jzEjBtasa i K RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 1. i. NAME "BAYER" ON ! GENUINE ASPIRIN Take tablets only as told in each "Bayer" package. :h1IP The "Enyor Cross" Is tho thumb print of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." It protects you against Imi tations und Identifies tlio genuine As pirin prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. Always buy nn unbroken package of fBayer Tablets of Aspirin" which con tains proper directions to safely relieve Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neu ritis, Joint Pnlns, and Pain generally, , Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" pnekages. Aspirin Is tho trade mark of Bayer manufacture of Monoaceticacidesterof Snllcyllcacld. In Finland many women are em ployed In tliu sawmills. Every department of housekeeping seeds. Red Cross Ball Blue. Equally food for kitchen totJols, table linen, haets and pillowcases, etc. The Other Kind Welcome. Rejected One: "So you object to my presence at your wedding?" Tho Girl: "It depeiHs'on how you spell It." WOMEN WONDER AT HER MANY CLOTHES Dlamond Dyes" Make Faded, Old, Shabby Garments New. Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to fclve a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, vrhethcr It be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, dresses, bloupis, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers everything I Direction Booli In package tells how to diamond dye over any color. To natch any material, have denier show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv. Ha-Ha-Hal At the foot of a steep hill stood a signboard on which the following no tice was painted : "Dnnger Bicyclists, nnd nutolsts nro hereby notified that this hill Is dan gerous and they are cautioned to come down slowly." Appended to this were the equally funny ,llnos. , ,. "Any person not able to rend the above will have it read for them tf they cnll on the blacksmith who lives eround the corner." A Scotsman snw this notice nnd ex plained to his friends that the point of the Joke was that the blacksmith might not bo at home. Boys' Life. Wanted His Place. A young man who is painfully bash ful called upon my niece who was vis iting us. Our little grnndson Is very fond of attention nnd climbed upon tho young man's knee, seated himself and begnn to chatter. He was called, and as he ran from the room he looked back and said : "Don't let any onu get my place." Exchange. The Frenchman's Hands, i'atlencc Whnt nationality Is ho? Pntrice He's French. "Hns ho any accomplishments?" "Sure thing; he's ambidextrous." "Really?" "Sure; ho enn swear with both Aands !" Mirth Is a paying Investment lie cause Its stock Is never watered with tears of regret. Had Enough. "Are you fond of fiction?" "I used to be, but my husband has got me fed up on It." Important to Mothors Examine cnrefully every bottle ot CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Ttnnra tho Signature of uZF72"tf In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Or a Hive of Bees. Suggestion for propaganda by mov ing pictures. Show film of a colony of nuts, for tho encouragement of Industry by example. Boston Trot script. . RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To ball pint of tfater add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of ttarbo Compound, and oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the desired shade. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not co'or the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and docs not rub off. Adv. Rash Statement. At tho workingmcii's institute there rose n fierce discussion as to whether women should be given n chance of filling the high appointments. "'Twouldn't do!" snld a youthful nnd newly mnrrled firebrand. "Just think of n woman as a secretary of the treasury. What do they know about finance, anyway?" Ills effective pause was spoiled by nn older mnn, who snld, solemnly: "You Just go Home to the missus next Friday night $." short In your pay, and you'll soon find outl" Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. What She Desired. "Why, Norah," said her mistress, "how nice you look In your new dresi nnd lint. I hope you will meet all your friends this afternoon so thnt they may see you in your fine clothes." "Me frlendsmum?" returned Norah. "Whut'll I be waltln' w see them for? Sure, I don't care to make me friends jealous. It's me enemies I want to meet wlum I'm dressed up."- Boston Transcript. Many Suicides in China. China has more suicides than any other country In the world. In n single year ns many ns half n million cases of self-destruction have been ,re Entirely Separate. Millie: "You have no business to kiss me." Blllle: "I never combine business with pleasure." Wrong Ideas die tinder publicity. I Coffee Prices Are Ua But There's JSTo Jtezse In Price OJT Instant POSTUM Trythis delicious table drinlt , of coffee-ltks Jf lavor in. place of yoiu? next pound of coffee Note the, satisfaction, not only to purse but to liealth., and youU - continue to drinks tlvis delidhtf ul family Jevera$e. 2fcerer a Ateasozi Mad by Rwtu Cereal CompuM Battle Creek. Michigan 33 I WA I SaVBLHaMlBV CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION NOTES Lincoln. Thoso who havo been fear ful that the constitutional convention Is going to practically abandon tho present constitution and set up In Its place nn almost entirely new redrnft for ndoptlon by the voters this fall, ap parently have little to fear. In fact, the attitude of tho great majority of the members seems to bo that only such clintiges should be made as arc generally demanded. There also seems to he a strong sentiment In favor of leaving more power to the legislature than Is permitted by the present con stitution. That the salary of state of ficials should be left to be fixed by the leglslatiiie has many supporters. Up to the end of last week the assembly hud been In session thirty-four days, and many members have expressed the thought that Hie convention will finish its usik by the first of March. The committee on taxation nnd revenue Is struggling' with the propo sition of exempting bonds of Mute, county, municipal, school district or other political subdivisions from taxa tion. The committee Instructed n sub committee to draft three separnto plans. They nro: First, exempting such bonds, except from Income tn on them; second, a provision that the legislature may exempt public bonds from taxation except Income; nnd, third, that no bonds shall be exempt fioiu taxation. "" Tho convention apparently hastnken a definite stand to refuse to knock out I lie death penalty from the constitution. Tho assembly, by a vote of ibree to one, voted down n motion by Delegate Flanshurg to re verse the committee on miscellaneous subjects In its report recommending the Indefinite postponement of two measures abolishing capital punish ment. The committee (in education recom mended for Indefinite postponement Proposals .Wis." firt and 17.", by Evans and Taylor, both for tho election of regents of the university by districts, also No. S." by Svobndn, renting a state board of education, elected by districts, to have control of the uni versity normal schools and common schools. Nebraska women wi'l be eligible for Jury service so far ns the state consti tution Is concerned If the people ap prove the draft prepared by the consti tutional convention. In adopting ft proposal to permit tho legislature to provide for the returns of verdicts In civil cavs by a five-sixths vote of the, Jury, convention eliminated the word "men." " An attack was made on parlor 'holshevlsts by members of the con vention when an attempt was made to put on general file Proposal No. i-'O". making It necessary for every voter to be able to read and under stand the constitution. The attempt failed and the proposition was defin itely postponed. Y The committee of public Indebted ness recommended Indefinite postpone ment for Proposal No. IKK!, by Cornell, n proposal to penult the state to create a state debt for the purpose of buying laud In large tracts and selling lt in small parcels to settlers. t'onvenllnn delegates appear to 'ha generally In favor of an amendment to the constitution creatine an Indus, trial court to -adjust labor disputes. Three prnimxnls before the asseinbl..', Nos. 111. 'JIT and .V.7 provide for such a body. The committee on municipal govern ment Ims acted favorably on the pro posal which will grant home rule to the city of Omaha, other cities of the state remain under the same constitu tional provision ns at present. The committee on slate county boun daries, lllgelnw, chairman, placed No. Ji!S on the general file in the form of a substitute, which permits the legisla ture to readjust county boundaries upon section lines or boundary streams. After a long verbal baHIe, the con vention approved a proposal to per mit Nehiaskans connected with the military or naval forces of the country to vote, but left tho dotnlls to bo worked out by tho legislature. n The convention killed tho compul sory vote amendment, tinder the provi sions of which n penalty would attach to failure lo vote In any election. Ity unanimous vote tho convention passed the woman suffrage amendment to the new constitution. - " Douglas county delegates are push ing with vigor Proposals Nos. 127.", i!7fl, J77 and 'J78 'by Abbott, which, If adopted will Impose drastic regula tions on all public service corporations In Nebraska. Public attention has been culled to Proposals 'J7I, !M)0 nnd HOS, now bo foro the conunUteo on public tervlco corporations, which somo delegates predict if adopted and ratified will strip munlcpulitlcs of power-to control pucllc ultllltles, city or privately owned. Ity a voto of six to live tho commit too on hill of rights went on record Jn favor of taking private" property for prlvuto use. Tho committee did this In voting to recommend for gen eral file proposal No. 1)0 by Itoss" of fclerrlck. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER. Constipation invites other troubles which come speedily unless quickly checked and overcomo by Green's August Flower which is a gcntlo laxa tive, regulates digestion both In 8tomnch and Intestines, cleans nnd sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates tho liver to secrete the bile and Impurities from the blood. It Is a sovereign remedy used In many thousands of households nil over the civilized world for more than half n century by those who have Buffered with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal pltntlon, constipation nnd other In testinal troubles. Sold by druggists nnd dealers everywhere. Try n bottle, take no substitute. Adv. If Adnm lind en ten the apple first he probably would havo decided that live dared him to do It. if You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Best Ilnvu you ever stopped to reason why it is that fd many products that are ex tensively adverticed, nil at once drop out of sight nnd arc soon forgotten? The reason is plain the article did not fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent re sults, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a sale." According to sworn statements and verified teetimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot is due to the fact, so many people claim, that it fulfills al most every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri nary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. Vou raav receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinphamton, N. Y-, and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Large nnd medium size bottles lor sale at all drug stores. Adv. The only effective way to convince a contrary man that he Is wrong is to agree with him. WRtGLEYS ""---7 sijfSS&L I i HMSXrTrfMt r--,--' After a hearty meal, you'll avoid that stuffy feeling if you chew -a stick of WRIGLEYS Other benefits: to teeth, breath appetite nerves That's a good deal to net for 5 cents! Sealed Tiaht-KePt Right i i it i i " ' UPASINGIN'! Tomorrow will bo clear. and bright, if you take "Cascarets" tonight .tttii''''l'irtiili. Fooling hnlf-slck, bilious, constl pated? Ambition wuy below zero? Here Is help 1 Take Cascarets tonight for your liver nnd bowels. You'll wuko up clear, rosy, and full of life. Cas carets act without griping or Incon venience. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nnsty, bnrsh pills. They cost so little too Cas carets work while you sleep. Adv. The wrong road never led to the right plnce. Karadac, Count of Ger-nay. The Flavor Lasts- And She Didn't Know. Little (Jirl (looking over newspaper advertisement) Mnmmu, why do all these hoarding houses object to chil dren? Fond Mother I'm sure I don't know. Go and see whnt the baby Is howling uboiit, mid tell Johnny to stop throw ing things at pcoplu in the street, and make Genrgo and Knlo stop fighting, and tell Dick tf he doesn't stop bang-In,-: that drum so hard I'll take It away from bin). A War Child. "Tommy, shall I never teach you that It Isn't right to throw hnud gre nades at your ciders?" Sondnge Nlsse, Stockholm. Use your mind ns a storehouse, but not is a jiiukhnuso. Mean Retort riillllp: "1 think you mnrrled me for money." "Well, dear, 1 believe I en rued It, don't you?" 1 Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL. APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach tho scat of the duca. Catarrh Is a local disease, Brcatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. HA1L. 8 CATAHUH MEDICINE will cure catarrh. It Is taken Internally and acts through tho Dlood on the Mucous 8urfnccs of th System. HALL'S CATARItH MEDICINS 1s composed of some of the best tonic known, combined with Borne of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of tho InRredlents In HAWS CATARRH MEDICINE la what produces such woa dcrful results In catarrhal conditions. DruKKlsts 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Wops., Toledo, Oal Cruel Intimation. He I suppose you think I couldn't mnke my wife happy? She No, but you could your widow. LUCKY M' V STRIKE J1 j' JF.r JP 'VA. rev ;A'i? - o.v "'4v' CIGARETTE ET a package today. No-- tice the, flavor the whole some taste of Kentucky Burley tobacco Why do so many "regular men" buy Lucky Strike cigarettes? They buy them for the special flavor of the toasted Burley tobacco. There's the big reason it's toasted, and real Burley. Make Lucky Strike your cigarette. i r:. !' tf v J , -' ; """i o. It " 1 i 5i . V. ,.! ' WVifi? 'V- .;' - ' r,pi i ? ' .i HtV UoastedJ V . 1 J Ournt4 by m ;'uM&M'ra;''"'-i"'-iig'-;iBaaBt)as,gr irr.Tfn irr ttttiftM.irtiiii'arnnrtirlfcliLiii'ijT'"ntf rf tfT1)u i'TfriT fiil rffifl,iHBtrtsW Wl f&JLLu wtl. w-iaar,