&-, ED fLO, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 4 ii' '3. v i ManwTiiHwruramHiKWMPi.HnH.wHtfHtifta!mit!iii,siiHra IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUY A TRUCK Why not have the BEST that is Made? Come in and let us demonstrate and tell you why you should own a Reo Speed Wagon The best and speediest Truck on the market Low cost of operation; time saved in making drives durability; and many other points that make it superior to others that's why its so popular R. C. Sutton's Service Station Authorized Sales Agents Wild,!. 1 1 1 ,i'niii, ii,i, tui . u :: : . - ri". iivi, ', Red Cloud, Nebraska i it' i,v i, "!""!!'', i i wuwmmim AS TOLD TO US M'! Buy 1 trend nt Powell and I'opny Paul l'opo was in Cowlcs Friday. Sam llcaton went to Omaha Mon day. G. W. Trino spent Friday in Hastings- J. C. Mitchell fpenl TuoisiUiy in Hast ir.fjs. Ja. Peterson por.l Friday in Guide Rock. Worth Shipnian was in Guide Roc.'c Tuesday.- U'cd car- for silo. Fiaine Smitli Bros. Co. Mi-s. Hoy Cramer spent Friday in Hastings. J. H. Elliiujer spent Tuesday ;u Hasting.". Will Robertson spent Monday In Blue Hill. Mrs. G. J. Warren spent MonTay in Hastings. Mrs. F. W. Cowden spent Saturday in Hastings. 11. K. Walters pent Sunday m Grand Island. Geo. Matkir. of Inavale was in the city Saturday. W. G. Hamilton is in llolyoke, Colo-J with friends 12Ht and diinU at I'ovscll it PupoVi Cafo. tf l'-uil caib for -"alo Fiamc A, Smith Him-. Cii J. L. Harper wont to Omaha Tues day morning. tKt! thu gieat egg tonic, "Moro Hgg" sold by 0. 1j. Uotting. Gordon Hamilton spent Friday with relatives at Guide Rock. , Mr. and Mrs. W. 1!. Smith upon: the weekend with his parents at Den ver. Harry Waller and family of Cowles spent Sunday with lclativcs in the city. Fiank Bean wont to Cambridge on Monday evening to attend the cattle fc'ale. Mrs. F. E. Maurer and hMor, Miss Helen Reiher spent Friday in Hast ings. Miss Ueinice Ktheiton went to Grand Island Wednesday to visit with friends. Paul Pope went to Omaha Moiulay to attend the implement dealers' con vention. Mrs. Chas. Gurney and sister, Miss Helen Reiher, spent Saturday in Hastings. Mrs. T. A. Xa-h went to Oxford Tuesday morning to spend a few days rado, this week, Attorney McNeny went to Lincoln Monday morning. G. J. Warren was in Omaha tTie first of the week. Bye Shepherdson of Riverton was in the city Tuesday. Frank Starr shipped a car of mules to Kesterson Tuesday. Mrs. Paul Pope wont to Superior Monday to visit relatives. Frank Starr shipped a car of mules to Grand Island Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kaley spent Monday with friends at Cowlcs. U. H. Etherton went to Grar.it Island Tuesday to visit, relatives. Delaney Bros., shipped two cars of hogs to Kansas City Tuesday. Miss Bonnie Miller of Inavale spen Now Years with friends in tin's city. Chns. Phnips of Guide Rock spent Sunday with his wife and family in this city. Mrs. T. Frisbie had the misfoitunf to fall and injure her hip quite badly Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abel of Camp bell spent New Years in the city with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Grimes and fam ily spent New Years with relatives in Hastings. Ed Taylor left Thursday for Chi cago after spending a few days with his sister in thi? city. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sutton spent New Years at Oxford with his sister, Mrs. Harold Arnsborgor. Mesdamcs Otis Leggett and Kil patrick of Franklin were the guests of Mrs. R. B. Leggett Saturday. Guy Scott of Holyoke, Colorado, was in the city Sunday morning while enroutc to Cowlcs to visit his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Zachery and family spent Now Years with Mr. and Mrs. John Hardwick at Inaarc. It, 0. Richmond of Otiiuhu Is In thu city. o. A. Arnold was down from Bluo Hill Wednesday. Dan Puinioy of Riverton wus In the o'ty Woilnotday. Kusfsul A muck of llolyoke, Colorado is in the city today. Good meals good service moderate prices Powell it Pope'n cafe Orln T'tliur. of CimIiii KipiiN, Iowa, is in the city today attending thu hog sale. Several hog men ftotn out of town aio In the eiiy attending the hog sale this afternoon. FOR SALE -Good quarter flection of and with good linpiovomenfs 1 mile south of Inavale, Xebr , on eay terms Write Tor full dcsorlption.-C. F. Catli. r, Red Cloud, Nebr. Owing to "patunts" falling to arr've UiIh week we are printing only four pages This w'iks installment of the "story" will nppenr in our next is'iie Some freight service. '.' ? Slieiilf Huft'er was called to Guide Hock this afternoon to hold an inquest over (he remains of IM Mollus, who cotninltcd suicide at his home four and one half miles north east of that .city A shot gun was the weapon used. X. A. Piatt, who for sMiue time put has been managing the grocery depait- iiient of the R P Weesner A- Co , mcr- cant ile establishment, has resigned, hc- I cepting a position in the grocery de-1 pArttni'ii. of Stein Bios, store at J Hastings. His leslgnation becomes effective about .January loth. i A state Ilia inspector was in the city Wednesday on business pnrtaining to M'Wi at bull lings that have been con sidered unsafe. Ile met with thu "City Pads1' and brought thu matter up with them, after uh'eh they per-onally in spected the Peterson buildings on South Webster stteer. Action will be taken to kyiilly condemn the same. FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mnlonn and Mr.' and Mrs. H. C. Gellatly left the last of the week for Washington, D. C, wheie they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shcphcul re turned to their home at McCook Fri day evening after visiting her paienls, .Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dickenson. Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Ollli'i ijorAll)rti!lil'BMliiru Red Cloud Nebraska Dr.W.H.Mc Bride DENTIST OVBIl STA'l'i: BANK REDCLOUD NEBRASKA nmimnaiKmn I iail.IIM.lMMN .vr ?mr j THE UNIVERSAL CAR s SWki ' AUx IarpmimI UluIiiiiUM ; Friday and Saturday TOM MIX ix tiid PIf H a El m i fc J) I Also a Sonnett Comedy Admission SOc - Ho FOR SALE A Poland China Boar, wt. 300. Inquire of Walter Guiney Phone 12 on 7. Bert Moihait wont to Dcs Moines Sunday morning to attend a stove dealers' meeting. Mrs. Walter Sanderson returned to Grand Island Saturday after visiting relatives in this city. Glen Foe returned to Lincoln Sun day morning after spending the holi days with his mother. Boone Saunders of Billings, Mon tana, was visiting relatives and friends in the city this week. Mrs. Albert Bruce returned to Blue Hill Monday after spending a rcw days with her sister, Mrs. Eustace Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson relum t'l to their home at Seluon, Kansas, Thur-day after isiting relatives in this city. Mrs. Cecil Essig left Saturday even ing for Cheyenne where she will join her husband and make their home in that city. Mr. anil Mrs. Chas. Sherer returned to Lincoln Saturday morning after spending the holidays with relatives in the city. Will Druner returned to Linnm I riday morning to resume hih stud ies after spending the holidays with noiRo folks. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Topham left Friday evening for Pasadena, Cali fornia, where tiny will make their future home. Mr. an.l Mrs. Roy Etherton return ed to Council Bluffs the last of the week after spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Chas. Etherton. Blue Hill is to have a new $75,000 school building, as the citizens of that place held a special election last wceT: and voted bonds for that amount. Mrs. Harry Cramer and son, Aus tin, returned home Wcdnesdny even ing from Omaha where she had been visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Austin. Dr. Stockman and Mr. and Mrs. Jokn Rathjen took their daughter, Mildred, to Hastings Tuesday where the will undergo an operation for ap pendicitis. Miss Mabel Pope rchirncd to Sher idan, Wyoming, Saturday to resume her school work after spending the hoi 'days with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Pope. Ilobert Blaekledgo and Win Mc Brido returned to Lincoln Sunday to resume their studies at the State Unr versity after spending tho holidays with Inmo folks. At tho Mousol Bros, cattle sale held at Cambride-e this week tho fifty head lold the first day averaged $5100. T-o top bull, Superior Mischief, was r.old j for $22,000 and the top cow, Bright Duchess 77th, with hull calf at side, sold for $8,000. Four Duroc Jersey Boars, recorded. Two at $215.00 each, one at $35.00 and one at $50.00. MIKE BLISS, Inavale, Nebraslca. Q Spring deliveries of Ford cars have never bceiTcertain and Ihey should not be depended on. bpriQj? Deliveries Pinand has always been greater 1 .: lor rord cars than the supply or production. So, if you would be sure of haying a Ford car, buy it now while deliveries are possible. Do not wait even next month is an uncertainty. Only a limited, specified number of cars have been allotted to this territory' Thai allotment cannot be increased, because the demand all over the country is greater than the supply or production. Get your order in now and you will be one of those who is sure of a Ford car out of our allotment. .; : It is firA come, firs! served. All ordcis arc filled in rotation. So, if you would be fore handed, if you would he certain of having a Ford car when you want it ;hcn you will buy a Ford car nuw. A signed order with us is your protection. It is the result of the wisdom of lookingrahcad. If you buy a Ford car now don't think you will have to "store" it The Fori is a car nude to serve its owner in service and pleasure throughout the ensire year. Ford owners hive long since come to recognize the fact. It is no longer popular to "lay-up" your car for the winter. BUY" A FORD CAR NOW, and use it now. insist on GENUINE Ford Parts FRAME & SMITH BROS. CO. Authorized Agents Red Cloud, Neb. j rj&u'.UK.'v tumuia !USkwnceraAam3XJKsvai P ISs&sl A Up i: 'JSf msi m&im Thft FAI K5AT HOME EXPrCT YOU I IID rULI0TO TELL EM ALL ADOUT "OMAHA'S FUHCi0,,---rf7jf VISIT CENTRE," THE 5 iti Exhilarating Buricsquo; Vaudeville itlAliiriFillidlthrrilljGlrli,FinijCIiii!j,Cwloii Equlpigi, Idllliot Icicle Eatlrumiat LADIES' BIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKIAY Everybody Qotn Ak' Anybody - aiwmi m mm am vmmMr'"rt "v W fifr?. i i i)x?T $L pwmMwmr 1 .-vIVrt 4 Or-riS.'jV. Illi lti-Tr-Xt-Vlir All fZMitvti .IM. VvM Btf PjinST M r 0-V 35lH KS.V1 t3 'tr' s(ijiMir.; . ma."iw t Rearing the Philco Retaining Wall that makes possible a Two Year Guarantee IT has talccn five years to do il five years of the most painstaking scientific rcsearcli to rear the PHILCO RETAINER. But it was worth it. For the result is the longest, strongest guaran tee ever put behind a storage battery for automobile starting, lighting, and ignition. The Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery with out the Philco Retainer was and is a good battery. Not one in a thousand has failed to outlive its long guarantee of eighteen months. But the Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery with the Philco Retainer is even better. In gruelling tests, it has outlasted and out-performed any other battery we could buy or build. In actual war sen ice in the U. S. Navy, it has demonstrated its supreme practical worth. THE new patented feature, tlie Plulco Retainer, is a thin sheet of slotted hard rubber, which is placed ifat agairibt the actie material of each jwbitive plate. In any lattcry this active material tends to disintegrate and fall off. The faster this occurs, the quicker the battery wears out. Altho the slots in the Philco Retainer arc so numerous that they allow the free passage of acid and current, each slot is so narrow that the Retainer is, in effect, a solid wall which holds the active material firmly in place. 9 This means for you at least six months extra bat tcry service secured by a definite guarantee. RedfCIoud Battery Service Station &aK&2!2 p'LAeiiWM mm BATTERy Carl S. McAithur, Prop. Battery Repairing and Recharging FARMERS UNION BUILDING M m Fsrv." "- v-"h' v ; 'v-Trrj ta,i-e :n KW8!rfi . , TIM, FlHILADEtPHIA rao JATTERy ,.&&,. zxiiat.vx:j, yjm . teg.ty.wm fHH & wa:uH I I WMtMr.$l!lVTl