RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I. l J fc - , MheCowPuncher Copyright by Harper A Drothrra 4iwr, CHAPTER VIII. Continued. 12 The otitcomo wns tlint Mrs. Hnrdy Insisted upon Irene cmbnrklng nt oncu upon a finishing course. Afterward Ihey traveled together for n year in Ktirope. Then home ugnln, Irene pur sued Iter art, and her mother sur rounded her with the social attractions which Doctor Hardy's comfortable In come nnd professional standing made possible. Her purpose was obvious nnd hut thinly disguised. She hoped that her daughter would outlive her youthful Infatuation and would at length, In a more suitable match, give her heart to one of the numerous ell glblcs of her circle. To promote this end Mrs. Hardy spnred no pnlns. Young Carlton, son of n hanker and one of the lending men of his set, seemed a particularly appropriate match. Mrs. Hardy opened her home to him, nnd Carlton, whatever his motives, was not slow to grasp the situation. For years Irene lind not spoken of Dave Elden, nnd the mother had grown to hope that the old attachment hud tiled down nnd would presently be quite forgotten In n new nnd more becoming passion. The fact Is that Irene at that time would have been quite incapable of stating her relation toward Elden nnd its influence upon her attitude to life. She was by no mentis sure thot she loved thnt sunburnt boy of romantic memory; she was by no means sure that she should ever marry him, let his development in life be what It would ; but she felt that her heart was locked, -at least for the present, to nil other suitors. She had given her promise, nnd thnt settled the mntter. Notwithstanding her Indifference the girl found herself encouraging Carl ton's advances, or nt least not meet ing them with the rebuffs which lind been her habit toward nil other suitors, and Mrs. Hardy's hopes grew ns the attachment apparently 'devel oped. But they were soon to be shat tered. Irene had gone with Carlton to the theater; afterward to supper. It wns long past midnight when she reached home. She knocked at her mother's door and Immediately entered. Her hair was disheveled and her cheeks were flushed, nnd she walked unstead ily across the room. "What's the matter, Irene? What's the mntter, child? Are you sick?" cried her mother, springing from her bed. "No, I'm not sick," snld the girl bru tally. "I'm drunk I" "Oh, don't sny thnt," said her mother soothingly. "Proper people do not be come drunk. You may hnve had too much champagne nnd tomorrow you will hnve a headache " "Mother! I have had too much champagne, but not ns much ns that precious Carlton of yours had planned for. I Just wanted to see how des picable he was, and I floated down stream with him as fur as I dared. Hut just as the current got too swift I struck for shore. Oh, we made a scene, nil right, but nobody knew me there, so the family name Is safe and you can rest In pence. I called a tnxl, and when he tried to follow me in I slapped him and kicked him. Kicked him, mother. Dreadfully undignified, wasn't It? ... And that's what you want mo to marry, In place of a man!" Mrs. Hardy wns chattering with mortification and excitement. Her plans had miscarried. Irene hnd mls behaved. Irene wns e. dlfllcult, head strong child. It wns useless to argue with her In her present mood. It wns useless to argue with her in any mood. No doubt Carlton had been impetuous. (Nevertheless he stood high in his set nnd his father was something of n power in the financial world. As the wife of such a man Irene might have n career before her a career from which at least some of the glory would rellect upon the silvering bend of tho mother of Mrs. Carlton. "Clo to your room," she snld nt length. ''You nro In no condition to talk tonight. I must say It Is a shame thnt you can't go out for an evening without drinking too much and mak ing n scene. . . . What will Mr. Carlton think of you?" "If he remembers all I told him nbout himself he'll have enouch to think of," the girl blazed buck. "You know what I hnvo told you and still Mister Carlton stands as high in your sight ns ever. I nm the one to blame. Very well. I've tried your choice and I've tried my own. Now 1 am In a position to judge. There will he noth ing to talk about In the morning. Mention Carlton's name to mo again nnd I will give the whole Incident to tho papers . . . with photographs . . and names. Fancy the feature (bonding, 'Society Girl, Intoxicated, Klcks Escort Out of Taxi.' Good might." . IJut other- matters wore to demand tho attention of mother nnd daughter In tho morning. While tho scene was occurring in Mrs. Hnrdy's bedroom her husband, clad in white, tolled in the operating room to save tho llfo of a fellow being. There was u slip of tan instrument, but (ho surgeon tolled aj hit could not ut that juncture 44 - r pause; the life of the patient wbh at stake. When the operation was fin ished ho found his injury deeper than lie supposed, and Irene, was summoned from her heavy sleep that morning to attend his bedside. Ho talked to her us u philosopher; snld his life's work wns done und he was Just as glad to go In the harness; the estate should yield something, and there was his life Insurance a third would bo for her. And when Mrs. Hardy was not at his side he found opportunity to whisper, "And If you really love that boy out West marry him." The sudden berenvement wrought a reconciliation between Mrs. Hardy nnd her daughter. Mrs. Hardy took her loss very much to heart. While Irene grieved for her father Mrs. Har dy grieved for herself. It was awful to be left alone like this. And when the lawyers found that, Instead of a hundred thousand dollars, tho estate would yield u hare third of that sum, shu spoke openly of her husband's im providence. He had enjoyed a hand some Income, on which his family hnd lived In luxury. That It was unequal to the strain of providing for them In thnt fashion nnd nt the sumo time ac cumulating a reserve for such an eventuality ns had occurred wns u mntter which his widow could scarce ly overlook. Her health had suffered a severe shock, for beneath her ostentation she felt as deep u regard for her lute hus band ns was possible in one who measured everything In life by vari ous social formulae. She consulted a specialist who had enjoyed a close professional acqunlntunceshlp with Doctor Hardy. The specialist gave her n enreful, meditative and solemn ex amination. "Your condition Is serious," he told her, "but not alarming. You must have a drier climate and, preferably, a high er altitude. I um convinced that the "No, I'm Not Sick," said the Girl Bru tally. "I'm Drunk." conditions your health demands are to bo found in ." Ho named tho former cow town from which Irene's fateful automobile Journey hnd hnd its stnrt, nnd the young womnn, who wns present with her mother, felt herself go suddenly pale with the thought of a great prospect. "Oh, I could never live there !" Mrs. Hardy protested. "It Is so crude. Cow punchers, you know, und nil that sort of thing." Tho specialist smiled. "You will probably not find It so crude, although I dnro say some of Its customs may Jar on you," he remnrked, dryly. "And It Is not n case of not being able to live there. It Is u case of not belug able to live here. .If you take my ad vice you should die of old age, as far, at least, as your present ailment Is concerned. If you don't" and he droppetl his voice to Just the correct note of gravity, which pleased Mrs. Hardy very much "if you don't, I can't promise you n yenr." Confronted with such an alternative, the good lady had no option. Sho ac cepted the situation with the resigna tion which sho deemed to be correct under such circumstances, but the boundless prairies were to her so much desolation and ugliness. Irene gath ered that her mother did not approve of prairies. They were something new to her life, nnd it was greatly to be suspected that they were Improper. CHAPTER IX. Very slowly It dawned upon Mrs. Hardy that this respectable, thriving city, with its well-dressed, properly mannered people, Its public spirit, Its aggressiveness, Its churches nnd thea ters nnd schools, its Inw and order, and Its afternoon teas, after all, was the real West ; sincere, earnest ; crude, perhaps bare, certulnly; tho scar of Its recent buttle with the wilderness still fresh upon Its person ; lacking tho finish that only tlmo can glvo to n landscape or a civilization; hut lack ing nlso tho moldlness, the nmstlness, tho Insufferable artificiality of older communities. Even Mrs. Hardy, steeped for sixty yeurs In n llfo of precedent and rulo and caste, began to catch the enthusiasm of n new land whero precedent and rulo and caste nro something of n handicap. VBK mEmM 2Z&Z&i&fJM j -wo must buy a nomo," sno saiu to t By Robert J. C.Stetd Author of "Kitchener and Other Poems" Illustrations by IRWIN MYERS r..Ji Irene. "Wo cannot afford to continue living at a hotel, nnd wo must have our own home. You must look up a responsible denier whose advice wo can trust In n mntter of this kind." And wns it rcmnrkable that Irene Hardy should think at once of tho firm of Conwnrd & Elden? It wns not. She I hud, Indeed, been thinking of n nicih her of that firm ever since tho decision to move to the West. Tho fact Is Irene had not been ut nil sure thnt sho 1 wnnted to marry Dave Eldon. She wanted very much to meet him again ; she wns curious to know how the years hnd fared with him, and her curiosity wns not unmixed with a finer senti ment; hut she was not nt nil sure that she should marry him. "What, Dave Elden, tho million aire?" Bert Morrison had said. "Every body knows him." And then the news paper woman had gone on to tell what a figure Dave wns In the business llfo of the city. "One of our biggest young men," Hcrt Morrison bad suid. "lie served, n little; likes his own compuny best; but absolutely white." Thnt gnve n new turn to the situa tion. Irene hnd nlwnys wanted Dave to bo n success ; suddenly she doubted whether sho had wanted him to be so big a success. She had doubted wheth er she should wish to marry Dave; she had never allowed herself to doubt that Dave would wish to marry her. Secretly, she hnd expected to rather dazzle him with her ten years' devel opmentwith the culture and knowl edge which study and travel and life had added to the charm of her young girlhood; nnd suddenly sho realized that her luster would shine but dimly in the greater glory of his own. . . . It was easy to locate the office of Conwnrd & Elden ; It stood on a prin cipal corner of a prlnclpnl street. Thence she led her mother, nnd found herself trending on the mnrblo floors of the richly appointed waiting room in a secret excitement which sho could with difficulty conceal. Sho was, in deed, very uncertain nbout the next development. . . . Her mother had to be reckoned with. A young man asked courteously what could be done for them. "Wo want to see tho head of the firm," said Mrs. Hardy. "We want to buy a house." They were shown Into Conwnrd's office. Conwnrd gave them the wel come of a mnn who expects to make money out of his visitors. He placed n very comfortable chair for Mrs. Hardy; ho adjusted the blinds to u nicety; he discarded his cigarette and beamed upon them with us grcnt a show of cordlnllty ns his somewhat beefy nppenrance would permit. Mrs. Hardy outlined her life history with considerable detail nnd ended with tho confession tha't the West was not as bad as she had feared and, nnywny, It was a cuse of living hero or dying else where, so she would have to make 'the best of It. And hero they were. And might they see a house? Conwnrd appeared to bo reflecting. As a matter of fact, he saw in this In experienced buyer an opportunity to reduce his holdings In anticipation of the Impending crash. His difficulty was that he had no key to the finan cial resources of his visitors. The only thing was to throw out a feeler. "You are wanting a nice home, I take it, that can be bought at a favor able price for cash. You would con shier tin investment of, suy " Ho paused, and Mrs. Hnrdy supplied the information for which he was waiting. "About twenty-five thousand dollars," she said. "We can hardly Invest that much," Irene Interrupted, In a whisper. "We must have something to live on." "People hero live on tho profits of their Investments, do they not, Mr. Conwnrd?" Mrs Hardy Inquired. "ph," certainly," Conwnrd agreed, and he plunged into a mass of inci dents to show how profitable Invest ments had been to other clients of the firm. Then his mood of deliberation gave wny to one of briskness; he sum moned a car, and in a few minutes his clients were looking over tho property which ho had recommended. Mrs. Hnrdy was an amateurish buyer, her tendency being alternately to excess of caution on ono sldo nnd reckless ness on tho other. Conwnrd's mnnner plensed her; tho house he showed plensed her, nnd sho wus eager to have It over with. Hut ho wus too shrewd to appear to encourage a hasty deci sion. Ho did not seize upon Mrs. Hardy's remark that the houso seemed perfectly satisfactory; on tho con trary, ho Insisted on showing other houses, which ho quoted at such Im possible figures that presently tho old lndy was In a feverish husto to mnko a deposit lest some other buyer should forestall her. (TO 1112 CONTINUED.) Observation of Oil Beit Philosopher. A scientist has just discovered that fish nro Intelligent. Wo lind observed nlso thnt they don't blto on everything Unit conies along. Baxter Citizen. A London choir of ono thousand voices has been organized under tho auspices of tho League of Arts to sing at public ceremonies. WIDOW IS SLAIN AND HOME RIFLED Reputed to Be Miser With Vast Hoard Hidden in Her House. as! r WAS LOCAL TRADITION Several Persons Arrested on Sus- plc.'on, Including Victim's Son-ln- Law, Said to Have Deen Last to Seo Her Alive. Iloopeslon, 111. Although they lived within a few blocks of each other on the ouskirls of this town. Mrs. Mary lSnhler visited her mother, .Mrs. Su blua ('iimiiilngs, only once a week on Sunday, after church. Mrs. Cumiiilngs was noted In the section for her desire for solitude, which even her daughter could not Invade. When tho daughter called nt noon one day recently she found the front door open. This had not occurred In the eight years since her fatlnr's death. She saw also a light in the sitting room. She entered and found the body of her mother lying on n lounge. The old' woman was dead. The body was covered with blood. The head had been caved In by a heavy blow. The room was in great disorder. Thought to Have Hoard. Mrs. Cunimlngs, who wus eighty two, wns reputed to be the miser of Hoopeston, mill her little two-story frame house, which she owned, was known us the "golden house." Natives frequently pointed it out to visitors with the remark: "The old lady has got thousands und thousands of dollars hidden there." It became a town tradition. When the husband of the aged wom an died eight years ago a search of the house was made. In out-of-the-way places more than $1S,0U0 In cash was found. Subsequently the rumor spread that this was but a tithe of the wealth of Mrs. (Jimmilngs. Not even her daugh ter could tell how much money was In the house. The authorities had warned Mrs. Cunimlngs to put her money in bank. They told her the rather isolated situ- The Old Woman Was Dead. ntion of her bouse, her own feebleness und her reputed wealth would prove a temptation which In time might re sult in tragedy. She refused all counsel and asked to be let alone. Last Seen by She wns seen alive last at 5:.'I0 on a Saturday afternoon by her son-in-law, Fred Buhler. That night, between eight nnd ten o'clock, neighbors tell of seeing two men cross the fields und mnko for the bouse. In the course of the evening the same two men were seen to drive awny in tin automobile. Nobody saw them enter the house. Tho place was found to be thor oughly ransacked. Not an article of furniture had been left untouched. Tin boxes had been found opened and thelr.contents strewn about the rooms. I'apers were thrown about, pictures nmushed in an effort to locate money behind them. The police believe that about $10,000 In loot was secured by the woman's slayer. Several persons hnve been ar rested on suspicion, including the son-in-law of the dead woman, who. It Is said, was the last person to sen her ullve. Co-eds Rout Air Mice. Cirooneastlo, Intl. Armed with ten nli racquets, brooms and other wen) ons, the 00 co-ed residents of Mansfield ball, DoPauw university, waged war on mice of tho winged variety. After an hour's battle, during which the girls woro tpwols about their heads to pre vent the hats from lodging In their hair, the entire neighborhood had been aroused from its slumbers nnd !2 bats had been put to sleep for all time. The night filers gnlned entrance to the dor mitory through an open window In nn unoccupied room. 'I I ' ' ll I" SEEK PJjHFS GOLD Effort to Galvage Spanish Gal leon Goes Merrily On. Treasure Seekers Refuse to Give Up Hope of Securing Wealth From Flagship of Commander of "Invincible Armada." Little did the duko of Modlnn-Sldo-nln, admlrul In chief of the Invincible Armudu, drenm, as with high hopes ho set sail from the Tagus on May 'JO, 1CS3, that his great galleon, the Flor encla, would be sunk off Tobermory, on tho coast of Scotland, and would be supplying treasure trove to adven turous spirits more than three centu ries later In the yenr of grace 1010. The Florondn. which wus popularly reporled to be filled with gold, Jewels nnd silver plate, lied northward with her shter vessels hi frantic attempt to get bn k to Spain by rounding the north of Scotland after the fateful war council hud decided to abandon the unequal fight In the narrow sens of the English chuniyi. This wns the deci sion 'which caused Sir Francis Drake to write Jubilantly to Walslngham on July ill : "There was never anything pleased me better than the seeing the enemy Hying with u southerly wind to the northwurd. We hnve the Span lards before us, and mind, with the grace of God, to w.restle a pull with them." The doomed ship had reached To bermory when Mati.ean of Morven by a well-directed shot succeeded In set ting fire to her powder innguzlne. The resultant explosion scattered the ves sel nnd her contents far and wide over the sea bed. The immense wealth which she was believed to have on board bus from thnt time to this ex ercised over many minds as potent u fascination and spell as ever was wielded by dreams of discovering tho trensures hidden by the buccaneers who sailed the southern seas. At length, after several desultory attempts nt reaching her, u salvage compuny wus formed In 190U, and op ewitlons, begun then, hnve been con tinued Intermittently ever since. Enough wns discovered to encourage perseverance, though not to reward enterprise blunderbusses, swords, scnbbunW, n bronze cannon and a few doubloons. Several recent signs, how ever, Indicate that the searchers are nt last on the right truck und will soon strike the main hull. Then, If ever, should tho ship's stronghold yield up it's long-lost treasure und add one more to the romances of the deep. Mlxup In Relationships. Adoption proceedings before Judge Raymond Dobb presented a complex situation that lawyers are trying to figure out, writes a Syracuse (N. Y.) correspondent. James and Lucy I.oat well were born six years ago. Their mother, Mrs. Lucy Loatwell, wife of James Loatwell, died shortly after their birth. Their father married again and then Percy McDonald, hrother-ln-Inw of the decensed Mrs. Loatwell, adopted Lucy. Charles Sing er, brother of tho decensed Mrs. Loat well, adopted Jlmnile. Lucy must now cnll her own broth er Cousin JImmle. Her own father becomes Uncle Jim. Her hitherto Uncle Percy now becomes papa. While she will always revere the mem ory of the depnrted mother, she must regard her mnternnl parent as a de ceased aunt, nt lenst In the inw. Her own cousins, the children of her adop tive parents, become her brothers wid sisters, nnd tho same holds true of lit tle JImmle. Lucy's now legal father becomes uncle to her own brother, while her stepmother dio must ad dress as auntie. Historic Inn to Bo Sold. The famous Saracen's Head inn nt Southwell. Fug., In which many Amer Icnn tourists have found entertain ment, Is to be mid at auction. Its his tory ns a hotel runs buck through !S00 years. In its onrly day the houso wns called "Tho King's Arms." King Chnrles I. stayed at the Inn during the Civil Wnrs. Chnrles surrendered him self to the Scottish Commissioners- on Muy 0, lfMO, In tho coffee room.. Tho bedroom which thnt monnvch used on the night before be gave himself up Is still well preserved. Other English kings nlso stopped ut the ancient ho tel. Arts and Crafts In Australia. Determined to rovlve Interest in nrts und crafts work, the executive of the Arts and Crafts Society for Victoria has Invited the craft workers of the commonwealth to send exhibits without entrance fees to the annual exhibition In Melbourne In November. Tho exhibition will Include examples of pottery, toy-making, metal work, stained glass, modeling, luco ni.d lenther work, engraving and etching, nnd design of poster work. Designs must bo original, and If. possible havo un Australian motif. The fact that a number of dlwblcd soldiers have tak en up arts and crafts work will add additional Interest to the exhibition. Were Dullt to Last. Tho extraordinary tenacity of build ing mnterlnls wus wbnt most Im pressed a Itritlsh architect visiting tho wur men. Ho frequently saw arches with only ono abutment still held firm ly In position by cohesion, though loaded with heavy walls, nnd In tho Market hnll of St. Quentln an Iron colnmn with bu shot away was still held upright by tho superstructure U was designed to support. SVAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that really stands out preeminent ns a medicine foi curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root standi thi highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing, cases. Swamp-Iloot makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect is aooa realized in most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable compound. ' Start treatment at once. Sold at I1 drug stores in bottles of two sizqs, meda um and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton, N. Y., for a rample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. SIMPLE MATTER OF ECONOMY French Merchant Easily Proved Why It Would Pay Customer to Pur chase the Chair. i A man went to ono of tho big fur , nlture denlers to buy n writing table. t Choosing one of the least pretentlout ploeos, he asked the price. It was 80C j francs, which seemed rather high. Th ( shopmnu, however, added : "We will I add this little armchair. It Isn't dear. I Only f.O francs." "No. I don't wnut It. I have quite I enough chairs." "Excuse me," snld the Feller. "If you buy the desk nlone, I shnll have to nsk you to pay the luxury tux. which comes to SO f runes. But If you take the chair as well, I shall be able to put down your purebnses as n suite office furniture. For this tho tax' limit Is l.fiUO francs, nnd I do not hnve to charge you on n purchase of 850 francs. Thus, If you take tho chnir, vou save J'.O francs and havn nn extra deco Into the bargain." As u mntter of economy tho chair vus bought. Le Figaro (Paris). GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER. Constipation invites other trouble which come speedily unless quickly, checked und overcome by Green's August Flower which is a gentle laxa tive, regulntes digestion both In stomach and Intestines,, elenns and sweetens the stomncb and alimentary cunnl, stimulates the liver to secret the bile and impurities from the blooi It is n sovereign remedy used In man) thousands of households all. over the civilized world for more than hnlf a century by those who have suffered with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal pitation, constipation and other In testinal troubles. Sold by druggists nnd denlers everywhere. Try a botUt, take no substitute. Adv. Ex-Pastor Puts Up Fight The Ilev. Walker Tollver, founder and for twenty-seven years pastor of tho Zlon Primitive lluptlst church at Ilarrlsburg, Pa., resigned his position because tho congregation refused to advance him u loan of ?123 on his sal ary of $G0 a month. Then the elders of his congregntlon "unfellowshlpped" him ns a member of the "Second Ke toctan Uaptlst association." The Itc. Mr. Tollver then started another church of his own and declares that more than half his old congregntlon has (locked to his new stnudcrd. t Exchange. "Cold In the Headv Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Pes sons who are subject to frequent "colds) In the head" will And that the us t HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to folds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarm may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tho System. All Druggists 75c. Testimonials i're& 1100.00 for any case of catarrh tnat HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, OhlCt A Light Razor. Redd I see an English Inventor hns mounted a tiny electric lnmp 1 tho handle of a safety razor. Green I tnko it that sucVi a device only guarantees a light shftve. Important to Mother Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA, that furaoun old remedy for Infants and children, ind see that It Hears tho Signature of ( In Use for Over H( Yiuim Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria For Future Reference. "Hnve you kcjit ull tho promises you made?" "I think I've kept most of them," replied Senator Sorghum. "Every time I write 'n letter promising anything I have a copy of It placed on file." cutlcura for Pimply Face. To remove pimples nnd blackhead smenr them with Cutlcura Ointment Wash off In five minutes with CuU cum Soap and hot water. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for dully toilet purposes. Don't fail to la-, elude Cutlcura Talcum. Adv. Only Then. "Do you write any funny verses now?" "Yes, when I try to wrlto notions ones." The prices of cotton and linen have been doubled by tho war. Lengthen their service by using Ited Cross Ball Bluo in the lauudry. All groccra, 6c. Wo certainly would hnto to be ns downright devilish as a girl wearing woolen hoao thinks sho Is. (&A&m& vf K ' l ', 'J V