The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 04, 1920, Image 2

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Tells Italians to
"Tighten Belts"
No Hope of Better Food Situa
tion Seen by Food Con
troller at Rome.
Strikes and Riots Are Bred by Stead
ily Increasing Cost of Everything
Causing Deep Anxiety to
Homo. Ilnly's food Rlttmtlnn Is
worso now tlinti It linn been since the
nrmlstlcc nml almost ns bad as It
was during tho dark days of the war.
Tho feeling that all Is not well has
weighed upon housekeepers for weeks,
when life's prime necessities grow
rarer nnd dearer. Hut now the coun
try has been told the bitter truth by
Food Controller Murlaldl In n speech
before tho chamber of deputies.
This year's harvest of grain lias
yielded 200,000,000 hundredweight
loss than last year; the government
must import 250,000,000 hundred
weight for bread, which Is sold at 20
cents for n two-pound loaf, and means
1400,000,000 on hnrd grain alone; on
eoft grain the loss equals another
1400,000,000; on olive oil tho stnte
loses several hundred million dollars.
Italy Is tho only allied country
whoso Inhabitants must still eat war
bread. Its price, the government says,
must shortly ho raised 0 or 10 cents
for a two-pound loaf, because tho
budget cannot stand the loss of $800,
000,000 a year on grain nlone. Tho
public must bear part of the burden
In denrcr bread.
Itlce Is scarce, too; this year's har
vest shows n shortage of half n mil
lion hundredweight; the oil hnrvest
Is so poor tho public has less than
one-third the quiuitlty doled out last
year. There Is less thnn half tho
quantity of cheese, lard, butter and
milk of last year; thero Is a scrlouv
BUgur shortage too.
. No Prospect of Relief.
And tho food controller has no
remedy to suggest. The public blames
him nnd his food ministry, lie
blames the food ministry too, sny
Ing that such chaos reigned when he
took it over last summer that he has
been unable to straighten things out
and will resign as soon ns possible.
Ho told an astonished chamber that
bo found his ministry buying chocso
at GO cents n pound, to resell to
wholesalo dealers, who doled It out
to the public at $1.G0 n podnd. lie
added that, one great trnublo Is the
lack of food experts to ndvlso tho
government In buying foods, es
pecially perishable kinds. Aiid ho
said he saw no hopo for n better food
situation In tho near future unless
peoplo cat lefjs nnd pull their belts
tighter over empty stomachs. '
The perpetual upward flight of food
mH k& i W&BmWmMmMmWBM&mmtUM
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?! WWBIWil V Jltm, v i WMM T '" "lllfc -trmtfw' MM
EPkii llfiiiaBflwH3K3Hra.f Mmk
Ell - HI mMSBmmm
Edwin l. Morrow of Kentucky signing tho Joint resolution of tho Ken
tacky bouse nnd sennto in ratification of the Constitutional amendment giving
women tho right to vote. This ratification marked the end of the thirty-year
light for that right In tho Blue Grass stutc.
Company Takes Back
Man Who Stole $235,000
O. It. Woodward of St. Louis,
Is again a citizen of tho United
Stntes nfter relcnso from n two
yenr term In the penitentiary.
Citizenship was restored by the
governor. In addition, the Fed
eral Lead company, for ttio em
bezzlement of about $235,000 of
whoso funds ho went to prison,
lias agreed to put him on Its
pny roll again and give him a
fresh start In South America as
its agent
. ulllllt1 ... .ft
Austrian Children to Italy.
' Vienna. Ten thousand Austrian
children are now going to Italy as
guests of various municipalities. They
will remain tor the winter. Many thou
sands more aro In Switzerland, per
many, Holland and the Scandinavian
prices in Italy causes deep anxiety to
thoso responsible for the country's
good order. Recent strikes nnd civil
strife were almost wholly due to
discontent caused by the still In
creasing cost of life's prime neces
sities and more trouble Is yet to come
unless the upward trend Is curbed.
Sample Increases.
Cotton goods cost .100 per cent
more than they did In 1010, woolen
goods 2f0 per cent, hats and shoes
200 per cent, shoddy clothes 2.r0 per
cent, glass goods JlCO per cent. Home
grown produce has Increased more
than foods Imported from America.
For Instance, eggs arc now fifl per
cent dearer than Hirer;, years ago. po
tatoes -lnt) per cent dearer, beans 420
per cent, fresh pork 2170 per cent,
Itnllan lard 2S0 per cent, beef 2111
per cent, butter 270 per cent, cheese
250 per cent, milk 2100 per cent, wine
525 per cent. Tho food control ofllco
reports that wlno growers made such
Enemy Rattled
by Five Tanks
Ruse That Kept Germans Guess
ing on Eve of Argonne
Their Bluff Attacks Divert Two Ger
man Divisions U. S. Army Gets
First Two of Improved Type
of Battle Tank.
Washington. Tho story of Ave little
American tanks and the pnrt they
played In the great Argonno offensive
Is told as follows In a statement Is
sued by tho war department:
"Gen. Pershing with tho llrat Ameri
can nrmy had Just finished awakening
the German high command to a healthy
fear of the American soldier by re
ducing the St. Mililel salient, nnd the
pluns for the McuBe-Argouno offeuslvo
wero about to bo carried Into execu
tion. In these days of tho airplane
and wireless telegraphy, It seems lm
possible to deliver a surprise assault.
Nevertheless no pains aro spared to
deceive tho enemy as to the exact
point of attack. As a means of cover
ing the truo point of attack, the chief
of tank corps presented a schemo
which received tho approval of tho
high command.
Cut Up Like an Army of Tanks.
"Accordingly, after the withdrawal
of tho tanks from the St. Mililel sec-
Almost Wiped Out by Dance and
Famine Follows Feto Among Alaskan
Indians Forty-Two Are
Cordova, Alaska. A play, a dnnco
nnd a feast, winding up a season of
plenty was responsible for the near
extinction of the Qulgllllngok trlbo of
natives last winter and spring, nc
cording to John II. Kllbuck, superin
tendent of schools for tho Kuskokwlra
river district.
The famine following the fenst, Mr.
Kllbuck said in his annual report to
the bureau of education, caused the
deaths of at least 42 of tho natives,
and would have wiped out the entire
clan had not missionaries come to the
rescue with a supply of food.
Tho tribe, Mr. Kllbuck suld, stored
j big profits this last year that they
paid for the land their wines are
grown on from the one year's gain
The ever-growing cost of living In
Italy, once the cheapest country In
Europe, the paradise of the poor mnn,
seems to bo In n vicious circle.
Dear food and discontent go band-In-hand,
breeding strikes, riots, blood
shed. They again react on local pro
duction and cause prices to rise
higher than before. Then follow
fresh strikes and disorders; tho screw
Is turned yet again and the vicious
circle must be roamled once more.
Projectile Is Said to Pierce the
Heaviest Armor Without
London. The British nnvy may soon
be given a new nnd "unsurpassed"
weapon In a large caliber shell which
will pierce the heaviest armor without
shattering, said Kir Itobert Iladilcld,
chairman and managing director of
llndllolds, Ltd., steel manufacturers,
recently, lie Indicated that possession
of such a shell during the great war
would have been of Inestimable vnluo
to the British fleet.
tor, Lieut. Illgglns with his plntoon of
the Three Hundred and Thirty-fourth
battalion tank corps, was directed to
proceed from this point In a north
westerly direction nlong tho lines via
nnrrow gauge railway. He was to stop
each night and mnkc a reconnaissance
In front of our positions with his
tanks nnd Immediately load up and
repeat the operation the following
night further down tho line.
"On Sept. 11), the Ave tanks nnd
their crews were loaded and tho ex
pedition started. That evening they
stopped In the renr of n little wood,
miinv kilometers west of St. Mililel.
Off" tho little narrow gunge flat cars
tumbled the the tanks nnd nosed Into
the woods for concealment, About 11
o'clock all was ready and the mlnin
turo nrmy stnrtcd forwnrd on Its mis
sion. Everything went off ns sched
uled. Tho tnnks rolled through our
positions nnd Into No Man's Land.
"They were operated back and forth
for hnlf nn hour. After this they
wero quietly withdrawn, crawled back
on their little nnrrow gauges and
stnrted merrily on their way. They
timed their work perfectly, and as
they pulled out a terrific barrage hit
tho wood they had left.
"The following evening the proced
ure wns repeated. Again the bnV-
rage descended too late to hurt tho
Jaunty bnnd. For six successive
nights the troupe staged their ono
night stands, nnd the reports nil along
the sector showed that tho Hun wns
up In the air. All day long the sky
was full of planes senrchlng for tho
nrmy of tnnks which the enemy wns
sure was concentrating on this front.
All suspicious looking places wero
bombarded with the usual Hun thor
oughness nnd Intensity. All night
long the darkness wns dispelled by
hundreds of flnres nnd rockets, and
nil Indications showed thnt Heinle wns
not going to be cnught nnpplng.
Diverted Two Divisions.
"Best of nil, Just ns tho little band
wns preparing to entrain to get Into
the big show In the Argonne there
enme a message from tho Intelligence
section stntlng 'two German divisions
withdrawn from Argonne front. En
training for your sector."
Tho tnnk corps tins Just received
at Camp Meade, Md from the Itock
Tslnnd nrsenal two Mark VIII. tanks.
This type, the Inrgest yet placed In
quantity production, wns especially de
signed for use ngnlnst the Hlndcn
hurg lino and similar defenses. Not
so fast nor so easily hnndlcd ns tho
lighter types, It possesses tho ability
to cross much larger ditches, crush
more formidable obstacles, and enr
rlos n much heavier armament.
The great difficulty with tho lnrgo
British tnnks was that they were un
derpowered nnd, on uccount of the ar
rangement of tho ninchlnery within,
did not nfTord the proper room for tho
crews. A commission of Urltlsh and
American experts has corrected faults
largely through the adoption of tho
American Liberty motor.
up great quantities of fish durinir the.
summi-r nnd fall seasons.
In celebration of their good for
tune they Invited other tribes to at
tend n "kuvgagyagagg," featured by n
play, n "white man's dance" and the
giving nwny of food. When It was
all over the guests wero millionaires
In tho currency of the section, whllo
tho hosts were paupers.
It will be years, Mr. Kllbuck de
clared, before tho Qulgllllngoks recover
from tho effects of their generosity.
Fewer Horses, More Cows .
Washington. Fnrm animals of the
United States wero valued nt $8,001,
413,000 on January 1, compared with
$8,827,891,000 n year ago, tho depart
ment of agrlculturo aunounccd. Horses
numbered 21,100,000, a decrease of 1.1
per cent. Mules numbered 4,005,000, a
decrease of 1.1 per cent, but milk
cows wero 23,747,000, an Increase of
0.5 per cent.
Ncw3 of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
A petition signed by 1".() Howard
county citizens lias been filed with the
Nebraska supreme court at Lincoln
asking that Mops be taken to cause
either (lie tllsbnrment, citation for con
tempt or public censure of John M.
I'rlost nml Sterling Mntz of Lincoln.
F. A. Ileiisoncr of Thedford ami "other
attorneys" who have taken part since
October, 11)10, in the long pending
light for the life of fJriiinnier and
Cole, the two men whose execution for
the murder or Mrs. Lulu Voght has
now again been hung up for several
weeks In the courts.
The Integrity of the retail merchants
throughout the state, who on divers
occasions have been accused of being
profiteers, is to receive Its supremo
test. Mrs. C. O. Ryan, In charge of
the Nebraska economy campaign nnd
federal fair price commissioner, has
prepared u card on which consumers
may mall to 'her office the specific
complaint wherein It Is claimed an
cxhorbltnnt price has been charged for
State Superintendent of Public In
struction Mntzen has sent notices to
the officials and others interested In
appeals niaile from the decision of
county redisricting committees. Under
the new law the county superintendent
and two men named by the county
board act as a committee to rcdlstrlct
the counties so as to provide for
larger school districts nnd better facili
ties. Because, he claimed exemption from
military service draft on the grounds
that ho was an alien and subject of
Germnny, Johannes Paulson of Leigh
was forever denied the privilege of be
coming u citizen of the United States
by District Judge Button nt Columbus.
The Judge not only denied his peti
tion, but nlso cancelled bis first pa
pers. Oklahoma oil men nre leasing n
great deal of land in southern Holt
county. The same Interests have un
der lease n lnrge acreage of land near
Krlmi, Garfield county, Just south of
the south line of Holt county. The
syndicate already bus a rig on the
ground nnd expects to begin boring
At nineetlng of county officials and
contractors at the office of the secre
tary of public works at the state
house at Lincoln, cdntrncts were let
for over $."00,000 worth of rond build
ing in Douglas, Saunders, Hull, Col
fax, Merrick, Fillmore nnd Thnyer
Governor McKclvlo has reprieved to
March 10 Alson 15. Cole, under sen
tence to be electrocuted at the state
prison at Lincoln, together with Allen
V. Grninnicr, for the murder of Mrs.
Vogt. Grnniuier, by a federal court
ruling, Is automatically granted n stay
until his case can be heard.
Completion of the work of circulat
ing petitions to place the nnme of Unit
ed Stntes Senator Hiram W. Johnson
of California on the Nebraska republi
can presidential preference primary
ballot to be voted on April 20, was
announced nt Lincoln.
Tho constitutionality of tho act
passed at the last special legislative
session to enobie Douglns county to Is
sue bonds to restore the damage to
Its court house occasioned by the riot
of September 28, has been put up to
tho state supreme court.
Hebron expects to have a now In
dustry In tho near future. The factory
for the new snnltnry candy case, In
vented by W. B. Morton, of Beatrice,
Is soon to bo located there.
Influenza caused the death of five
children of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Al
bright nt Antioch nnd Mr. Albright Is
reported seriously 111 with the dis
ease. Wheeler county will co-operate with
Holt county In completing the north
and south highway through tho two
counties at least as far south as Hart
lett this year.
Governor McKelvIa has Issued nn
ofllclal proclamation naming April 20
as primary day in Nebraska for the
selection of tho various candidate for
this fall's election.
Tho oil project, twenty miles north
of Chadron, Is being watched with
much Interest. Tho drill is now down
1,200 feet.
During tho past ten days over twenty-five
applications from Germans,
Austrian nnd Hungarians In Nebras
ka, asking approval of permits to visit
relatives In Europe, hnv been filed with
W. M. Brashenr, immigration service
representative at Omaha.
Engineer A. II. Hngen of the Girls
Industrial school at Genevn has been
discharged is the result of nn Investi
gation by the state bonrd of control.
The board refused to disclose tho
cnuse. Ilagen is snld to hnvo been dis
charged following charges by the girls
In the institution,
The burenu of professional servlca
nt the University of Nebraska ut Lin
coln had culls tor 2b7 teachers from
173 towns In Jnnuary. Fourteen states
besides Nebraska asked for teachers.
Until the courts decldo otherwlso
women may sign, petitions for candi
dates for ofllco before the prlmnrles,
according to nn opinion of Secretary
of State Ansberry. v
Tho Tecumsoh Honrd of Education
has set n pneo for other cities In tho
matter of teachers' salaries by giving
an Increuse of GO per cent for the
coming year.
The sfiunbblc over tho light distrlbm
tlon system between tho West Point,
Hooper nnd Scrlbner crowd, whtoft
started In 1918 when the property of
the West Point company was sold to
tho Hooper Electric Light & Power
Co., was revived last week when n
prominent West Point man was
charged with cutting wires near
Hooper. A live wire wns Included in
those cut. Tlie guilty parties are said
to have went to Scrlbner, where they
wero given protection. Hooper officials
recovered the wire by serving n war
runt of uttiicliment on the mnvor and
iimrMin! at .Scrlbner.
Former Congressman G. M Pollard,
of Nehawka, has Illeil for the repub
lican nomlimtlon for th governorship.
With the filing of Mr. Poiinnl, Judgo
A. L. Sutton of Oiniilia Is expected to
refuse to run, In return for Mr. Pol
lard's withdrawal from the race two
years ago In favor of Judge Sutton.
Governor McKclvlo nnd Adnm McMul
len of Wynmiv nlso have filed for tho
republican nomination..
At the nniiuiil convention of the
State Threshers' association ut Lin
coln plans were laid to obtain n sub
stantial Increase In membership In tlio
organization during 1020. There aro
0,000 men engaged In the business in
tlie state and more county organiza
tion work will !(. done tills year with
n view to Increasing Interc t In both
county nnd state.
Condensed milk, butter, flour nnd
bread have reduced In price in nearly
nil parts of Nebraska, according to
Mrs. Charles O. Uynn, director of tho
state economy campaign, she says
the united moral efforts of the women
of Nebraska to reduce the cost of liv
ing nlrendy Is bringing down the prlco
of mnny nrtlcles of necessity.
The stnte bonrd of control has noti
fied tho Odd Fellows lodge of Nebras
ka that It will ubiindo.i the custod'nn
fnrm for women at York, near the I.
O. O. F. home, If the organization will
finance n new farm for fallen women
In some other part of the state. The
lodge objects to tho locution of tho In
stitution near Its home.
James II. Hauler, federal prohlhl
tlon commissioner for Nebraska, sta
tioned nt Omaha, declared that Ne
braska druggists who obtain permits
to sell liquor for medicinal purposes
need hnvo little fear of threatened
prosecution by state Anti-League of
ficials. Councilman Danley of Chadron has
asked Mayor Miller of Lincoln for a
copy of the nntl-chlmmy ordlnnnce In
vogue nt the capital city, because, It
Is said, many young folks nt the
Dawes county metropolis are aflllcted
with the dance malady.
This state undertook Its first ex
tensive construction of highways Itself
without the aid or assistance of pri
vate contractors wl-en It entered Into
contract with the county bonrd of Holt
county to construct forty-one miles of
highway for the county.
Tho controversy nt Columbus ns to
whether the now court house is to bo
plnccd on the north side or south sldo
of the city wns Intensified Inst week,
when Plntto Center started a move
ment to move tho county seat to that
Governor McKclvlo hns notified Ne
braska representatives In congress
that ho Is In fnvor of tho request of
American Legion for !?ri0 per month
bonus for soldiers nnd nurses, based
on period of war service.
Attorney General Davis has an
nounced he will fight to the last ditch
to enforce Nebraska's dry law if Fed
eral Prohibition Director Hnnley per
mits the snle of liquor In this stnte for
medicinal purposes,
April 3 Is the dnle set for the mi
nimi state high school stock Judging
contest at the college of agriculture at
Lincoln. It Is expected that at least
twenty-five high schools will be repre
sented. Ilnhhcrs entered tiio uethel Baptist
church at Oninhii the other night and
carried off a 400-pound safe. They
were rewarded, howover, with only
$3.40, the contens of value In tho
"Mrs. Charles Dietrich, stnto presi
dent of the Nebraska Women's Suf
frage nssnclntlon, announced thnt tho
organization will hold Its March con
vention In Omnlin
The Itev. Titus Lowe, pastor of tho
First Methodist church of Omnlin, an
nounced ho will bo n candidate for
delegate nt lnrgo to the republican na
tional convention nt Chicago.
From Lincoln comes the report that
Nebraska farmers plan to organize a
$r00,000 co-operative company for tho
purpose of publishing n stnte dally
Preparations nre nil complete for
Omnlin Automobile show, which will
be held Murch 1 to 0.
Over 800 Nebraska ministers, repre
senting practically every evangelical
church organization In Nebraska, at
tended n three days' conference In
Lincoln Inst week In connection with
the Intercburch World Movement.
lleports reaching tho Stnte Agrlcul:
tural College nt Lincoln show thnt tho
use of gasoline engines In smnll cream
eries and on farms Is resulting In a
miiterlnl Increase In thu nmount of but
ter tainted with gnsollne. Both crenm
and butter very readily absorb gas
odors, with tho result thnt the qunllty
of tho butter Is materially lowered.
The bonrd of regents of the universi
ty of Nebraska has taken steps to get
back into the Missouri Valley confer
ence. A number of workmen wero thrown
out of employment at Shelton ns tho
result of a lire which completely de
stroyed tho plant of tho Shelton Fer
tilizer company.
A campaign tornlso ?f00,000 umong
Norfolk citizens to erect nn olght-story
hotel .bulldlnc on the city's most
prominent business cornor opened a
fow days ngo with $200,000 of tho
amount subscribed.
a Glass cf Salts If Your Back
Hurts or Bladder
Tho American men and women must
guard constantly against Kidney trou
ble, because we cat too much nnd nil
our food Is rich. Our blood Is filled
with uric acid which the kidneys strive
to filter out, they weaken from over
work, become sluggish ; thcellmlnatlvo
tissues clog and tho result Is kidney
trouble, bladder weakness nnd a gen
oral decline In health.
When your kidneys fepl like lumps
of lend ; your bnck hurts or tho urlno
Is cloudy, full of sediment or you nro
obliged to seek relief two or threo
times during tho night; If you suffer
with .sick hendncho or dizzy, nervous
spells, acid stomnch, or you have rhcu
mntlsm when the weather Is bad, get
from your phnrmaclst about four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful In n glass of water before
breakfast for n few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This fa
mous snlts Is mndo from tho acid of
grapes nnd lemon Juice, combined
with llthln, nnd tins been used for
generations to flush nnd stlmulnto
clogged kidneys; to neutralize tho
acids In tho urine so It no longer Is a
source of Irritation, thus ending:
bladder disorders.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; ennnot In
jure, makes n delightful offervescent
lltliln-water beverage, and belongs In
every home, becnuse nobody can mnke
n mistake by having n good kidney
flushing any time. Adv.
Prisoner's Defense Naturally Had a
Lot of Weight With the
Fair Prosecutor.
The case looked black against th
prisoner, who was charged with loiter
ing suspiciously at the railway station.
Presently the magistrate said stern
ly: "This lndy says you tried to speak
to her at the railway station."
"It wns a mistake," pleaded the maa
In ho dock. "I was looking for my
wife's young niece, whom I've never
Pctn, but who'd been described to ma
ns a handsome young lady, with golden
hair, well-cut features, fine complex
ion, perfect figure, benutlfully dressed,
With n charming blush, the principal
witness ngnlnst him Interrupted bl
flow of eloquence.
"I don't wish to prosecute the gentle
mnn, sir," she said to the mnglMrute.
"Any one might have made the same
Take tablets without fear, If you see
the safety "Bayer
If you want the true, world-famous-Aspirin,
as prescribed by physicians
for over eighteen yenrs, you must ask
for "Buyer Tablets of Aspirin."
The "Bayer Cross" Is stnmped on
each tablet and appears on each pnek
age for your protection against Imi
tations. In each package of "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin' Are safe nnd proper direc
tions for Eold3, Hendncho, Neuralgia,
Toothvhe, Earache, Wieumntlsm,
Luirtmgo, Neuritis, and for Pain Id
ilandy tin boxes containing 12 tnb
tets cost but a few cents. Druggists
also sell larger "Bayer" packages. As
pirin is tho trade mark of Bayer Man
ufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of
Ballcyllcacld. Adv.
Not Nutty.
We wero riding In the country lust
fall when some distance down the road
wo saw a girl standing watching her
companion In a car. We, too, watched
as hu backed the car up several tlmew
and drove headlong Into a tree nt
the side of the road. Being curious,
wo drove up nnd nsked tho girl what
tlie mnn wns doing "Why, he's slink
ing nuts out of tho tree, of course,"
the replied. Of course I Exchange.
To ball pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum,
a small box of Barbo Compound, and 34
or. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice
week until it becomes the desired shade.
Any druggist can put this tip or you ca
mix it at home at very little coat. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair,
and will make harsh hair eoft and glossy.
It will not co'or the scalp, in not sticky or
greasy, and does not rub off. Adv.
"Mnklng money, I see. If you keen
on like this you mny get Into our cir
cle." "I have no tlmo for circles. I pro
post to plug straight ahead."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA. that famous old remedr
for Infants and children, and see that It
Bears tho J ,,gy. "?T
Signature (JfffX
In Use for Over 80 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castori
Question Incomplete.
Mrs. A Havo you still got that cook
you hud last week?
Mrs. B Which day last week?
If you use Red Cross Ball Blae In
your laundry, you will not be troublefl
by thoso tiny rust spots, oftea caused
by Inferior bluing. Try It aad see.
Poverty Is more
thaa It la a crime.
of a punishment
i r-TT
ft !)( AWM.I Vm fc.. Mf JM. r-r
rmtitrr4otx jwk.- wn Hii--y'w'''l"li!'
ttf-WWW&ftKtfc'tM. ..J-A Z. iS.'l-P7 y-.u"??