h ,2 Ti y i, :-H"X:-:wx:..x..:..xnv.Xi X C I AS TOLD TO US : r x..:..X"Xx:x..x..t..xX"X";';;-t Iluy Urortil nt Powell and Popes. Eut mid drink nt Powell Si Popo's Cfo. tf Fullicr Fitzgerald spent Tuesday in Nelson. Will Delaney spent Wednesday in Guide fiock. The County Commissioners will meet Monday. Jus. Peterson went to Omaha Mon day morning. Dan Leonard was down from RIv erton Monday. Arthur Gilbert went to Lincoln Sunday evening. County Attorney II. S. Foe spent Tuesday in Hastings. C. H. Steward went to Lincoln on Wednesday morning. Attorney McNcny went to Lincoln Wednesday morning. lo tho irwit eirg tonic, "Moto Kjg" sold by (J. L. CottiiiK. Will Ducker of Oklahoma is visiting datives in the city. Harry Eidredge went to Ditto Hill Tuesday to visit relative. Mrs. Grace Hoid of St. Francis, Kansas, is visiting rolatives here. The Hod Cloud schoors will close Friday for the holfday vacation. Zeko Johnson of Minticsota is vis iting his sons, Sam and Clarence. II. C. Richmond of Omaha was vis iting friends in the city the last of the week. The workmen arc busy putting trie loof on tho Hesse Auditorium this week. Father Fitzgerald went to Superior Saturday where he held services on Sunday. Mrs. S. C. Ellis went to Lincoln Sunday to visit her father, who is seriously ill. The Misses Nellie and Lottie Kmer ton spent Sunday with relatives ra Guide Hock. Mrs-. C. F. Gund returned to I)iin Hill Friday after a -short visit with jelatives here. Mrs. Paul McDowell returned honin Saturday from Axtoll where she had been visiting relatives. Mrs. John Stanley and clildrcn fc Oklahoma are visiting her parent Mr. and Mrs. Silas Fincher. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutton return ed to their home at Lcmoinc Tuesday nfter visiting relatives here. Louie Schultz returned to Omaha Friday afternoon to resume his work with the Baker Bros. Engraving Co. W. L. Weesner departed Sunarty evening for Los Angelas, California, 'where he will spend several months. Next Thursday is Christmas and this paper will be printed Wednesday so the "force" can enjoy the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cox left Sat urday morning for Gentry, Arkansas, where they will make their future home. Allen Cummings, who is working for a telephone company at Superior, spent Sunday with his parent, OTr. and Mrs. -Irving Cummings. Will I.c'tson of San Francisco, Cal ifornia spent Sunday in tho city with his mother and brother whiWenrouto homo from Washington, D. C. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will moot eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses fitted at Dr. Damerell's office, Tuesday, December 30. Hours 2 to (J. " New Columbia Records lire on salo the 10th mid 20th of every month. Tho Christinas records have arrived. Come in and hear these line selections. J. O. Mitchell The Jeweler, Columbia Grafonolns nad Records. I ORPHEUM Friday and Saturday Tom Mix IN THE dp66l maniac SPECIAL Larry Seaman COMEDY Admission y !0c- lie EdAnntck was in Cowlcs today. Rev. J. I, lleebe went to Omaha this morning. Mrs. Andrew Saludeii spent Tuesday in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker went to Hastings this morning. Dewey Saladen Ullrlng ou the switch engine In the local yards. Good meals good service moderate prices Powell it Pope's onie Mr. and Mrs. Krdest Nowhouse have returned home from Quinoy, Illinois. Mrs. Frank Peterson nnd Miss Mary Peterson went to Hastings this morn. Ing. J. L$ Wisccnrver shipped two ours of cattle to Kansas City Tuesday He accompanied the shipment. The Misses Velma and Edith Hoe, ley have returned home from Kearney to spend the holidays with their par outs. J. II. Ellinger was in Inarnlc Sutur duj afternoon uhe.io he sold the Dun Cloud fnt in, ut public auction, to Mr. Harrington, consideration fc'.Muo. Tho trains that wore taken off re cently wero put back Into service again today and Postmaster Lctson states that the mail service will be re sumed as formeily. FOR SALE Good quarter section of and with good imptovements, I mile south of Iunvale, Xobr., on easy terms Write Tor full deSuription.-C. V. Cath. r, Red Cloud, Nebr. Bert Stevens of Smith Center was in the city Sunday visiting his father, Clark' Stevens, while enrouto home from Hastings, where he had been via king his brother, Roy. C. E. Arnold was down from Rose mont the last of tho week looking after his farm north of tfils city. Mr. Arnold informs us that he will move onto it the fir.st of March. Dewey Saladcn, who went to Mc Cook a short time tigo to accept a position of firing on tho railroad, re turned homo tho last of tlio wcclc. When the trains wore taken off it was necessary to cut the force and ho got bumped by older men in the sen Ice. THAN "MERE CHAUFFEUR New York Merchant Has Driver Who Knows Business Methods and Aids His Employer. "I don't believe in having too many carefully worked-out methods for pre venting errors In an organization," writes L. Werthehner In System, the mugazlne of business. Mr. Werthelmcr Is president of a concern which oper ates the- big department, stores in the northern part of New York city. He goes on to tell the plan he uses: "One of the best, cheeks that I get on my business is'througli my chauf feur. I have to keep u niaclijne nt cnll nil the time, so ihift I 'can gut from store to store without delay. My driv er Is not simply a driver; he fs a high grade mini who knows a good deal about my Idea of merchandising a mail who cmu'elvably' may some day be miiiincer of one of my stores. "While lu Is walling for me he does not simply sit out-Ide In the machine. He wanders around the store, looking at displays, noticing how salesgirls deal with customers whether our prices are by chance higher on this Item or mi that than they should be. Every morning his written observe tlous are placed oa my dealt; fron them I have time coil again iloiiicl pieces of Information that iuJe a big difference in the profits of the BtoriR -r- Him 1 1 i r Kirijr Dead Letter List . The following libtof Unclaimed Let ters will be sent to the Dead Letter otllco Deo. 27th, if not olaimed: Miss Ruby Huyes Cllde Gurney Mrs. John E. Johnson .1. G. Smith 0. J. Hnlmgruin Sr. Dorotes Vasqnez H.C. LETSON, Postmaster. LEGALNOTICE. W. CI. Peck, real and true nnnio unknown, ami Mrs. W. CI. 1'cck, real nil J true, nniuu un known; Ohcar N. Whitney, us assignee of People'! Iluildlni; V !foau,Afvi)clujloit (or; (lie benellt ol Its creditors; linear' N Wliltiioy and Mro. Oscar N. Wlilluvr. "1b wllivrinl and truo name unknown; 1'coplo'n Iluildlni,', Loan A Havings Asnoclntlon; tho lielro, devl 8coh, legated), ipcrHonal representatives and all other persons Interested In thu estate ot W. (I. Peek, deceased; tho heirs, dcvlsccti, legatee, personal representatives and nil other persons Interested In thu estate of Oscar N. Whitney, deceased; Lots G, II, 7, and H, In lllocl; 1, 01 sjwiey's Addition to Illuo Hill, W'eliiter County, Nebraska; nnd nil persons claiming any Interest of nay kind In s lid real estato or nny part thereof, and each of them", defendants-, will lake notice that on the 1,1th day of December, I'.ll'.l, Alleo A. Il.tnkH, as plalntlll'lllul her petition In the Uistilet Court of Webster County, Nebraska, against said defendants, and each of them, the o'iJu t and pr.iycr of which said petition and action ru to have said plaluilll found and decreed to be the nirm r In ft simple ot thu follow In); described real estate tow it I.os & il, 7 unit 8, In lllocl: 1, of Sw t ty's Addi tion to Illuo llll, Wel-Httr County, Nebras ka, and to have tho Court llnd and dterie that mild plaluilll, and tier Kruutors and the purtons under and through whom plalntlll' eliilniK, have been In tlioru tual. open, visible, notorious, exclusive, and adtcrsa possession nnd occupancy of snlil premises tor more than ten years lust past nnd to exclude said defendants, and each of iliem, from any rlKht, title, Interest or claim In, to or upon said prumlici. and for WLiicrnl equitable re lief In favor of said plnluilfl'audnualnst said defendants, nnd eaeli of them, In reference to said laud. Thiil shIiI defendants, and each of t)ieiu, nrorcitilred to niiHwer bald petition nnd ap pear In Mild action on or before thu sotti dav of January, l20. Alleu A. Hanks, pjnimiir Stlntr A- lloslauuh, Atl'ys., United States Korean Treaty. It was In 18S2 thnt the first treaty, with Korea wns signed by the United States, and foreigners took up their, residence with ofllclnl snnctlon nt Chemulpo, the seaport of the capital, Seoul. Even with this foothold In tiro, new country, the unwelcome visitors pushed their way but slowly Into other parts of the kingdom, and as Into as 1807 only n relatively small portion had been visited by white men. National Geographic Magazlno. WOULD BE FRIEND IN NEED Pleased at Her Appearance. Juno was busy entertaining herself by looking at the photograph album. Soon the came across a picture of her self taken when she was a tluy, bnld headed baby, and In nil earnestness she said: "What a tunnlu' homely bnbyl" III and Nervous. Nurses dislike the senson of thtitv derstonns. "We are not afraid of llchtnliur ourselves." u nurse In n woman's hospital told me, "but It bus n harmful effect on the patients. Most' sick people fear lightning. In cased of extreme weakness or nervousness n dozen Hashes of blinding lightning re-, dtico the patient to a statu of titter prostration." I Grateful Colored Man Promised to Go if Services Should De Needed. "The race rlols hi (jjilcngo remind me of (he same sort of excitements lli.it nin urniiml Atlanta when I was ll lug there as u young mini," said Ceorge MeDitnlel of Metro. Pal., re c ntlj. "M brother and t were belli tnedl-ens-ownets of smooth and virgin n1ippis!, Vi shared the same of fice mid lunched, nt, the siiiuc counter. In the midst of wild confusion, one day, n wounded negro rushed Into our office and begged for protection. This was freely granted, for .we had no nice prejudices, In spite of our South ern upbringing, We also poured salve on the negro's bruWe". " 'YV shuiili Ikimi good to me,' said the grateful darkey, turning to my brother who, by the way, Is now practicing In .os Angeles 'an I'll 'member It, doc. Suy, If yo' ever kills anybody tniili friends and I'll get you out If wo have to bust the Jail to do It."-Los Angeles Times. ,", ii FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Appropriate, inexpensive and yet very desireable 'gifts are a dezen or more PHOTOGRAPHS Come in for a sitting today tomorrow may find us too busy The Red Cloud Studio Do your XmaGshoTpinu now I Printing of Quality and Prices that are Right &- R m -! Il LET US j0M ?VjfV lMM? wimm I come see ouRwhmMU vjlij. loiriiiaa . GOODS j fSBPjJ Our store is stocked to the k roof with sensible gifts for Men, Boys and Children! No foolishness in what we offer to our ' trade for this year's Christmas Presents High Grade Suits, Overcoats, Furnishings A few suggestions below will be a guide to people looking for something that will PLEASE and give satisfactory wear to those who-receive them " Kuppenheimer and Cloth Craft Suits and Overcoats $20 to $50 A Complete Line All Styles of Mens, Boys Sweaters $1 to $13.50 Bath Robes $5 to $7.50 Mufflers All Grades up to $7.50 Handkerchiefs Cotlon Linen and Silk 10c to 75c .Mi Traveling Bags, Suit Cases SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SHOWING Priced to $22.50 N e c k w e a r A Wonderful Display 75c, $1,1.25, 1.50, to $3.50 Mens Silk and Lisle Hose Gloves and Mittens Special Showing 25c to $1.50 Ellegant Showing 50c to $7.50 pr. mb Fellas in Christmas boxes up to 3.50 HATS AND CAPS MENS VELOURS 55 to S7.G0 CAPS 76c to $3.B0 FUR CAPS SG to 50 Fur Coats and sheep lined dress coats-all prices $ Come in and let us help you make your selections. We have i plenty of extra help and can give you prompt; courteous treatment S ' I Cowden - Kaley Clothing Company 'THE STORE OF SENSIBLE GIFTS" 3?&; ;,.? 4. " .-. ' V M'S' ' , ;.& .. ,w ... ;: "w !& .;o?riu i ." ., f r Xi. -j-, i 2 Vnil .J ,.v I fcJjJBMMMl -1 . 'I