The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 12, 1920, Image 5
rti X f atoMfwrto BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, , CHIEF t Everett Stroup spent Friday in Hastings. F. V Cowden spent Wednesday in Guide Rock. Mrs. J. E. Butler spent Saturday in Hustings. Wm. Pegg went to Grafton Monday to visit relatives. IT., i th great oug tonic, "Moro Egg' Mild by (' Li. Outline. M V. A. Hildebrnndt went to i . '"i ' iy morning to visit rola- f j TTfce Latest Co lumbia RECORDS rfk)7H6 1- We have Just received the following New Records: Iti". . Ilukvv II ti THE UNIVERSAL I I. 'mm nnd wlffl spent Wd t . A ipts.l iv in Huttings doing Borne shop. yfatni I 4. 4 .; f 2835 2844 2839 2842 2843 6137 78798 r You Alnt Hpnrd Nothing Yet Come On and i'lny with Me "0" Oh! Barking Dog Nobody Knows Wonderful I'ul Where the Lanterns Glow Just Like a Rosu All I have lire Stiuny Weather Friends Now I Kuow Oh! What a Pal wns .Mary Carolina Hun.slihio I'm Forever Blowing Hubbies Violin J. C. MITCHpLL Columbia Grafanolas THE JEWELFR Columbia Records WVVWV,Arj,AVAVAVAV.VVAV.VV.V.V.VAr.V,AftrV. Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING RED CLOUD, NEB I' Phone, Ind. Stort 158, Res, 93 I -.'v 5 AS TOLD TO US MMOMtOMMM ' Saturday fa- St. -Valentines Day. V Fred Phares" spent Friday ir. -Guide 'Rock.- - " R. C. Burch was down from Inavale Thursday! CJUsed cars for sale. Frame & Smith Bros. Co A. A. Schaal spent Saturday in Guide Rock, Mrs. Andrew Saladon spent Thurs day in Hastings. Father Fitzgerald held service nt Superior Sunday. The County Commissioners will inect next Thursday. County Agent Henry Fnusch spent Monday in Blue Hil. Frank Delahoy spent Tuesday with his mother in Blue Hill. Jas. Peterson went to Omaha Mon day to attend to some business. Merrill Egglcston of Blue Hill spent Sunday with the Chas. Troutman fam ily. -Lsftdoitf " Johnson returned from Hastings Saturday where he spent a few days. Morris Ashby and family of Cas per, Wyoming, spent Saturday with Mrs. H. It. Childress. Fox & Caldwell are busy painting the window frames at the Bcssc Aud itorium and sale pavilion. Dr. Hnhn of Hastings was in the citv Tuesday attending the annual meeting of the Big Chief Oil & Gas Co. ORPHEUM Friday and Saturday i THEY Temptccf Him! THEY Peiaued Him! ! THEY Sought to Kill Him! ! I WHY ? ? ? See George Walsh in the Winn mg Stroke Also a Good Comedy Admininn 25c and 50c Dennis Manley spent Friday in .Su perior. ... ,. iEat and drink fcP6well A.Pope'a Cafe. ' tf Ernest Moranville spent Thursday in Guide Rock. : J Henry Diederich spent Wednesday in" Hastings. f 'Mrs. Lydia Hoffman" spent Satur day in Hastings. County Agent Henry Fausch spent Tuesday in Cowles. Mr. and Mrs? Frank Ellinger spent Saturday in Hastings. Good moals good service moderate prices Powell & Pope'&cafe Mrs. I. O. Walker went to Guide Rock Wednesday morning. Mrs. Wert Stevens spent Tuesday with her sister at Blue Hill. E. E. Burr of Guide Rock spent Sunday with friends in this city. J. A. Bradford and Fred Fcarn were in Riverton the first of the week. Robert Pope is home from Denver where ho spent the past few months. Mrs. Mary McClellan and Mrs. Chart. Perry spent Saturday in Hast ings. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walters moved on to the John Merrill farm south of town Saturday. Dr. Hearst was called to Horton, Kansas, Tuesday to attend the funeral of his sister. Ernest Moranville went to Ileming ford Monday to visit his brother, Dr, C. F. Moranville. Mrs. Bernard McNcny and daugh ter, Helen, spent the weekend with relatives in Inuvale. Mrs. Grant Turner was called to Blue Hill Tuesday on account of the sickness of her father. Judge Dilsworth of Holdredgc is holding a special term of district court in the city today. Russell Summers, messenger hoy at the depot, is back to work after being sick for a couple of weeks. W. H. Roberts left Friday morning for Scribner, where he has accepted a position as miller at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradbrook ar rived in the city Monday to visit his mother, Mrs. Mike Finkcnbinder. Miss Mabel Bailey returned home from Cowles Friday evening after ! spending a few days with relatives. Mrs. J. J. Garber returned homo Tuesday evening from Fullcrton where she had been visiting her son, Roy and wife. - Rev. Harper and daughter, Grace, !eft Tuesday morning for Riverton, whore they will make their home for a while. Mrs. Al Holverson returned home Tuesday from Blue Hill where she had beer, helping care for her parents, who have been sick. Bert Dickey, who is hrakemah on (53 and 61, was called to his home at Oxford Friday evening on account of his wifo and children being sick with the flU. " Col. B, J. Newlon, who is closing out the J. L. Whnley ntoro at Guide Rock was in the city Tuesday morn ing nijd mndo arrangements with the Chiof to handle the advertising mat ter for the big closing out salo of the Waldo general store nt Inavale. Mr. Newlon is a firm believer in advqrtis ing nnd says that, printer's ink does the business. lit"- Mi". C. II. Miner nnd daughter, Mrs. Robert Roihcr spent Monday in Hastings. Buy llreeul nt Powell nnd Popes. Uhcd cars for silo. Frame A Smith Bros. Co. A large number of our citizens arc on the sick list and haven't any whis key in the house. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bell returned home Saturday from Oklahoma, whoic they had been visiting. W. G. Hamilton returned home from Omaha Friday after attending the Clothiers' state convention. Chns. Swartz wont to Superior on Wednesday morning to look after the Peterson Implement store. Frank Peterson has a crew of men busy remodeling his ice plant and getting it in shape for the season. Mr. Patterson, the oil promoter, was in the city Tuesday attending the an nual meeting of the Big Chief Oil & Gas Co. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Miss Clara Andrus, at the home of Geo. Perry next Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. E. J. Miller, general car inspector, of Lincoln, spent Tuesday in Red Cloud looking after the car situation in the local yards. - Fred Arnold was down from Ina vale Saturday and had us print some saje bills for Arnold Bros, public sale, and likewise the ad appears in. all lo cal papers. " ,v ' " The, Annual Meeting of the tiig Chief Oil & Gas Co. was held in -the city Tuesday afternoon, and the pres ent officers were re-elected for the ensuing year. . .-- Mrs. Chris Zeiss and Mrs. 'tew'.Hdn- son and son, Alvin, were called to Col orado Springs Friday morning ori ad count of the serious illness of Henry .Hanson. ' , ' ' The following shipped stock Sun day: Wm. Crabill, one car of hogs to St. Joe; D. B. Stunkard, one car of cattle and Cook & Kellett, one car of cattle to Kansas City' Harry Thompson, third trick oper ator at the depot, is laying off on ac count of the sickness of himself and family. Owing to the scarcity of oper ators, Mr. Bush is taking his place ADVERTISE CANDY: Men-Women. Earn-$30 weekly. Experience unneces sary. Wo start you in the candy busi ness, at home, small room, or any where. Everything furnished. Grand opportunity. Write for particulars. CANDYMAKING HOUSE. 5 South 18th St. Philadelphia, Pa. The FoM Runabout is a Runabout in reality a regular business messenger, solving the question of economical and quick transporta tion. The Contractor, Builder, Traveling Salesman, Collector;1 Solicitor, all find the Ford Runabout the most convenient as well as .the most economical among motor cars. Low in purchase price; cost of operation, and low in cost of maintenance. Durable in service, and useful every day in the year. We solicit your order for one or more. We ask your patronage in the repair of your car; assuring you of genuine Ford Parts, skilled workmen, reasonable prices. We know we can satisfy your wants of motor accessories. dJJJj Va fir Frame & Smith Bros. Co. Authorized Sales Agents Red Cloud, Nebraska J Hi l-ss--jyr-,,Ttaaa3s;"'ibi) ""4 -- J- 'M Ji KUBaea .SCHOOL BOARD PROCEEDINGS Rcdj.Cloud, Nebraska. "" February 2," 1920. Board met in regular session wun all .members present and Dr. Hjoxscy in' 'the chair The minutes of. the'pre- vious meeting were read and a'pprovcd after which tlie following bills "were allowed: , Geo. Trine $115.81 Hansen Laundry C. J. Popp Remington Typewriter Co, Ginn & Co. Gregg Publishing Co D. Russell 7.24 1.50 110.00 15.31 Selden, Kansas. Lands Glycerine Mixture for Gas on Stomach .Simple glycrlno, buckthorn bnrk, te.,n; mlxod in Adlpr-I.ka relieves ANY CASE gns on stoiunch or sour stonitich. It nets on both upper and lower bowel and removes nil foul mat ter wnien poisoned stomnoh. Often CUKES ifonstlpntinn. Prevents tippen. dlollln. The INSTANT pleasnntae.tion of Adler-I-Ua surprises both doctors nnd patients. One man who suffered five years from indigestion and oonsti. pation wns helped by ONE dose. C. L. Cotttngrf druggist. bo paid for out of the proceeds of commencement exercises and if :my deficit, the Board to be responsible for same. By agreement it was decided to al low the Seniors one day off for Sneak Day, the other classes not to bo al lowed this privilege and in case any class or members of any class take it McMAHON & VANCLEAVE Real Estate Firm Wilsonvillo, Nebraska. 480 acres, 320 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, 4 room house, base ment, barn, granary, henhouse and oth cr improvements. Farm" all fenced. -1C acres of alfalfa !and, 270 acres of wheat goes to purchaser, 8 miles from town, Vi mile to school. Possession March 1, 1920. Price $55.00 per acre, Will carry back $9,000 at 6 per cent. We have several other good propo sitions that we can give possession March 1st and it will pay you to sec us before buying. All prices subject to change without notice. .FARM LOANS I am ready to make you a farm loan in any nmount and at the low est rate of interest. It is a well known and conceded fact that I can get you a loan with absolutely no delay for inspection or otherwise All that is required is an abstract of title and your money ia ready for you. Office opposite the E. G. Caldwell law office. J. H. BAILEY. The FOLKS AT home expect you .!T7.! TEU 'EM A'-1- ABOUT "OMAHA'S Fil ,--,--, VI3IT CENTRE.". THE 5C5J ,m Exhilarating Burlesqut; Vaudaviili Still lliiitrilltlthrrittrGlrli,FinnrCloini.Cor(Mi . tpllif. IrlllUnt tcmlc ftdtonnunt LADIES' IIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY Below we 'give-'a brief description of a few of our choice bargains in farm;! and ranches. All these farms arc underlaid with an abundance-of sheet water, which 'is "of the best quality, pure, clear and free- from alkalL The soil is a rich b'.uck loam, as productive as the Nile Valley. We have no haixlpan, no rocks nor stumps to harrass the farmer in tilling the soiL . Our climate' is healthful. The air is pure, the nights aro coot in sum mer, inosf of tMc winters arc open and mild, wo have mote days of sunshine in this bection limn in any other spot in the United States. '",iVThc whcuY's'bwn on m?ny of these farms' will, if the yield is good, and the prospectH-nevrr looked better, pay for the land. 'If in-the -market for land you can't afford to neglect to investigate tirs , propositions we have to offer. Wo hnvc resided in this territory for over 7.03 ( twenty years nnd when you deal with us you deal with an old reliable firm. 10.00 Agents will find us on the square and willing to cooperate in helping; them Board decided to rent through Miss'pcii to theit clients and will find our commissions and our business methods Fry caps and owns for the gradunt- satisfactory. Wo policit their business. ing class and that it be made compul-j Ko r)03o0 A,voit wp11 jm,r0vcd, 8 miles from town, 70 acres In wheat, sory that the members or the class 1G() aciM ,,. K,.nt,s s.j.001 modernihouse, barn COxtO new; all outbuilding wear same. This expense, togetliei now. ,0oo-bunlicl granary. Price ?50 per acre. Buildings on this farm. cost with all other incidental, to ojoooo. I No. CO. v2lC acre.?. I mile of town, 5-room house, 170 acres of plow land, all in wheat, 1-3 of crop delivered nt the elevator goes with the placej One I mile of high .school. Pi ice $15 per acre. I No. 70. 320 acres, 1 ! miles of town, 7 room house, granary. Farm all fenced. 21C acres in wheat, 1-3 of crop delivered at the elevator goes with the land. Price !;C0 per acre. One-half may be carried on the land at G per cent 1 interest. I No. 80 180 acres, IVj miles of town. 350 acres in wheat, 1-3 delivered. .. ... ..... ... . t ..... '-. upon themselves to violate this rule all smooth, line land, all fenced, live room house. -I'l'lco !ou per acre, one- they are to receive zero in deportment' third of purchase price may be carried on land at G per cent interest. t and will therefore have to take every l(. 90320 acres, VA miles to town, 280 ncres ir. wheat, all goes with final examination. place, nice smooth land. Price $15 per acre. Good terms on part at d per cent " On motion it was decided to do away interest. . $; with class oralions, having a lecturer N() nr,a20 acres, 7 miles from town, all smooth, 250 acres In vn.cnt, Ys ac tno commencement exercises. inc-iro ...:th i.m,i ,.. i)0l. acre. 'i N " - tt" No. 40320 ncrt'x, 2 miles from town, nice lying land, 280 acres un wheat, Vi of which goes with place. Price 45 per acre. Good terms. No. 30200 acres, 4' miles from town, good 5-room house, good barn, 90 acres wheat, 40 aces fenced hog tight, 40 acres first bottom'nlfalfa land, running water. Pi ice $11,500. No. 20 lfiy acies, 100 acres in wheat, 1-3 goes with place. All smooth, fenced, well. Price $35 per acre. Good terms. No. 10100 acres, 7', miles from town, 100 acres in wheat, Vi goes with the farm. Pi ice $35 per acre, ' cash, balance at 7 per cent. No. 5 400 acres, 6 miles county scat, 310 acres in cultivation, rented, crop goes with place. Price $30 per acre. No. 2 1G0 i.cres, 5 miles to town, all in wheat, 1-3 of which goes witli p'.ace, all smooth land. Price $35 per acre. No. 1160 acres, adjoining townsitc, good 10-room house, 100 acres la wheat, 1-3 goes with land. Price $85 per acre. Will carry U- at six per cent. A 180 acres, all level, improved, 4 miles from town, 300 acres in cul- tivalion and in wheat, 1-3 crop goes with land; GO acres meadow, 120 acres pasture. Price $50 per acre. J3 if0 ncres, 4 miles from town. Price $4000. C--1G0 acres, 7 miles from town. Price $1000. No. 41160 acres, 6 miles from railroad station, 130 acres in cultivation, 30 acres pasture. Some improvements. Fine, level farm. Price $30 per acre net. No. 7 1G0 acres, Hll level, 5 miles to town, all in grass. No improvement.-.. $30 per acre, net. One-third cash. SEJ Gl 480 acres, 5 miles from Norcator, good nearly now house, 9-rooms besides pantries, closet and bath room, good basement barn, all cement floor, room for 20 head of horses, big hay mow with hay fork, large bin for grata in bain, good cattle barn, stanchion room for 31 head of cows, stanchion for about as many calves, 3 box stalls, separator room, 130 ton silo at end of coxr barn, good cnttlc shed, good hog house, new garage, good big hen house, coal house, good well and windmill at the house, water pumped into "cistern plpc running from bottom of cistern into galvanised tank at horse barn, also gocd., big cement tank nt cattle bam nnd another tank in the pasture, good ccmcifF arched over cave, 60 acres fenced hog tight, all fenced and cross fbneed, an other good well and windmill, with 130 barrel cistern, water piped from bot torn of cistern to stock tank with float in tanlc mat Keeps your inns iuu . water in the hack pasture, 210 acres under cultivation which lays almost level, 240 (n pasture. The above improvements are infc gooUtato qf .repair, rmstof them aro nearly new, Vi mile to good school house, qw mam travel cd limd, Tnail route and tolophor.e line. Price $50 per acre. . . . The reason this farm is for sale at this price, the pauywho owncu u killed in an automobile accident, nnd 'the estate lins'tcVbeSMtWd;' superintendent was also instructed to write Ex-Governor Shallenberger to address the class on this occasion, af ter which the Board adjourned to meet Monday, March 1st. C. J. POPE, Secy. Miss Minnie Traut went to Hastings this morning. FOUND By Jas. Silvey. on Inavale R. O. road, a ladies purse. Owner may have same by calling at this otllco and paying for this notice. MZ2fllj uZ. I 'H fisiys "Century" H Tho JUest Sheet Music RB TEN ccn buys the world's best liB sheet r ic In the Century Kd- ERj itlon. Vn lrxnclly as the master RV minds con -d them primed on AH the boat r. Think of buylnu m for only Ir- o -h famous master- AV pieces A3 AftSy ,vi, iy . urt Hft7 4 ii r- i mS it Mi i MW in v . tai-V io i . -e aPw II .... . Mliri .. IfSfn u , i;tV iSy J. Jo.i j rlul JnJfV lM In) i -eVaJsj MOV ll.r I .l' WSJ mi, i - . K Sry iws, a. - 5r rn li -.. ltri vf Everybody Coaii Ak AnuhnHu M.WMS IKf SIGSEfl AID BUI IU0V r i ' You'll ft rtmonu tl- i tlone InC i. great ctnlY Comoii . ii ere for your- ECU " gprnjij-fN 75 AyJK'XYfirf ti 7.(OffSiS - J iSSEEBW was Possession can ftb given atjmy time. V'- The above lis sybject to prior falc or change in pricr, without notice Chas. L. Cotting A. H. Carpenter & Co. The Druggist Home Office, Red Cloxid, INeD. J3rTfJ! " fimm . .,.... .....n ......,., .,f ,.tr.w.aiifci.i.Jf,Ji..l... f- -T-nff- YY iTMi foMu A wJA..wat mmmmmmfi