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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1920)
, t'W f tm - m i.w0,mrvmm&b. I T f "V 9 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF "l ! '3 A LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Taka a Glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys If Bladder Bothers You, Entlng meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble In some form or other, anys n well-known nuthorlty, because the uric add In meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; .get sluggish; clog up nnd cause oil aorta of distress, particularly back acho and misery In the kidney region; 'rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, .ncld stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and uri nary Irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid aej'8 aren't acting right, or If bladder 'bothers you, gdt about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take n tablcspoonful In n glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com 'blned with llthla, and has been used .for generations to flush clogged kid meys nnd stlmulnto them to normal .activity; nlso to neutralize the nclds In the urine so It no longer Irritates, ihns ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone; -makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which millions of men and women tnko now anil then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. Adv. Fishing. . Patience And do people fish at might? Patrice Sure thing for lobsters. Important to Mothore Examine carefully every bottle of 3ASTOMA, that famous old remedy TOr imams anu emiuren, anu see mat it Bears the Signature In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria One good turn always leads up to Slope for mother. Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RE LL-ANS Wfor indigestion Constipation and Sluggish liver JDont take caances. Get CartaVa UttU livar fills right now. They never xau tomaxeine lvr An itt rittrv. TheV ".. T. relieve consupa-1 a nrm'C ion, banish in-1 vAIC I Lit 9 digestion. IITTLE IVER driveout bill ousness, atop dizziness, 4nr thm mm. PILLS plexion, put a healthy glow on the , cheek and sparkle in the eye. Be aura and get the genuine. ataH Fin-Saudi Desa-Saudl Mat JDK. CARTER'S IRON FW&, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for jkaaaua, Raeamattsss, Nerveasaesa, Sleeplessaesa and Feaule Weakaeaa. amkMBuillttftliiilon & Vaseline Re.U.S.Pat.OfT. Carbolated PETROLEUM JELLY An antiseptic dressing for cuts sores, etc. A necessity where there are children. AVOID SUBSTITUTES CHlEBOVfiI?MIfeCa BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the present time for young- women over nineteen years of age who have had at least onf year In high school to take Nurses' Train. Ing in general hospital. Our graduates are in great demand. Address flaps. f Mar, Lincoln Saaitarisaa. Ltacola. titbr. IN OMAHA XJ Henshaw Hotel KCKOPKAN FLAM J. B. Xeeaaa, lift fiJowrraouTaATa MS OP WITH BATH 1Mb sad Faraaaa Sto Oasafca W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 7rl02& . 1 r ik.jak- ejF I BfMUMMHlTxl I . . ...... I II COAXJEM Stop Whipping Bowels into Activity, but take "Cascarets" Put aside the Salts, Fills, Castor Oil. or Purgatlvo Waters thnt Irritate nnd Ins'.i tho bowels into action but which do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and purify theso drainage organs, nud have no effect whatever upon tho liver and stomach. Keep your "lnsldes" pure nnd fresh with Cascarets, which thoroughly cleanse tho stomach, remove the undi gested, sour food and foul gases, take tho excess bllo from tho liver and carry out of the system all the con stipated waste matter and poisons In he bowels which arc keeping you hnlf elck, headachy, and miserable. Cnscnrcts tonight will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never grlpo, sicken or cause Inconvenience. Cuscarcts cost so tittle too. Adv. Quite a Shock. Drldegroom (expectantly) Now my dear fntlier-In-luw, 1 wIhIi to say Just a word ubout my debt- Father-in-law (slapping hlin on hack) Debts, my hoy? Why, I'll war rant my debts exceed yours three to one. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue 1 Remove poisons from stomach, liver and Bowels. Accept "California" Syrup of Figa only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harm less laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot tle. Give It without fear. Mother 1 You must say "California." Adv. v Caution. Crook (under arrest) Kin I go back an' : e hut? Cr.ieer Certainly not. Ye can't be running away from me that way. You stand here where ye are, an' I'll go buck on' get the hat. Life. ONLY WAY ASPIRIN SHOULD BE TAKEN Look for name "Bayer" on tableta and follow directions In package. The Bayer Company, who Introduced Aspirin, tell in their careful directions In each package of genuine "Bayer Tnblet3 of Aspirin" that to get thG best results ono or two glasses of water should be drank after taking tablets. "tiayer Tablets 'of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with tho safety "Bayer Cross." Then you aro getting the world-famous Aspirin, pre scribed by physicians for over eighteen years. Each unbroken "Bayer" package contains proper directions for Colds, Ileadacho, Toothache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Lumbago, Rhcumntlsm, Neuri tis, and for Pain generally. Ilnndy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoacetlcacidcster of Sallcy llcacld. Adv. Supplying a Simile. "You're us much out of date and past use as n as u " "Why not sny as n corkscrew?" BREAKS YOUR COLD IN JUST A FEW HOURS ''Pane's Cold Compound" Instantly re lieves stuffiness and distress Don't stay stuffed-upl Quit blowing and snuffling I A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours un til threo doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all grippe misery. Tho very first dose opens your clogged-up nostrils end tho air pass ages of tho head; stops nose running; relieves tho headache, dullness, fever lshness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. "Papo's Cold Compound" la the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acta without assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist upon Pape's I Adv. Poor Wprml Heck "My wife contradicts me coo tlnually!' Peck "My wife acta aa If J my Ideas weren't worth dlscusstug. ARTIST SPURNS A FORTUNE AND KEEPS HIS VO W BaKaJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH&'4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB OaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB bbbvibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV TIHbibbbbV'IbbbHbbHbISHHbbbbVv pR, "fKKBxUBO rt ', "v . i s ? Bar t& fr aEw&Sx5?&$ ' 'v -''! JcKc. v $8Tj5r 9 m" '' JbLbLbkhk vvbbbbLLbLbV ' ( MaiBaBV- VO. f'A t .. SBBBBflKX .k. ' . . '1 f-Jk. T . fM WTf "T.jHt TIBlllBirAVBlia' IWVOar "iti .IGLI h &.. TV Jti vsmmmwm. 'jwom.s. '. .x . . a" . . am '... u . i' mmts4tj.. .r.'i'MSmmrmg'mmruiM.j, .nsmir. -a v. a. z,rJyvr ? .'-. h ; BHMiaiiiiiiu-v voswrd".:Biimr .- iniiiiiiiiiaiarjwHaiH'BaK(vjiaK:s yirmtr'Tami?,. '. BHB... e. w r .v BHlllllllllK sbm 4 . rABHBiiPBiiiiik . vc -sc vaiaiaiiaiiaiBBBiaiin'A .----". omm . Tlii'otloiv TmuviiIus, u tireck urtlst. eh''ii jear.s iign imitlu a vow that bu would spend 15 years, If necessary,' to iMimplvte paintings on the walls of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox church In New York. He recently rccclvedi n letter from St. John's church In Marathon. Cirovee. offering him ?0,WM) to make mural palutlngR for that chinch. Thm villus found his vow unbreakable, anil turnei the offer down. The photograph shows Tsavalas at work' on otn! of the paintings. "The Last Supper." RPIANE LANDING IN THE STREET IN OAKLAND ATWA'HWryr"'VWVA'MAVMVi4WftMMW . . , , . -y r . , ' V nT-invr-rr VWf ". "" " "TWW' W;V,mW b3BJ&3B&iJJnuI! i i'' " " VW K mwMtiiffimiimim The airplane ot Lieut. L. V. Pickup, olilcltil pilot of the Luiram nviutlun Held, alighting In Clay street, Oak land, Cal. A fraction of a second after this photograph was taken the plane skidded on the slippery pavement, grazed an electrolier nnd swerved to -the curb, damnglug Its tnll skid and endangering spectators. FIGURES IN A ROMANCE OF THE WAR . v ' . n : a BBFwOussaiBBViaaaab Baaaaaafm jiu ?,:? iaaaBaBav(8aBBW v 1 lilt IBlll' ' HV 'RJIl Lm. bsMwiicia:'- M Nsw.' M - T ff v- v l .sasBHEBstBf LbLbLbLsbLbHLsW. ! Smmm&t JB S j W AA .IBiBWBBBBBr bbbbVbbbbbbbbbV Ibbi WKLlT 9i.mM . .bbLVsLsHb daBBBHBBBLBLBLsA B WKjW - fcmuilk rrraBflBaBBBBLV I HbbbKI -'i.?LL Wmsf wUKt bbhHBbbbbbIbVbbbH - .aaBaaBiaBaaBKv .raBTsaaakY !f?3aaBBwBinQBjBiaBaaBaaBaBBaaBaaBaai. BBBBBBBHHBBBSaTllVHKBaBBBSSlBV ' BBBBBBBBBBBH 39BBBBBmBB9SJS& BBBBBBBBBBBjfefliBHBBBBBBBJBSyPBGB BBsliBHBBlBBBBHBiBPHHiBBBlKt BBBBBBBBBBBBBaWBBBSiBBBBBBBiflBlHEa .ayJHBIiHjuHHyn ' BbVHRISBBBBBBBBBBBK 9KMOB9kSSBB JBiBEBflBBBBBBPMK .w J BWBBBBBBBBBBBWxiHKBWSim s?BKmm&iTv p BBBBaBBBBBBBBH'?r yXBBBnHHBKBBMBBBBHBBKfliBKBBM J' IPiKSaP''wl lllSHaiKlii I BVBBBLjCBBBBBBSiUBBSX X Vv.v4KBBKBW!ITBWSudrB3qBBBBBBa JB Emily Knowles of England and her baby, whose father is Perley .Splker of Baltimore. He met Emily while In tho army and n romance developed. But Perley Is married, and when ho confessed nil to his wife, she urged Emily to came to America and make her home with them. However, Perley's brother, Guy, decided he wanted Emily for his wife, so they have Just been married. TO KELP HIM RECOVER HIS BUSINESS jtfcgs3g33wtssaaaKga i ) 'aBMBjBjBBjBjtmaBa'A' MI'S .(.X'M.j ,. .aBJBBnBKBaflBMBjgBBBMnBHa Hbbbbbv& ' Vvi, "!?)& A VV' "laBBBli I" BBBBBBr''i '''Id If XSJ ' l'--. . ttij 'ili v iV .Jaw -BBBBB ? k bbf Ns bbb& vv 'it ' vaaaBaBsiteM' " Pbbb H.. i ?... iBBMBTTA: '.; f.J ' sbIbbbbbbmbbw . : - .: J x 3B. ' r 1 JBWV"'-',.' fC 'SBBBBBBBBBBm ' x JJTSbW -' f -' lataW' BBBBBB''lffi i cBjbh ' v- ' iLBBaBBaBBaBBaBaBBaBBaBBaBBBBaaBBaav. atBEiL .. t'lgjBjBHnaavWB ' BBBBVBBBBB S BBBBbVPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB JlBBBFVBBBBBT l':'i SHBBl ' vBflBBBVsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBavT;. (v -0 i bWEF ;: il :- s fSBBBBa rJaBBHBJBJBJBHBHBJBJBJBJBJBJBB .. , ; t fMuBBV .. X -A I BBBslBSSBlBflBBH i On many letterheads now In circulation In Knglund, i design, consisting of u "tin hat" with crossed rifles and a laurel wreath, Is printed or engraved. This is to Inform tlmt tho sender belongs to tho ex-Scrvico Professional and Commercial association, formed to protect the Interests of thoso who had "ono man businesses" and who responded to the call of the colors, and who on their return, find themselves faced with the necessity of rebuilding their fortunes. iwxwvNawaiMaftg-'ywr "f rr 'w- t': ""' mi vb&Jr- ryr"y7Av.rew ElMwWt.ttvMACwWwtvv; asKrwtyBWws',aK'e'A .v-'v As. -if Am f .', x A -- & ' , . &t&S 1 Watlrrn NfttiuiMr UnloH .! AVA',AXi A ;Ai'.v;,.,vviw.siiiiwwXjJl'Avy Avftwc' $:2w,w?:j!''v''-''irc'1, IN NAVY LEAGUE PAGEANT Pi?5fcvj Kanuuniiiw Mrs. Gertrude ltonnlii us an Indian mnid, who acted as guide for Lewis and Clark during their famous expe dition, was one of the most interest ing characters In tho American pageant, given by tho navy league in Washington on Lincoln's birthday. Mrs. Honnln Is a granddaughter of Chiof Sitting Hull, ono of tho best known Indians In history, and has, spent most of her llfo doing commu nity work among her people. She came to Washington during tho war when her husband was a captain In (he army, but expects to return soon to her home In South Dakota. Britain's Care of Timepieces. Grent Britain boasts of n greater number of clocks nnd watches in pro portion to its population than any! other nation. Furthermore, tho Brit-! lull claim that no other nntlon takes' greater care to see thnt Its watches! and clocks are of 'good character In the perfection of their timekeeping. The observatories at Greeuwlch and. Kew huvo special departments for test ing wntches submitted to them. Thus, watches that in this way gain certlfl atcs for perfection set the standard by which wntches In general tre Judged. To gain a certificate for per-, fectlon, a wntch must emergo trluim phnnt from a test calculated to try It In every part of Its being. Fisherman's Philosophy. Green Why did you give up fish ing? Brown Well, every time I'd get a bite the line would pull nnd wike me up, and It seemed I always sleep good on my fishing trip, so I wouldn't have my sleep spoiled. 4, 1 , .J.. MMWM BBBBBBvi. ' BB JbBbWIbK? IIbHbPvlIbBia &mmzm&3BBm?i aWBng. bbbbbHE B i. U Xi $" kK. HI M :3 IHr mMm bbHbhb: ilil "''' UK1 1 bbHHbI' i wTdu f IBil HvWBBBHBBBaUfBV AajaBJBMBBBI 'JbbbbbbH I urn . ., ur i a ncii Litre was SAVED! Eansas City, Eans.: "About twenty throe years ago Dr. Pierro's Favorite Pre scription and Golden Modlc&l Diaoovery saved my lue. I bo came ill; had a eevcro cough and bronchltii. Attimoe I would got so badly choked up that I would havo to sit up In bed to get my breath and In a short time I bcfum to euf- I' ifcark&N. MmEjA doctored but did not II lTmf&H' hnprovo, in foot, I fast and had to bava a miran. Tlin linrlnm told me the only thing that would help me was a chango of climato. Ho advised mo to go to a southern climato. I know of Dr. Mcroo's Golden Medical Discovery and docided to try it. I had my nurso get me two bottles. Tho fitst night I had hor give mo just a few drops every few minutes and by twelvo o'clock I was aslocp. a thing I had not dono for about throo weeks. Tho next day they gavo mo this modlclno every half hour and after that as directed. I kept up itauso until I was a well woman. It not only cured mo but I was in better health than! had over been and sinco that tlmo I have always taken 'Favorito Prescription' when ever I was badly run-down or in need of a tonic and it has never failed to help me. I am glad to recommend Dr. Pierce s mcdt oincs." MIIS. SARAH COLEMAN, 1430 Wood Ave. Run-down Weik -Nerroui Omaha, Nebr.: "I was at ono time greatly benefited by taking Dr. Pierce's medicines. I became all run-down in health, was weak and nervous and was greatly In need of somo good tonlo to build mo up oad givo mo strength. I took the 'Favorite Prescription' and tho 'Goldea Medical Discovery' and they proved to be (ust what I needed for they built me up and restored me to good health. For this I am very thankful. Indeed." MRS. JEHNIE RICHARDSON. 637 S. 26th Ave. buy, ten share ( )L III I II I Aca Pctrolaum Com lllUallll "'"y tock. This r m' w company ha one well drtllliiK In nurkbnr Utt Ouiiher territory, at a depth uf l.OUS eet. Thin well expected now any day. Bur--oundd by two to rive thauaand bar.-el cuahers. There la room on this llurkbur put, Texaa. leaae (or nvo wella TEN VAI.UAItt.R IIOMK.ll. I.OIIIHIANA. AltK4 A1IKI TO COMI'ANY In the very heart of the Twenty thousand barrel Ounhera, Ace Petroleum Company buya valuable property. COO other valuable acres of Oil Properttoa acatlerod throughout the Texaa Oil Klelda. Ilia chance for the araall Investor. rrtrcE nooKLET Telllnir of the wonderful resource of Texaa and Louisiana. Your opportunity to obtain first-hand Information regarding re liable all Investment. Kull Information on Texaa and Louisiana oil properties. Send your name and addreaa for full Information. It la absolutely rree. ACK I'KTIIOI.KUSI COMI'ANY, Sam Houston Life Uullillnr, Unllaa, Texas Telia of fortunes being mad In newly discovered Texaa Oil Fields. How yon can share In the $20. 00,000 a month being produced In Texaa Oil. Keep posted. Send your name and adSraaa for fren cflnv. " '.IT - - .. . TKXAH OIL 1TIKI.II HKWB 314 Deere Ulds., Uallua, Texas pugnacity doesn't Invite fights. It scares 'cm off. OPEN NOSTRILS! END COLD OR CATARRH How to Get Relief When Head and Nose 'Are Stuffed Up. Count fifty. Your cold In bend ot catarh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache, no struggling for breath at night Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant nntiseptle cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage, of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or Inflamed mucous membrane, giving you Instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't star stuffed-up and miserable. Belief h sure. Adv. What cati be put In a loving cup, hereafter? AFTER 7 YEARS-STILL WELL Now Ertfoys Best of Health and Doea Her Housework Unaided "I didn't enjoy ono day of good health for more than two yeara," says Mrs. O. E. WUdes, 740 E. Georgia 8t., 1UUIUJII1I9, ll'UU, "At first I had nothing more than backache. After wards terrible at tacks of pain left me weak and limp. My arnia and limbs ached. My feet felt weighted with tons of lead. I couldn't walk without a cane and had to be car ried to bed every night. I couldn't Mn.WaiM do a bit of work and kept my people busy rubbing my aching limbs. Some times my whole body became rigid. My feet were swollen twice their normal site. "It almost killed me to pass the kid nev accretions. I lost 42 Dounds and each day felt I had aged a year. I was so nervous tne rustle oi a paper maae me scream. "Finally I was advised to use Doan'a Kidney PiUa and seven boxes made' me a well woman. I have enjoyed the best of health for seven years, and have done all my housework without any troiiDie. tsworn to oetore me. JOHN MeNULTY, Notary Public. U Dmm's al Aar Store. aO a las DOAN9SDV rOSTOWsajlUJlN CO. BUFFALO, n. Y. bbTbVw . bLW HI' W ". SUM? aBBBBfl mm PerslstentCoughs are Jsngeroua. Oct prompt relief from Pios, Wtopa Irritation! aoothlnc. KsTscUya and safe for jrouag and old. No oylsfrsi PI SOS wi M v m VH 4fl W ' 4 .'.' ,'4 v i . j2SSSKlSXf'' W!SNStW ' '""" ' ' -3T