The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 04, 1920, Image 3

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    VbMdVJi . -
x ;. t switaiwvr t-
T.l V'
) flabraska Pastors' Conference
Brings Out Greatest Meet
ing In History of State
P..t- di j ...
rasters Piedue Their Hearty Support
nd Co-operation to New Movo-
ment to Evencelce the World.
Lincoln, Neb.-The statewide meet
In of NebraUn l'ruNHaat minis
ters, held In Lincoln last weok In
connection with tho Intercuurcli World
Movement, brought tociUer more No
braskn preachers tliiiu were over be
fore L'athorcd under one roof In thchlsi
tory of tho state. It was the first time
Ncbrakn inlnMerH of all the different
denominations have met together. At
the close of tho con reroute the mem,
berH pledged their hearly Mmnort and
o.r.1."'!, '" tn'new winciit to
evangelize the vorId.
There aro a possible 1,000 ovatiRcllj
cal Protestant ministers In Nearnska.
Bevcn hundred and fifty-seven of these
attended tho Nebraska pastors' confer,
eoce. Nearly &00 dMferaat Nebraska
Uwas and dtlcs war a raprcaeated 1st
,tle laeettMf.
' Twenty-one denominations partici
pated la Hfce conference, according td
Ike atelaln-gleter.1 Of Baptlsta there
. wmJd.Mftlflters present; Seyakth
. lk UBHkl: Brathrvu. S: rlv'
,'tlaa, i; CetsatlMil,'72; Disciple.
V, Federated cbarcaee, 3; Friaaea,
14; lnefa, Si .Jeettiodlata, BT
African Metftefliets. 2; Naaarlae. 1
I'reabyterlan, 119; Reformed, 4; gov
with Day Adventlat, 4; Swodlsh Mis
idea, 1; United Brethren, ; Ualea
Gburch, 1 ; '.Ion fnrrt, 1 ; Kplsoeya
Han, 1. In addition, about 100 mlnla
tnrs were prevail who did uot regtater.
The "Wichita team," beaded by Dr.
J. Campbell White of New York, Asso
ciate (ienerul Secretary of the Inter
church World Movement, delivered the
message of the luterchurch Movement
to the NVbrusku paston. Dr. White,
1n his keynnin addre.iR, milil that foi
the first 1 1 itiD in hhtory the mighty
force of tho I'rotustant church aro
merged for the cvmigellr.atloii of tho
world and for the spreading of th
teachings of Jesus (JhrNt.
One of the Interesting addresses was
that of .1 KruMHid f'rulg. director of
sure.. . of itpt-clul grotiiis "In the
Btate nf NcIuikKii," fiald Mr. Craig,
"there are -t'Jii.'.'IO I'rotestniit, or nom
inally Protestant children nnd youth
who are not in any school for religious
Instruct urn. U .ou should point to the
weakest spot tit I lie Protectant church
you wmihl point to the 27,000,000 chil
dren and uinli who aro growing up In
pplrltiial Illiteracy and to the IK.000,000
more whiwo religious instruction is lim
ited to the tit icf half-hour once a week
on Sutel.i.vs. A church that cannot
wive her own childhood can iieor save
the world."
Religious Survey of Nebraska.
The religious survey of Nebraska,
which is being conducted l K. W. O
Hiller of Lincoln, suervlsor of the In
terchureh World Movement survoy, Is
rapidly Hearing completion. Mr. Hlllei
reported. Only two countle. have been
entirely completed, but the survoys In
sixty additional counties are almobl
Ke. W. lv. .1. Oratz, pastor of St
Paul Methodist church of Lincoln, la
an address the Hist day of the confer-
nee. laid Mimeihing of the purposes ol
lie Interchureh World Movement nnd
tld the Movement aimed to raise
l.:CO,000.(MiO to cute for the program
lor the next the vears.
P.lshop limner Stunti of the Method
ist church in Nebraska, who has re
cently reltiri'cd from the Fur East,
where he held conferences In India,
China, Japan, the Philippines and oth'
er Fnr Kust countries, told of the need
of that portion of the world for the
project it outlined for it by the Inter
church World Moeinent.
While the pastors' conference was In
FoMnn In the St. Paul Methodist
church, tlm wonnins' tiuxlllnry win
holding meeting in the First Presby
terian church with Mrs. IC. O. Cronk ol
New York City us chairman. Menibon
of the Iiitcrcluifch World Movement
team addressed the women.
Migratory Farm Labor.
Nttbrnsku farmers will be Interested
In an nddre-s delivered by II. H. Doug
las, n member of tho team. Mr. Doug
las has made n study of migratory bar
ost labor. Last year lie dressed as a
hnrvest liaiid and worked In the har
vest Holds In many purls of Nebraska,
as well us or Oklahoma, ICuusas, South
Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and othei
western slates.
"Four million farm hands havo nc
Job lu winter," he said, "They inual
depend on charity or odd Jobs. Thoy
must have shelter and something to
eat for 12 mouths In tho year. A qunr
ter of a million migratory laborers In
Nebraska last summer hud never beard
of Jesua Christ. Hut It is these migra
tory farm hands who keep the nation
from starving, We must liuvo a mi
gratory church to follow these hnndyi
as they work their way northward la
the summer,"
Among the other members of tb
team who addressed the conference
were: R. O. Gapes, Baptlat mission
ry la China; Itolvlx Qarlnn of New
york, secretary of the social service
nd rural community work of thi
American Baptist Home Mission wo
ctety; Dr. J, H. Jordan of Ulnneap-
lis, dftftnrtnl secretary ef the MetheeV
tot hospital, Minneapolis; Rev. J. T.
lAtUwr, BhJmw, OUm; J. W. Pe4br,
Andereea, bad., ! rriMUUn ed
tbe Stathrtlvel deyextateat, Iatee
rhuroh World Movement; Dr. H. O.
Prttchard, general secretary Board f
Mduratln, Disciples of Christ; Dr.
Jtoyat J. Iye, Mlastociary to Africa;
Charles V. Taylor, aad other.
A 5ipcitil meeting was held during
tlic rouferonce by iforosentoU from
j every county In Nebraska for social
Instruction ns to tlie method of cover-
' ' llie !ll!Wll'llsllP 'nlte lo tin lut
church In tho stale.
I "The church has become a suppliant,
lft Mk", l'nndent for bar vary as
litenrV on benevolence," Dr. Oeorna K.
I farrar, Held secretary of (his 'depart
pient, Wold the rouuty representatives.
'This U nil wronc. It was not ao at
fbe beglmil-y. (Jod provided for his
church. The fntorcburrh Movement Is
talllnt for 10,000,000 Christian How
ards who will covenant to sot aelde for
the forwarding of the klnKdow the
first fruits of their Increase."
In thp Inst hour of the conference,
after Dr. fpinnboll White, from the
plutforiri, had snlil: "Tim Nebraska
conference Is tho greatest anil most
satisfactory Hint lias yet been held,
the siilrlt of brotherhood uinotiR thu
I liicmburs Is grout and we aro antldpat-
IlK wonderful ro-ults in Nebraska,"
nnd after the members of tho confer
ence had pledged their hearty suppoit
and co-operation in the new wovenwut
to evangelise the world, the flndlogd
coaiBilttee. couststleg of Heaaer J.
Coppock, caalrntaB, president Nebras
ka Central College; Dr. D. . leaklos,
president Oemha motvereitr; H. V.
Hoop, president York college, and O.
W. MltcBeil, president Franklin aemd
etay, preseated the feUowlag flndinga.
.wklck were Baaalaiewatr adopted:
a r The FlneliHie.
"It has beea dearly saanlfested taat
tbe npreiae aim, tae eotstandlng par
pea of this rooveaeaL Is to reveal
.Oirlst In an adequate way te the whola
world, and to make Bis spirit and prin
ciples dominate in tbe life of tbe Indi
vidual, la eectety, and In tbe cosasMr
rlal, edacattonal and political life, aad
In all national and International rela
tions ;
"And we believe that the luterchurch
survey that brings to us the facts of
the whole field, Its need and to what
degree that need lit met, will enable tbe
churches to conserve men and money,
in tbe achievement of the work of the
"Some places are overchiirched and
other places have no religious services,
then conditions can be adjusted ac
cording to the needs of tbe field.
"It will be necesfiary for nil churches
to co-operute in some great movements
In some great centers In which no
one church can meet tho need. Hy this
co-operutlon tho churches will becoino
o deeply Interested In the tnsk that
will bring about n unity of spirit nnd
they will discover that the things that
Jiave Impressed them ns churches nro
pot so essential ns they had believed.
"We believe that this movement Is
of Cod, and lie has moved In tho
hearts of men for a broader view and
a gteator united effort lo bring the
Kingdom of iod to earth."
Political Announcements
Commissioner Dist. 4
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date, for re-nomination for County
Commissioner of District No. 1, at the
primary, April 20, l'J2o, subject to the
wilt of tho Republican voters of Web.
ster County. Wm. U. TIIOMAS.
For Clerk of District Court
1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date, for the nomination for Clerk of
the District Court, at the nrinmrv.
April 2o 11)20. subject to the will of
the Democratic voters of Webster
County. KDITii L. M KKKiUAX.
I hereby announce myself as nenndi
date, for the nomination for Clerk of
the District Court, at tho Primary.
April 20, lt20, subject to the will of
the Republican votersof Webster coun
"Quality" Job Printing
TheMtirgln of Safety
Is represented by the amount of
insurance yon carry.
Don't lull yoitr-ielf into n fancied
Because lire has never touched you
it doesn't follow that you're immune
Tomorrow -no today, if you have
time and you hotter tlud time
come to the olliee and we'll write
a policy on your house, furniture,
store or nierchuiidiso.
BLeli-wble Insurance
E. S. Gaurber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kind
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
-.-5 T-
Business Men, Farmers and Wan
Workers Must File Schedules
, of Income for 1919. J
Net Incomes of $1,000 or Over, If Sin
gle; or $2,000 or Over If Married,
'aW Mu,t Qe ReP0ted
The Inromo Tnr Imposed by Act
of Congress on earnlngi of the year
101'.) Is now being collected.
Returns under oath must bo mado
on or before Mutch 15 by every citi
zen nnd resident who hud a net In
come for 11)11) amounting to:
.$1,000 or over, If single; or If mar
ried and living upsrt from wife (or
husband) : or If widowed or divorced.
$2,000 or over, If married and living
with wife (or husband).
The status of the person on the last
day of the year llxcs the slutus for
tho yenr with respect to the above
Under any of these ctc-cveistanoM a
retire mast be saade, even tbeetfh
ao tec la dm:
Husband and wife must ceoatdar
tbe Incesae of both, pine that eC d
peadeaH Miser cMldre. la seeeebac
this ree.Hireraet; aed. sf mKefevt (ej
reesifsj a rat, ell lieaaa Meat fe
abewa to a jewt retejra er la apre
rermrae of husbaad ad wife.
A alatle pereen wltb sataor depead
eats nasi Inclade tbe laeome ef aaek
A atlaor who baa a act Income t
fl.'OOO er more Is not coesldcred a
dependent, and must Die a separata
Personal returns should be mado oa
Form 1040A, unless the net Income
exceeded $5,00O, In wbicb case Form
1040 shonld be u.wil.
Resident!) of Nebraska should file
their returns with, and make payments
of Income Tar to, (Jcorge L, l,oorals,
fOlleitor of Internal Heveaujj, Oiuahn
How to Figure Income.
Tbe best way to llnd out whether
one must (lie a return Is to get a Form
10I0A and follow the Instructions
printed on it. That form will serve a.s
a reminder of every Item of Income,
and If a return Is due It tells how to
prepare and tile It.
If in doubt on any point as to Income
or deductions n person may secure free
advice and aid from tho nearest Inter
nal Revenue olllce.
(lUes.swork, estimates nnd other hlt-or-iulss
mcihod.s are barred when a per
son Is making out his Income Tax re
turn. Accuracy and completeness must
be upon. The tcturn Is a
sworn statement. As such It must be
thorough and accurate.
Salaried persons and wage earners
must ascertain the actual compensation
received Overtime, bonuses, shares In
the profits nf a business, value of quar
ters and board furnished hy the em
ployer uinl other Items which are com
pensations for services must be In
cluded. It must lie borne lu mind that com
(lensutlou may be paid lu other forms
than lu A bonus paid In Liberty
Houds is taxable at tho market value
of the bonds. A note nvelvod lu pay
ment for services is taxable Income at
Its face value, and tbe interest upou
it Is also taxable.
Other Returns Due.
1'very partnership doing business In
the United States must file a return
on Form 10(J."; and every personal
service corporation tile a fclmllar
Corporations must file annual re
turns on Form 1120.
Trustees, executors, ndinlnlstrntors
and others acting In a fiduciary capac
ity are required to llle returns. In
some cases, Form 1011 Is used; In
oilier-, Form 1010; and still others,
returns on both forms ure required.
Information teturns, on Forms 101)0
ntul llKlil, must be filed by every or
ganization, linn or person who paid,
during UH, nil amount of $1,000 In
salary, w.igos, Interest, rent, or other
lled or determinable Income to an
other person, partnership, personal
service corporation or fiduciary. These
Information returns bbould bo for
warded directly to the Commissioner
of Internal Revenue (sorting division),
Washington, I). C.
WHO Single persons who had
net Incomo of $1,000 or more
for the year 11)10.
Married couples who hud net
Income of .$'J,000 or more.
WHEN -March 15, lOUO, Is flnnl
date for tiling returns and mak
ing first payment.
WHERE Collector of Ititernnl
Roventie for District In which
the person resides.
HOW Full directions on Form
10-10A and Form 1010; uleo the
law nnd regulations.
WHAT Four pur cent normal
tax on taxable Income up to
$-1,000 In exctiss of exemption.
Bight per cent normal tax on
balance of taxable Income. Sur
tax, from ouo par ceut to sixty
five per cent on not Incomes over
XUftaVftKA, 'OaUBT
It trganizftd to Lend Helping
Hani1 to Young Men of
Every Communify
Altouether too often the Y. M 0. A,
l theucbt of as a 1I building lu a bis
If this Is your Idea ef the field and
week ,ef tbe modern procrain of the
Toeaf Uee's Oirlstlan Aseoclatlon yon
de uet audersiand the inrled and
adaptable program of the Stste Anno
tfatfon the Teunt Un'i Christian
AseecUHoaj of Nebrssea.
Absolutely ludepetident of a build
nir, It Is prepared to help boys and
yuag uioti lo the following effective
1. Through tho III V Clubs. We
now hatn thirty . wen In Nebraska,
with a total membership of twenty-six
hundred. Their puriso Is to create,
tunlnlaiu nnd exfwid high ilnndards of
Christian chnrnetM- throughput the
school snd community. Our policy
for the next two ywirs calls for tho
doubling or trebling of this number.
2. Tbe Oouuty V M. (J. A. plan
operates through a Couaty Committee
and an employed Ceeety fterretary.
We have a4x ceteaUaa ecgaaieed la Ne
braska, embracing tblrty-oae Bible
Madr Croup and a total raembersfcla)
'ef me thousand. In all lta activates
tbe County work operate through tbe
beaeev the ebarrb and tbe eebeel. Oac
etfcy ealla far tbe organtiatloe er at
leaat tweaty-flve addlUeeel 'Ceaatieo
darte int aad 1UI.
t. The 8Ua AaaoclaUen eeaducto
rarleaa elder beys' Cenfereuvee, whteb
cbaUeage tbe beys te blgh 1daela ed
llvlag appealing for cletta ttaoughta.
cleaa sport, cleau speech. A etroajr
body' aetuatml by a reel purpos la
life. Last year there wa a total at
teedeme of seven hundred srlv't High
Bctioot boys with dlslooyi n forward
tepi and new purposes totaling fne
4. Camp Sheldon had a vital con
tact with about three hundred boys
last summer, nnd will this year have
a greatly enlarged attendance. Camp
Sheldon operates from June to Octo
ber and servos the- purpose of n train
ing camp for the development of local
lenders In your community. Its sole
purpose Is to build character.
,r). There is a student V. M. C. A.
In every ml luge, university and nra
detnj In Nebraska. The purpose of
the Student uurk Is to foster and de
velop the Christian character of stu
dent nlroadj so Inclined and lo lead
others where po-sslblo Into the Chris
tian life. It tends to follow up and
inaUe permanent the Influence begun
In (he home nnd the high school, and
to steady the lives of the young men
at a llnio when the stress and strain
of temptation Is often severe. It en-denvoi-t
to .supplement th cuuntnictlvn
Christian Influence of thu home and
the Church.
fl. Through our State nnd District
Secretaries, meetings for boys nnd
young turn are conducted with
"Straight from the Shoulder" appeals
for n clean, purposeful life.
7. Tho Association movement has
developed the Idea of the Father nud
Bon meetings and an an Inter-deiionun-atlonnl
agency has encouraged uiul
promoted them through churches and
other organisation until they ure today
becoming one of the most popular and
vital factors in moulding tho lives of
our sons. Any city, communify or
church can protlt by this type of worft
In behalf of their boys.
8. The corresponding member Sys
tem is a net-work over nil our Stntea,
whereby young men leaving home are
followed and right cenlncts nud ac
quaintances formed In their new locu
tions, endeavoring to tlo him up to hli
Church and Association In tho city of
Ids new location.
All tho above Is done without any
apeclnl buildings or equipment, except
at our State Roys' Camp nnd at rela
tively little expense.
These types of Association work
deal with boys nnd young men where
we tlud them utilizing the ngenclen
nnd facilities already existing lu tho
The wotk In Nebraska h under tho
direction of the following men :
Directors -J. IK'an Ringer, Omnha,
Chairman; fllonn Jones, Grand Island,
V.-Cbalrmnn ; A. W, Ilowinan, Omnha,
Roc. See.; 0. C. Edgerly, Omaha,
Treasurer; Chns. A. floss, Omaha;
Chns. Fordyce, Lincoln; S K. War
rick, Rcotts RlufT; .lame N Clarke,
Hastings; George 1 Rlsscll, Central
City; Frank Hammond, Fremont; S.
D. Ayres, Centrnl City; W. S. Curtis,
Omnha; A. F. Tyler. Omaha; C. W.
Pugaloy, Lincoln ; R. L. Hevelone,
Deal rlre; V. M. Weltzel, Albion; L. a
Oberlles, Lincoln; Any Wilson, Lnurel;
A. h. Johnson, University Place; Wil
liam Volgt, NelFon; II. S. Hungnn,
nnstlngB; David Itees. Norfolk; W. J.
Hill, Lincoln j (1. A. Lovelnnd, Lincoln ;
It. M. Campbell, Coliunbua; 0. L.
Itlchnrds, Hebron; Nudum Wilson,
fltromsburg; Hugh H. Wallace, Omnha;
.1. II. Know'cw, Frenont ; .7. D. Hna
kell, Wnkpfleld' c A Rnwls. I'lntts
mouth; O c S-"h. Kxeter; Oeo. W.
Shrock, York; Ceo A. Maraluill, Ar
lington; n, I. UIHott, Chudron; n. L
nabcock, Cmnppoll
Seoretarlfa Chns. II. Mutssehnan,
State Secretary; K. M. Ruber, Ar
clato Htnto Secretary; M. V. Arnold,
District Hecretnry; 11. W. Kendall,
District Secretary; Panl H. MfKee,
State rtoyB Work; O. R. Delhi, nigh
chool Work; Hervey F. 8mlUi, Coun
ty Work; O. M. Adame, Associate
County -Work.
S fSaJtn I fj " fir,
5M?3r &3b V't
UlaaaawrT l-l'aamdjDTTlf 'tif'au
Con'sider'The "ONE MINUTE" When
You Buy Your New Washer
When mi Feleet u Wiwhcryoii waul a inacliine flint will do wn.'.hing,
itiic' 1 , ami williout wear and tear mi the elollio ou want u macliiiio
limit Kiiimg enough ! tmiil ni under I.unl UMigc, uiiii that will wash heavy
ami light miinients equally well.
Thfs new One Minute Twin Tub Benoli Power Wa.Alic.rismaionTpre.slv
fivfannuor. V.vrrj Irtot it in nMgnd to ait frm rniutrrniriita. It h nbiukrW
Kiraifl. It ill do mora ewiaiaa tfiao tmoniioKry aicclo tub wMimrmK-htix,ml
i n k timr. It perfect la feaateHal and wort ma hip.
The tub in rnao of Ixmkhana kiln-dried IbsdCypitwa t nunc iaaluminuni
nbM) t rew and Mto alg!icalaBbwl timrf i mHb'W t nurt F"" notfj wlnrh
iliwa the wuhinc vVaTta Osavj MM imd wilbmt aviiUT. Hmnriiut iwnlvHrr
MfetytckaM that rilraaaa. TU aesay Wiot pceato o( Ui Ono Ulnvlv will Mv ymi
lends uit this m tee waoar inr oa
We. Iiare one of Uko Kew "6ae Minutes" oa our floor now. eoeae in ami
ro 1 will be clad lb sbev H to .
GfiO. W.
Geo. W. Hutchison
Real Estate, Insurance. Loans, Abstracts
PHONES i-T'R"1"-
) Residence, 177
Wichita County, Kansas
WE have 150 of the best farms in Wichita County,
Kansas, for sale. These tracts of land are divided into 100
acre tracts, 320 acre tracts, G10 acre tracts, 800 acre tracts
and one tract of 2000 acres. There are all smooth, of the
best of soil. Wheat lands. You can take a tractor and
drive right around them and plow every acre. We can
furnish you these lands at from $17.50 to $30.00 an acre
depending on the distance from the county seat and rail
road station. In 1919 there were probably 1000 quarter
sections sold in Wichita county. The price is going up.
If you are interested in some of the best farms and farm
lands in the west call on us.
Between the Farm and the Market
flAVE you ever stopped to figure what makes the difference between the value
of two farms one which is located 5 to 10 miles from town and the other
only one mile? The land may have the same productive qualities yet the farm
nearer town will command a higher price per acre.
its probucts TO THE MARKETS. Long Hauls require more time.
You can CUT THIS DISTANCE one half or one third by adopting the
RIGHT kind of TRANSPORTATION. Besides deriving yearly profits you
you increase the value of your farm.
The motor atipt.d must be of a type SUITABLE, FOR THE FARM. A
cumbersom, slow moving truck is little better than the old team and wayon.
Thousands of fa.-n. -, have found the IDEAL TRUCK for their purpose is the
There are nearly ''O.OOO in use today more "REOS" than nny other truck
The "SPEED WAGON" meets the demands of the fanner because it enables
3 one man to do the work ol several men
P Sutton (Si
1 Service Station.
JKalone-Gellatly Go.
More One Minutes in
uie in farm homes than
any other make.
Red Clead.
and teams. As us more about 'REOS
R.ed Clovid
.ty&few, u ifc.