The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1920, Image 4

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    vgvmmmf1: 'Wwmmmmmmt
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Public Sale
We will offer at public auction at the home farm 3 miles cast of
Cowlcs, Nebraska, commencing at 1 o'clock, on
Saturday, Jan. 31
the following described property:
Tractor and Plow
1 Ford tractor, 1 3-bottom engine plow
Machinery, Etc.
1 Western land roller; 1 elevator; 1 2-vow
cultivator; 2 disc harrows; 1 tractor plow; 1
sulky plow; 1 2-row weeder; 1 McCormick
binder; 1 Deering binder; 1 stalk drill; 1 2
row lister; 1 2-section harrow; 1 truck wagon;
1 walking plow; 1 sweep feed grinder; 1 Suc
cess manure spreader; 1 Acme mower; 3 new
Century single row cultivators; 5 sets of harness,
1 2 collars, about 300 bu. ear corn.
Terms: $10 and under cash; 8
R. 6.
Col. G. G. Denny, Auctioneer.
Smith Bros. 27th Annual Sale of
Pure Bred Poland China Bred Sows
To be held at the farm . mile north and 9 miles east of SUPEROR, NEB , on
Thursday, February 5, 1920
All CHOLERA IMMUNE As the sale season is again at hand we are able to offer
you another SELECT OFFERING of BROOD SOWS. This is a real toFFy bunc
and as we are only holding one sale this spring the BEST ones all GO AT THIS SALE
They have been fed and cared for in the usual careful way and should make good.
There will be found in this sale some of the BEST BLOOD LINES IN THE BREED.
We are always trying to improve
To The Pig ClubBoys
WE'RE GOING TO SELL No. One and No. Two in the catalogue to EOYS UNDER
EIGHTEEN YEARS. These are CHOICE GILTS and will be gocd for the sow and
litter contract of the Pig Club this summer. Come on bos and let us have a geed time
This is one place where Dad will have to let you do the buying.
SMITH BROS., Superior, Neb.
B. E. Ridgley and W. C. Henderson, Aucts. John Young, Clerk
Geo. W. Hutchison
Real Estate. Insurance, Loans, Abstracts
PHONES ( Offi' Rd.3,3,- MM R.d Cloud
) Keudence, 177 Nobrauka
. 210 Acres
Combination stock and grain farm. 70 acres pasture.
25 acres alfalfa, balance under cultivation; cultivated land
all level except about 20 acres; five room house, stable for
8 head of horses, small granary, garage, silo, cow and hog
sheds, well and windmill and only 20 feet to water, about
five acres of heavy timber fenced hog tight, good orchard,
close to school, on R. P. D. and telephone, two and one-half
miles to town, $75.00 per acre.
... ISO Acres
All under cultivation except about 20 acres; 0 acres
on the famous Prairie Dog valley, level as a floor and the
very best black loam alfalfa and corn ground, balance
gentle slope. Good six room house, well and windmill,
small staole, corn ciib, garage, etc. Mile and a half to
town on a perfectly level road. This is one of the choice
farms in this valley, and land of this character has sold in
ffi0rsam0lnrei8hborhoodduriiitho past few months from
5125 to $135 per acre. Clcse to school and on R. F. D. and
telephone. Price S100 per acre.
Fohsesblon may bu luul on ollhor of tlitso farms Mivroli 1, Wl-O, nn 1
nmy Uo lioiwht nu n imymt-nt of 82.MJ0 cusli, bitlunco up to onolmlf ol
purohiiBo prlco Mnrch 1, li0, mill owner will curry Imclc one half of tlio
purclis price for five yen at t) pHi-cunt. Thee faims are located In
Ilurluu county, Nebraska, anil will bo on tlio muilsot but a bliort (lino
iih owner will rent them if not sold.
Head Horses
1 black horse, 4 yrs old, wt
1400; 1 brown mare, 6 yrs
old, wt 1200; 1 black mare,
4 "yrs old, wt 1100; 1 black
horse, 3 yrs olj, wt 900.
months at Q'0 interest
x Jas. McBride, Clerk
Rod Cloud. Nobrasktv
Cntcrcd In tho l'oMolllce nt Htd Cloud, Nob
ns Hccond CI am Mutter
A. H. McARTHUH, Editor and Owno
Advertising Rates
Stcro or Electro, per column inch 15c
Hand or Machine Composition - 18c
Cannot Use Malt
Readers, Bold Face Type, per line 15c
Readers, Regular Type, per line 7c
Professional Cards, per month $1.50
Front Pajjc or Specified Positions
Short Time, per column inch 15c
Front Page or Specified, Contract - 12jJc
Balance of Paper, Short Time - 12'ij'c
Balance of Paper, Contract - - 10c
Professional Cards, per month - $1.00
Readers, Bold Face Type, per line 10c
Readers, Regular Type, per Hue 5c
Xo litml'r l.e Than i.'e
Political Announcements, term $5.00
The open competitive" examination
under the rules of the U. S. Civil
Service Commission for the position
of clerk (mule or female) in the Post
Office, Red Cloud, Nebraska, sched
uled to be held on Saturday, 'January
10, 1920, commencing at 9 o'clock a.
m. and postponed will now be hold nt
litis same place and time xm Satur
day, February 11th.
Applications for this examination
must be made on the prehcribed form,
which,, with necessary instructions,
may be obtained from the Commis
sion's local representative, Marion
Illooin, Secretary Civil Service Hoard,
at the Red Cloud, Nebraska, Post Of
fice, or from tho undersigned.
All persons wishing to lake this
examination should secure blanks and
file their applications with the under
signed at once in order to allow time
for any necessary corrections and to
arrange for the examination.
Eacli applicant will be required to
submit to the examiner or. the day
of the examination a photograpn ol
himself taken within two years.
An net of Congress approved July
11, 1919, provides:
"That hereafter in making appoint
ments to clerical and other positions
in the executive branch or the Uov
crnment in the District of Columbia or
elsewhere, preference shall bo given
to honorably discharged soldiers,
sailors and marines, and widows of
such, and to tho wives of injured sol
diers, sailors and marines who tlicm
sclves are not quulified, but whose
wives are qualified to hold such po
sitions." Applicants who arc entitled to' the
henelit of this act should attach to
their applications their original dis
charge papers, or accurate copies
thereof or the offcial record of their
service, which will be returned to
them after inspection by the Com
mission. MR. J. M. SIIOEMAKEK,
Secretary Civil Service Hoard.
St. Paul, Minnesota.
Bargains in Kansas Lands
We have a man who is very much
interested in his neighbors and friends
that wants a homo where they can
double their money, this he knows by
experience himself. He has traveled
eastern Colorado and western Ncbras
ka, which arc good places, but ho has
found a place much better, with bet
ter soil, and grass and good water.
This land yields more wheat, corn and
barley, than any place he has travel
ed. We have a very largo list of land,
for sale, in Sheridan county, Kansas,
the share of the crop goes with tho
place, if sold by May 1st.
Wo have some good grazing land
in this and adjoining counties, which
can be bought cheap. He has traveled
over several counties, before he
bought. Ho bought one section nine
years ago at $20.00 per acre, and re
alised $00.00 per acre last July.
He has owned this section nlno
years now and during that time only
two crops were very light. This sec
tion has paid for itself and paid for
another section besides.
Now if any one wants a good homo
or a place to make money, come and
talk with us ami make arrangements
to go out with us. These great bar
gains aro only one hundred and twenty-one
miles from Red Cloud, Ne
braska, by railroad. We have a few
I farms you can have possession of In
March, 1920. Price on this land runs
from $20 to SCO per acre, except thu
grasa land, which enn bo bought
cheaper. Homo office Red Cloud, Ne
braska, over Stnto Bank.
Branch office Scldon, Knnnnn, C.
It. Carpenter, Manager.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Will Mcl'horson has resigned his
position with tho Deep Rock Oil Co.,
and has accepted a position hi the
Farmers? Union store and ho will
take up his position next week.
Mice of Increase of Capital Slock of
J. A. Sllvcy Lumber Co.
Notice li hereby given that on Dcecmlici
I ".Hi, mil), nt closliiKdatu at llio annual stock
holdera meeting ot tlio J. A. Sllvey Lumber
Co., Iield at Inavale, Nelirnskn, the follow lilt
resolution vn adopted: "lie It resolved tliat
tlio Capital .Stock of Hie J. A. Kllvcy Lumber
Co.,oMnavale, Ncbraika, be Inreiucd from
$15,010.00 loSI.,000.00niul Raid Increased stock
IsHitcd to each stockholder of tlio corporation
In thcHamc proportion tin tlio present stock
Is held". J. A. SILU1JY,
Notice to Creditors.
In tlio County Court of Webster Cotmtf,
In tho matter of tlio estate of Andrnv
Martinson, deceased.
Creditors of said estate will take notice,
that the tlmu limited for presentation and
illlni; of claims against said estate Is May
JO th, W20, ami for the payment of debts If
January 17th, IWI, that f will sit at th
county court room In said county on the'JOtb
day ol I'ebruary P.I20, to examine, hear and
allow all claims duly Hied which aro a first ot
second lieu upon said estate, and on the 21st
day of May, 0i0, to examine, hear, allow
and adjust all claims and objections of kcu
cral creditors duly llleil.
Dated this I'lhday of January UU0.
(Seal) A. I). llANNKV,
A true copy.) County .Indue.
Notice of Final Report
In thu County Court ol Webster county,
In the matter of the estate of UiarlcsA.
Sclinltz, deceased.
All persons Interested In said estate, are
hereby notified that the i:.ecutnr Itolurt
Damircll has filed herein a Dual account and
report of his administration, and a petition
for t lie final settlement of such account and
report, and tor a decrcoof distribution of tin
roxliliifot said estate, and for tlieasslcnuicnt
of the real estate liclonclin; therc'o. and a
illscharKO'froni his ti list, all or which said
matters havo been set for hearlm; before
said court on tho :wth day of January, IllJU,
hi the hour of II) o'clock, A.M., when all per
sons Interested may appiar and contest tin
Hated this nth day of January 1!)J0.
lKAI. A. I). Uxn.vky,
A true eopj. " County Judue.
Notice of Administrator's
In tho Matter of tho Application of,
.1. I., llccbe, Administrator of tlio
Kslato of K.ra House, deceased, for
i.oave to Sell.Iteal Kstatc.
Notice Is hereby given that, In purs'iance
of an order of the Honorable Harry S. Dun
i;:in,JudKC of the District Court of Webster
County. Nebraska, tenth Judicial district,
made on .January 13, 11)20, for the sale of of
the real estate hereinafter described, there
will l sold at public vendue to the highest
bidder for cash, at the south front door of
the Courthouse In the City ot Itcd Cloud,
Webster County, Nebraska on the second
day of I'ebruary, 1!KU, at itwo o'clock 1. M.
the following described real estate:
Commencing at the North Uast Corner of
tlio North West Quarter of Section Two, In
lou'uslilp One. North of ItauguTwclvc, West
of theiith P.M. running thence south to the
boundary llneof the I.epubllcan Valley ltall.
load Company, thenco south west along Mild
lino 'iuO feet, thence North to tho town lint
between Town One and Two, thenco Kast
along said line a feet to place of beginning.
Webster County, Nebraska.
.Said sale will remain open one hour.
Dated January lii. )!).('.
J. L. Heche, Administrator
of the ICatatoof Hra House, deceased,
i:. (i. Caldwell Attorney.
Last I'llbllcallon January S.
Publication of Summons.
To nou resident defendants Don II. Cloui',
Maude Cloud his wife; Alberta Walker, At
chle 11. Walker her husband; Nannie M.
Chase, Ilert Cliaso her husband; Hattle I.
Orchard, Hubert C. Orchard her husband and
You aro hereby notified that William II.
Cloud and Myrtle U. Cloud as plalntltlshave
tiled a petition and commenced nu action In
tho district court of Webster county, Nebras.
ka against you Impleaded with other defend
ants (he object and prayer of which are to
obtain the Judgment and decree of said court
continuing tho Interests of tho parties as set
forth In field petition In mid to tho following
described land situated In Webster county,
Nebraska to-wlt:
Tho Northeast Quarter iNKM of Sect.
lonTwcnty-sccn 0.27), Township Two (2),
Itango Twelve (12),
And that the court will decree that tho plain
lltr. William II. Cloud, Is tho owner of a
homestead estate for tho term of his natural
life In said land and that subject thereto the
parties arc owners thereof as tenants In com
mon as successors In title to Harali L. Lloi.d
deceased, the said William II. Cloud owning
an undivided ono-third Interest therein and
tho surviving children ot said Sarah L. Cloud
owning each an undivided one-ninth Inter
est therein nnd that said shares bo confirmed
and partition mado and said promises sold,
the homestead estate of William II. CltAid
commuted and paid to him and tlio proceeds
divided according to the Interests of tho part
ies after the payment of cost's and expenses
You aro required to answer tho Raid peti
tion on tlio In tho olllctiot the Clerk of said
eouur. 1. d cloud, Nebraska on or before
Monl.v "..iri, t, 1.20,
Dn'ed 'anuary :o. in.").
WiM.tAM II. lornet al, Plalntllls
1.) L. 11. lilacklulgc,
Rcd Cloud People
Prevent Appendicitis
Many Red Cloud pcoplo mo tiding
simple- glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc.,
us mixed In Adlur-i tin, Thih Hushes
BOTH upper and lower bowel to ccm
pletuly It reinovcH nll'ioul, acuunitilat
ed poisons fiom iilimuutnry eannl tttid
prevents uppoudicltli. re
Ucves ANY CASE gas on Rtointich or
uour htomaeh. Often CURES conMl
patlou. In ouo case of uhrouic ntom
itch trouble ONE bottle produued won.
dsrful Jesuits,- O. L. Cotling, drugKUt.
, Mrs. Tom NubIi returned homoon
Tluirfidtiy evening from
where- alio hml been visiting lior
daughter." "3V - 1
It will mean a BIG SAVING to you to buy your
Sweaters, Caps and Scarfs
now as wools will be no cheaper. Every indi- I
cation points to higher prices.
Ladies Wool Sweaters - - $8 to $12
Misses Wool Sweaters - $4.25 to $7.50
Misses Part Wool and Cotton Sweaters $2.25 to $4
Childrens Part Wool, Cotton Sweaters $2 to $4.50
Childrens Part Wool and Cotton Sweaters, Caps
and Leggins from - - $3.50 to $5
Irs. Barbara Piiares
Start the New
Year Right
By buying your groceries where the
two important fatcors predominate
All the brands of goods we sell are the
best the market affords and sold under
Our many years of experience enables
us to select merchandise that satisfies
P. A. Wullbrandt
-j Groceries and
Mr. and Mrs.
Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res,
"Hess's Poultry Panacea"
is one of the best tonics and egg producrs on
the market and has been used here for years.
We also sell ''MORE EGG" the popular
advertised article for making hens lay. Fully
guaranteed to produce RESULTS OR YOUR
CHAS. L. COTTING 'The Druggist'
Jlalone-Gellatly Go.
i . i nWinii' ' " i k, i!;"i;:,i!ini!!i;iiiiiiiiiii!ci,"in
'. "t. I