The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 19, 1920, Image 6
v 4- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF m tt K : INEBRASKAJN BRIEF JTimcly News Culled Prom All ' . Parts of the State, Reduced for the Busy. SCORES OF EVENTS COVERED The Shite Dcpnrtinpnt of Agrlcul ,ture nt Lincoln hns Just iKsticd n bill .letln on Nehrnskn weeds, prolmbly the jflrst bullottri of this sort ever printed. CopleH linvc been sent to county agents for distribution nnd probably some Will be sent to libraries nnd rural fscbools throughout tlio stnte. A re serve stock will be bold at tlio stnto .house for those who Inquire- cither in (Person or by letter. Governor McKelvlo has named a jCommltteo of twelve to raise Ncbrns tka s share townrd a $250,000 monu ;ment at Mcntix, France, to commeino" rato the first, battle of the Marnc. The 250,000 school children In Nebraska ,wlll bo called upon to contribute from lone penny up for Nebraska's $3,500 quota, according to the governor. Tlie rntnpnlgn will tnke place the last week In February. ; Heads of tho Nebraska Anti-Saloon league announced that they would tight to the last ditch the pro posed solo of whisky in Nebraska wn doctors' prescriptions. It Is said that the league was prepared to oppose liny setting aside of the Nebraska pro--jilbltlon amendment. According to Dr. I. II. Dillon, chief of the Btate bureau of health, the in fluenza cpidendc In Nebraska has reached the crest and n gradual de crease In the number of new cases In mo sin to may lie expected soon. The fatalities continue to be very low, Dr. Dillon says. Tho Haxby Miners, a Morrill county firm, has tiled articles of Incorporation with the secretary of state at Lincoln. The company operates a gold mine nt Broadwater nnd It Is said tho precious metal has been struck at a depth of thirty feet In good paying strata. Threatened damage to winter wheat from n heavy blanket of sleet which covered a largo portion of the stnto for two days during the past week was relieved by the warm rnln which melt ad the ice, University of Nebraska ag riculture authorities state. February 20, the new date set for the execution of Colo nnd Grammar at the state prison at Lincoln for the murder of Mrs. Vogt In Howard county tin 1017, is the twelfth date set for the carrying out of the mandate of the court. L. I. Frlsble, Junior extension lead er of the Nebraska Agricultural Col lege, estimates that Nebraska boys and girls who raised hogs last year as members of pig clubs mnde n prollt of approximately $15,000. iceconstructlon of tlio Douglas coun ty court bouse, partially dest roved during tho riot of September 28, last, started this week, with prospects of finishing tho work In about three months. Cedar county raised S.&Kl.SO.'i bush , els of oats in 1011) nnd 00,087 head of hogs, topping all counties of the state ,ln oats nnd pork production, nccording (to tho Nebraska department or agri culture. Citizens of Gnrtleld county, arc cir culating petitions for a new $100,000 court house to replace tlio present structure nt Kurwell, which has be come obsolete. Twenty-five prominent Fremont cit izens were lined each $1 and cost In police court for failure to remove -snow from their sidewalks. Later the court remitted the fines. Hog prices skidded downward at the South Omaha market during the past week one dollar n hundred,, because of demoralized money conditions In the east. Preparations are complete, for staging the state basketball tournament uf Lincoln March 4, 5 and 0. Teams from 154 high schools' have entered the con test. Both the First Nntionnl nnd tho Farmers Nntionnl banks at Harwell are planning to erect new homes this yenr. Plans aro under way to rebuild tho Methodist church nt 'Table Hock which was destroyed by tiro January 4. Sixty head of pure bred Duroe Jer sey hogs sold for $100,875 at the Ed. M. Kern public solo nenr Stanton. Schools nt Lewiston hnve been closed because of nn outbrenk of In fluenza. A "people's university," to give .thoso lacking a college education, the advantages of lectures on subjects of rthe hour by those best qunllfled to discuss them, hns been organized In Lincoln by a committee known as tho Community Scrvlco council. Alfred Nye, 85, civil war veteran, who died a few dnys ago nt Lexington, was a member of the U. S1. slgnnl corps jfrom Wisconsin, nnd was the man who 'gent the famous message from General Sherman at Kenesnw Mountnln, to General Corse nt Altoona Pass, "Hold tthe f6rt, for I am coming I" Teachers In Kenrney schools havo been granted an Increase in salary of j'ISOO a year, making tho minimum 11,000. , Grain men estimate that unless Im mediate shipments are mado more ,than 15,000,000 bushels of corn will (rot In Nebraska, Iowu und South Du 'kota. Most of the grain Is on farms. Hastings Is to be made the distrib uting point for the South Platte terri tory by tlie Standard Oil Company. The company plans to spend $100,000 j)n the city for buildings and equipment. Figures compiled by tho Omaha Chnmbor of Commerce show that Ne braska has lost first position ntnong nil stntcs In per capita automobile ownership to California. For 1010 California's per capita figure was 0.2 Nebraska and South Dakota's 0.8. In 1018 Nebraska's figure was 7.8. Nebras ka s ratio, however, still shows five out of overy seven families la tlio state own automobiles. According to the "War Department nt Washington, Nebrnsku Is the leading slate In alrplnne development, with over 320 planes In actual use. Tho de partment goes further bv snvlnp thnt- government nlrplancs nro being adapt ed for civilian (lying in tills state, whllo one of our physicians uses a plane In making tlio rounds of his patients. Stnto Senator waiter Honglund, trustee of the Odd Fellows' orphnnngo nt York, protested before the state board of prison control nt Lincoln tho erection of a custodial home for women on Innd adjoining tlie orplinns' home. He said the proximity of such women would endanger the moral health of the orplinns. D. O. Hoot of Wood Itlver has been selected as principal, and Klbcrt A. Bnugb of Hustings ns. first nltornoto, for military cadotshlp at West Point, by Congressman Andrews. He lias al so selected Clyde H. Whltnev of Mc Cook, nnd Lysle Short of Nelson ns principals for naval cadetshlp nt An nupolls. Japanese residents of Mitchell nnd vicinity hnve organized n corporation, with a capital of $10,000, Its purpose being of a social nature, but provides for the owning and mnnugement of iirupuny, including tho building of n club house, which they propose to erect In the near future. A bulletin Issued by tho State De partment of Agriculture shows thero are In Nebraska 13,511) more farms oc cupied by owners than are occupied by tenants. There nro iinnn ..., listed; owners live on 00,420 of these the remainder of which are rented or leased. Citizens of both Moorofleld nnd Cur tis havo filed petitions culling for a special election to remove the county sent from Stockvlllo to ench pt the re spective towns. Stockvlllo hns been tho county seat of Frontier county since 1872. ' Itepllcs to Inquiries sent over the stnto by Mrs. C. O. Itynn, director of tho economy campaign, asking for quo tatlons on prices charged by local dealers show that there Is a great variation In prices ovor Nebraska for nil necessities of life. Enforcement of the provisions of the new school redisricting law will be met by opposition, from over 200 farmers of Hall and adjacent counties, who met nt Grand Island the other day to organlzo for such purpose. A California rancher paid $10,000 for a Duroc Jersey sow at the W. M. Putmnn & Sons auction sale nt Co lumbus. Flfty-threo bend of sows and gilts were disposed of at the sale for $53,7-10. Tlio state bure.nn nt lmnin. nt n. coin reported to tlio government that iNcnrasKa lias Itod 5,750 cases of In fluenza during the present epidemic. The report was made February 0. Two grocery and general merchan dise stores, a hardware firm, pool hnll, restaurant nnd u drug storo were de stroyed by fire at Table Hock, causing u loss of approximately $150,000. The Nebraska Clay Products com pnny, which Is to build n $1,000,000 brick manufacturing plant atTeknmali, plans to begin construction work on the project nt once. A carload of lambs shipped to tlio South Omaha market by tho Nebraska University Experimental station at Lincoln sold for $20.05 a hundred top ping the mnrket. West Point has over 100 cases of Influenza. Although the malady Is In a mild form, considerable apprehen sion exists in the city. Tho citizens of Virginia, Gage coun ty, hnve decided to start a weekly pa per. The town hns been without a newspaper for years- . ' I Work, has started en a new thref story liotej at Gothenburg. It Is .ex pected to bo one of the finest hotels in tho stnto when finished. A new $130,000 creamery Is to bo built at Beatrice by Swift & Co. Tho concern will also handle poultry and eggs. Schools hnve been closed and enter tainments curtailed nt Auburn because of the prevnliinco of tho "flu." Fire destroyed the $15,000 country home of Mrs. W. A. Keefer on tho Lincoln hlghwny nenr Kearney. Tho new $05,000 First Evangelical Lutheran church nt North Platte was dedicated February 7. Nebraska's quota In the United war work eampnlgn was $2,000,000. and Its pledges total $2,825,000, " giving this state third position fn tho drive among fourteen states In tho central division. Kansas nnd North Dakota exceeded Nebraska In over-subscription. A bulletin Issued by Secretary Stuhr of tlio State Department of Agricul ture reminds restaurant nnd boarding liouHe keepers that milk served for drinking purposes must be served In Individual sealed bottles. That's the law, says the bulletin, and It must be enforced. Alliance Is looking forward to a monster gathering of Elks during the stnto convention of thnt organization there on Juno 23, 24 nnd 25, As u preventive measure against tho spread of Influenza, the army post of Fort Crook, near Omaha, litis been put under quarantine. State penltentlnry convicts arc to bo used on Nebrasku road-building pro Jects, according to a decision reached by Governor McKelvlo nnd tho board of control. The men will bo workod In gangs, under guard, In different parts of the Btate. PASADENA Tlie annual rose festival Is one shows ono of the prettiest floats In 'Blond Lady' as Beautiful Woman Who Beguiled Unwary Into Giving Secrets to Germans. RELATIVE OF VON HEINRIGH At Her Headquarters In Antwerp She Collected Information Which Waa Forwarded to German Headquar ter Had Two Accomplices. i London. Many details about the Ilfo of tho "blond-haired lady," who served as a German chief of spies In the war, have been given by n colonel In the French counter esplonnge serv ice who know her well, according to a London Times Paris correspondent. This colonel, who was then n cop tain, spent somo months during tho wnr nt Antwerp nnd saw most of tho people who visited tho lady, for It was his duty to supply these visitors with false information or truo Information when too late to use. The chateau, phlch tho witnesses at Lille believed to bo outside Antwerp, was In reality In tho center of tho city. It was n ho tel In the boulevurd do la Lol, a ma jestic building which thoso who were brought blindfolded In n motor car wiiu uruwn ouuus niignt well Have taken for a chateau in the country side. Related to General von Helnrlch. The blond-haired lady was certainty a relative of General von Helnrlch, though tho exnet relationship still re mains uncertain. She was n line worn", nn, being slim nnd unlike the major ity of her fellow countrywomen. Tho Frau Doktor, ns shu was uddressed by her colleagues, spoko French with out n trace of n foreign accent nnd showed by her manner nnd dress that she had lived for n long time In France, and probably In Pnrls. She used to address her agents with a Father Missing, His Family Lodges in Jail Los Angeles. Arriving from Seattle to meet her husband here, Mrs. Ruth Anderson, thirty four years old, with her four young children, spent a night In tho enro of tho matron nt the city Jail. Anderson did not meet her, as she had telegraphed him to do. ' The only clue to her husband which tho woman had was that ho had been working on the Los Angeles flood control project. Mrs. Anderson nnd the four children, ranging In nges from ten to fourteen, were taken In chnrge nt tho Southern Pacific depot by Pollco Olflcer A. A. Sayles. They had Imd nothing to eat all day nnd wero without funds. Sayles gave them a meal and then took them to Central station. Plan War Germany Said fo Be Preparing for Next Conflict. Time Will Bring en Clash, Is Word of Old, and Young of the Nation. Berlin. Germany Is preparing for Ks next war. And France Is the Intended victim. Just when this attack on the French to to take place has not been settled In the German mind but every Ger man, no matter what his age or sta tion, says that time Is coming maybe In ten years, mnybe twenty or maybo thirty. nut even if there Is doubt ns to tlio exact time of Germany's effort to avengo the loss of the world war, there does not seem to be felt the least leubt that vengeance will be visited HAS ITS ANNUAL ROSE of the great features of the winter season this yeur's parade. ' 9j Chief of Spies French cigarette between her lips, leaning buck seductively' In n large armchnlr, She never spoke harshly, but, on tho contrary, In sweet, even tones, no doubt gaining much which her masculine confederates of the Ger mnn general staff lost through their air of brutality. Accomplices of the German Spy. Two men lived In tho "cliuteau" with her, n mnn who posed, ns nn Eng lish fop with a monocle pretending to bo n Journnllst on n London paper, and nn officer of the German G. n. Q. The fop, the French colonel stntcs, was the proprietor of a hotel In tho snmo boulcvnrd do In Lol, and the Gorman ofllcer, Keffer by name, had as his last duty the control of tho In formation upon tho nllles' submarine bases nt Calais and Dunkirk, nnd the numbers nnd chnnges In the north of France. Tho blond-haired lady, be sides using part of her time in bo gulUng poor unfortunates into betray ing their countrymen, collated her In formation before forwarding It to Germany. Noah, Not Adam, Ate the Apple Delver in Ancient Lore Finds Evi dence Older Than the Bible. NO MENTION OF ANY EVE Records In University of Pennsylvania Provide Apparent History of Hu man Race Back to 14,000 Years Before Christ Philadelphia, Pa. Whnt the discov erer claims to bo evidence older thnn tho Bible by two or three thousand years, that woman had nothing to do with the downfall of the human race, was produced by the museum of tho University of Pennsylvania In the form of a new set of translations bv Dr. Stephen Herbert Lnngdon. Doctor Lnngdon Is now professor of Assyrlology at "Oxford unlverftltv. vAe. land. ,IIe wob forthreo yenrs4c'urqfor, ui 'win iiiioyionian section at tno uni versity museum, nnd while there stud ied nnd translated thousands of an- dent clay tablets from the ruins of Nippur, in ancient Bnbylonin. "Noah Ate the Apple." Tho now book Is tho fourth In n scries depicting the religious llfo of tho yumerlans. a mysterious race, tlie origin of which Is unknown, which wns finally swallowed up by tho later Sem Itlcs. According to one of tho flood sto ries In tho collection Nonh ntn thn forbidden fruit nfter ho had been Raved from the deluge. This salvation was accompllbhed, ac on France upon the French nnd that Germany will bo successful In tho attempt. Germany Is not forging arms or ranking munitions with that end In vjew Just now, for that would bo Im possible. ' But through propaganda of the most poisonous kind the fire of hatieu is being kindled In the German n'lnd. Every German I met yolced to me Us tatred of France. Every misfor tune tho Germans have met with has been laid to tho door of tho French. Premier Clcmenccnu Is hated In Ger many ns no other mnn ever was. The mero mention of his name brings torch direct thrents of what la to. harpen to Franc' , l?;e evil propagandist Is doing his wok well. Ho is .reaching not only the mind of the adult German, but his poitor. Is sinking deep Into the 'mind of the rising generation. ' Bven young boys give rlso to their hatred and tell how, when they grow FESTIVAL In Pasadena. Cnl. Tho Illustration imwinmou CHILDREN'S CHIMES PLANNED Every Child In United States to Be Asked to Glvo Cent for Vic tory Set New York. Every child In Amerlcn will bo nsked to give nt least one cent toward the erection In New York of a set of "victory chimes." which will rln-r out In Oally reminder of the sncrlllces made ny Americans In tho wnr, It was announced by the newly orgnnlzed Vic tory Chimes nnd Carillon association. The plans call for a scries .of 48 bells ono for ench state In the Union on which will be played dally a vic tory nntliem composed for children, "Tho stnr-Spnnglcd Banner" nnd "America." A forty-ninth bell, to 'o the largest bell In the world, would bo sounded only upon the Inaugura tion or denth of n president of the United Stntcs. Meets Sister After Years. Chlco, Col. After being parted from his sister for n period of thirty years, William Simpson of Vlrden, Manitoba, Canada, urrlved hero yesterday to lie the guest of his bister, Mrs. L. F. Eg gers In Chlco Vecino. Simpson is nc companlcd by his wife nnd son Gor don, who wns wounded In nctlon In France while serving with n Canadian contingent of the British army In tho world wnr. cording to the Sumerlnn version, by a woman deity. There Is no mention of nny Evo In the stdry. Clay tablets from which this nnd other stories nro token nro said to be at least one thou snnd yenrs older than Babylonian tab lets. 14.000 Years Before Christ After the Sumcrlnns hnd been ex tinguished In their political power, ac cording to Doctor Lnngdon. "Ihe Baby lonians retained the language for eo-, cleslastlcal purposes for many centu-i rlcs, Just ns Lntln Is now used in the Romnn Cnthollc church. The Sumerlnn records nt tho univer sity provide an apparent history of. mankind back to 14.000 years before, Christ, but this is not considered nb-' solutcly authentic, because many of the reigns of kings nro collnteral. The Sumerlnns believed that tho patrl-' orchs, corresponding to those of the Old Testament, ruled before the flood for 800,000 years. According to their story It was 35.000 years. after the del-' ugo when Cyrus of Persia conquered' Babylonia.. h Better Late Than Never. Taunton, Eng. E. A. Bellamy, who was a prisoner of wnr In Germany and lately returned to his home here, pnrtook of4a plum pudding recently thnt had been sent to him by his wife In September, 1018. ' The pudding wns part of the con tents of n lnrgo pnrcel mailed by Mrs. Bellnmy to her husband In tho prison camp at Huhlebcn. Germhnv. It he- came lost In tho malls and wns re turned to tho sender the day before Bellamy carao home. up, they will drive tho Frenchman from conquered German territory and dcslioy tho Fronch nation. "Germany soon will bo stronger than France, despite our present condition," snl'l a German student to me a few days ago. "Then France had better watch out." JAZZ MUSIC NOT A NUISANCE Los Angeles County Judge Refuses to Give Relief to Disturbed , Nerves. Los Angeles, Cal. Jaza mnslc Is not a nuisance, according to a decision by Judgo Lewis R. Works, In the Los Angeles county superior court. The city of Pnsadcnn had brought suit ngnlnst a social club, whose neighbors, complained Its jnzz music "Jarred on their nerves." "Once Jazz music might have been construed as a nuisance," Judge Works said. "It Is no longer so construed. If the music disturbed the residents of the neighborhood, I am sorry, but this court cannot give thorn relief," VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric add) troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they givo that they need attention by taking COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for thtse disorders, will often ward off these dis eases and strengthen tho body against further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists. look for tho nun Gold Modal on ororjr U and accept no imiutloa MILLIONS Suffer from Acid-Stomach .?i!"lor.s ot. People euffer year after year rrom allmente affecting practically everr Pn rt, ot, bod,t nevor 'Irenmlnir that their ill health can be traced directly to acld itomacn. Here la the reason: poor dlgeatlon mean poor nourishment of tho different organs and tissues of the body. Tho blood la impoverished becomes weak. thin, sluggish. -Jimie.Vts ot ,m,v,y k,n1" "Prlng from such conditions. Biliousness, rheumatism, turn oago, sciatica, general weakness, loss or power and energy, headache. Insomnia, nervousness, mental depression even moro serious ailments such ns catarrh and cancer . i6 etomach, Intestinal ulcers, cirrhosis or the liver, heart trouble all of these car often be traced directly to arld-stomach. Keep a sharp lookout for tho first symp toms of acid-stomach Indigestion, heart burn, belching, food repoatlng, thnt awfut painful bloat after eating, and sour, gassy stomach. EATONIC, the wonderful moderm remedy for acld-etomach, Is guaranteed to bring quick relief from these stomach mis erles. Thousands say they never dreamed, that anything could bring such speedy rellet and make them feel so much better In. vry. way. Try I5ATONIC and you. too, wll be Just as enthusiastic In Its praise. Make your life worth living no aches or pains no blues or melnncholy no more or that tired, listless feeling, lie well and. strong. Get back your physical and mental punch: your vim. vigor and vitality. You will alwnra be weak and ailing ns long aa you have acld-atomach. So get rid of It now. Take EATONIC Tablets they taste good you eat them like a bit of candy. Tour druggist has EATONIC E0 cents for a big; box. Oct a box from him today nnd If you aro not satisfied he will refund your money. ATONIC t FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH) To Preserve and keep all household linen spotlessly white and in perfect condition use Red Gross Ball Blue in the laundry every week. Nothing else will take its place and nothing else is just as good. All grocers, 5c SANITARIUM SULPH0 SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own premises and used in the Natural Mineral Water Baths tJnsurpusscd in the treatment of RHEUMATISM Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases. Moderate charges Address DR. O.W.EVERETT. Msr. 14th aad M Sla. Lincoln, Nab. The Seven Seas. Did Kipling consult Hindu mythol ogy when choosing the title for his a ell-known hook, "Tho Seven Sens"?" According to the Puronns, tho curth Is circular nnd tint, like the flower of a .water Illy. Its clrcuniferenco Is 1,000, 000,000 miles. In tho center Is Mount' Soomeroo, Shave With Cutlcufli 8oap And double your razor efficiency a well as promote skin parity, skin com fort und skin health.' No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no. waste, no Irritation even when shaved twice dally. One soap for all uses shaving, bathing and shampooing. Adv. You seldom love your enemies un less you find out they are not what you thought they were. In many enses writer's cramp affect the stomnr-h. . WRING. Nlrfht mJ Moralai. Hom Strong, Hialthy ty. HtheyTire,Itch, 'KKQVmm smart or Burn, if Sore, Yfoiifi CtTC iFluwa unamea or TOUR tltO GranuIat6d,ttMMurine often. Scotkaa. afraakaa. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Writefor "TMEytBook. nmtmlpUmdjU.Qkm F $ h