RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF F $J! K& II K G H iP(f 1 e''elnciif farm tie. I will mi is west of "AM MfeUIBtwU . Commenting HE A D 8 Head o! Horses 1 mi tmr. Pyist.M, in fail bv.ln'k. wt 1 1'K); 1 lnicukin mme, 0 yr old, 1 ' i by .luck, wt I i" I tiuj niMiv, T vis old, tn toil iv.Jnel. wt .1M: 1 jjrpy a ii. s vis ol'l, wt lu.V: 1 b iv mure, ) yc. old In loal by ,Iacl. wt 1101; I bai lor eiinlutf 'I yts old. wtll1'1. 1 llnci li'i-e coining 'I jri nil, wt 3100; 1 g.O hore coming ,'i vis old vvi I0IH) 24 Head of Mules J 'pan nf work iuiiIqs !J nnd 1 yr- old, wt '21 M; 11 uiintn (.lyr uiulos: 8 coming - rr old mules; '1 coining 1 yr old mules; 1 .luclc 'J yr.s old, I l'i It in K high, nn x ra good breeder. 30 Head ') hold coming yearling, steers nnd heifers mixed Farm Machinery, Etc. 1 Tief-ring binder new, 1 MeCormlck mowtr, 1 liny lake, 1 Jo'ui Deere 'i row weoUr g.iod, '2 1-to.v cultlviitois, 1 llntcr, 1 pilverlzer, 1 hatrow, 1 box -.viigon, 1 . k wagon, - t-eis 1 H 1 ineii hatnus", nnd oilier articles too numerous m inf utioti LUNCH on GROUNDS i TERMS:--$ 1 0 and under cash; 1 0 J H Ellinger, Auct GeoMcCraryCIe'k On acvount of poor health I will hold a clean-up sale at my farm 2 miles east and 8 miles south of Inavale. Neb.. 5 miles t ast and j mile south of Vomer. Kan., 1 mile west and 2'.. miles north uf the Duekerville store, commencing at 1 o clock, sharp, (Tuesday 9 27 HEAD OF STOCK 27 4 Head of Horses and Mules Black mare mule coming 4 yrs old, wt 1050; black mare mule coming 3 yrs old. wt 1000: brown mare mule coming 2 yrs old; hay horse colt coming 2 yrs old. 23 Head of Cattle 23 Shorthorn Bull coming 2 yrs old; black cow. C yrs old, fresh 2 milk cows, 4 yrs old. giving milk, fresh in May; milk cow, 3 vrs old. fresh in 3 weeks: spotted cow, 3 yrs old by sale date; spotted cow. 5 yrs old by sale date: 2 red cows. 3 yrs old. fresh in Fcby red cow. 3 yrs old. fresh in March: black heifer, coming 2 yrs old' fresh in March: 10 last spring calves. 6 steers and 4 heifers 2 calves. 3 weeks old by sale date. Farm Machinery, Etc: 2-row Canton corn disc; Rock Island lister; New Century r'ding cultivator; 2-section harrow; walking culti vator; set of Vz inch wotk harness; set of 1 Y inch work harness; some good horse collars and pads; about 200 bu, of ear corn white' Terms; $10 and under cash; 10 months at Q'f interest. V. B. Ryan, Auctioneer S. R. Florancc, Clerk Initial Sale of Bred Durac Jersey Sows and Gilts To he held at farm 4 miles south. 1 . ease of Nelson: 3' west 1 south of Nora: 9 north and 1 '.. east of Superior, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 27th Commencing at 12 o'clock, sharp 40 Head Immune Sows and Gilts 8 Head of Fall Boars and Pigs Not Immune Sired by such sires as Pat's Giant 2nd by Pat's Giant; Anderson's Pathfinder by Pathfinder; Illustrator 3d by Illustrator 2nd; Dusty Critic by Critic B 2nd: G's Illustrator 2nd by Illustrator 2nd and Watts Master Model by Watts Model 2nd. Some of these have been shown at the county fair, taking nearly all ribbons. The offering is bred to Pat's Giant 2nd. Orion Wonder and Orion Wonder I Am. grandsons of Great Orion, worlds champion 1818 Look these boars over sale day! Try and be with us Jan 27 Terms: Cash, or any arrangement made with clerk will be satisfactory J. D. EILERS & SON, Owners Cols. B. E. Ridgley. W. C. Henderson, Aucts. John Jung. Clerk Dr. R.VB Hkmlm DENTIST OIllcU vcr Albright's Stnr o Red Cloud Nebraska illr tit public nCim on m place, 1 ' tunvitie, o-i W3$ ti $ IMa H fi SJ HKf UP at 20 o'clock - of S TOOK of Cattle months at 1 0 ', interest. Petty Jan. 27 PAT McCOALE Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVKU STATU HANK REDCLOUD NEBRASKA THE BLUE DRESS Dy QCnTIIA HERMAN. :i "Very v. HI, If ymi me im!i - i i. ' n nimbi Mi i.s tl -it .von rim haw ,,iur im nm; ihki. : n i borer Timing ti beiiutliul d'liiii'inil ring ffuiu ..p, ,ind wlili n li.iiig nf tlu ten rh dnor Mny lew ii) the nf.ilr in her mom. Then"; standing before ih,. mliTnr. Iar fnrj (illnnnj nnd her eyes wonderfully Line, she Mid: "Well. I'm Rind of It I Pin trlnd of It To think I fiilaht lime ni'irrled such n mean, nntviisoiuilile thins'" The dlrtienlty nns the eternal Inver'n (inirH. I'nli wim golin; nwny for nov eul weel; on n luisinuss trip to lie trolt, nnd hnd ntkH Mny to e.uicH tho hnnxnlow nlTnlr thet they had iironils ed to nttend the following week. Xijw dud Inn! Jtwt ven Mny u new summer onlllt, nil the heniillfnl, soft.HLy tniiiKM a nornml i;lil craves. In sjio: lul evidence was her dear little hliu georRette evening gown, massed In tulle, In tthlrh May looked more like nu ethereal fairy than nu ordinary girl. To gte ii the thought ()f wonting (lint diess was lieyoud reason! r.-r-r-r-r-rlng! The telejilionu lie'.l (Inkled loudly. In an excited voice Mny answered (he phone, thinking it posslhly might he Itoh. If it were, slm would no, she wouldn't yes, she. would Jm( hang right up! "Hello. May! Yes, this is Idn. Ida Seholl. I ild ,ou lu-ar what the Huh Is doing? Didn't yo.i? Oh! We're go ing to have n camp. Yes, with tenls n eoryihlng. Yes, nut in Maine. Sure nil the glils will lie there. You'll come, too? fireut! Will I sln up for you? For the whole month of August. Thnt'.s fln. We've only one week to wait. I'm m exHtcd. Isn't It thrilling!" May hung up, nfter receiving this news, and contemplated the result. Yt', she was glad he gave I!ol hack his ring. She wondered If he took irT She had tiling It out on the porch. He might he fool cunugli to walk off and leave It tlire. Some impulse prompted her to run out and If I ho ring were still there. Of ho took it. Well, she would go away to camp and have an exceedingly good time Willi the girls and forget him. lie was a mean thing hnywny. 1'os slhly she might meet some other hero there. All. romance was stirring with in her! Wouldn't It lie wonderful lo show l!uh that she could not he trilled with! The first of August found a happy group of effervescent youth ut North station. Weren't they going out to camp, nnd weren't they going to have u wnndei ful time? One little girl In u jiluk linen dress and big blue eyes (((iiked a trllle nioie serious than the others, hut she, too, had the delightful look of expectancy on her face. One perfectly Incomparable week full of delightful experiences with canoes, cameras, cnnipliros, gentlemen and Hie like had already slipped by t (lie t egret of most of them. To May. however. It scei 1 as though the day were made of about T2 hours and Hie week of nluio.t 1'H) days. Her thoughts were constantly turning honiewanl. and especially to the scene on her porch two weeks before. Could she stick It out, the four weeks away from home and him? Did he ever think of her? Was l0 going out with oilier girls? Should she write to him and tell him she was sorry? Oh what was she to do! Another week passed brimful of pleasure for Ida. lies,, Hilda nniHho i est, hut painfully dull for May. The next evening Ida laid her hand on May's shoulder and whispered some ihlng in her ear. "Is that true?" as' ed .Mny, i( new light suddenly agb w In her eyes. "Ye-, and he didn't even have to go to Detroit. Id. hasn't gone out with an.vone, not even the b'oyi. once since it lelt, and he feels perfectly mis eruhle. It'll do him good, thouL'll. He will appreciate .voii more when you get buck, although, goodness knows, .von were the one who always started Hie ipianels." The morning of the third week dawmd bright and Hear.' SK o'clock tlnv all went In for u dip, Kyeryotiu was i re lmt May. They cal'lcd for In r, blew the bugle time and time i.'iiln, but no May responded. Drip ping wet from swimming, they all rushed Into her tent, intending to awaken her and pull her down to the st renin. The bed was empty, but slink up In her mirror was a note which read: "Clrls: Don't call me a iiultter. Ibib Is lonesome and so am I. Just had to go back. You know. May." They knew. (fopyrlKlit, 1919, MiCliuu Ncvvupapcr .Syn dicate ) Fea8t Days In Seville. Seville celebrates many feast days, but none more typically than that of Corpus Chrlsii. Throughout Spain this churchly holbhiy calls for parades, hut Seville llnds no fete liny whether re I glims or secular complete without a all light and d.nici'ig, nnd so her pro s.'iim Includes the -!. Incle of the bull niig and a strnnge . eee seen nowltire "!se in Spain, The parade is the big religion event 'f the day. Long l.fim It starts an M-lteil populace crowds (lie line of iniuvli. Hoofs, balconies nnd windows ire (Hied with dark Spinlsh senorltas nd their cavaliers. ilroHscil oftener 'ban tint In the linromaullc garb of modern fashion. I'lngs and damask b.ingliigs lend to .the streets a touch o carnival atmosphere, Intensified by 'In. crowd's-display of llueiy nnd Its tolvi.ut and eitrefret holiday manner. La jit v? A 4 v vL N ii.mi ii iii mtmmrmmmtmwtm r i m n i ROADS REDUCE LiVlfJG COST Make for Proporlty Merc Than Any Other Nri'oKftl Ur.dertahlnn, Gnys Alaskan Cnginter. "Good ronds, more (ban any other national undertaking, make for the prosperity, happiness nnd contentment of Hie people." declared Col. AV. I'. Klclinrdson, engineer In charge of high ways in Alaska. "This Is particularly eMdent ut (his time, when in every lurge city there is protest against the high prices of food. In my Judgment, good roads, more than any other ugency, will help to solve permanent ly the. high cost of living. Trnnsporln tlon, of course, is ut the foundation of prices. It Is truthfully said that where there is Inadequate transporta tion fond prices mount high. AVeknnvv that In cities prices are greatly in ex cess of those in rural districts and it Is all n matter of transportation and distribution. If we have good roads, we can get our products to market. If IBfC WM&. :-- vs-ijs; - ;:r.vt: 2,-.'E."sl'1 si J6 i ' ' . lOTKfiHJ rrt '''A'U Llf s yT" '' ; ' .-.- . Good Road Over Rocky Mountains. re haven't, we cannot. Products on (He farm lire, worth nothing if they cannot tlnd a market. I am convinced that the most Important governmental work Is In the Improvement of tjie roads, in (ids day of motor trucks It Is much easier to haul products to the cities or to railroad terminals than It was a few years ago, hut we must have good roads to do it. There is not the slightest doubt that good roads many times over pay for themselves, 'llicy are a fundamental economic ne cuNfity. "The Initial outlay in the building of good roads may seem large, but It is small In comparison with the benefits that accrue. In Alaska wc have ap proximately 000 miles of improved roads, varying from the ordinary coun try dirt road to the best hind of ma cadam. In Nome there i.s a btrctcli of road' over which in the summer time thousands of tons of products are hauled." POOR ROADS ARE EXPENSIVE Mistaken Idea That Improved High ways Are Solely for Benefit of Automoblls Owners. Poor roads are very expensive tilings for country communities. The farmer who thinks that Improved highways are mainly for the benefit of those who drive nutomnbiles should reflect on tlio results of a recent investigation by the department of agriculture, which finds that the cost of hauling farm produce over ordinary country roads is 'S. cents a ton mile, whereas over hard-surfaced roadu It Is only 13 cents. Youth's Companion. OPERATION OF A ROAD DRAG Use Pokiest, Laziest - Kind of Team and Let Them Have Their Own Time Just Keep Moving. Do not wait for anything; build a drag and Ret out onto tho road. Drive very slowly. Use the pokiest, laziest team you own, nnd ive them their time. Just so they keep moving they will be going swiftly enough, After you have used tlio drag a year, and hnVo learned when to drive rap Idly anil when to drive slowly, you can carry a whip or drive n mettlesome team. Vetch as Cover Cron. An expert fayr " . winm vetch does heit ' . 1 U crop if a little, rye is seeded with It. Ono bushel of vetch to one-half bushed of rye per aero Is about right. Bad Hnblt of Cow. Onco a cow finds out she can got over an old fence tliero will bo trouhlo perhaps for all time. Rats Are Expensive. Fifty 'rats on a farm will cost t-ho owner 5100 to WOO a year. SMI JP1 yj.;i , -to T w tSilFwr?ssy .'Ji.'rSy . tfMtEbE&'Jb Publication of Summons.. I 'I llOll rCsMplll ill tl H,l!llllU Mull I ! I M llllll ( mi III hH ull.-. Allw.rln VVnlL.p. .' il.l- II. vvnikir lur lnml.iiacli N-nmie M. N'otii N in 1.; ,.,) t",.lf ,,n Dereiulitr ' live. i,. it (Iomp Inr hit IimiuI: Untile'!., nth l'i 'i, a 'ohu.liilu ii' ilu aniiiiM stiwh ouninb il'ilicri c. uirhir.1 her lihshnmlniut hobli-rs nicMlno( Hie I. a. jsttviy l.iimliCr u"?I,!lnn' , -. I''I'I innvale. .Stl.rKa, the-ffillow-llU Villi liPf, llt'lTilltt iif,,llll ,t.n. 1, ill... ... t ( I ft...,!.. !.... ... u . .. .. . ... ' "?" "" -11111111 ii. t iikki iiixl vr.-ru.!' lloft,lm p.iliiiiftinr.l fi I n in-Ulieii mill sm nfloii'n nu I'.lrlcicounof VV.tnl,i-i.iHity,.SBiroit k MiniiHi y.,,1 iinjitcftitia rtith uthcrdififtnt j nitii:cilijiftnnil pir of wlitfli nrn In ' 'fllll 1).r ll,,((iilpnt Ullrt .t.criH-ii(ll,l muirl I KM.ii.iiuiiKin,. ouou-iisoi u parilrs an not loriii ini ,it iMUinlnniunj the foltowliu il'wiliirit inmt Mtunted ta W county, Nvlimnkn to-vvit: ' ' 'thP.Vortlipnst ('iirlcr (NCi) ot Mcrt-IniiTHeuly-iievoii (j;i, unviitlilp Two C. ... .1. i. .. . itanyp ruive ivh Ami that the court Hill den etlint ttio plnln tlil. Wiillnin II. (loud, u tjiv minor ol ft lioiucaN-nd ttntc or Dip trrm ot lilt, mititrnl llf( liimi.llnii.l.m.t tl., ............ ....... . ,,.; ..iriii..... ..,.'. ..;:. .;..."'' ;...,. as ..u-cV oVs, . su iV v ; an uudlv hlul oacth.rd ...tcrct tin rein and tliestirvlvliiclilldrcniif K-il,,l. I i csl therein and that HiiM .Ijnrctbf coadn.icd and part.tton made and su.d premise ,d. tlieliniuiMtead estate of Wllllnm II. iMmnl commuted and paid to him and the "trnrcrdN I divided urcnrdliiK to the Interests of Hie part-1 'tinder thu pay meat of costs and exiunsfs. j Yoaaieriipilred tisansivur the s:od petl-' tlonon lllelii ihuolllcjof IhiiCh.rk of wild i court at Ktd I loud, Ntbratkn on or l.ofore .Monday March 1, liijij, '.' I'.itcd ilaaiiarj 10. liJ0. Wll.t.i m It. i loi-netnl, t'lalntllN H.v b. 11. Ill.-vcl.ledm-. Attornej. Gives Wife Glycerine Mix ture ict'icd tiii'i. Iiiini w.'use win suf. vied for j ears Irorn eatanh nf the luiti.ich Huullv gave Jier Mini lu irlv- e. line, ttickthoui list!:, etc , as mixed in Adli-r i-ka. OXH bottle produced lent rcMilts. Jw-i uir Adier i-ku ac's ii Horil uppci ami loivi r bowel it r -ri ii-i'i ,11 fowl limit r which p"fsoiuil s''.(iiach Kelieics ANY ( -s 12 0'ir '"tnitch or gi.s on r-tomnch OC.n it fE(s c iistipi i ,;i, Proven's appt-n-dieiti.- '. I,. Culling, diuggisl. Notice ot Administrator's Sale. In the Matti r of .hi iil!i allou o. .1. I,, llri lie. il in li'lst i :il ir of tlio 'I state nl Ira Ilou-.e. dtetased. for i.eavotoSulLltial IMate Notlt-i Is lu-rcliy ulvcn that. In inirsmiiu e ot an oiderof the Honorable Harry s,. Imn mill. .luduu ol the IHstrlct ( ourt of Weltir County, Nebraska, tenth Judicial district, ' malleoli January III, VM0. for the sale of of thereat estate herein:. Iter dcxcrlUd. there will bo sold at public vendue to tlio highest bidder for cash, at the south front door of the Courthouse In the City of Ited Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska on the second day ul I'obraary. l'Ji). at two o'clock I'. M. tho follow Inn described real estate: Commencing at the North Cast Corner of tho North West (Jiairtcr of Section Two, In I'ovvii ship iinu. North of MauguTwclve, V'nt ot thciitli 1. .M.rimiilag thence south to the boundary llneof tho Itcimhllcnu Valley liall road Company, thence south wist nlom; sibl line 2i)(l feet, tlicnco N'oith to the toivu line betwicn Town Uno and Two. tin ace I 'ast along Mild lino 'JOi'iut to place of lieutunliig, Webster County. Nebraska. Said xale 111 remain open one hoar. Hated J miliary IV IM1, .1.1.. Ileebe, Administrator of tho Kslatcof House, dcceaseil, K. H. Caldwell Attorney. Last Publication January i. rcifflEMrMM i Christian Church Sunday, January -25 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Preaching Service 2 p. m. Sr-vice at South Side Mission 6:30 p. m. C. E. Service 7:00 p. m. Sermon. c n . icniKi; im trj ku: tuim itim: r ma; nit :iitin i mi n ti ti: n riTiiit itui; 1 1 it 1 1 m n tuiiut 1 1 un:i:n i ir n w?'Uiiiiit?rmttmmttmrjtnmH(iiiftM!iTUUrn:tLni:ui(iu:u1i!;T;"!:i;;nr;n;:ni;5!:i:irii:it:uiiiiiiTi:ti:ii' ) l i' i l FARM i i ; j 1 o : i a obb i? You will do R.H.Craig, Bank of m!l!!W!rajE ,JVJVv,J.v.v.v,v.v.v.v.v.v.v-v.v.v.Avrt 5: : IF Build ing I WE HAVE IT jjlaloiieellatly Ga; NMlcc of Increase of CaD'.la! Stock o? J. A.Mhcy Liiniht r (3. ( l orpurii'loni .-- .n,'ii iTiisnunHCi'- ite ir rcsol tMl timi thcCniilt.iisf.H.Kor tin t v. Htvy l.unijxr .ot Innvnii. Sfiirnk i. I. lnrent,( (rtnn 'n.ilM.oil tofivwux .tiid lut-mi-wl siook 1-sTieil tucneh utiH-kli-i'dir m Itie purpoURtlaii In ttiusnine iirupnrildii hHih r.Mnt itock l lul.l '. i i utwu ------ ,11 ,1, PH., I J, Strrrtiiry, Netlct: to Croiiiiers. ti Hie Pointy fouri , w c inter Coiin'y. . .Si'tirikR In II o nmtter ol ihifitate ut Andnw Murtljiftun. ilnnn'i it ir .liioi-H .r mm Mttute wilt tnko notice, Unit the iimo llinlKit lor tiiumntnlton ami "..u,.1,n,,,.w""l " W moiik or cumin nsuihit iiuld ttHte Is May a'm '"'-" "".I for tlio imvinrnt f dol.ts U ","";,ly ,7l,, ,H-,''umi ' wm m ,,i-,,, i )u. , ?,. . i"!""0' T miUimlulj Mint wlili liarea llritor j , .,,,',, , ,., ",, i W,.i "' ' , V " ! , '. ,' ." ,? '' "rt, ' '" Mated this ITthday of Innuary IBii. frWl A. I. ItVNNKV, A traeeo i umtv .liidse. E-. S. Garber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING i Work Guaranteed) Electrical Good? of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures Vhm Nam I 'ton - Cathor Clothing Go. --r everything 0 Mam or Boy Wvsrs mma OI094 Nmbrmmkm TheMargln of Safety Is lepresont'ed by the amount of instil ance you carry. Don't lull yourself Jinto u fancied security. Because fire has never touched you it doesn't follow that jou'ro immune Tomorrow -no today, if you have titne-and you better Hud time uotne to the ollice nnd we'll write a policy on your lioube, furniture, store or merchandise. -LATKU MAY UK TOO L-ATP'- O. C. TEEL R.eliaible Insura-nce :nn:tiri: m in: -ti mir.r ji mmji. n iniin u : h i in; :i u:anj l a I3H kiu ijunjuimitiiuni i : ttiiiiiiu: n m !" riiruii'iiiffiraiiiii'iffiiiiniiiiiii'KiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiincK'ijiiiiiiiiK;'!) ti CHEAP Easy Terms well to write to Orleans, Orleans, Neb. ITS Material '.-- .! WDIfclWiilMiVwifm Ma ravtVW rtm, Mt. Vt