The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 12, 1920, Image 8

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"He saysFm a good skate"
A REAL pal that's Chesterfield. Look
" at Its record. Three million smokers
less than five years on the market! Two
words explain it "They Satisfy.'
Our expert buyers in the Orient select for
Chesterfields only the finest grade of the
four choicest varieties of Turkish tobacco.
To these are added the best of mild but
full-bodied Domestic leaf.
But, In the end, it's the blend that makes
Chesterfields "satisfy." And the blend our
private formula cannot be cooled.
Extra wrapper of moisture-proof
paper seals in the flavor.
aaaw aataaL LK91 liJwlWffCyWajJOllwHriirW?-r?Hhf mlCi5nK.i1ff'vSk liaSf? RSiaaK
A text book in tho hands of the pu
pils is not necessary. A good element
ary text In the hands of tho teacher is
sufficient. The keeping of u complete
elv of books should not be undertaken.
The work for the eighth crude should
rb'j simplor than what is given in high
school. It should be practicnl and of
the kind that will be useful to tho
child, whether he goes to the high
school or not.
! A letter from the State Superin
tendent's office will give the teachers
some idea of tho kind of work that
will fit the eighth grade student to
pass in tho examinations.
I They tell mo the examinations will
be based on this outline. The ques
tions in Composition will be based on
ordinary work in Language for tho
seventh and cfghth grades, with some
additional emphasis upon letter writ
ing, description and narration.
Tho eighth grade examinations will
be given on April 1 and 2 and on May
6 and 7.
It has been thought best by the
state department and many of the
County Superintendents not to nn'vc
the District Spelling contests. Each
county may. send two representatives
to the State Contest in Lincoln. This
contest will be held about May 1st,
but the date has not been definitely
fixed. The Lincoln Commercial Club
has offered $100 for prizes and will
give n luncheon in honor of the con
testants on the evening after the contest.
It will mean a BIG SAVING to you to buy your
Sweaters, Caps and Scarfs
now as wools will be no cheaper. Every indi
cation points to higher prices.
- $8 to $12
Amendment to the Constitution of the
Farmers' Union Vo-onmttlve Afso-
ciutlon of !qiI Clow!, Nebraska. ,
Aiticli' .". Tlu amount of cipiinl
stooU nImiII be fifty thmiMtnd dolliiih,
lit the pir uilnc of ton lclur. each, of
which lunoiiut our thoiiMUid (1 illiti.s
bhnll bo fully paid Luton commencing
business, mid before any debts nic von '
tructctl, nuil no new shut o of stock
hliall lo issued until its pur value li;is
been I'lilil to the tntiisiiior.
Passed .Itttiu ir.r III, 1920.
H. II. CUOWIiU , IVes'ilent
JOHN M It VAN, Secretin v
Mrs. A. E. CielKliton went to Itluo
Hill this morning to visit her sister
Mis. Fied CJund. '
Tom Swartz was a paseiiger to Cow.
les this uiorninu.
Mr and Mrs. Tlionif left for 'J'ulsn.
Okluhoinii on No. It this jnornlnjr.
While tlieie tlicy intend to look ovei
the Kansas tinnier Oil Co.. seveial
people living in nnd iironnd I!tl Cloud
liavin,' boug'it slime- in this vouipiniy
Baptist Church Notes
Siindav f-ehool inU p. in
I'leavliin;,' ar ;) p. tit. by Kev
Sinking conducted by Mi.s. K.itliryu
llslielmaii. .
HruLlixr Harper N moving to Itiver
ton till-, week I am sute wo all regi!
very much to I m-e Mro. Harper but as
lie had io letire tiom the unlive Pustul
ate It will be pleasant for him to be
near so ninny uf hisielatiM'- who can
cheer ami cum fort him i it IiIh declining
We think the kindly words of appre
ciation of the A i .mis of iceent date n .
Heeled ttir sentiment of the entile com
m mity Oiir statu boaid nnd the lted
Cloud Baptist olmroli both iii'inifestLd
their appreciation of Hro HaiperV
l.iboM .In granting him the lull allow
ance of salary up to the time his resig.
nation was acveptul iiivuldlng the four
muuihs of his !ibbciiceuml slcUuiss.
Geo. W. Hutchison
Real Estate. Insurance, Loans Abstracts
PHONES j fE$fcfff7' ,mJ' 63
Red Cloud
The Recent Fires Emphasize the Importance
Look up the expiration and the amount and see if
you have'enough Insurance. Take a pencil and
make a list ot your insurable goods and then see
what it will cost to replace these goods, Also your
house. Insurance companies are continually writ
ing me to call the attention of my customers to the
.fact that the insurable value of their property is
much more now than a few years ago.
vLargc corporations and business concerns always carry
80 per cent insurancea guide for the individual
Look up your expirations and call me on the phone and
I will call and tell you just what it will cost you and the
amount yoir should carry,, no matter if it does not expire
for several months. Attend to it now and I will put it on
my expiration list and write it up when it expires.
Mls .Inliii Funic went to Guide Koclc
today to visitrolativus.
Ladies Wool Sweaters
Misses Wool Sweaters - $4.25 to $7,50
Misses Part Wool and Cotton Sweaters $2.25 to $4
Cliijdrejis Part Wool, Cotton Sweaters $2 to $4.50
Childrens Part Wool and Cotton Sweaters, Caps
and Lcggins from - - $3.50 to $5
S, Bifftai
i M
I Afc
m rfF. m
c &ase
Vc will sill at pub!c auction at the Arnold rarch 2X miles west of Inavale and 3'.,
miles east of Kivjrton, commencing at 1 1 o'clock, sharp, on
rsday, Feb. 19
,& Head of Stock &
'did oorses and Imnles
Pan bay geldings 9 yrs old, wt 2700
bay gelding 8 yrs old, wt 1 400; grey
Start the New
Year Riht
By buying your groceries where the
two important latcors predominate
AH the brands of goods we sell arc the
best the market affords and sold under
Our many years of experience enables
us to select merchandise that satisfies
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
Public Sale
"-"!" !,i ill Ul, !!i I' .'.
171 "H
ispersiOH Mi
Registered Fercherons
rnares ,
5iVS' ' ."V'.'-Voj .-C:.t?vi .
ijsawgfecs.v.rNi &. v. i,i 7 ., i,i .... t ii ;.,.... ....
: , mhrm i&i, r,u "B ' '" , ' w; ::rJ B
i : 4 J&T;:idr?i&BSaSzJ. no l vrs od. wt 1 4UU: bav
". .1 "I"'- 'MMmmMm old. wt H00; grey marc
- -, i wm 'TMmmmm' v3 old. wt 1 250; bay d
. rw.TT Mi dnKitrr tfwj t'a..n',fT j taa'?'' . i i ... i i im t. i.k
' tt&xs.?3 A'-ri-.iaa j . yrs oiu, wi iwu; uny
UWgW nvI 1050, roan team 4
' KlM2asBiaEJ.
riving mare 5
mare I U yrs
and 6 yrs old,
fctsl 'l " wt 2700; saddle horse wl about 900
-V- &ZJ&WPr . iwrrti pp
Pair brown horse mules 5 yrs old, wt 2300; pair brown horse mules'
"Jules, 8 yrs old, wt 2300; pair black marc mules 8 and 9 yrs old, wl
2700; 2 coining 2-yr-old mare mules: coming 3-yJ-old mule; coming
yearling mare mule.
Saturday, Feb. 14 ;.;37 head of -cattle 37
15 Bred Marcs, 4 Stallions and 2 Stallion Colts
JESS WILLARD, No 116657. bljclc,aB74, wt 1900. First ct;e and sweep
Makes at Nuckols county fair, 1918, r
HANNIBAL, No. 1J233J, gray, age 6, wt 1950. First prize and sweecstakes
at Thayer county fair, 1919.
PEDRO, No. 134382, black, age 3, wt 1950. First prize and sweepstakes at
Nuckolls cuunty fair, J9I9.
ERIA, No. 137102, black aKe 3, wt 1800. Alo IUy and Bhck Stallion colts.
2 weanling mre colti, black and bay, good and growlliv 2 comlnU 2 yr olds
black 1450 and J 550. 2 2 yr olds, black, wt 160J and 1500. Coming 4 yr old
black wt J650. 2 coming 4 yr olds, pray and bay, wt 1950 .ind 1800. Bay, 6
yrs old, wtJf50 Bay 8 yrs old, wt ISO. libik 1 yrs old, wt 16f0 Black
12 yrs oId,;wt 1930 Span ol gray 5 yr olds, wt 32
6 Shorthorn milk cows 5 yrs old, calve this spring; 3 Shotthoiu cows
3 yss old, calf by side; 4 milk cows 5 to 8 yrs old, will calv soon. All
high grade Shorthorns, milking strain. 5 calves I month old; 1 5 last
spring stock calves; Registered Shorthorn bull 2 yrs old Mar. 20, 1920
This bull sired by Clarence Johnson's $1 0,000 Papers (urnished sale day
Plainer Yale slacker new, side delivery hay rake, Osbourrie disc, 3 2
row John Deere cultivators, 2-row John Deere weeder, 2-row Beatrice
cultivator wilh weeder attachment. 1 4-in Madison oang plow, stalk
f grain drill, Rock Island tricycle lister, 1-row John Deere lister, 5 sets
I I -4 inch work harness.
TERMS:-? 10 and under clsh; 10 months at 10 , interest.
ColH. Henderson and Denny, A net. P. K Dottcnfield, CIctk Ui A 1 miX
I MMMMfwiiiiiTfflT10Tpirm j n tuingcr, Muct. Luncn on urounds vj. i. ivicjary, v.icij
I will sull nt Public Amnion nn lh W. U. Wniul.'rlv farm 7 mllus south of Inu
vnle, :i inllus cast tun) 1 iniln nmth of Woiner, 7 tnilch noiO) or Cora, nnd 11
miles noilli of Ik-llniu', Ivimbiib, on
Tuesday, Feb. 17th
Commencing at 10 o'clock sharp
150 Head f
i Itad of Horses and Mules
1 Registered Pcrchuron Stallion 5 yrs old, wt 1900 lbs., a good ono
and a sure breeder; 1 Black 15 hands high, known as the .Copley
Jack: anyone interested in a Jack will do well to see some of
his mules around north of Inavale: this Jack is sure a good
worker without a horse: 1 bay thoroughbred Kentucky gaited
saddle horse: 5 yrs old, wt 1050; 1 team of geldings with silver
mane and tail, 5 and 6 yrs old wt 2500 lbs., this is an extra good
all around team with class one a good saddler: 1 black horse, 5
yrs old. wt 1200; 1 black mare, 9 yrs old, wt 1300; 1 roan marc,
wt U00, smooth mouth; I gray mare, wt 1300, smooth mouth; 1
team of mules coming 3 yrs old: I mule 1-yr old, 3 spring mules.
4 Head of ntt!e '
1 roan Registered Shorthorn cow, 4 yrs old, will calve in spring
by Clarence Johnston's pure Scotch bull; this cow is sired by
Missies Sultan Gth 400188, he by Victor Sultan, by White Hall
Sultan out of Imp Bessie 52nd. 1 red Registered Shorthorn cow,
7 yrs old. sired by Crestmead Victor 338004. he by Orange Vic
tor, by Victorious; this cow will calve in spring by Bessio Sul
tan: a bull calf out of the above roan cow and Sultan Goods, a
bull that sold for $1,250 at 11 months old. 0 red c6ws fresh in
spring, good milkers: 5 3-yr old heifers, fresh in spring; 7 year-,
ling steers; G yearling heifers; 14 spring calves; this is all good
20 Duroc Gilts Bred to ai Extra G3td Registered JbWr J
75 Head o? Sheep '
15 ewes with lambs at side, 15 will lamb soon after sale and the
balance will lamb in March and April: 2 Registered Hampshire
bucks; the most of these are extra well bred.
All stock taken care of a reasonable length of time after sale
Household Goods, and Miscellaiseegss
Stove, cunboiiril. kitchen cabinet, tublo, chairs, brnss bod,cimmode,booU aaso, '
desk, some baled hay'und numerous other articles not mentioned I1
TERMS-10 months at 0fo Ladies Aid will Serve Lunch
J. W. Wonderly, Owner
J. W. Wonderly, Auctioneer. G. R. McCrary, Clerk
w -w wjiqcwqJ&fc'
mj0mmt t9niKU0j&viU4miKtjm w.