t UttvVe Wl,loto leW . nr?w?C!?c??!5r "' nT: m . ..-.-jvv xnir?" ijrr .- -- -r- r -t? . - . - - . tiir- :.- - -" - r-c - - :n5t--- -: im FTT- -: tTJV -JmlliT -J-a&-g-JT. -5i:.r- Lr iw!: . r.tTSfc - - - - - ;e jCjjJ5?5iIF''sg "vi4j "aar'Sf P v-" -Lzt. m -- w T4 una - --&a. t& e:? f t sa n.. wa - afc sex a u f i a. Kia ' t. k w iaam.v?r: -".--"rp- 4 Newspaper That fihes The Hens FIFty-tMo Weeks Each Yrar Tor 5J.50 VOLUME 48 3? ED CLOUD, RJUUSKA. DEC KM 11 KK 2j, ?.n$ rrrrCTuat mmgwaf uTTmrmtwcJii mtji wctvBfTirrrTaegitJpgjift MLfl.ixsMMa.wuiajvi NUMBER 5iJ isranuanmn! aMiminrjciimiia We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and Victory Bonds at the market. If you desire to buy or sell, call on us Interest paid on Time Deposits Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska Webster County Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $35000 Red Cloud, Nebraska Edward Floiance, President S. R. Florance, Caihier u wiisinirauimm Wishing You S A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year I Commissioners Proceedings Keel Cloud, Ncbr., . Dec. 22, l'.)lf. The County Board. of Commission Dies from Effects of Burns (By Jns. S. Gilham.) startling accident shocked tiic ers met at l'p. ,., as per the call of immunity yesterday, the Clerk. All members present. -Mrs El,na Oatman, who has pre- Motion made by Thomas and sec- bW om' tlllJ one ih' cla hotcl ol onded by Waldo that as the insurance tho cll' for n,01' t,mi: lhipl.v 'cal's' expires Doc. 23, 19 ID, that it be iC.bc,camo lho victim o Jl bobble neci insurcd for the sum of ?72,000, tlio (Icn) Tuewlay morning The old lady policies to have the DO per cent . attempted to remove an accumulation clause attached. In the opinion of thc'r foot fl-om tlltJ war of the oven ry llnnnJ. M,o nrnannt vnlnn f lli lmU.I. ' thtf addition of SOH1C CO.'lt Oil. TllO ing is 5S0.600. Motion carried. Motion J flamc unexpectedly mounting to hei I made and seconded that above insuv-! facc shl? matc quick movement of lance be -written in reliable company hor lian(,s to BavA "gainst It, and In t .......i i,.. ii,.. vti...:. ...,-' doimr so. snillcd the contents of tlio ii;iut;ai;iiki;il u iiiu ivjiiuiiiii Livi.bn " ' - and divided cnuallv as to amounts: IJ.Ican uI)un herself. She was instantly Official! V. Stewart, K. (J. Caldwell, Joe Hew itt, 0. C. Tcel, Fred Maurer, Geo. W. Hutchison, Howard S. 1'oe, .Tas. Me- Llh'idc, Fred T. Hopka. Motion carriccJ. On motion, insurance to the amount of $9,000 to bo written on the Court House furniture and fixtures, tlio same to be equally divided among the above named agents. Complaint was mode to the Hoard ol Commissioners by Jake Kinser that Lcvcn B. McKimmoy, a resident of Red Cloud, is a poor person, unable to earn a livelihood by reason of bod ily infirmity and old age and has children of suficient ability to sup port him but that said children nave failed to r do so. Motion made and carried that the said children -of I.ev en B. McKimmoy bo notified of his condition and directed to support him. On motion of Waldo and seconded by Thomas, the claim of Claas ICose enveloped in flame. She rushed out of doors. Hor son, following her, was badly burned in his efforts to extin guish the fire upon her clothing. Lawrence Doyle, a helper about the hotel, followed with a blanket and burned himself in an effort to smoth er the flames. Tho old lady was so badly burncrt that the only posible relief was the merciful death that ended Iter agony in a few hours. Mrs. Oatman, although nnold and highly respected resident of the city, was but little known outside of those who were brought in immediate con tact with her in the performance of her. offices about;, tho hotcl. Her' life was given to service, and she rejoiced in the opportunity to serve to the utmost. She established herself, not in tho LEOLA LUCY do you remember her? The auburn haired Irish colleen, who starred in "Gypsy Love" and "Mandalay." That is she the one they call "the Irish Soprano." She sings for The New Edison with that pleasant Irish voice which has made her such a favor ite on the stage. This little piutunt is mud) fiotn nn act. mil phntog'rupti txkuii ut the IMi son Re cording Studios, Fifth Ave., Now Vork,a fmv uii.1rw turn tiu Mlcu F.lli.t liiinli. tlin JttH, Kdlson Ollllolal Tt-fct" of oiib or hor re- Kl' i(iMllmrs ImrnrM It. wrtH ruliwihiifl tn till. "I ,,,,I.. m, ,..! l...t.l il... V I.V1I..... I'iiiiiiui oiiu oiiuiii uirauirt wni:li j'iuiniui and sung Then suddenly slio censed and tho New Edison sung tluisongiilone. Was there nny difference? Tho listening jury of experts snld thero was no difference and the recording was pasbed as "Otllleiar the literal KK-UKKATION of Leola Iiiicey's voice. A; ' -V e. n.w ri"v.';i:., it .1 OTiifc . m at iUulJ :BHT SL-.-yaj' Does this seem unbelievablo to you? If so let ns give you the proof musical evidence your ears will bolleve, evidence vourtulud will accept The NEW EDISON "Tw Phonograph with a Sour deserves thirty minutes of your time. We guarantee to give you a de lightful half hour of music. Wo will not importune you to buy. When mfty.we se, you at our store'.' , j ,v '. . . B. H. NBWHOUSB and thanking you for your liberal patronage during nineteen nine teen and soliciting a continuance otthc same in the coming year. JoV.TT' ?T VPl ifL TS 17 TTS W TT F1I I vnKLL Jeveler and Optometrist &5$2g itt&Z&Ji&rz! m-&a'ir'tVX a C jt tJ 6 a ir jf.jH,Bi0MjiJiM.:sfri. r$ We Wish You a , ffl iierr CSiiistmas office, the parlors, the dining room of for a refund on taxes on lots C-S anu the hotel, 'but in the kitchen, choos- 10, Block 10, I'voscmont, was rejected, ing that the more showy posts should The reports filed by John W. Tul- j ,r. occupied by her husband while leys, accountant, showing their audit ilP lived, and her son when he succeed- of tho books of C. D. Ilobinon, Ex 0d him, while she selected for herself H but more important H of the kitchen. B by the Board. j 'inol.e an?) fortunately, women who Motio-i made by Kniggo and sec-1 ,)lV0 0 amtjtion to shine ns socrcuy onded by Shidler that the salary ol ira,icrP( 0l. business managers, whoso the present Superintendent of the ' v )Pth ,B fiu. Kroatei. than those who Poor Farm be increased to $560 pei i F0,,k lo lcad op ai,e tllc fasi,ons 0f year, commrncing March 1, 1920. I tll (Iay They ar0 tlie womcn upon Motion made and carried that the nhom ,.c;t tho 6crj0Uj, burdens of sa.ary ot u. J. Kancy, janitor oi tnc lfp wililout wjlom iif0 couia not go Oatman was a woman of hough full of years, there moment of her time which OPTOMETRIST anil lUWOLVfi MDiiraratttt j,, ' r - fc Treasurer and Frank Huff or, present ti,0 humbler, jli I Sheriff, were accepted and approved ministrations p. W j Court House, bo raised from $So to on jIrg 0; jp' ?90 per month, with the understand- m' cjnBB '' J I ing that on extreme cold nights he is' v a )1()t ,j m f r M r H erry Christmas and New Year appy !f&-XZ52XZX& .?ra.?v3.vya to remain at the Court IIou?c and w.i-. not occupied by service, scrvico maintain suiticicnt nro to protect tne that .oant norc ml bctter food, scr- plumbing. Said insurance in salary to ko that mcant moro aml better liv commence .Tar.. 13lh, 19Z0. j)U, fol. thc community. Industrious, The following claims wore audited fi.upa) provjjonti content with old and allowed and County Clerk in- fa hionc1( paiu aml aiml)i0 iivIllK f0r structed to draw warranto on the pro- , ....,, ,... ,.f. v.as !von to thc of. i ' -'r -. - ..-- (-. and a Happy New Year per funds in payment of same GENERAL FUND IS. B. Leggett $ Geo. H. Ovcring . ,. Osa B. Ncwhouso Charles Hilton I Frank Degr.cr . . . - I. E, Spence .. Miv. M. P. Lewis A. L, Lewis Farmers' Institute -.. C. D. Robinson C. M. Wilson Annie B. Spanogle ..- Charles Hunter , We thank you for the liberal pat ronage with which you have favor ed us, also for thc many courtesies extended to us in the past. We shall endeavor to merit a continu ance of the same in the new year. S.120 5.!M 45.00 127.00 20.59 G?.G0 10.12 8.G8 25.00 5.2G 10.00 41.GG 10.00 S00.00 117.71 10.00 3-1.00 sjfoit lo increase thc comforts of bus- itnii, son ami guest. Her maiden name was Edna Amelia Oanfield. She was born in Watortown, New Yoik, February 28th, 1812. She united with tho Presbyterian church in her girlhood. At tho age of 10 she was married to Loronro Don Oatman. The first years of their married lifo were spent on a farm in Minnesota and Montana. She came lo Red Cloud in 1885 and engaged in thc hotel busi ness with hor husband in 1888. Three sons died in childhood. Roy Oatman alone remains to cherish the memory of her long years of affectionate toil. The people of Red Cloud will feel her loss deeply, even though tnoy woic B. F. Perry Beatrice Inst. Feeble Minded. Red Cloud Fire Dcpt Ol- llUL'l J'lftll ill'l 11 lW Mulmiimwl . V V . . , Frank Starr, Co. Trcas 145.90 , lJt mue acquainted witu nor. 2,00' Funeral services in charge ot Jtev. 2G.40 J. M. Bates will be held from tho G9.25 , Royal hotel parlors on tomorrow, 2G.10 Thursday afternoon, at 2:C0 o'clock. 2.00 i ll .UIMirt. rvt'IllllUt rrnitM i .. This is our wish to you, one and all. May the coming year be one of peace, prosperity and hap piness to you and all of yours. We take this means of thanking you for your palronage during the past year and look forward with pleasure to a continuance of thc same in 1 920 Our business in ihe past year has exceeded, by far, our expectations, and realizing that you have, by your patronage, shown your appreciation of our efforts to please you, by offering you high grade merchandise at right prices, we have laid plans for the future that will enable us to give you a better service than heretofore. We shall be pleased to serve you in nineteen twenty, 7UJ.J!V'tV'XvrL-??iT'K.rltTH iAv?r?ji?rjijyr-ifiijifiK I Graham Furniture Co. Hastings Red Cloud &? Grant Davis - Red Cloud Chief... .,. Smith & McKimmoy ... Harry Vnughan Chas. W. Woods J. II. Crary .. bo Holvcrson C. A. Doran Bridge Fund Guide Rock Hdwre. Co II. L. Schenk A. A.' Blickonstaff Com. Dist. No. 2. Thos. JIcMahon Jack Barnes 4 Allied Contractors Inc. W. II. Thomas Jos. Strobl Anton Kudrnn .. II. C. Hansen , - V. J. Vavricka Continurd on piigo 8 Farmers J. F. Edwards, Mgr. u e moil n nt 1 "" ..,.! ., t r ol...t T. ,..... r,tl,ii. Ilir-illllllli't IV. u VJI inn--", Mimic-i wi'invi nnd Eil Piatt entertained the members I of the l H. 0. Chapter ut tho Grimes 58.82 boine. Muoh nmiiMtnent was (treated 23.50. i,y jbo guests appnaring dressed us 30.00 j children. Tio bouse was decorated ( 03.90 wlth Christmas docoratlons, Including' a tree Mrs. Grimes was attlreil us Santa Olaiiho liiinohonu. In keeplngl with the occa-.lon, was Herved. Red Cloud, Neb. 1 "NOT IN THE COMBINE" BwiwiHinHS siiiiwauisiiimiiiiiiiiiHiiQiiiTOiiina! 70.00 31.00 3000.00 232,05 12.00 4.00 0.00 12.00 If you are in need of a GOOD FARM CHEAP 'Easy Terms The Chief wishes you a Mer ry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You will do well to write to R. H.Craig, Bank of Orleans, Orleans, Neb. uirantniin t "& t-w.MniiV-f4Vat(lVv I t',l I