j "W--V&WI8 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement SciiAnnual Statement of Collections, Disbursements, Ualances, for the Six .Months ending December .'U, idj; l-'RANIC KTAKIl, County Treasurer. COLLKCT10NS To Ca.h on IiAntl ... $1 To To To lo To To To To To !)09 1'JIO l!tl 1113 ll'H 10 to t!)lf. If)l7 1918 tar collected tnx collected tax collected tnx collected tux collected tnx collected lax collected tux collected ....... tax collected To liy tax collected 1 School Land prin. coll . I'o School Lniul int. coll . To School Land lease coll To Poor Farm l'ni. Land prin. c6ll t'r.i. Land int. coll .. Uni. Lund leaio coll llontl Drag To June Appt. from St. Tr... ,'o State Hail To Mifc. coll county gen'l To fines and license To motor vehicle fees . ... "lo Int. on County doposits . 4o Inheritance tax 1 o Redemptions . .. lu load districts lo ives . . l'i Com. district Ti To lo To Totfir Amount or,r6G.oo 1.00 1.70 t.!)0 8.11 10.21 120.01 10.11 .10.18 2l,.175.in I7,tf.!y.7r) 1)11.00 720.80 181.10 2,118.29, 2,01(5.00' 280.,'H) ano.io I 58..10 5,770.91 9.12 170.82 1 250.00 ' 1,053.15 898.05 158.71 .. 2,0158.20 ' 2KJ.90 . . 57.25; . 1,11-1.06 .$272,120.18 DISMUKSKMnNTS St. Treus. Hoc. 1,531 (10 fit. Trenn. Hoe. 150206 Co. (icii'l war'ntn redcem'd Co. Ilt-idgc wni'. redeemed Co. Poor war. redeemed . . Inheritance wur. redeemed Commissioner districts . . I'oail drag war. redeemed School Uonds School Land Refunds . . .. School orders pd. loc. lax lMue Hill .... water KIcc. Bloc. water bond Lt. bond Lt. works works ... nine Hill lllue Hill Illue Hill Illue Hill Dist. road warrants Poll receipts .... Red Cloud Paving ... City Tr. receipts, R. C... City Tr. R. C. water bd. City Tr. R. C. water works City Tr. R. C. KIcc. Lt. works City Tr. Red Cloud Special City Tr. It. C. sewer bd. City Tr. R. C. Library ... llladen llladen water bond llladen water works . . llladen KIcc. Lt. bond .... llladen K!ec. Lt. works (Initio Rock Guide Rock Library Redemption County Tiounurer's feus...- Amount 2,013.38 3,062.80 20,554.01 0,490.7(5 .'!,037.'!2 130.25 7,570.63 2,177.00 1,505.00 10.30' 19,906.94' 765.19 150.00, 175.00 320.26 320.20 8,411.82, 60.00 1,850.00! 3,700.00 625.85, 400.00 I 1,100.00 050.00 1,250.70 1,300.00 250.00 150.00' loo.oo ; 75.00 ' 100.00 1,182.32 382.68 2,033.20 1,925.00 Total $12S,874.87 ' s 11ALANCKS Slate Goneral Kund- State Roiid Kund ..... Special Uni. "Kund Xtnto L'ni. Kund Special Uni. Uldjf. Kund .. Stale Normal Kund Stale Aid IlridRO Kund .... Special Uni. Act . Stute Capitol Hldj,'. Kund . Special Institutions Imp ... State Motor Vehicle Kund Stale Hail Commissioners Districts ... Road Dray Principal on School Land.. Interest on School Land ... Lease on School Land Principal on Uni. Land . Interest on Uni. Land . Lease on Uni. Land .... . County General Kund County Ilridge Kund Inheritance lax ...... County Poor Kund Soldiers' Relief Fund Fines and License Kund . School Ilond Kund School District Fund Redemption Fund Road District Fund .. Illue Hill Illue Hill Water Pond Illue Hill K. L. llonil ... II. H. KIcc. Liprht Works.. Illue 1 1 ili W. Works. .. . Iiluden llladen Water Pond ... llladen W. Works IJhidun K. L. Pond ....... llladen KIcc. Litfht Works . Red Cloud Paving .... City of Red Cloud City of R. C. Water llond . City of R. C. 13. L. Pond ... City of R. C. K. L. Works City or R. C. Water Works R. C. Sewer Work's It. C. Sewer Pond Guide "Rock . Guide Rock Library Co wles .. Red Cloud Special Amount 8,287.91 5,170.76 1,301.45 1,812.60' 59.33 ' 1,800.50 304.02 l,fi0.78 2,5(56.78 27.88 84.43 j 8,801.08 9,961.01 1,602.52 497.12 510.22 149.91 1,995.84 230.57 159.61 9,081.11 10,932.64 145.86 498.85 77.82 250.00 14,496.00 41,899.99 44.00 8,312.03 1,394.17 1,626.03 2,029.19 388.59 388.59 614.30 827.40 323.47 728.55 328.46 55.69 87.90 550.58 198.01 20.85 31.13 64.39 G 12.95 112.92 86.08 279.22 26.98 Total $143,245.61 'ate of Nebraska, 'obiter County. S. S. T, Frank Start, being first duly sworn according to law, on oath, do depose .rd say that the above is a full,' true and correct statement'of funds collected and disbursed by mo as county iron- .. icr from July 1st,- 1919 to December 31st, 1919, inclusive, as I verily .believe. FRA'NIv STARR, County Treasurer, llj. W. Stewart, Deputy, Webster County, Nebraska. Sub-cribtd and sworn to boforo me this 27th day of January, 1920. ' iSKAL) - P. F. PERRY, County Clerk. 1 Public Auction! Monday,, Feb. 9th (ni Fine 80 Acre Farm H B Vz mile north and Vz mile east of Franklin, Neb. North Vz of Northeast J6, Section 30, Township 2, Range 14. Good 7-room house, barn 26x28, stable for 5 head of horse, machine shed, stanchion for 9 head of cattle; running water; Plenty of timber; 15 acres of alfalfa; 25 acres of pasture. $3,000 incumberance, six per cent. ead of Horses - Bay mare 12 yrs old, wt 1300; bay mare 7 yrs old, wt 1200; black mare 7 yrs old, wt 1200; black mare 4 yrs old, wt 1000; 2-yr-old colt; yearling colt; bay gelding 7 yrs old. 19 - Head of Cattle - 19 5 cows, giving milk; 7 cows, not giving milk; 7 calves from 1 to 9 months old 8 HEAD OF HOGS : 1 Sow and 7 Pig Farm Machinery, Feed, Etc. Tongueless lister; disc; 2-section harrow; 2-row weeder; new McCormick mow er; 3-inch wagon; wagon and rack; spring wagon; top buggy; 2 sets of work harness; single harness; gasoline barrell; cream separator, No. 12 DeLaval; 15 tons alfalfa hay; cane and alfalfa seed if threshed by sale date; 20 bushels potatoes; canned fruit; HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 14 doz CHICKENS. TERMS: 6 months at 10 per cent interest, approved security ' ii ,. .... .. . OW.NER Franklin Austin Bros. Lunch Wagon on Grounds M Sentiment for Criminals I Now tliiU we hiu to liuvu on orti f. Uliiii in Xfbruokit lo u'b lUli the t nth poirilty, nv nee I a Iiii,u" to se that home of the oHur penalities dealt out by I he eouils -tre allowed to Matnl. 'i'lu wliiilusilo ivIcRtini: of ptl'-ctei's lU'fon' tl i'ir tcniH me mm ved our I- mi etieoilniuenierit erltn, and mm ! eeelu tri in.il.e mm ujiiMiimil i-M'tMUiih nil tin- llioio iKuuvsuiy Sotiu' if the good people who are iiiiiiic.t u leuih p tiillj have lit the pint I pen very act vu In Mctirlui; the lelfisi of all sorts of piUoupi'i, Mtii cotivieied of In' most liifainous o' olleiiseh k to the p n us If it wie n'rlcli joke, and after tew tnonll 9 of t Hit sort of fawning ami disslinulntl n whio'i U e.illod " o I conduct,' tluy are tin tied lbou. 1 ntlfte riiiln-ktt nuit once eoiivlo'ls jjpt In tin ir applications lor piirob'4 nlmiM. In-fore tl.ey leave the city liiuilh on the way to prison. Th y tire slipped out of the put so 1 iletly Unit the public, is first aware of their freedom when they are arrest' o 1 for new offense The releiiheH of prisoners liuve betti e i-iied on in Mieh n vvholesiile mill at tin1 miiiiu lime bee ret manlier tluit it i dltlleiilt, to tell wheio uierey lesivts cIT nuio H the otlleiuW it ml where corrupt, inn begins. ( oinlu sseiit up for the most hein ous otll'Miscs - murderer.-, incestuous brutes ii ml other moral lepers, uro cod dled mid hi (lowered by gushing wnn n until they eun Ectirue dU(fuise llieii jnuirhiiiK sutisfaetioii in tl oir utr rouiidin;:H, mid e:iu only wish fur liberty in order to add a apice of vutie iy to their lives in the coiiimi&sion of fui liter crimes. They must wonder, at times, why some of the (,'iisb and sjinpatby that is lavished upon Ilium Is tin be'stowtd in some small iiKnure by the gu-heis o i ignoiaut or friendlesc giiN who, without thought of liiiriii to any living creatine, miiUe tulsiept thai eoii-Ign them to a I He if seoin mid shnme, S irely the uiuideious :md lecherous brutes properly oonvioted and sont eneed could spare some of the smiles and puttings and (lowers. .Surely bet terment of society is not reached by sentimental interference with justice by heaping honois on fiendish murder ers, and by clamoring for lb eaily liberty of two leggi-d brutes. The Lin coin Tribune. Postmaster Examination " ' At the n quest of the Postinustur (leiieiitl the United States Civil Ser vice Conini'sshm has nnuouueed an e.iiiuiuatiou to be held at Hastings. Nebr , on Feb. IS, l20 for the position of postmaster at lllue Hill, Nebr. This utlleu Iihs an annual eompi-usatioii of 5lfC0. To be eligible for this examination an applicant Jiiusl be a cltien of the rolled States, must actu.illy reside within the delivery of the ullice and have sj resided at the time the present vacancy ocuuricd. Applicants must have tenehed their twenty-Ilrst but not their s.Nty flb birthday on the date of the examina tion. Application Form ti'211 and full in formation concerning the lequirements of the exaiiilnatioii may be secured from the postmaster at the place of va cancy or from the (Jivii Service Com mission, Washington, I). C. Appllca should be properly executed mid liltd with the Commission at Washington, D. 0., in lime to arrange for the ex amination of the applicant Mr. nnd Mrs. Glen Walker and son arrived home Monday from Hastings. The Farmers' Union will hold a meeting Saturday afternoon, at two o'clock at the I. O. O. F. hull, for the purpose of increasing the capital stock of their corporation from $20, 000 to $50,000. The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Gompany I Lmeofn, Nebraska has just paid its 44th Consecutive Quarterly Dividend at the rate o seven per cent per annum The Company offers a limited amount of this slock lo ihc public at its par value of $100 per share, to finance its 1920 budget of new construction. This Stock is TAX-FREE in Xcbmshi The Strong l'inancial Condition.ofthis Company is tvcll kitozvn Its Assets Total tfpiOjjtfJo.oo A mt Its Surplus ami Reserves $i,jpj,o.u.uo Its Service is Indispensable ami in Growing Demand It is officered and managed by ihc same staff which has develop ed the business from one exchange with 1 500 telephones to one hundred fifteen exchanges, seiving 61 ,000 subscribers. All stock issues and expcndalures are under the controll of the Nebraska Slate Railway Commission, assuring protection of stockholders' intetests. Mr. Geo. Warren, the manager of the Telephone Company at Red Cloud, will furnish information in regard to this offering of stock, or address The Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. C. P. Russel, Sec'y , Telephone Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. ssssissmESisszrvsisxcai CW spring 9 a ii Tr-a" p it Creek lieretords f mm ft J mrW UTI a n wmm l-" Kn9 7rFSTJW Ss 3 $&P Mlf jrK'iiMatv IFirst Amnual &&$& rcrrjjr;7risrai:iracjrLCKrjjijrgfra-j MONDAY FEB. 2. 1920 Smith Center, Kas, 90 HEAD 60 Cows and Heifers, 30 Bulls Seever & Adkins Seever & Sons Col. Lowe of Council Grove, Col. Gettle of Goodland, Hester & Brown, Auctioneers. J. D. Fiaxbeard, Clerk mmawuiKM HARDWARE a An Important Annunccmcnt will soon appear in this paper. Watch for it! YDF 0. L'Kayden and Thos. Britt, Auct's. N. A. Butler, Clerk E. S. Garber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures GEO. W. TRINE 01-ronim.w nai "jiutHfi mtiR umii; immnain nun n :n imu:uiiiHi!i i m ini :ut iium: n;itim n u uui n :m i p i ; t m ti : hciu 1 1 1 1 11 ::ii! o:tin ut i!:'i::' n m mini nmr:i ii ii;nu imnnnmiin run i ;i uim m n : n m :nrtr.u n n i i' ninna IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUY A TRUCK Why not have the BEST that is Made? Come in and let us demonstrate and tell you why you should own a N 1 1 ThclMargln of Safety Is ri'prnhpntecl by tho amount of inMinuico you curry. Oon't lull joiir.idlf "into 11 fnnoU'ri t. comity. Ik'Ctuise lliv ha tiovcr lutjeliori you It flnppu't follow tliut you're Inumino T'iuunow-iio today, If you linvo time it ltd you liuttor llml time er.jnu to tho olllcu ami wo'll wrllo ti polluy ou your liouso, furulturu, store ov iiiHicliundlso, -1LATKH.MAY UK TOU hTVi- Q. C.TEEL R.elia.ble Insursxnce Reo Speed Wagon The best and speediest Truck on the market Low cost of operation; time saved in making drives durability; and many other points that make it superior to others that's why its so popular R. C. Sutton Service Station Authorized Sales Agents Red Cloud, Nebraska MIDffllllllffilQW You will do well to write to R.H.Craig, Bank of Orleans, Orleans, Neb. uni wiinnus S:-;FARM-SM ft tfl (fl n i , i i Easy Terms it X JL fiiir n.i mm mi i t i I n Vi 8: n . 1 i W i fe J m BiaagiirjBiimffii-janiiiiiiiiiM . ;n,Wiiar - -Tr,V-lP -'vmmvntnweKr-" nm,Mntu'(u" -i - .fvm. . "(. rf.