The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 18, 1919, Image 3

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Its. '
Nebraska Directory
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies; lee
iases ana omcKon uaops
1309JoneSL 1901 E. 4th St.
41217 Paxton Block, Omaha, Nats
Accordion, knife, side, apace, box,
ll ttjlea ana alzes
sunburst and combination ideat
Injr. hemstitching, plcot edging,
Prlct List rrtc
at tonguel Remove poisons
from stomach, liver and
Developing, Printing
and Enlarging
Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
(Eastman Kodak Co.)
Dept K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Nek
(exceptional opportunity at the present
lme for young women over nineteen
jrears of ago who have had at least one
yar In lilcli school to take Nurses' Train
ing In general hospital. Our graduates
ara In groat demand. Address
Bupt. of NnriM, Lincoln Sanitarians,
Lincoln, br.
Solicit your shipments of Hides end Furs.
Returns made same day as arrival. High
est prices guaranteed.
234 South 9th, Lincoln, Nebr.
Accept "California" Synip of Kigs
only look for tho nnmo Cullfornla on
tlio package, then you are sure your
child Is having the best and most harm
less laxative or physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love Its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot
tie. Give It without fear.
Mother 1 You must soy "California."
Adv. '
A Contradiction of Terms.
She Did you read this article on the
decny of home life?
He Yes, and It's all rot.
Located on our own premises
and used in the .
Natural Mineral Water Baths
Unsurpassed in the treatment of
Ee&rt, Stomach, Kidney and
Liver Diseases.
Moderate charges. Address
MlbtaelMSts. Lincoln, Nak.
Rven the Bloated Monopolist at the
Newspaper Desk Is Victim of
Vicious System.
What are we coming t6, and whither
are wo drifting? Alas, these be parl
ous times, nnd sadly out of Joint. Who
fver It was let loose the "got to have
more money" bacillus stnrted some
thing there seems to bo no stopping.
It has spread like an epidemic; Is" not
confined to any particular class of peo
ple or limited to any partlculur nge.
Witness this over the telephone to us
yesterday morning from our own
"Hello, that you, daddy?"
"This Is Marjorle."
"You'ro going nwny tomorrow?"
"Well, 1 Just called you up to let
tou know thnt beforo you go you'll
have to incrense my wages."
We promised to do so, and then snld
with n sigh : "These are certainly sad
days for us capitalists." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
One Result of the Flood.
Whnt was the result of the flood?"
asked tho Sunday school teacher.
"Mud," replied the bright youngster.
Constipation Invites other troubles
which come speedily unless quickly
checked nnd overcome by Green's
August Flower which Is a gentle laxu
tive, regulates digestion both In
stomnch and Intestines, olefins and
sweetens the stomnch and alimentary
canal, stimulates the liver to secrete
the bile nnd Impurities from the blood.
It Is n sovereign remedy used In many
thousands of households nil over the
civilized world for more than hnlf a
century by those who hnve suffered
with indigestion, nervous dyspepsia,
sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal
pitation, constlpntlon nnd other In
testinal troubles. Sold by druggists
nnd dealers everywhere. Try a bottlo
take no substitute. Adv.
The Past.
I hove said that I deemed It a grent
thing for a nntlon, In nil periods of Its
fortunes, to be able to look hack to
n rare, of .founders and a principle of
Institution In which It might seem to
see the realized Idea of true heroism.
That felicity, that pride, that help
Is ours. Our post, both Its great eras,
should announce, should compel, should
spontaneously evolve as from n germ
n wise mornl and glorious future.
Henry Chnrley.
He Thought It Did.
"Do you believe that the moonlight
makes people silly, George?" nsked the
Bweet young bride nfter the honey
moon. "Well, denr," remarked the husband
from behind his evening paper, "you
know I proposed marriage to you In
the moonlight."
Taught Them to March.
Church Do you believe In mllltnry
Gotham Well. I will say that, so
far as a lot of fellows who have called
on my daughter nnd Increased my gas
bills are concerned, I hnve Instructed
them how to mnrch.
It is ensy to nee through people
who are always making spectacles of
Among Musicians.
"I have n genulim Cremona violin."
"Whnt's thnt In theso days? I have
the finest cowbull known to Jazz 1"
Poor talkers are usually poor quit
The statesman In his flights of ora
tory merely speeds his opinions.
Nervous? Restless at Night?
Ever Have Headaches?
How about your daily
cup of coffee?
Suppose you try a change to
Instant Postum
This delightful cereal beverage
possesses a fine coffee-like fla
vor, but has none of the harm
ful after-effects thru which
coffee so often prevents vigor
ous, red-blooded health. Costs
legs, too.
Made by
PotUjn Cereal Company, Battle Creek, Michigan
Sold by Grocera and General Stores.
What You Will in Suits
am wm&
aHLxfiftjwl- s hHK&bwI
BIbbbKtx vnti irlli ". BaaiBBBBBBBflBBBRBBBBBa7' X
nSmWS&fMm. - bbbbBbssbbbsbsbbb
fssssEBMB i HflHi!
Hi mi sHKflKsl
mms.m HBHt
mSam nil
"What are they wearing?" In suits
has ceased to lie as Interesting as
"What are they showing now?" It bus
come to pass thnt women demand n
variety of styles and n chance to In
dulge Individual taste, and manufac
turers have fostered these demands
by replenishing the retailers' stocks
with new developments of the season's
modes. The story for winter Is about
to close and It reveals that we may
wear milts having a straight-line sil
houette or those with fitted waists,
with equal propriety, that redlngote
styles have grown In popularity nnd
thnt velvet has made long strides since
the beginning of the season. It Is In
great demand for mld-wlnter. Kxcept
for sport suits the ninnufncturors will
hnve little more to offer this season,
for they are already engrossed with
suits for spring and promise more rad
ical departures fnni the styles of to
day than for many past seasons.
Two suits, distinctly different In
type, but each showing nn Interpreta
tion of the lone eont slvles. are shown
ahoe. The stately model nt the left
Is made of duvvt.Mi ana rcllects the in
lluenee of the redlngote besides taking
fognlance of the widened hip Idea. It
Is trimmed with rat-tall braid nnd a
few buttons nnd two very narrow
tucks In the coat, above the hem, In
vite attention to tho- accuracy of tho
tailor's art. A further testimony Is
offered by it front panel that Is cut In
one wllh the belt and widens above
the waistline, making a smart diag
onal closing at the left side. A mufner
collar of sealskin bears out the ele
gance of this design and probably
adds more than a pretty penny to tho
price of the suit.
Silvertone is to bo credited with
inuih of the fine style which gives ns-
sutancfj to the wearer of the suit nt
the right. This fuzzy mntcrlal with a
silver sheen will delight the tourist
nnd as shown here Is n model thnt
could not be Improved upon for travel'
One-Piece Frocks for Midwinter
1 wl'fe iW'"' P
.ssHsHBlsfSllo m jIPMssssn
HA lawiififlm ''
Cam.' v VVl m.' ?, X. y
Catarrlial Deafness Cannot De Cured
by local application), nn ihuy-cunnot rrnch
tlio (lltouscd portion of the car. There la
onry ono way lo cure Catarrhal Denfnesi,
Slid that Is by a constllutlunnl remedy.
HAM8 CATAimil MI1D1C1NI1 acta
through tho Hlood on thuMucout Surfaces
of tho Byatetn. Caturrhal Ocutnens Is
caused by an Inflamed condition of tha
tuueous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube Is Inflatnod yen havo a
rumbling sound nr Imperfect hearUae, aud
when It Is entirely closed, Dcafinn is tlio
result. Unless tlio Inllamtnatlon can be ro.
duccd and this tubo restored to Us nor
mal condition, hearing may bo destroyed
forever. Many en (ten of Deafness ara
caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed
condition of the Mucous Surfaces.
case of Catarrhal Deafness that i not
bo cured by HAL.L3 CATAiUUI
All DruKRlsts 75c. Circulars free.
V, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Misfortunes come in pairs for the
man whose opponent holds three of a
AsK for
MBUk. I'W s ;ti
Standard cold remedy for 20 ytarf
in taoiet form taie, lure, na
opiates break up a com in zt
hour relieves grip in 3 cars.
Money back I! it fail). Tha
genuine box nis a xea
top wnn air. iiui
At All Drug Star
1L J- 31
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 60-1911.
The onu-plece frock has Its advan
tages for the busy women of today,
nnd now divides honors with the tail
ored suits in the estimation of busi
ness or socially active people. Cer
tain of theso one-piece models were
launched nt tho beginning of the sen
son under n new nnd very ndequato
name, as "nil-day dresses." This title
describes them and points out their
advantages for tho woman whose nf
fairs give her little time for making
chnnges nf her costume.
The one-piece dress is developed In
nil the fabrics that nre used for suits,
nnd In some that nrevnot often used
for suits. In the picture nhove, a
frock of darX blue trlcotlno demon
strates how effectively this practical
material has been wotked up Into a
tailored dress that la charmingly
graceful and chic. It Is really n mas
iterplece of designing with n panel
down the front from neck to hem, nnd
'n now management of the sides of the
'skirt where big pntch pockets are Bet
on. Below them the material In wide
plaits simulates long tunic. Tho
panel at the front avoids being too
plain by moans of n tuck t In on nj
lino with the pockets, nnd above It
are pendent silk ornnments. Below
tho tuck, round-covered buttons are
set on with the beautiful accuracy
that Is the glory of tailored clothes.
The waist Is bloused hock and front,
affording it strnlght-llno silhouette.
Buttons and pendents embellish the
panel In It, and buttons finish off the
very long and shapely sleeves. This
model has the, unusual virtue of look
ing well on almost any figure.
Satin furnishes the best material for
a frock like that at tho right. It Is
simply designed, being n three-tier
skirt nnd it Miioek with fatln-covered
buttons nnd snsh by way of adorn
mpnt. s
J fislAs $P&4rn&j
No orfcnnn of the littmnn bodv iiro so
imtiortnnt to health Mid long lite nH tho
kidneys. When they slow up nnd com
mence to lug In their dutlcB, look out!
Danger is iu sight.
Find out what the trouble is with
out delay. Whenever you feel nervous,
wcuk, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness,
or linvo pains in tho back, wake up nt
oner. Your kidneys nerd help. These nro
signs tb wnrn you Hint your kidneys
re not performing their functions
fironcrly. They nro only half doing
heir work nnd aro allowing impurities
to accumulate and bo converted into
uric acid aud other poisons, .which
arc causing you distress nnd will de
stroy you uulcHS they aro driven from
your system.
Oct somo GOLD MTJDAL ITinrlcm
Oil Capsules at once. They aro an old,
tried preparation used all over tha
world for centuries. They contain only
old-fashioned, soothing oils combined
with strength-giving and system-cleansing
herbs, well known and used by phy
sicians in their dally practice. GOLD
MEDAL Tlaarlcm Oil Capsules are im
ported direct from tho laboratories ha
Holland. They aro convenient to take,
and will cither give prompt relief or
your money will bo refunded. Ask for
them at any drug store, but be sure
to get tlio original imported 'GOLD
MEDAL brand. Accent no slibstltutss,
In scaled packages. Three sixes.
Knowing His Place.
'Did you order hnm nnd eggs?"
asked the head waiter. "Certainly not.
I humbly requested them."
Chapel for Kitchener.
A special chapel will shortly be in
stalled In St. Paul's cathcdrnl, London,
In memory of Lord Kitchener.
I AM IN LOVE with my work and
would not trade my job for any
other job in the world. All I know
about this business I learned at
the Lincoln Auto and Tractor
School. You can step into a
after taking training in
this school.
Complete course in
Our big illustrated book. Cut out
I7i Fl 17 xri Our big illustrated book. C'ur out
t JXjbLtL this ad, sign and MAIL TODAY.
Address 2431, Lincoln Auto & Tractor School, Liicoln, Nek,
.. -in. i ii..ii....i i. 1. 1 ......
Berlin Heating Plan.
Tho city of Berlin adopted In July a
new plan for supplying somo public
buildings with heat untl warm water.
Exhaust Btcatn from the Berlin elec
tricity works will be used, in addition
to coke hented boilers. Pipes ore to
be laid in concrete conduits along the
etreets, tho pipe sections to bo welded
together. A number of tenement
houses will be Included In tho distribu
tion area, which is set nt about two
miles at first. It was the original in
tention to commence the supply this
winter, but It is doubtful if the work
will havo been completed in time.
Britons Breed Rabbits for Fur.
iinuuit nreeuing in ureal urunin, to
supply a portion of the large Quanti
ties of fur purchased In tho country,
Is stated by a commerce report to be
tlio purpose of the new Bcveren club.
Tho fur of tho blue beveren Is de
scribed as having a lovely shade of
lavender bluo throughout, nnd as Do
ing long, lustrous, exceedingly fine nnd
silky; that of tho Ilavann rabbit Is
b rich chocolate color and Is thick nnd
fairly long. From these varieties It Is
hoped to produce natural furs with a
fine color thnt will not fade.
Ecru Point d'Esprit.
A gown of black taffeta Is flounced
with ecru point U'esprlt.
Borne folks nro never huppy until
something has happened that they can
be exasperated nbout
All men nro a llttlo lower than the
angels, and the majority a good deal
more so.
Ghostly Visitor Who Appeared tm
Lucky Campers Proved to Bo
Man of His Word.
A good ghost story comes from Newi
Brunswick. Two men were out camp
ing and shooting In wild country. Ons)
night one of them awoke and saw slb
ting over the glowing embers of the
dying fire a figure dressed in an eight
eentli century costume.
"Who nro you?" asked tho sport
mnn, startled. Tho ghost bade hint
search In tho cliff above which ths)
camp lay, nnd told him thnt he would
find his (thespenker's) bones there,
lie ordered him to bury them decently,
and take as his reward what he found
In the cave.
The figure then vanished. At dawa
the two comrades set to work. Thej,
found tho entrance to a cave which
hnd been almost blocked by a land
slide. Inside was a skeleton with m
massive gold ring on its bony finger,
and around the skeleton lay various
books of dates varying from 1050 ta
1GS5. There was also a manuscript
giving tho locality aud description of a
treasure burled near by, which th
lucky finders duly dug up and appro
priated. The smaller n man's mind, the long
er it takes him to make it up.
A husband on earth Is worth two lsl
the other plnc! sometimes.
There's something really
fascinating aboUt,.the nui?
like flavor of
Thfe strength and nutrition
gjeaned from this wheat
and malted barley food
make it sl most sensible
breakfast cereal,
while its low cost adds true
f Jifl