The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1920, Image 5

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1. V
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y ' IS
r. Ford Owner
We have installed in our shop Bearing and
Burning In Motor Test and Running In
Stand for the Ford Motor and Ford Trador
The old system of scraping the beatings obtains
only 40 to 50 per cent bearing surface, because
no mechanic can scrape an even or uniformly
smooth surface. With this machine you always
obtain 100 per cent bearing surface.
When burned in the bearings must fit the shaft
absolutely tight and all uneven portions are
burned off.
We would be glad to have you come in and see
this machine. One look will convince you that
we are right.
Frame & Smith BrosCo.
Authorized Ford Sales and Service
i in mi iiiitf' iW
K'' ,mk,m Ki
Church I
Sunday, February I
H 10 a. m. Sunday- School
11 a. m. Preaching Service
2 p. m. Service at South Side Mission
6:30 p. m. C. E. Service
7:00 p. m. Sermon.
Revival Meeting are still being held each evening
liny llreml at l'owcll anil Popes.
Used cars for sale. Frame & Smith
Bros. Co.
Jack Steffins was in Esbon Fri
day. State A Rent O. D. Hedge is homc
this week.
Mrs. Henry WeLsch spent Monday
in Hastings.
E. H. Ncwhousc spent Friday in
Gullo Hock.
W. G. Hamilton spent r-nday in
Guide Rock.
Mrs. E. L. Morhart spent Friday
in Hastings. ,'
Miss Mary Christian spent Satur
day in Cowlcs.
11. C. Burch was down from Ina
valc Saturday.
Eat and drink at Powell it Pope's
Cafe. tf
Used cars for sale Frame & Smith
liros. Co
Father ntzgenud Held service a:
Superior Sunday.
J. H. Bailey returned to Omaha on
Saturday morning.
Chas. Arnold of Blue Hill was in
the city Monday.
Ned Sutton was on the sick list
the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowdcn spent
Friday in Hastings.
Mrs. Nate Piatt spent Friday with
her husband at Hastings.
Ed Amack is able to bo down town
again after his recent illness.
Mrs. Fred Stansbury went to Par
sons, Kansas, Monday to visit.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ellis returned
home Monday from Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. White rcturn-
cd home Monday from Omaha,
Attention! B
reeai wavy
SO Now Navy Blankets Direct
from the Naval Training Station
Each Blanket is strictly All Pure Woolnol wool
finish or cotton warp but strictly all pure wool, and of the best
selected grades. The size is 67 inches wide by 84 inches
long. Average weight 4J& lbs. per blanket. There are no
raw edges on these blankets, all have either selvage or whipped
thread edges. These are all absolutely
Uo the groat egg tonic, "More E,?g'
old by 0. L. Cutting.
Good n.ealsgood tjervloo moderate
prices Powell fc Pope's cafe
Mrs. Grant Turner spent Friday
with her parents at Blue Hill.
Mrs. Herb Ludlow spent Tuesday
with her daughter at Guide Rock.
Nate Piatt of Hastings spent Sun
day with his wife and daughter.
Miss Bonnie Miller of Inavalc spent
Saturday with friends inv the city.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell went
to Omaha Friday to spend a few days.
,Mrs. Paul Ncwhouso returned home
from Guide Rock Tuesday evening.
Chas. Pharcs of Guide Rock spent
Tuesday evening with his wife and
Frank Delahoy went to Omaha on
Friday morning where he will visit
his brother.
Chas. Milligan of McCook spent
Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. Har
riet Milligan.
FOR SALE A Poland China Boar,
wt. 300. Inquire of Walter Gurncy
Phone 2 on 7.
Frank Delahoy returned Tuesday
evening from Omaha wheie he had
been viditing his brother.
Miss Eunice Hoffman, who is teach
ing school near Blue Hill spent the
weekend with her father.
Alva Sherman returned to Hast
ings Tuesday after spending a few
days with his parents here.
Russell Summers, who U messen
ger boy at the depot, has been on the
sick list the past few day:'.
Mrs. Fred Stansbury of .ScoltsbluCf
spent the last of the week with her
father, Ed Amack, and wife.
Mrs. E. A. Creighton spent Wed
nesday with her sister, Mrs. C. F.
Guild and family, at Blue Hill.
Mr. Beck of Osborne, Kansas, was
looking after some business matters
in the city the last of the week.
Frank Starr and J. A. Mc Arthur
attended the H. H. Folly public s-alc
at Inavalc Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Josephine Lamborn returned
home Tuesday evening from Guide
Rock yhcrc she spent a few days.
Butch Pyle returned to St. Joe on
Tuesday after spending a few days
with Bert Hatfield and other rela
tives. Mrs. Chris Zeiss was called to Cen
tral City Wednesday on account of the
illness of her grandson, Charles
Lewis and Ted Manley went to
Red Oak, Iowa, Saturday where they
will spend a few weeks wiht their
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reiher and his
sister, Miss Helen, went to Lincoln
Friday to spend a few days with
Horace Brown returned home Tues
day from Earlimart, California, at
which place he spent a few weeks
with relatives.
Foremnn Loc who arrived here sev
eral days ago with his gang to con
struct a new water tank for the Bur
lington moved his gang to Hohlrcdgc
Thursday to make some needed re
pairs there. He intends to come back
in a couple of weeks and resume his
work here. It is rumored that the
Burlington will also put up a new
coal shed which will be of the latest
type, being of concrete and steel.
This change if made will be welcom
ed by all employees of the Burling
ton as the coal shed they have oecn
using for the past twenty five years
has long been regarded as a danger
ous place for trainmen and other em
ployees whoso work requires their
being on it.
The Ford Runabout is a Runabout in reality a regular business
messenger, solving the question of economical and quick transporta
tion. The Contractor, Builder, Traveling Salesman, Collector,
Solicitor, all find the Ford Runabout the most convenient as well as
the most economical among motor cars. Low in purchase pricej
cost of operation, and low in cost of maintenance. Durable in
service, and useful every day in the year. We solicit your order for
one or more. We ask your patronage in the repair of your car,
assuring you of genuine Ford Parts, skilled workmen, reasonable
prices. We know we can satisfy your wants of motor accessories.
flnlLI II i. MM
r-i r-si' "i
Frame & Smith Bros. Co.
Authorized Sales Agents Red Cloud, Nebraska
BkUJ, HM-i.1
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Cha. Sutton who is employed at tho
Round House has been on the nick
list the past week. C. R. Bitz is work
ing in his place.
Mrs. Alice Cloud returned to her
home at Rivcrton Tuesday evening
after spending a few days with her
sifter, Mrs. Andrew Saladcn.
Miss Mary Christian went to St.
Paul, Monday, to continue her work
as organizer of the young peoples'
branch of the W. C. T. U.
Chas. Steward returned home from
Denver the last of the week after
Selderu Kansas, Lands
Below we give a brief dosciiption of a few of our choice bargains in
larms and lanchcs. All these, farms arc underlaid with an abundance ot
sheet water, which is of the best quality, pure, clear and free from alkali.
The soil is a rich b'.ack loam, as productive as the Nile Valley. Wc have
no haidpan, no locks nor stumps to harrass the fanner in tilling the soil.
Our climate is healthful. The air is pure, the nights arc cool in sum- '
mer, most of the winters arc open and mild, wc have more days, of sunshine
in this section than in any other spot in the United States.
The wheat sown on in;ny of these farms will, if the yield is good, and
the prospects nevrr looked better, pay for the land.
If in the market for land you can't afford to neglect to investigate the
attending the live stock show where Propositions wc have to oiler. Wc have resided in this territory for over
ho took several prizes on his cattle' twenty years and when you deal with us you deal with an old reliable firm,
and also sold several at fancv prices.' Agents will find us on the square and willing to cooperate in helping them
sen to tucu clients ami wi.i una our commissions anil our nusincss mcinous
satisfactory. We solicit their business.
No. 50 320, Acres, well improved, 8 miles from town, 70 wheat;
HiO acres in grass, S-room modern house, barn 60x40 new; all outbuildings
new; .1000-bushel granary. Price $50 per acre. Buildings on this farm cost
10,000. .
No. GO. 2IC neitM. I mile of town, 5-room house, 170 acres of plow land,
all in wheat, l-.'t of crop delivered at the elevator goes with the place. Ono
mile of high school. Pi ice $15 per acre.
No. 70. oliO acres, 11$ miles' of town, 7 room house, granary. Farm all
fenced. 210 acres in wheat, l-.'l of crop delivered at the elevator goes with tho
land. Price SCO per acie. One-half may bo carried on the land at G per cent
No. 80 ISO acres, Pa miles of town. 350 acres in wheat, ' delivered,
all smooth, line land, all fenced, five room house. Price ?U0 per ncre. One
third of purchase price may be carried on land at G per cent interest.
This la the first opportunity you have had to buy tho REAL NAVY
BLANKETS Blankets that nro tho oxiiut counterpart of tliobo which
kept tho boys warm at sea.
HOY SCOUTS -Yon will wnut n Navy Blanket. Think of having n
Real Navy Blanket, with miigiu letturs-U, S. N.-upon it.
CAMP FIUB OlRliS What could bo'moro desiicd or moro practic
al for uao In your camping outfit than a Hunt Navy blanket?
ECONOMICAL HOUSIiWIVKS -Knowliigthe ildgld Inspection and
tc&ts for wcur and quality glvou by tho Navy before acceptance, surely
will apprpointo iho wonderful quality in these blunlruls
NAVY BLANKETH Are ideal for double beds, hlnglo beds, auto
robes, camping oulUts, hleeplng porches, lap robes, couch covers and a
score of other uhos. Thoso limy never bo offered to tho buying public
again. Suvenil of thehu uluuliots Imvo ulreudy been spoken tor. Tito
buliinco should not last long, Oct youis today,
moia. dwesnef"uo.
Red Cloud. Nebraska.
or en cm in
Friday and Saturday
Peggy Hyland in
Also a Special Comedy
Admiuion 25c and 10c
Monday and Tuesday
Mable Norman in
A special attraction with a
circus and everything
Added Attrnction
"Pendleton Oregon
1919 Round-Up" .
which will both surprise
and delight you.
This week J. W. Auld purchased the
John Obtnstedo farm tout Invest of
lluido Koch and wo inideistuiid thnt
Clarence Johnson will move onto the
same in the spring, whoie be and Mr.
Auld will engage in rahing thorobred
Shorthorr cattle.
The Bulletin on "Nebraska Resourc
es and Industries" by the State Con
servation and Wilfnrc Commission ai d
the Conservation and Soil Survey Ue-1
partmeiit of tho I'niveisity of Nobras
Ka, will soon bo ready for distribution.
It is the second of its hind to be pub
lished in the state. The volume should
have much Interest for all Nobraslcans.
You can save a dollar by subscribing
for th State Journal before Febrnniy
1st. Pi ice now Sd for the daily and
the Big Sunday Paper a whole year; or
51 without Sunday. Price increases
ono dollar on Feb. 1st. You shou'd
loud The Journal this year, lt'a Lin
coin's only morning paper, and is the
old reliable. Get tho best especially
when it gives you the most for your
money. Do It now before it's too late.
Contractor Walters, who for yeais
has handled the paving contracts here
for the Walts company, has resigned
his connection with this company and
accepted a similar position with his
former employer, Mr. Ammerman, of
the Annuel man company, and has
gone to Lyons, Kansas, where his
headquarters nre to be and whore there
are some big contracts under way. A
brick: highway is boing constructed be
tween Lyons and the neighboring
town of Sterling, 10 miles distant, with
threo country paved hfghways diverg
ing from one of these towns and two
out of the other, these contraots in all
about these two Kansas towns totaling
over a million dollars Mr. Wnlters Is
to draw a salary ot S500 n month with
goad percent.igo on all contracts and
two nutomobllos thrown In. Adams
County Democrat.
No. 90 320 acre?, VA miles to town, 280 acres in wheat, all goes with
place, nice smooth land. Price ?I5 per acre. Good terms on part at (5 per cent
No. 9r fiLO acios, 7 miles from town, all smooth, 250 acres In wheal) VS
gois with land. Price $10 per acre. '
"No. !0 U20 acres, 2 miles from town, nice lying land, 2S0 acres in wjicat,
Vi of which goes with place. Price $15 per acre. Good terms.
No. !J0 200 neves, 4Vj miles from town, good 5-room house, good barn,
00 acres wheat, t0.,icves fenced hog tight, 40 acres first bottom'alfnlfa land,
running water. I'ncc $11,500.
No. 20 ICO ncics, 100 acres in wheat, 1-U goes with place. All smooth,
fenced, well. Price $fl5 per acre. Good terms.
No. 10 100 acres, 7 IS miles from town, 100 acres in wheal, ', goes with
the farm. Pi ice '& per acre, Vi cash, balance at 7 per cent.
No. 5 100 acres, G miles county seat, !110 acres in cultivation, rented,
crop goes with place. Price $30 per acre.
No. 2 1G0 bores, 5 miles to town, all in wheat, 1-3 of which goes with
p'.acc, nil smooth land. Price $35 per acre.
No. 1 1G0 acres, adjoining townsite, good 10-room house, 100 acres In
wheat, 1-3 goes with land. Price $85 per acre. Will carry Vi at six per cent.
A 180 acres, all level, improved, 4 miles from town, 300 acres in cul
tivation and in wheat, 1-3 crop goes with land; GO acres meadow, 120 acres
pasture. Price $50 per acre. v
B 1G0 acres, 4 miles from town. Price $4000.
C- 1G0 acres, 7 miles from town. Price $4000.
No. 41 1G0 acres, G miles from railroad station, 130 acres in cultivation,
30 acres pasture. Some improvements. Fine, level farm. Price $30 per acre net.
No. 7 1G0 acres, nil level, 5 miles to town, all in grass. No Improve
ments. ?30 per acre, net. One-third cash.
SEJ Gl 480 acres, 5 miles from Norcator, good nearly new house, 9-rooms
besides pantries, closet und bath room, good basement burn, all cement floor,
room for 20 head of horses, big hay mow with hay fork, large bin for grain
in barn, good cattle barn, stanchion room for 31 head of cows, stanchion for
about as many calves, 3 box stalls, separator room, 130 ton silo at end of cow
barn, good cattle shed, good hog house, new garage, good big lion house, coal
, lO JILIKU juu i linilKO. iond wnll ft nil vviiulmi'l nf Mir limicn iiMilm. nnni,m.t S "..l-l .... .,i
lqan in ay amount and at the low- mm jn ff f nm boUom of dslern . j VRn jM(, tan,. at horeo asQ g J
est rate or interest. .,, big cement tank at cattle barn and another lank in the pasture, good cement
fn tVL STou n lZ w UVcml VCr cavc' G0 acrea fcncctl h0 SM. a11 fcnce1 cro'ssEfenced, an-
fact that I car get jou n Joan with olhw wjU mu, wIn,mH wHh m c
absolutely nlJ0'U torn of cistern to stock tank with float in tank that keeps your tank full of
otherwise. All that a "'luired is n Uio cultivation which lays almost
1" !b.S C S !,diZi7i ,uvo1' 210 in lastc' Th bovc improvements are in fc good state of repair,
G.- Caldwell law office.
I am ready to make you n farm
"OMAHA'S i0jrfi1ti V,S,T
Exhilarating Burlosquo; VaudeviUo
Still Alm Filled llh rntlrOlrli, FunnjClot ni.Oorsioui
Equlpill. Brilliant Senile Emlronn-mt
Everybody Qoo! Ah Anybody
most of them are nearly new, V6 mile to good school house, good main travel
eil road, mail route and telophono line. Prico $50 per acre.
The reason this farm is for sale at this prico, the party who owned It
was killed in an automobile accident, and the estate has to be settled.
Possession can be given at any time.
The above list sutject to prior sale cr change la prIcr,"without notice
A. H. Crpervier & Co.
Home Office, Red Clovid. Neb.
r ! "M1
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