The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 18, 1919, Image 4

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J-i. .HJIOWnw,
Red Cloud, Nebraska
r.kitf red In tho l'ostolllcc nt lied Cloud, Nub
a Second Clnns Matter
A. B. McAItTilUK, Editor timl Owner
Advertising Rates
Foreign, per column inch I5c
Locevl, ' " " 10 & 2i
Notes On Redisricting Schools
(Hy County Superintendent)
1. Boundaries wlicr.cvcr practical
should be on the liulf-scctioif lino.
2. Districts must bo Inrge enough
to supply sufficient taxen nnd not too
largo for transportation.
a. Within ten days after the maps
nro prepared, tho County Superin
tendent shall set n day for conference
over the new lines after which the
committee will make any changes
they deem best.
1. After tho hearing, tho map,
(changed or unchanged, as the com
mittee decide) is sent to the county
board, within UO days of its comple
tion. 5. Any time within -50 days after
the filing with the county board, 2o
per cent of tho .school electors of the
new district may file a written protect
or appeal with the State Superintend
ent, when a meeting will lie called for
Iho committee, the electors and the
State Superintendent and tho matter
will bo adjusted.
C. After the -10 days artor tho fil
ing with the County Board, 26 per
cent of the electors hi n new district
may petition for an election. This
meeting requires 20 days notice. Print
cd ballots must be cast in ballot box
es in chnrgo of the board of trustees
of tho district the election Is held in.
Said trustees make a list of oters,
count tho voles and certify the re
turns within 21 hours to the County
Cleik. If the majority vote for the
new district, it becomes established;
if ngainst, it stands as originally un
til the next call and 'election.
7. If the district .becomes estab
lished within ten days tho County
Superintendent shall call a meeting
for the election of officers. If the (list-
rict contains an organized high school
district, then 51 per cent of the out
side districts may petition the Coun
ty Superintendent to be uincxed to the
same when upon approval of said high
school district they become 'annexed.
8. Tho Bonrds of Education of
these new districts arc to provide
transportation and arc to establish
such rules and regulations as arc need
cd for tho same.
9. Consolidated schools with qual
ified teachers, 2 rooms and tenclilng
agriculture and home economics oi
other vocational subjects receive $100
toward equipment and $150 annually;
3 room $150 equipment and $200 an
nually; -1 or more rooms ?2fiU equip
ment and ?100 annually.
Income Tax Due Soon
Income tax returns arc duo Jan
uary 1, 1020. The last date of filing
will be March 15, 1920. Blanks for
making icturns will be mailed before
January 1st, 1920, to every in
dvidua!, corporation and partnership
that filed a return for the year 1918,
so all will have ample time in which
to file complete return within the time
proscribed by law.
Those required to file returns should
compile their figures immediately on
tho close of busness, December 31,
while the trursactions of 1919 are all
fresh in mind. It will save time for
you and all concerned.
Reprcsentntvcs of the Internal Rev
enue Department will visit all towns,
where the number of returns filed
warrants doing so, to assist taxpay
ers in making returns. There will be
but one visit to each place find no re
turn. Taxpayers are urged to avail
themselves of this service. Watch tho
newspapers for announcement of when
the income tax man will bo at your
nearest town. He will be there only
on the dates announced.
Vc will begin this service promptly
on the morning of January 2, 1920.
Your town may bo the first on the
list, so be prepared.
Every singlo person whoso net in
come is $1000 and ever' married por
tion whoso net incoluo in $2000 mus:
make an ncomc tax return. There are
penalties for failure to do so.
Those who did not mnko returns
for the year 1918 hould request the
Collector of Revenue, Omaha,
Kehr., to send a blank on which lo
make return. Those who made returns
in 1918 will bo mailed returns, but
should not one bo received by January
10, 1920, write the Collector to send
you one.
The law contemplates that taxpay
ers make tlioir own income tax re
turns. If you want assistance, you
should avail yourself of tho sorriccs
of the income tax mar. when he is in
your vicinity.
Make your return at the earliest
date possiblo as you may find it in
convenient to do so later. Tho Intern
al Revenue Department can render
greater and more effcient servico if
taxpayers will act promptly and pre
pare their figures in ndvanco. If you
want an income tax man to help you
mnko out your return, hrwc your fig
ures and books of account with you.
It will save time.
A Christmas Present That
That the Whole Family will Enjoy
Ford Cars have become such a world utility
thai it would almost seem as if every family
ought lo have ils Ford car. Runabout, Tour
ing Car, Coupe, Ssclan-lhe Iwj latter having
enclosed bodies and the Truck clnsu, luve
really become a part and parcel of human life.
You want one because ils service will be profit
able for you. We solicit your order at o nee
because while production is limited, it will be
first come first supplied.
Frame & Smith Bros. Co.
Authorized Agents
W itMUtt MLMtt2THKmmL tJ&UOX
. Jewelry is the Most Pleasing and Lasting of All Gifts
Every member of the family can be satisfied and wholly pleased by a gift from
this store. Mother, father, sweetheart, brother, sister or friend. No matter
who you have in mind you' will be certain lo please them if your gift comes
from here. "Visit this store and see how true this is.
From this list you can gain But a fait;iclea of the scope and variety of articles that will pleasingly help
you solve that question, "What Shall I Give?"
i '.
mvii fnavrs
vju t rii.i
ft h v?' i'vy
V , 5"
P8 W! W'-M
a-(?k Ji
We Welcome Your Visit Of Inspection Which Will Show Many More Gift
Jeweler and
He's Lucky at That.
My youngest boy unci 1 were In a
reslnunint nnd the waiter asked what
wo would have. The boy said: "Any
thing but ham nnd eggs; (lint's nil I
ever get at home." Chicago Trlbuno.
Red Cloud, Neb.
W - w-- -jsat r.-fe
La Vallieres Gold Filled and Gold
Diamond, Cameo, Ruby, Pearl
Beautiful Cameo Brooches $5.00
to $25.00.
Plain Gold and Stone set Brooches
' $1.25 to $35.00.
Many useful gifts in cut glass for
the table.
Rings Plan Gold, Signet $1.50 to
10.0d. Set with all different stones,
$1.75 to $20.00.
The most prized gift of all a Dia
mond ring $25.00 and up.
Ivory toilet and. manicure sets.
Mesh Bags.
K H.
Men of Probity.
Good literature proceeds from men
of nnturnl probity, find since one oughl
rnther to praise the Inception than h
result, you should give greater pruls(
to a man of probity unskilled In let
ters than one skilled In letters bill
devoid of probity. Leonardo da Vine!
(translated by Kduiird McCurdy).
Natural Barometer.
Ono of the' simplest of nature's
rarometcrs Is a spider's wtb. When
there Is a prospect of wind or tain
the spider shortens the tlliuuents by
which lis web In sustained and loaves
It In this stntc a, long as the weather
Is variable. If It eloi'jM.os its threads,
It Is n sign of tine, eiiltn weather.
Helpfulness of Criticism.
It Is natural to resent criticism. We
dislike anything that shakes our self
complacency or compels us to think.
Here and there n man has learned Iho
real service of criticism and usually
he Is a man who has attained to more
than average success in life. We are
nil more or less like the proverbial os
trich. We like to convince ourselves
that our faults are really our virtues.
In thnt wo are doing good work In the
woild when in truth wo are lugging
fin behlnud our actual capacity and
drifting along rather than really liv
ing. William K. Towne.
New French Roads.
Trench dKpntchcs recently stated
that the entire road construction pro
gram there will cost nearly two bil
lion francs, which it Is estimated by
Mr. Iledoiiec, budget reporter, will give
France a road system superior to that
before t'tr war. One hundred and
seventy-six million francs have been
allocated to road repairs In tho In
vaded regions
NEWHOUSE LicenSrdison
Dreamlno of Cats.
With the exception of black ones, It
Is said that to dream of cats Is un
lucky. If the nnlmnls scratch, tho
dreamer must beware of n rival In
love. To dream of chasing a cat means
disappointment over something.
Bargains in City Property
No. 1. House with 22 lot's, Price 31001), .dear of incumbrance, termi
8u00 cash, your own time on balance nt 8 purcctit intctest
No. 2. House, barn, shade and fruit, '2.'J lots, cement walks, would
make a ood chicken ranch. Price SI200, half cash, balance Rood terms.
No. '). House, barn, 10 lots, Hue garden lanl, priced for a short
time at SIOOO. Part cash, and balance easy terms.
No. 1. flood location for any kind of business, lot 101 x 1.12, buyer
to assume paving tax,' otherwise free of Incumbrance, Price S350O, good
terms on part.
No. 5. Good 15 room house, barn, shade and fruit, cement walks,
on pavement and paving tax paid, 1 lots, all clear of Incumbrance in
plndlng paving tax, Price $1500 Host of terms, in fact about, SMXJO
cash will handle It.
No. (5 Modern house, Oak finish, on pavement, gnnige, all in good
condition, almost new, lot 75 x 1 12. Price IIWoO, some terms.
No. 7. Modern house, 7 roams with bath, new furnace, oak doors,
connected to sewer, on pavement, .'J lots, Price SUSiO. Uuyer to piy
piiving tsx, terms on part.
No. 8. flood location if you want to build, I have t lots, fronting
on Suwiud street, 100 x 1 12, shade, fruit and shrubery, cement walks,
Pi-Iced at S1700. Also (5 lots, fronting on Walnut street, S120O. Doth
locations are close to business center.
No. 0. House, barn, shade, cement walks, close iii, house has 0
rooms with bath, all modern except heat, one aero of laud with it,S'lu00
Geo. W. Hutchison
Real Estate. Insurance, Loans, Abstracts
PHONES Rtd,3737-
) Heitdencc, 177
1 s
Tie Pins 75c and up.
Fountain Pens $2.50 to $6.00.
Rings, Signet $4.50 to $18.00.
Rings, Set $7.50 to $22.50.
Rings, Diamond $25.00 and up
Belts with Buckles $2.25 and up.
Watches and Chains.
Cuff Links and Buttons $1.00 to
Tie Clasps.
Military, and Manicure sets Ivory,
? ' Ebohy and Silver.
Shaving Sets Cigarette Cases.
Red Cloud
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