The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 08, 1920, Image 2

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Hi Em S
DM I HOT in HI I frzr HU
M-i-i IHHM&..
1 h-- - W TOSWJV.h
1 f MK.H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KfciMIIIfTi.
U li 'iniipF "
Rod Cloud, Nebraska.
Kntcrid In the t'oRtollltc nt Hid ( loud, Neb
as Kocond Ulaiw Matter
A. U. MoAKTHUR, Kill lor and Ownc
wnnsrEit COUNTY
One of the Many Features
of the Columbia Graf onola
Advertising R.ates
Foreign, per column inch 15C
Local, 10 A. 2i
A FEATURE found exclu
. cively in Columbia Graf
onolas is llic Individual Record
Ejector, facilitating the handling
of records. Jusl a touch of the
- proper button, and any desired
record is instantly Reeled from
one of the fell-lined compart
ments, which clean and dust the
record when replaced.
The exquisite quality
of Columbia tone it
due to the Grafo
nola's scientifically
correct dctign.
The Grafonola's c.
elusive system of tone
you to get the most
exact musical fading.
List of
Jeweler and Optometrist
Capital and Surplus
Interest Paid on
Time Deposits
and Its depositors is different from that between
oilier lines o( business and their customers. And
bank can be useful to its clients beyond the mere da
politing, paying and lending of money, A bank
stands in confidential relation to its depositors. It
has opportunities help them and opportunities to
take advantage of them. It becomes familiar with
their finaacial transactions It knows what deals
they are planning and making. Not only their
money but their business secrets are in its hands for
safekeeping. Further, the bank is the support he
hind the man, upon yhich he can call for help.
Your bank, In be really useful, should be honor
able; strong enough to furnish help when needed.
Edward Floianc, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R Horance, Cashier
Dtpi, i iiiiiiimlt,ylt Jl ;ioi' i.utir nilrr bund itf the thllf -liinfln
uatmmniniiiiiiiiV ,n j'l imi itj
i lliii"!
i iTT ' l"TT"L, iw
Geo. W. Hutchison
The Sister's Faith
Tho f(ill()ttliir,'iip)f.irt'tl n t days
itioln tlu "Stute UfKistoi" of Sptini,'
Held, III.:
"Many uvv Hi i' stotloi of Himiiv Foul
iiinl his populist iintotiiciiiilc, but II tl Im.
fooro Im t ulntmt; what It culln the bft
Of till! SrtHMIII. Hllll till' iMUtS in lllf c.'e
Hfo true. It liMpiK'UHil in one of the
lfHdiiij? pliiiiflifK of tlm city Unit the
pastor took for the t-.x. ot his iseniioii,
'UfUiT Church .Uli'iidmice'.
"The pmstor held thnt the imtonin.
bile hits tnkeit more people nwny fioin
oliuich Hutu uthui thing lleconelud.
fil with tin- exclamation: 'The FOnl
ear has tiihun inoio people to h'dl than
any other thing tlnit I iMfi mention!"
Whereupon nil old lmly it. I ho cougiu
(ration bewail to chip her hands mill
nioiiii I'lulse tho Loni: Prulso the
"What's the mutter sister.'" uskod
the p.iitor.
'The I'oirl iieu'i went any place
tluit it couldn't make the roiuitl trip,
anil I urn Hiiii' that all of thoe people
in hell will bo buck, she answeieil. So
praise tho I.oid '
Wentherfor 1919
.Station at Ited t loud, Xubniska
liilittide 10 dcuii'ns, ."i min ; Lotigi
ttulu 05 degtucs .'17 minutes,; elev.Uiuu
UJST feet, length of teeotd 2.- year.;
hours of olisetviilion, Apiil lit to .V-p
tenibut 10th 7 u. in., October 1 to
Match 31st0p in, Cential time.
Temperatures: Highest July II I0d
ilum i!ts. Dates of 100 decrees or inoie
July 1) M.', Jly 11 100, July 12 101.
July IT) KM, July Vti 10t. July 2? KM,
July '.'S 100. July :io 101, Aug 'i 101.
AiiK 1 10J, Aui! r K'O, Auiy lU 101, Aug
11 100, Aug 1 1 100, Supl !) 103.
Lowest temperature, Dee. 10, 22 be.
Dates of below eto: Deo. 2 .'.
Dec :t -12, Dec. 8 1, Dec. u is, Dee.
10 -2, Dee. 13 -3, Dec 14 !t, Nov.
30 , Jan. 1 lo, Jan. s 8, Jan. 3
13, Feb. 28 -1.
Greatest daily range 17 degrees ou
Aug. lsth, lea&t vurialiou '.' degrees on
Dec. 20th ft
Precipitation Total for year 11.11
inches mean 2"i.S7 inohos so wo have
had 3 S4 inches above tho average yeai
Wettest mouth September with 8 11
inches. Diiest month December with
Ortl inch, (ireatest fall In 21 li,ins
Sept 17 with 001 Whes
Number of day ith 0 01 iiuli or
moi e 80. Days clou 201 P.utly olotidj
Jl. Cloudy 0.-? i thund orstoi ins
brum full 1ST inches.
Prevailing dliection of wind N W fli
dayi. First killing fiosi in fall Sept.
Uaiul loth, last in spring April 17th
I'hsis JS l.udlow, OWrei
We, the undotsigncd, heg to thank
the picas and all those who gener
ously donated to the paying off the
debt on the Sacred Heart Church,
lied Cloud. The drive went over the
op iind left a to repair tne
The following is the lint of donor
and amount donated:
Delaney Ilios. ... ... $200.00
Ryan Rio. ... . 200.00
Kolletl, Patu'ek . . . 1C0.00
McPartlaml, Mrs. . loO.OO
Auld, J. W. .. . 100.00 i
Doyle, Ja.s. Sr. ... '.... 100.00
Doyln, Luwioncc 100.00
I'avlic Joe. Jr 100.00
Staike, Mr. and Mm. Com ad O. 100.0(1
William-s, Mr. and Mm. .. 70.00
Mi. and Mrs. J. McConnoll 02.00
Jiniticn, Ed . no.OO
Creighton, Dr. . 50.00
Kennedy, Thomas .. 50.00
l'latt, C. J '. 50.00
Fitzgerald, Rev. D. . . .10.00
Dojlc, James II . 25.00
Doyle, Joe . . 25.00
MeCailney, D. G. . . . 25.00
McPattland Mi98 Anna .. . 25.00,
MePaitland, James ,- .- . 25.00,
Mai. shall, -Mrs. .. . . . 25.00
Nelson, N. V. , . . 25.00
Shei wood, Waller 25.00
Palic, Joseph, Sr. 25.00
I'avlic, John y . . 25.00
Doyle, John . . 20.00
A. Fiiend . 20.00
Johnson, Mm. . 20.00
Vance, Mrs ... . 20.00
Xajic, John . . .. 20.00
Aniaek, Ed . . 15.00
Htukc, Kathryne, Miss . 15.00
Ileaitwe'.l, Doiothy, Mis 15.00
Nolletto, Joe 15.00
Cook, Frank 10.00
Dametell, Dr. 10.00
Fitzgeraltl, Kate, Miss .. 10.00
Funk, Julia, Mists . . 10.00
Mal-nke, Chailes 10 On
Nolan, Fiank lo.OO
N'ollottp, E. A. . . in.OO
Polnicky, Mr- 10 0"
Polnicky, Paul lO.Ou
King, Mo.cs 10.00
Ryan, Eugene . 10.00
RichartNon, Mr. and Mm. 10.00
Donovan, Michael . 5.00
Flotancc, Sidney '. 5.00
Huffer, Frank . ,. 5.00
Pitney, Paul 5.00
Pulsipher, Mrs 5.00
Quigley, M. K 5.0U
Kcllett, Thetesa, Miss 2.00
McPartlnnd, Hugh . . 2.00
Gather, Dan . . 1.00
jpE: iHllr SlEjl
Odds and ends from our stock of
Mens High Grade Shoes
Sizes BVz to 10
- v
W &3&9P $
tl 7 T
iLA &
$6 to $10
Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
r i HLVVMT IT. . aKI.h
iiki iiiiiiii nrjn
Real Estate, Insurance; Loans. Abstracts
InJ, 63 Red Cloud
PHONES nre.e'KeUl
Residence, 177
21 0 Acres
Combination stock and Urain farm, 70 acres pasture.
25 acres alfalfa, balance under cultivation: cultivated land
all level except about 20 acres; five room house, stable for
8 head of horses, small granary, garage, silo, cow and hog
sheds, well and windmill and only 20 feet to water, about
five acres of heavy timber fenced hog tight, good orchard,
close to school, on R. F. D. and telephone, two and one-half
miles to town, $75.00 per acre.
160 Acres ,
All under cultivation except about 20 acres: 00 acres
on the famous Prairie Dog valley, level as a floor and the
very best black loam alfalfa and corn ground, balance
gentle slope. Good six room house, well and windmill,
small stable, corn crib, garage, etc. Mile and a half to
town on a perfectly level road. This is one of the choice
arms in this valley, anil land of this character has sold in
the same neighborhood during the past few months from
5125 to 5135 per acre. Clcse to school and on R. P. D. and
telephone. Price 5100 per acre.
PusM'bsion inity be hud uu either ot these furun Mm eh 1, 102O, rtnl
may be Louyht on u puym-nt of 32.'u0 u.ish, balance up to one hull ot
pm chase pi ice Mai eh 1. l'j'O, and owner will cm i bnek one hulf of tlu
purehuse pi ice for the je irs tit ti pHiemt. Theho fiiinis me located in
Hiiihiiiiuunn, NebnisU, and will boon the market but a hhort tutu
as owner will lent Hum if not sold.
flUMJ,. . , uu ""I ll.UI' I'W L I, !'!' ill, I'laiJIWIllllllllll.lltllllll.jii!,! ,j me
Christian Church :
Ij "' ' - ...-- ... . . 1MII. ,,,, ( , ,, ii(IIi','w"' "'iVi-'?'"',"',l'""i"'"
Baptist Church Notes
Sunday sehool at 10 a. ui , followed
by n business meeting.
It.-v. A. t. Haiper.of Caneville. Mo .
delivered u lery inspiring (lospel s,cr
mon both Sunday ufternoon and Mon
day evening which was appiechited l
those thnt heard him
Kio V. M Harper was able to attend
church Kundav ufteinnnn
The Misses liessit! and I'eml Hrowii
of Council UluiTb, Iowa are visiting
their grandfather, V. 11. Haiper, and
other relatives in the vicinity of Hirer
ton. It has not heon pos-ible until now
to publiHh tho lluitl results of the llntin
cial campaign for the Grand iMand
College but wo can now say that it tilth
gone over tliu top Tl.u total amount
pledged Is 1128.78 Mil, to this should
be add. il S.J7, t"' which bus been given
in the foim of annuities unit $2.)U0
pi fd lb I by the Northern Jhiptint Momtl
of IMuualion whioh unites a jrrand
total of ITS 7UJ III.
Ked uioud having goms over the t p .
Is mi tho Iwjuui i oil, quoto SJ00 pie !. ,
el s-1?" . i
Obtain Oil From Eggs.
The turtlo Hlns In tho Orinoco inrs
oggs which are extruordlnnilly ilch Inj
oil. Tho Indlnns in llrltlsh Giiiiinn
collect 25,000,000 jeailv lor iwtl ina
L oil. The eggs of ininy mu hlrdt. ero
excellent eating. The best of the lot is
said to bu that of tho "nuure." a b'rd
which is very common ou tho Labrador
coast. I
Many Women Use Glycerine
Ked Cloud women will be surprised
at the INSTANT pl-niiiit ocMou of
simple Kljeonii.'. tun Uihoin l.trlc, t to .
us mix ! in dur-i Uti (Jne soonful
elleves AX SsI on stomaeh oi
soui b oiilioh. ltee.iue Adh I i.kiitets
on IKiTJI upper and lower bowel it
often c in s i oiih'ipatioii nnd prteits
appeiidici'ts One Imlv reports heise i
Cl'lthOof i b.i 1 wiidini'l tiotib',
and uoiistipHtion - C L. fj jiung.di iiif
Grant Turner wont to Sterling,
Coloiado, Friday evening after a cai
for Ftame & Smith llto. Co., which
ho drove back.
Sunday, January 11
10 a. m. Sunday School
11 a. m. Preaching Service
2 p. m, Service ot South Side Mission
6:30 p. m. C. E. Service
7:00 p. m. Sermon. I
Make the
a Relic
of the Past
Stop working and
worrying over the
holes that wont stay
darned. Buy Armor
Plate Hose for the
whole family. It takes
a long time to wear a
hole in
Armor Plate
even with children's
romping play. Made
of the strongest and
best yarn obtainable
knit to shape nnd size
exactlyand dyed with
Harms-Not Dye (it ab
solutely will not
rot, burn or weak
en the yarn).
Armor Plate
stockings fit in
with the nolicv nf
our store occausc they're the very
CtTVr i
Nineteen Twenty
We are all to much given to the idea that a
New Year's resolution should be a 'swearing off'
rather than a 'swearing on' that' we should give
up something we have, rather than acquiring
something we have not.
Most New Year's resolutions contemplate
things ethical or moral. Why not things mater
ial? Why not resolve to avail ourselves of more
ol the good things pf life?
We are living in the most prosperous country
on earth, and we shall have only ourselves to
blame if we fail to take advantage of the many
good things designed to add to our material
comfort and human happiness.
. Let your first New Year's resolution be to
purchase the household articles that you have
been needing.
A South Bend Range will make cooking and
bak'ng a pleasure. Come in and see it.
Everything that is usually found in a first class
hardware store Is included in our stock.
Mr. and Mrs. I
Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB
pTDaMffliraiiiBiiiTi iii:5Jfflia,i.',.i!i!iii'i:iiiii!j:pr!WLini:iiwi!1 xm 'iiiiiiraiiiitini r
KiiuiBiianiiJiiiibitnBiiiiunuaiid.iiir uwiiwwiiuiHKB.iraniiiuiHrri
I am ready to make you a farm
loan in any amount and at the low
est rate of interest.
It is a well known and conceded
fnnf T ..- ,,,. ...... I .......
-. Wt.4b X 1,441. HUL VUU 11 II1I1I1 Willi " -- . ww.m. ,
nlwnlninlv nn ,!!,,,, fnn t... ..n.. best for the monev. All sizes all
otherwise. All that is rcnuired la ' Pccs. We recommend them the
an abstract of title and your money ia
ready for you. Office" opposito tho E.
G. Caldwell law office.
makers guarantee them.
See them todsv,
Mrs. Barbara Phares
Etess's Poultry Panacea"
is one of the best tonics and egg producrs on
the market and has been used here for years.
We also sell "'ffiO&E EGG" the popular
advertised article for making hens lay. Fully
guaranteed to produce RESULTS OR YOUR
CHAS. L. COTTING "The Druggist'
MmmummmmmmHNummmHmm auumm mmmmmammmmuuuMB
Hadn't Quite Understood.
Much amusement was created In n
ilelhourno (Australia) criminal court
recently when a slightly denf juror
rhh holng sworn. Thr JihIrc repeated
to him tho words, "1 wiar hy Al
mighty Clod so to do." Whereon tho
luryninn declnrod, "I swear hy Al
mighty God T'm sorry for you I"
Wise Man lo Patient.
A phjslclan Is not nnsry at tho in
temperance of n nuid patient, nor doea
lieitnlto It PI to ho railed at hy n man
In H fever. Just so Miould n wise man
trot t nil mankind, as a ph.vHldan treats
n patient, and look upon them only
ns a'ck nnd extravagant. Seneca, '