opportunity. Write for particulars. CANDYMAKING HOUSE. G South 18th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. A. J. Krout, one of the most highly respected farmers living outh of Inavale, passed away at hi jt home Monday. Tho funeral services were held Wednesday after which in terment was made in the Womcr cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Krout had purchased a residence in this city and had ictiied irom the farm and his untimely death is a sad blow to the wife and other relatives. Tho Doe Uiw,, Ed mid John, mid Harry Hoc mot on tho Held or honor, in the Don building neither lloor one afternoon lust week, where Hairy mid John proceeded to settle a dispute con ccrning mi aiM or diioo, so we under stand, xvblle Ed noted as roteioo. We would not bclkvo. these gentlemen would resoit to pliyniutl force to settle such n trilling matter, if it wns nut. fc r the fnct that both the combatants hear evidence of n Hstic encounter. The refeiee refusing to ghu ns a decision ill the buttle, we me linilblo to .say which one w.is "be.. iiikii". However John isfjiuiiHd nHiiv.ing Ed lo"lIiirn up the ilam curds". Gives Wife Glycerine Mixture A letired ineicbiint;who.e wile suf fered for yeai.s from catarrh of the stomach llimllv gave her simple glyoen I ne, buckthorn bnrk. etc , hs mixed in Adlor-i-lcu. ONE hottlopioduced grent re Mills. Itccinse Adler-l-Ua, acts on t) I'll tippnr and lower bowel it re moves nil foul mutter wjiioli poisoned stomach Roliimt ANY (JASiO Miur stomach or gas on stomach. Often Cl'ItrcS constipation. Piovents ap pendicitis, (j. (. totting, druggist. In The District Court Of Webster County, Nebraska. (iotllleliSoniMierliohler, I'lnlntiir, .Martini J. Ileal, Ileal Iter IiiihIi.uiiI. llrhtautl into name unknown: Kmallne Mort;au,houiellnie.s called Mrs Ihnrijii l.y. hum, other iniuiu nuktiown, Mnryau or l.ymiN, her husband, llrst true uainuuuKnnwu; 1'attoi, llrM and iruo name unknown, husband of Anna fatten, defeased; or II any or all of the above nniiKd and k.sliiatl defendants nrodeieaslid Hun the unknown In Irs, do vIsoph, personal rejirehentatlvesol micIi du. ecascd person nr pcraoiis nnd till other per mhir InturcNlciI In llio estate or estate ol hiicli dcceafkd person or person; and the unknown helrrt. lo ImesJesatees and per, Minnl rcprexfiitatlves and other perwint In teresteil In llio estate o( Anna I'atten tie eeasetl; and the West Half (Wtii of the .Northeast (unrtrr (NGV'i) nnd thu KnM Half (KVj) of ihuNortliivestQunrlcr (MV!,) ofSeutlou uiiniberMIx (lil, 'lowustdp line II), North Itancd Nine, HU, Webster enmi ty, Nubraska, and nil other persons claim liiBiiuy InteroMlof any kind In aforesaid rent estnle or any part thereof, , .Defendants). Tho above defendants will take notice ihntoii Iliolsnii day of Kebruary, I'jJi that Oottlleb SoiuierlioU.r, as ptalnlllf, tiled his potltlon and enniiuehced an anion In tho itUtrlct court of Webster loiuily, Nobiawka, nmiliiNt htttil ilofeiidants, tho object and pray er ol which nro to iulot tltlo In said plulntlll uitnliiHtnuy and all of the ndverbo claims of hhIiI nmued and deslKuateddflfcnduntBor any of them to the West Half W'H of the North east tiuarter(Nl5Vil and tho Hast Ualf JKlOl of tho Xortbwesl (lunricr N'WVt of Seetlon miiiihci'Stx II), Towiuhlp Onu I , North, Hanito .N'luo U), Welnter eoitn'y, Nehraska, and that said dofwndant so nmed nnd de sbjimtiHlnndnll pirHomielalnilnif throuuhnr uuderiiny of them bo forever barred nnd en joined from clnliiilintor amierilnt'nny rlKlit, lino, or inturpst in or to ald premise or any part thercot adverpo to the plalntlll". Youaroreiiulrtd to answer tho petition of thu plalntlll on llio la tho olllee of thu cierkofs.itdeonrt.nl Hid loud, Nobrnskn, on or before .Monday April Vi, iioj, OOI'TMIIII .SlIMMKUIIUl.tlKII, My, l J. Munday, Hit Attorney, Tim Ffll K5 AT iioMn nxpner you 1110 rULIXO-ro TELt. 'EM AJ U ABOUT "0MfiHA,SFUHrjtt,4-7 VISIT Eshilaraling Bu!esquo; autleyilla ltz ainiji ritlid !lli Pritti Glrli. Tvmi Clowqi, Oorgeai . .. ls!sl. Erillljal Senilis Crilmnreinl IfiDlES' IIIKE MATIREB EVEtlY WEEKDAY ..u,?.E.Terybod5' Coo"' Anh Anybody ' IWl THE BIOBESC 1113 liai SHOW ' ' Shoe Store Changes Hands Helng unable to give his store hnd business ihe ninoiin, of attention it de served, owing to other business mat. tcr.M, Mr. S C Ellis Iiiih decided to te tire from lied Clond'n meroHiitllc clrole This wenlr hn disposed of his store. Mr. V. S Mllboiimn of V, irburv becoming tho new proprietor, The change will tatco plnco Saturday of this week. Nelson Sells Mill & Elevator A deal of considerable importnnoo wns made yesterdny whereby tho Hiid Land Co. of Hays, Kansns, becomet ownerH of tho Hud Cloud Mill and Etc- itor, which has been operated for a yenr or more by N. 1 Nolsoli. This pioperty was taken as part consider. ation of tho purehiiHe price of u I.'IGO acre ranch near Grlnnel), Kansns. The denl involved the sum of S.r.:,OI)0. The local lenity lirm or Pehullz A lletz were Instrumental in making tho deal. DELPHIAN PKOGKAM March !) Hebrew" Life and Letters Leader, Mrs. W. D. Edson. March 23 Early Greece. Leader, Mrs. E. M. Ego. April 13 Zenith of Athcnean Pow er. Leader, Mrs. Mamis Frisbio. April 27 Later Greece History Leader, Mrs. M. II. Finch. May 11 Social Life in Greece, Leader, Mrs. D. M. Gnrber. May 2o Early Homo. Loader, Mr.s Gricc. June 8 Age of Conquest. Leader, Mrs. Josephine Gumcy. June 27 The Prir.cipatc. Leader, Mrs. George Harris. June 13 Tho Middle Ages. Lead er, Mrs. A. U. Kaley. July 27 Summary of Years Stud v. Leader, Mrs. Alfred McCall. Mrs. Mcintosh Buried Today The sudden death of Mrs. James He- Intosh, which occurred at the family honm north of this elty Wednesday morning, eamo as n shoek to her many friends in this community. While .she had been in poor health for some time past, yet she continued to bo active in famllyaiid social eirales, having driven to town in her oar Tuesday afternoon. During the night she was taken ill tind a physician summoned, but all that medical skill could accomplish was -not Mitlk'ient to slay the hand of death. Mary I'.aiin was bum in Austiia, March 'J., 1871. t the ngeof live years she. with hue patent-, came to this i: mtii v. nnd since tlni' time has con- tn 1 td tesido in tht. community.' She win liuited in inairiage to James Melntosli November Ho, 1S.I2. This union Wrfs.blessed with two sons. Frank Htid-JMs , who-with her husband, her aged p'lrents, Mr. and Mrs Frank liar ti. one BiHtr, i.,Mrs. Fnuik Mcintosh, and one brother, .loscpb, him left to mottm her untimely demise, Kunerul services weie conduetod tlilh aftei noon nt U'.o'uloek.nt the home, in olmrgo of Kev. J. L. Uaebe. Farm Bureau Notes IMPltOVED LIVE STOCK HHEED. EU'S MEETING Friday 12 p. m. March 12, 1920. Opera House, Bladen, Nebraska. PROGRAMME Dinner 12 o'clock sharp Roll Call Secretary. "Pure Ured Sires Only" M. It. Posson, Lincoln Extension Special ist in Animal Husbandry. "Tuberculosis Free Accredited Herds" Dr. V. .F. Spencer, Lincoln, Chief of Nebraska llureau of Animal Industry. "Fuirs and Stock Shows" C. B. Steward, Red Cloud, President Web ster county 1. L. S. B. A. Tim above program is one of the big treats of the season. There is a movement now on, to find out how many farmers are using Pure Bred Sues. Also the U. S. Department of Agriculture, will issue u certificate. Mr. Posson will explain the above campaign. Plan to hear him. Two thirds of Webster County Pure Bied Breeders and some Breeders, having grade hords, are under Gov ernment Supervision. The State of Nebraska is co-operating with the Bureau of Animal Industry, in the Eradication of Tuberculosis. And thoy will send men out 'to test your cnttlo and pay indemnity for re-actors. Dr. W. F. Spencer will handlo this subject. And some Breeders, who have had their cattle tested, will give their opinion. This subject ought to interest every farmer, who lias cows on his place. Tho subject "Fairs and Stock Shows," has been assigned to Mr. Steward. Ho has showii cattle and hogs at nil the leading fairs. Mr.j S toward will touch upon this subject, from all sides and every ,Puro Bred Breeder should hoar him. Everybody is invited nnd should mako their dinner reservations with' Fred Ilousoholdor, of Bladen, or Coun ty Agent hoforo March 8. HENRY R. FAUSCH. Comity Agricultural Agent' Mrs. Chns. Pharos went to Rock Monday1 morning. Guide r 'l MICKEY Nothing but Fun and Action Be Merry with Mickey ffe ' Jttti$ UvY--'' ?$ Orpheum : Monday and Tuesday 4:15 Monday Afternoon Admission 3Sc-25c. Monday Afterncon 2Sc-15c War Tax Paid i iii2.min:ari:!i!'.:iinaixr.n.minra:K!!iui'iiin.::mi!,t!i,raj':ntn:i i:nGw.a j - I WHAT A BANK SHOULD BE Capital and Surpluj $35,000.00 latere! Paid on Time Deposit 0 THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, President Rd Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Cashier JI'jmtlH Cmirqnltftl lnj lUt D'jiO'Uoi titmrtmlrt J'fimi of tUt .slatt nf A'tbrutla nw'amitifliiiimaiimmninmMjm SPRING GOODS! OUR NEW SPRING SUITS, are beginning to arrive. We invite you to come in and look them over. Hart, Schaffner and Marx Suits Priced from $50 to $70 "1 i Vi iVt li l i i ' i ' " ' ' Wc are Now Showing the Newest Line of SHOES that have ever been brought to Red Cloud. Priced from $10 to $15 per pair We want you to feel free to inspect our merchandise and COMPARE OUR PRICES with others. Our motto is "your money back if you'r no- -visiicd" W. G. Hamilton Clotln The Girl vou can never forget The Hit of the Season toinM ..1.3i.'..r,;,'i;ni!.!;'r. ica1"" ar-'i'iKn injmi'.ttnirMtttisnn'j.'nftn! -THE RELATION BETWEEN A BANK " and its depositor it different (torn that between other lines oi business .iiui their cuttnmers. And a hank can he uieful to its clients beyond ihc mere de positing, pa) in am' IcnJinj of money, A hank stands in confidential relation to its depositors. It has opportumlies'to help them and opportunities to take advt.-ilage of them. It becomes farujliar with their financial Itaosaclions. It knows what deals they are pUnnirr; and making. Not only their money but their business secrets are ui its .hands for safekeeping. Further, the Link is the support he hind the man, upon which he can call for help. Your bank, to be really useful, should be honor able; strong enough to furnish help when needed. Stetson and Mallory Hats In all the New Spring Shapes Co. i " t''ctf "jy I V A I V I ' y . t. ... f r j,-m W3 -19m Dy"fBv,",:a""," niwirl""1 s"