The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 19, 1920, Image 8

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I W3
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1 U IE! f "nBBBBl
a M;994.rf?
Ill We should worry'
LET 'ct blow. An exciting
yarn, a good fire, thc"sat
isfy smoke' nnd you're fixed
for the evening. And, mind
you, the "satisfy" blend can't
be copied that's why only
Chesterfields can "satisfy."
Public Sale
1 will offer at public auction on the Frank Sibert farm, 6 miles south
and 1 mile cast of Inavalc, Neb., and 32 miles cast and 2 miles
north oj Womcr, Kansas, on
Thursday, Feb. 26
Commencing promptly at 1 p. m. sharp
47 Head of Stock
11 Head of Horses
1 span bay mares, wt 2300, smooth mouth; 1 span sorrel
mares, wt 2200, smooth mouth; 1 black horse, wt 950
1 8-year-old mule, wt 950; 1 black mare, 6 yr old, wt
1400, in foal to jack; 1 gray mare, wt 1600, bred to jack;
1 gray horse, wt 1400; 1 coming 2 yr old horse colt; 1
coming 1 yr old mare colt.
24 Head of Cattle
9 head of milk cows; 5 coming 2 yr old heifers; 6 coming
1 yr old calves; 2 small calves; 1 registered Shorthorn
bull, 4 yrs old; 1 registered Shorthorn bull, 1 yr old, papers
12 Head of Hogs
2 Poland China sows, bred; 10 shoats wt 75 pounds apiece
Farm Machinery
1 double-row Beatrice cultivator; 1 Rock Island lister; 1
3-section harrow; 1 field disc; 1 hay wagon and rack; 2
hay bucks; 1 mower; 1 stacker, and other articles.
TERMS:--$ 0 and under cash; 9 months at 10 i interest.
J. V. Wonderly, Aucl. Lunch on Grounds G. R. McCrary, Clerk
It will mean a BIG SAVING to you to buy your
Sweaters, Caps and Scarfs
now as wools will be no cheaper. Every indi
cation points to higher prices.
Ladies Wool Sweaters - - $8 to $12
Misses Wool Sweaters - $4.25 to $7.50
Misses Part Wool and Cotton Sweaters $2.25 to$4
Childrens Part Wool, Cotton Sweaters $2 to $4.50
II I lll II II W II ' ' I I ! -II II -HI M ! . I M 1
Childrens Part Wool and Cotton Sweaters, Caps
and Leggins from - . . - $3.50 to $5
Regular Ford Way
Farm Bureau Notes
Walter A. Vance wins ?C.OO prize
awarded for bctt jloiv on Culf Club.
Lnst (spring 1 beenmo inlovsltd in
ilia HI to Hunk C.'lf Club under the
of County Agent
Henry Ford tested the Ford Start
ing and Lighting System on his own
car for one year.
Ten months ttgo Ford Motor Com
pany was not manufacturing Electric
Htartcra: today the output of its
Starter Department is greater than
that ofMih other manufacturer of management
electric starting devices in the world. Fnwchi
Its nearest competitor makes one I thought it would be a very fine
thousand a day, whereas the Ford J th'ng so 't joined the Clnb. -
Company's output is fast approach-! A banquet was held for Hie mem-1
ing the three thousand mark, two btrs of the Calf Club' on ' April 21,
thousand eight hundred and eighty! ll'l!)', at l'owcll and Pope's Cafe,
one already having been nianufact- We had a very good time there, Mat
ured in one day. ening to tho speeches of some of the
'I'lie Ford starter and generator, prominent .men of Wcbstor County.'
for it is really two separate 'units Tho drawing of the calves was held
is not the result of n now idea or of al this timo and place,
a sudden decision. More than eight I Et mv ca' at 'lc stock yard
years ago Mr. Henry Ford's vision south of (own and started 'home at
saw the need, -imd his electrical! six o'clock, riding fourteen miles
engineers wci'o instructed to begin through the rain and getting homo
experimenting. After seven years' at 10 o'clock. I
years of constant research, which The first 10 days I had my calf,)
took' into consideration the many dif- I gave her an average ration pcrj
ferent climates in which the Ford car day of ) lbs. of corn, 0 lbs. of oats,
is used, together with the factors of and all the alfalfa hay she would
size and weight and 'an ulaptibiiity! eat. The next 90 days, an average
to quantity production, twenty-three ration of 7 lbs. of oats, and a good
trial jobs were built,. These were
tested in many different ways. Mr.
Ford himself used one on his car for
a year. Still the engineers con
tinued their experiments and im
provements. Then came the order from the
government for 15,000 thiee ton
tanks, 6ach one of which was to bo
equipped with two synchronized Ford
Motors. A starter was essentia!', so
the one now being installed on Fordi
cars was evolved. Hut, only one
starter and generator was used to
turn- over tho two Ford motors in
each tank. January first, 1919, the
Ford Motor Company began equip
ping enclosed cars with this new
starting and lighting system. Ford
engineers say that although tho en
tire system Starter and 'Generator,
weighs only thirty pounds, it pro
duces a higher torque output (con
stant rotary motion) pound for
pound, than any other system on the
When the department for building
the Starting and Lighting Systems
first began production, fiftv hours
pasture. The remaining 100 clays,
1 fed an average of 7 lbs. oats, 2 lbs.
corn, l'fc lbs. of bran, Vi lb. of oil
meal ami all the alfalfa hay that
she would cat.
Total amount of feed as follows:
1512 lbs. of'oats (To 2j $ 31.G9
i:;2 lbs. of corn 2Vs 10.80
15!) lbs. of bran 2 ,&.... ..... 3.97
100 lbs. of oil menl ..-. 3,71
Total cost of feed w $53.17
My calf belonged to the second
class which $ost $152.25. HcrVejght
was 000 lbs. when bought and on day
of sale weighed 935 lbs., a gain of
335 lbs. in,22G days.
".May's Blossom," No. 758-189 wan
bred by fiartholdt Aabel nnd Sons,
Minden, Nebraska, and her age wnon
sold wus 20 months and 8 clays'.
She was very, gentle, easy to
handle and also a very good feeder.
I took her to Hod Cloud on Satur
day, December 0, 1919: The judging
and sale was held in the Hesse Audi
torium on Thursday, December 11,
alio tooK lirst premium in group
' Geo. W. Hutchison
Real Estate, Insurance, Loans. Abstracts
PHONPS I office' RcJ 33- 'd, 63 Hod Cloud
J HUiNU, ), 177 Nebraska
The ftecent Fires Emphasize the Importance
ample fireIngurance:
Look up the expiration And the amount and see if
you have enough Insurance. Take a. pencil and
make a list of your insurable goods and then see
what it will cost to replace these goods, Also your
house Insurance companies are continually writ
ing me to call the attention of my customers to the
fact that the insurable value of their property is
much more now than a few years ago.
Large corporations and business concerns always carry
80 per cent insurance a guide for the individual
Look up your expirations and call me on the phone and
I will call and tell you just what it will cost you and the
amount you should carry, no matter if it does not expire
for several months. Attend to it now and I will put it on
my expiration list and write it up when it expires.
h'bor was charged to each unit, but' two and sold for $400.00,
now that machinery and equipment
have been installed, the time per
unit is four hours. Two huge
armature impregnating ovens have
been installed, each with a capacity
of 1700 every eight-hours. In these
ovens the armatures arrj dried, soak
ed in varnish nnd dried again. Eight
hours time is required for this one
The power from the starter to the
motor is applied through the well
known Ilendix drive, which automati
cally engages the starter and then,
once tho motor is started, the starter
immediately disengages. It is equip
ped willi oilless bearings and needs
practically no attention.
Within another thirty days or six
weeks, tho Ford Company expects to
be making enough starters so that
every Ford car will be equipped with
the new Electric Starting and Light
ing System.
Report o? the Condition
Websler County Bank
RED alow). MgRRASHA, "
Charter N'o. IQCMuciiriHiriiit'il In I ho. State ol the hoMif business February
II, liUO.
I.OUUSilllll lllM'IIIIIIM . JlWrlTJ.BJ
Ovinlniltn ,.
Liberty nml Vlotoiy lloiulsiiml War
Siivintc stamiiH :,
Furniture mid Fix Inns . ,, .. i.fiOO.OO
Current t'xpeusiw, tuns nml .
InttrcHt priM (i.SiW.fl-
Diio (mm imtloiml ituil stsuo
Fhccltxiitiil itiiitiKnl. .,. .
Currciu'.v IM'H.Oo
'Jolil Colli 20.00
.Sliver. iili'ki'lHiiiuli'unw... n.,ms.i2
'I'otat JiiiMttVJJ
' i.iaiiimtikh:
C:plttit mock p.ilil In S 3.Y0O0.UO
Surplus lund lo.uoo.OQ
Uiiillvlilod prolltH ... 11,61.01
tuiiluuk 18 1,'V.l .VJ
liuiuEimlmiil Time ciirtlil-
eiites of rtiipoxlt...... fti,0l7.'W 'JI7,4)!I H7
Depositors' Ktiunuity (inn! 2,:siii.i8
Mr. Wm. Auld of the Ited Cloud
State Bank financed the Calf Club
and I think he treated the members
of the Calf Club very fair.
1 also think that Mr. Fausch did n
very commendable thing in organ
ising the Calf Club, because it gets
the boys nnd girls interested in get
ting a start of good stock.
I am very anxious that they get
tho best shorthorn heifers that can
be bought.
' I don't think anyone will loose, if
they give their calf the best of care
and plenty of feed.
I hope the club will be a success
nest year and I am willing to help
make it so.
County Agricultural Agent,
Barbara Phares
? 2Jil,lin.3l
County of WulMter. (
I, S. It. I'MiiiANt'i:. cnslilur "I tliu nlxivo
niuiidl tmiik.ilo hereby hweurttuit tlioabovu
Hlitteiucnt Un corret'i nml truu copy of tho
icpiiit. liuvilo to IliuStiitu llnnkluu
S. It. Fl.tJJt M!K,
attksi; ('iMblcr.
S. It, Ki.oitANOi.', Dlreetor.
(;. .1. I'oim;. IMrcetnr.
HubserllM'il mid sworn to heforu im th(
IHtli diiy ol Fibriinry iirii.
hkai.J lierunnl AldNotiy
Notary IMibllu.
More Than Fourteen Hundred Room3
In Vienna Home of Ex.Emperor
of Austria.
There arc 1,110 rooms In the city
palace formerly occupied liy the ox
emperor of Austria, In Vienna. It a
also equipped with 100 kitchens ami
the courtyard covers 'J.i,000 meters.
The uinsslve ilorle coliiiuns at the out
side entrance were constructed by
I'eter von Ilnlille in JSiWM. Through
these, one enters the "Pnlnce of
Heroes," outside the enstle wanL A
new wing was added here In 1SS7-D4.
The Inner walls.nre of the Keiiiilhance
,-it.vli!, hy Olilinaiin nnd r.aiimiiiiii, and
were completed hi 1017. I-'urtlHT on,
toward the eastern side of tho ground,
Is the lleldenplata. where stand two
exquisite liiouunieiiK the largest In
the capital. The oneou the left Is
tlittt of I'rlnce Ktigeiu', while that on
tii right Is of the Archduke Charles,
who defeatvd Napoleon nt Aspern.
A' Itiimiui ruin of auelent date Is
seen In the castle grounds. It Is
characteristic of the Hoiunii con
querors, hut Is so dilapidated that
but two or three of the portals re
main, the others helm: notlitntr hut
crumbled stone. . A toll nirlr Js thu
best preserved part of the ruin:
Near the Unman ruin -Is n, great
obollsk, reM'inhiliig-a, needle more than
most iiioaiiiiients of the kind. The
top Is Mulshed In gilt. Tlie sides hear
hieroglyphics of the history of Austria.
War It Is lhe glnrloum Yptuno foun
tain, atul from Selieip' 'Uruuner (heau-x
1 1 f ii I fountain) the castle grounds de
rlvcdMhPlr nuiniS Si-'heShriiun .
' ' " i ...
i Start the New
Year Right
By buying your groceries where the
two important fatcors predominate
All the brands of goods we sell are the
best the market affords and sold under
Our many years of experience enables
us to select merchandise that satisfies
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queerisware
Notlcg to Creditors.
In tlie.l'ounty Court of Webster 'County,
In tho matter' ot the estntv of Anrtrivr,
Miirtinsun, ilcceaseil. ,
Creditors o( salil estate will t:il:o notice,
ilmt the tlmu limited for prcsentiulnn tuul
filing of claims :ii;:ilnst saltl estatols May
JCtli. llrji), ami for tho payment of ilobts U
.Inmiary 17th, t'.Wi. that I will sit nt the
county court room In said county on thoSOth
day of February lies), to exauilne, hear and
allow all rl'ilius duly Hied which are a tlrst or
second Ucn upon Kuld tstatc, and on tho 'Jlst
day of May. Iit20. to oxamlnc. hear, allow
and adjust all claims and objections ol ijin
eral creditors duly tiled.
Dated this 17th day of January 1HA).
(Seal) . A. D. It.vssKV,
' A true copy.) Count vJuiIkc.
A Specialist, Not in Name Only,
but by Experience of Almost
a Quarter of a Century
Amendment tojhe Constitution o? the
Farmers' Union Co-oneratlve Asso
ciation of Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Article fi. The amount of enpital
stock shall be flfty thousand dollars,
at tho par value of ten'dollars each, of
which amount four thousand, dollars
hlwll bo fully mlil before commencing
business, had before tiny debts are eon
traeted, and no hew .share of btoek
shall bo issued until Its par value hns
been paid to the re '.Mirer.
1'iused Jiimiur 31. 1020.
;H. H. RO.VBLU, President
.JOHN M. tYAN, Secretary
i , ii '
Notice of ) e" jree's Sale.
-It 3. . Halftones. .
Domestic Cat Dlotlnct Species. There are nuidi'ious well-milhontl
Tho Knyptlan eat seemed to hnvo a eatiid eiifcn of UitlMoae wi'InhltiK'hillf
good claim to tho honor of being tho a pound and diore, tint claims which
ancestor of tho dn.ine.itlc cat, both on' go far hejioud tl.i . nieager weight are
account of ItH tapering tall nrjd size, ' mode. Stones of six to eight pounds
In which It. bears n grent similarity to i are euld 1o have fallen, In Nninnr In
tho dorue8tlc eat. Hut peculiarities I .1719. and lhe missionary, Father Hue,
which wero discovered In Its dentition
wcro sutllclent to rcmoVo ItR claim, Ho
it ecems best to coiiHlder tho domes'
tic cut a distinct species.
Black Apes.
,Tho black npew of (Juliien linvo long,
filjky hulr, nnd their fur Is used for
muffs und capes.
ought to ho a credible wltnens,
-ds Ihq full In Tarlnry lu, 1813 nt
a hloclc of leo as big as a millstone
which tools three days to melt. In
May, 1802, n Hungarian village report
ed an 1,100-pound block, requiring
olght men to move It, nnd lu Tlppoo's
(lino one as big fix an elephant with
id to hac fullen near Sergapatun.
These arc, "some" hnllstoneH,
Does Not Use The Knife
Wednesday, March 3
from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
One Day Only
They Come Many Miles to See Him.
In the DUtrlut Court f WulMter Comity
Conniil linger, l.or.i Itimor. MutllilnSiilmt-
en, John If. Kaluilcn, Hilwnnl Itusscr, Kinina
linger. Jnlin Hasucr, lliuel Hiiksor, Vcronlvn
llolcouili, John IIdU'oiiiJi, Henry Itnsser,
v "
Alhert MilenhpiTHcr, Henry riilDnsjieruer,
Albert Uhli'iihportfi'r, .Ir., Veronlea llruss
(hop. Vernnloii l'hlj'nHererl. Walter Uhlen
sperner, Kdwaril UhleimptrKer, Krwln Uhlen
nerner, lltleu UhlenspVrser,
lly vlrtuoofap orllerof tlio llUtrlol Court
if U'uliMtr i.'ounty, NuhruHUa eiitereil on thu
lltluluy of I'obruury littdla mi iictlou thuro
peiulliiK wlion-ln tho nhovu iiainctl p:utloH
wnro pliitntllPH and (lufeiuliiiits, illrecUnu mo
tit, Itufereo In Htilil action tih(ill 'i'iio North
V.M. lluurter of Kectloa Klghteon (18) In
TonhlpTwo (J) Inltangu'lVii (10), Webster
County, Nelirnuka, NOTIOK, 1b hereby given
that I will on tlio Ifltli. day of March 19), at
two o'clock of Hiiid d(iy, at tho front iloor of
tliu Coilrt''uouno, -lu lied Cloud, Webster
County, Nqhranltft, nell pnld real cutHto ut pub
lic nuotlQii to tho l.ilulitBi blililur (or oiihIi.
Tcnim o( hMo 10 per cent enhh day of nalo und
baluuco cimh wfien said Ih condrmtd nnd deed
ready for delivery. AlMtmct of tltlo f tiratsh
cd purchaser.
Dated thIUItli. day of t'ebrunry idjm.
X'Vcd Mfturer, K, J. M umlay Uelerew
, Atiqrnoy. i
Dr. Uoiiui is a regular graduate in
medicine nud surgery and Is licensed
by the htute of Kanatis. Ho visits pro.
fessioually tho more important towns
nud cities, and olt'ors to all who call
on this tilp consultation and examina
tion freo, except the expeiibO of treat
mtjiit wlien desired, .
According to his method of coming
to your nearest city to soo patents he
gives all the sick people an opportuni
ty to obtain tho best that medical
science can offer right at homo. He
due3 not operato for chronic appendi
citis, gall stones, uleors of stomuch,
tonsils or adenoids.
He Iihs to his credit many wonderful
result in discuses of the stomach,
liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart,
kiduoy, bladder, bod wetting, catarrh,
leg ulcers and rectal ailments. '
If you have been ailing' for any
length of time and do uot get any but
ler, do uot fail to' call, as improper
lueiisurHh rather than disease are very
often thu cause of your long standing
Hemomber above date, thilt examina
tion on this trip will bo freo nud that
his treatment is different,.
Married ladles must come with tholr
husbands, and children with their par
ents. Address: Medical laboratory of. Dri
Doran, im-'.m ltoxtou Ulook, Minne
apolis, Minn.
("Quality ' Job Printing
v ';tti.,J
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