M cloud, muuiu, iitw J JU M ? r i I, 'ill - lffr Ml- !! l' alf ii I fl- ; U n ' i i ame r asmon Mad and Her Daughter Miss La Mode have the Stage of the Moment at Brach s New Suits. Coats and Dresses shown here are so decidedly different It's so refreshing to view these new styles, for there is so much good taste that one must admit it is the handLof the artist Our Prices are Lowest -considering the intrinsic value o our merchandise Alt " A Farm Bureau Notes WINS FREE TRIP Logan Uhmstcdc, member of our Cartful) wins, "Free Trip Co Junior' Farmers' Week," held nt (Lincoln, the first week in June. Lorrnn was awarded this prize, by the Junior Ex tension Department, at Lincoln " STORY OF MY CALF Mr. Faujsch, our County A Kent, de cided to form a Calf Club in this co'unty, So he ao us many Jboys ,of u.i he could to sign up 'for m SPRING ft Ok?. 00 I SUITS pJJup SPRING COATS $22 .50 up SPRING DRESSES $17.50 V Whatever we say in our advertising you'll find substantiated in our merchandise MAIL ORDERS Promptly FILLED , ' ' ' ' Walbach & Brach Hastings, Neb. rJ Use the grehtegff tonic, ''Mora Egg' told by 0. LCoUing. J. HjCratic went to Hastings Mon day morning. Vlts. George HolIiKtcr i visiting friends in the city. pat and drluk at Powell & Pope's Cafe. tf E. Hcrndon loaded a car of house-) hold goods at Lester Tuesday and went to Superior Wednesday to join left for Grand Island where he will her husband and make that place farm this year. I their future home. Used curs for sale Frame fc Smith ItrnM. Co Mrs. Harry Waller and son, Robert, ' - SOS N pmMMMMMMMMmm. L ff 4 TJ0M MMMMMMMMMmmm 9w .LLlMX vLi wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWt Sssj&MMMMMMwar mmW 'fWbMsmMww Mw' If M A Mm ImP JhA i kR HHOk ..gaaaBx Asa m tBaavBBBBaaw i MMMum aH flam LLLLLLLmaVBVBVBVaVLaV aaH aH aa. waaaaai aaaaaaaaV ' ' MMm Ah aa? EMMm. BBLaTaTaTaW aST - aV flaV lAte $ aV aa wHB Q&BBkttBBVfe DBLrfl bbW bH bVbbk sWBBBBr.Baai' '' ' aBurw BB? BB BBBBBA BBBBBBuBBBF M? J, ' W irtiw -wj MM M ML lHaBJBa Mm Mw Mm Lm mmMmMmW B AB nrSLM 773 2T5I it m iBB . BBBgMUKuBMMBaBBBBHBpBVBII '.' TbVAVbVb'bVbbI fV B. S SMI B tf fitwBBBPBBTilMfl WbV bVKP BLZIBLBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBVvVATfll BBL ,BBH9HBHBflBBBiBHBw7?9mI2K7Bl iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB "A new note we've struck it" Chesterfiela O "sharps," no "flats," hut my! how Chesterfields "Satisfy!" A delightful selection of fine Turk ish and Domestic tobaccos, harmo niously blended in an entirely new and exclusive way. The blend is based on our private formula the outcome of many years of experiment. And the final result has justified the time and money spent. For certainly, Chesterfields do "satisfy." But don't take our word for it. Smoke a Chesterfield today und find out for ourself. The special, moisture-proof package keeps Chesterfields firm and fresh, alwuys. cQffjO!6UlyJAfc4(2t. i Geo. W. Hutchison Real Estate, Insurance, Loars, Abstracts PWrNF4 I 01ii Ned 33. lad, 63 Office, Red 33. Reiidcnce, 177 Red Cloud Nebraska this county is he could to sign up a Calf. Then ho and Mr. , Steward! went out of our county and inirehnfcd the calves. ' 'On April 21th, my fathef hndI went to Red Cloud where f.S calves were to be distributed". A banquet was given, foltowed by speaking, and We 'enjoyed bdih 'very much. Then came the .distribution of the calves, which was done by drawing a number. I drew ntimber 31, a roan heifer, fifteen months -old, named "Silver Belle." When all had drawn and given note or paid for their calves, we went to the Stock Yards to get them. Upon sceine my heifer. I was very much pleased with her. While she is call-l cd a roan, I would say she is more of a silver color. I could not tako her home that day, on account of the rain, so Mr. Stew ord was kind onough to take her to his place, and keep her there until I could como and get her. The 26th of April I brought her homo, she then weighed C20 lbs. I fed her fi lbs. of oats and barley and a ,111111: Ull 1IIL.U .'Ul UUJ , 11IVI1 (iVUUI R ! 0...--1 1.. .l 1)1.... I L Giass. I kept her on this ration g for ninety dny.s; then, although she , 1 was doing nicely, I increased her feed to 8 1H. a day, and as the pas ture was not quite r,o good I gave her soma hay. This ration, I kept up for thirty days and then increased it to 12 11m. a day, also increasing the amount of hay. I fed her on this ration until I took her back to Red Cloud to be sold. My heifer always had good .shelter with clean bedding, and I always kept plenty of water and salt( where she could get it. On July 81st, hhe was bred to Blossom Star. , My heifer co.it me as follows: Cost of heifer.... $178.00 INSURANCE The Recent Fires Emphasize the Importance AMPLE FIRE INSURANCE !'! , n't 'M,U ,b Look up the expiration and the amount and- see ifr ' youihavo enough Insurance. Take a pencil and make a list of your insurable goods and 'then sec what it will cost to replace these goods, Xlso your , house. Insurance companies are continually writ-? ing me to call the attention of my customers to the fact that the insurable value of their property is ,. much more now than a few years ago. ' x ' Large corporations and business concerns always carry 80 per cent insurance a guide for the individual 3. Look up your expirations and call meon the phone and I will call and tell you, just what it will cost you and the amount you should carry, no matter if it docs, not expire for several months. Attend to it now and I will put it on my expiration list and write it up when it expires. MEIilMraiOTSffiC!ro e ssMmawniramm e Intel osit ..'.. -..- Oal and Barley. Oil Meal'.., Hay SaU v.- ,. Fasturc .-'-- ".Silver Belle," sold 8.57 4-1.25 6.75 10.00 .00 10.00 Calf net in the Cluli Sale, for $500.00, leaving profit of $242.03. f ' ? ' ,' HENRY K. FAUSC4J, . t County Agricultural Agent SCHOOL NOTES (By County Superintendent) The following boys and girls re ceived Certificates of Achievement in Boys' and GirbV Club, Work. Edwin E.'vance uuiue Cow- Start the New Year Right ' By buying your groceries where the two important fatcors predominate HIGH QUALITY MERCHANDISE SOLD AT FAIR PRICES All the brands of goods we sell are the best the market affords and sold under A GUARANTEE Our many years of experience enables us to select merchandise that satisfies B P. A. Wullbrandt i . Groceries arid Queens ware' - " iw iKKiBrcraswiim v IS Aamtaeit f Ike MMtlttl ? the FartMrs' !)! Ct-aeratlve Asse . ciitlM ? Red aim). Nekratk. RABBIT Rock. COOKING Emma B'.obaum, les. GARMENT MAKING Elconore Bailey, Guide Rock; Hazel M. franco, Cowles. From February 22 to 28 inclusive is to be a week of sons: for the dif ferent schools of tho state. Gertrude Barcus of Blue Hill has inslgnrd her position in District 50. Mrs. Gross of Red Cloud has taken hor place. Thr f olio win it school districts have ronortcd to the Lincoln Board of Health: 2. 8. 11, 15, 18, 21, 29, 30, 38, 42, 45, 50, 52. 58, 64, 68, 72, 78, Rn on. T.ono Tm. Fivn Star and the parochial school- of Blue Hill. Would like to havo tho. others send in their report as soon as possible. . ' Mr. Shroyer of Humbolt spoke at Inavale last Saturday evening. There was not tho crowd tpero should havo been. He was very good and seems to know all about tho subject. He has been through all the stages of consolidation and would be a good one to ask advise from should you contemplate consolidation. The eighth grade will be having their examinations soon and the teachers should hiivo in their reports so that the examination books r.in hn sent to the different towns .mil to the rural hiirh schools. So far districts 3, 5, 6, 8. 10. 11, 12, 13. 14. IB 16. 17. 18. 20. 23. 24. 20, 29, SO, 32, 33, 35, 3D, 43, 47, 40, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 03, 01, 65 66, 70. 72. 75. 77. 83. 84. 85. have not Li.nf in thnif wnnrtH. Tho 16th amendment that tho teachers- have been asking about is: That .Congress shall have power, without apportionment among the neveral States ond without regard to any'census or enumeration. ' Tho "17th amendment: Tho Senate tof tho 'United States ''shall Jio c6m- imKfwl of two Senators from each State, clrctcd by the peoplo thereof, for six years; unci cacn wer.aior nau lmv one vote. Tho electors in each State shall have the qualifications roauislte or the most numerous branch'of the Sta,to legislatures. When vacancies nnnpen in -mo rep resentation of any Statu in tho Sen ate, the. executive authority of such State Bhall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, that tho IngjslHture of anv J3tnt may -Do wo- .the executive thoreof to make tehiporory appointments until' the pcoplu fill the, vacancies by election as the legislature may direct. Tills amendment shall not bo so construed as to 'nflfect the election, or tornv of-an.y Senator chosen before U becomes valid as part of tho Consti tution. lhe J8U1 amendment concerns, tho( uauor quMw, Article 5. The amount o( CHpiUl stock shall be fifty thousand dollars, at the par value of ten dollars each, of which amount four thousand dollars hliull be fully paid before cominenciug business, and before any debts are con traoU'il, and no new share of stock hliall be issued 11 mil its par value has been I'liid to tho treasurer. Passed January 31, 1020. .H. H. CROWELL, President JOHN M. RVAN, Secretary Notice of Referee's Sale. COMING TO ' MANKATO DR. DORAN A Specialist, Not in Name Only, but by Experience of Almost a Quarter of a Century Does Not Use The Knife In tlio District Court of Wetnter Couutv. Nebraska. Conruit Ilnuer, I.ora Itasscr, Matilda Salad on, John n. 8aladen, Edward Ilasicr, Kin m a. Itasser, .lohn Uasier, Haxel Rassc-r, Veronica ilOlcntnb, John Ilolcomb, lleiiry Itaaer, I'laiiitlU'ti v Albert Uhlensporgor, Henry Uhlcmpcrger, Atburt Utilensperger, Jr., Veronica llruss (nee. Voronlca Uhlenapergerl.WnlterUhleu- ipergtr, KJward Uhlenapergcr, Erwln uhlen Bperger, Helen Uhlenapergcr, Defendants Jiyvlrtucof an order of the DUtrlct Court ol Webster County, Nulinua entered on tho lj,ttvdaJypl;'ebr.iarUi. n act,ljn .tlere-, pondlns wliereln tlio"a..vo named parties were plalntltTi and tl ' ndants, directing me as Ucfcree In said nrtlon to noil Tho North i:ant (quarter ot bucuon Kighteon (IS) In TowmhlpTwo (.') lriP.-i .oTeu (lOJi'jWSsbBtfiV County, Nebraska, NO l'li;K. In hereby . f(ivu that I will on the lUili. day o( March' twU, tV two o'clock ol said day, at thti front dbdr or tho Court House, In Red OlouiKWsttr County, Nebraska, sell Raid real esUToat pub. lie auction to tho highest blddor. f jflMifc.. Terms of Halo IU uer cent cauli day of salu and balance cah when a!o Is continued and dadi ready for delivery. Abstract or 11110 lurnisn oil purchaser. '' 1 , Dated this Itlh. day ot February 1YJ0. Krotl Uaurer, !'. J. Munday, lleferee. ' Attorney. be 'ojie bout.UoiTruge: E. S. Gerber Wall Ppr, PainU, OU and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Wrk CwuranUMlt Electrical Good of all Kindi Wjll Wire Your House And Furnish Yoif the Fixtures WILL Give FREE CONSULTATION on Wednesday, March 3 AT CORRELL HOTEL from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. One Day Only Thar Cm Many HUas t 8h Him. Dr. Uoran Is a regular graduate In medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state ot Kansas. He visits pro. fesslonnlly' the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trtpconsultution and examina tion free, except the expense of treat ment wlion desirod. According to his method of coining to your nearest city to see patients he giVa nil tbealck people nn opportuni ty to obtain the best that medical .science can oiler right at home. lie does not operate for chronic anpendi- IcltlN, gull stones, ulcors of stomach, tonsil or Hilenoids .. . He'hHB to hla credit many wonderful, results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart,! kidney, liladdec, bed wetting, c&tarrh,, leg ulcers and rectal nilmeutsV J If you have been Ailing for any' length of time and do uot get any bet ter, do tint fall to call, as improper ineasurrtb rather than disease are very often the cause of your loug standing trouble Kemember above date, that examina tion on this trip will be free and that tils treatment is different. Married ladies must come with their husbands, and children with their par ents. Addres: Medical Laboratory of Dr. Doron, M5-3.TG lloston Block, Minne apolis, MJnu. 1 New KunrHtileeil bicycle tires $2.60 each i at tiutton k Suipmun Service Statlbri. I "Quality" Job 'Printiifg i v: "' ' -l,v - ' T " , The 1& Will .. . J-bftoJsi&iasipttriS5yiffiJsr -v; c jtr ,