RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Concerning the Story of Wraps s 1 SSHnfflwTV GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria PBKlBK!!9Kad2lM2SISHMM W ! JNct Contents ISPluid DraohnS I i w rlvt ! Tlil mm H H Sf i t jelp " Atooxior.-aPEKowM ml similaUnsilhcroodbyRcguta- .uiuEi l5aiS i . iiccnu ncss aim mis.- neither Oplum,Morphincnori MinerajTNAucoTicJ ftWtfMVW . AIWMV fiflattint5tf J Ha fanxsird (TanfiruifT lltomrennmr - Ancip.u.i -,. uonsiinauoiiMiu . i Fcvcrnessmul fl rcsdUnilhcrcfromji Facsimile Si$notrc Ka'C a ji!ECCNrAonGoHP; XK i NEW XHiiJiS Exact Copy of Wrapper. Very Necessary. , "Walter, there Is sand on this trend." "Oh. that's to. keep the butter from lipping off." QH! MY NICE HAIR IS ALL FALLING OUT Hurryl Let "Danderlne" save your hair and double It beauty. To stop falling linlr nt once and rid the scnlp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Dan derlne" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour n little In your hand nnd rub It Into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stopR coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Help your hnlr grow long, thick and strong and become soft, glossy and abundant. Adv. A Clear Conscience. "Don't some of those old songs, feannt you?" "No; I never murdered any of them." Mfe OLD-AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Selenco aaya that old age begins with weakened kidneys and digestive organs. This being true, it is easy to bcllcvo that by keeping the kidneys and diges tive organs cleansed and in proper work ing order old age can bo deferred and life prolonged far beyond that enjoyed by the avcrago person. For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the weaknesses and disability due to advanc ing years. It is a standard old-time homo remedy and needs no Introduction. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil is inclosed in odorless, tasteless capsules contain inr about 5 drora each. Take them as you would & nil, with a swallow of water. The oil stimulates tho' kidney BAD BREATH Often Caused by Acid-Stomach How can anyone with a sour, gassy atomacb, who It constantly belching, haa heartburn and after from Indigestion have anything but a bad breath T All of then atomacb disorder! mean Just one thing Arld-Momach. BATONIC, the wonderful new itomach remedy In pleasant testing loblct form that you eat like a bit ot candy, brings nulok relief from these stomach miseries.- BATON IC aweetem the breath because It makes the atomach eweet, cool and comfortable. Try It for that nasty taste, congested throat and "beady feeling" after too much smoking. If neglected, Acld-Btomach may cause yon tot of eerloue trouble.. It leads to ner vousness, headaches, insomnia, melancholia, rheumatism, sciatica, heart tumble, ulcer and cancer of the atomach. ft makes Its millions of victims weak and miserable. Bailees, lacking In energy, all tired out. It often brings about chronic Invalldlim, pre mature old age, a shortening of one's days. Ton need the help that BATONIC can give jrou If yon are aot feeling aa strong and Well aa ypu should. Tou will be surprised to aee how much better yon will feel Just as con aa yon begin taking this wonderful atamaeh remedy. Get a big (0 cent box from your dragglit today. Ite wltl return rewr money If you are not satisfied. FATONIC .. v. t ' COLN, NO. 4g-1ft1?, Always Bears the wtifwP Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA Using a Doorway. The unused doorway makes an ef fective bookcase. The door should lie locked and t rented as the back of the case. Shelves tan be set In the until u door space or the lower half. BREAKS YOUR COLD IN JUST A FEW HOURS "Pape'a Cold Compound" Instantly re lieves stuffiness and distress Don't stay stuffed-up 1 Quit Wowing nnd snuflllng! A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours un til three doses are taken usually breaks up n severe cold and ends all grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clngged-up nostrils and the air pass ages of the head; stops nose running; relieves the headnche, dullness, fever Ishness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. 'Tape's Cold Compound" Is the quickest, surest relief knowu nnd costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without nsslstnnce, tastes nice, contains (no quinine Insist upoD Pope's I Adv. A Happier Day. "Pa. what was u pre-glaclal man?" "Why, man before he had to pay Ice bills I suppose." Itoton Transcript. The housewife smiles vlth satisfac tion as slio looks at the basket of clear, white clothes nnd thanks lied Cross Ball Blue. At grocers, Cc. The Consequence, "lie has been sowing his wild onts." "That Is why he looks so seedy." Italtlmoic American. action nnd enables the organs to throw off tho polHons which causo prematura old age. New life nnd strength increase as you continue tho treatment. When completely restored continue taking a cnpsulo or two each day. GOLD MED- AJj Haarlem Uil capsules will keep you in health and vigor and prevent a return of the disease. Do not wait until old age or disease have settled down for good. At the first sign that your kidneys are not working properly, go to your druggist and get a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money refunded if they do not help you. Three sizes. . But re member to ask for the original Imported GOLD MEDAL brand. In scaled pack ages. llliterature. "Slang seems to sell well." "Yenh. The thing now Is to be II llteranr." Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot touch the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, nnd that is by a constitutional .remedy. HALL'S CATARRH M13DICINE acts through the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces ot the System. Catarrhal Deafness , Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tuba Is Inflamed you have a rumbllni; sound or Imperfect bearing, and vthen It is entirely clcmed, Deafness Is the result. Unless tho Inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing muy be destroyed forever. Many cases of Denfnoss are caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition or the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDIIED COLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot bo cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. It is cnslcr for ono wise man to fool n dozen fools than for n dozen fools to fool one wise man. "iymirnw IV Niht MM Morning dl KeeoVbur EVe; Slmmn - Claar Henlth aa baMSaaa.Bkk Hwrtaa CoCMe Ui ff K The story of winter wraps has reached Its climax, as It always does, with the arrival of the opera season. It begins early In the fall with a re cital of the altalrs of the stalwart coats that must bear the huiut of real service throughout the winter, and progresses through ninny an engross-, ing chapter dealing with more preten tious garments. Klnally comes the resume of the brief nnd splendid careers of evening wraps, some of them wholly frivolous. But each sea son witnesses certain coals that aro as rich and as useful as any; they are the best efforts of the co turlers, and Include the Incomparable coats of lino furs. In the sumo clnss with these, so far ns beauty Is concerned, are the two Impressive wraps that 'Jio camera has reported with such fidelity, shown above. They are mnde of the hand somest fur fabrics and completed with collars of natural fur of the best giudes. Each Is worthy of the other. Ingenious Small Although there lias been a certain amount of reaction, In the direction of simplicity In fur garments, the mode finds place for much that may not be classed as simple. For last winter de signers vied with one another in mak ing small wraps tbat embodied several different styles In one garment capes, coatees and senrfs were all suggested in n single hybrid. The designers were endlessly Ingenious nnd the clev erness of these smaller garments gave them a chnrm that made a very suc cessful appeal. So much so that the same Idea hns reappeared this season In fur wrap and there Is a hint of it In the wide scarfs of brushed or an gora wool that are furnished wlib belts to match. Among the new' models those that are most like a scarf, prove In he iln,i most useful. By discarding tin1 belt they may be worn with a tailored suit when extra warmth Is required. Worn with a one-piece frock nnil belted down they become n coatee, wonderfully becoming nnd convenient for afternoon or evening wear. One of the best of tho new models of this kind appears at tho right of tho two shown In tho picture. It Is mnd? In several furs; kolinsky, mink, dyed squirrel, sealskin, are till effective In It, hut the furs hav ing n dark strlpo are best. It l shown In kolinsky with a wide capo collnr and n narrow belt. The stripes In the skins are placed to run dlagonnlly across the ends at the front nnd a fringe of tails adds an nppenranco of considerable length. The collar may be brought up In tho muffler fashion. The coat at the left Is made up of a lustrous and very beautiful material which Is a replica of broadtail. It Is ample and enveloping with lines that are managed with wonderful skill, so that It seems to cling to the figure. The sleeves have deep, flaring cuffs that partly cover the hands. There is the simplest of narrow girdles at tho front anil u big. luxurious shawl collar of fox fur. No brocade, however rich, or oloth of gold can outclass magnlllcent furs or do morn than vlo wit. as perfect a semblance of thian as appears In this coat. The textile fur In the coat at tho right Is like sealskin, but more supplo It has a cape-yoke and sleeves cut In one with the body. Its lining ts n silk crepe and the wide collnr and deep cufTs are of martin fur. Tho design Is especially becoming to slender figures and the coat Is so excellent In stylo and rich In nppearance that It belongs in the class with sealskin. Like coats of natural fur, these may appear day or night nt any sort of function. Wraps of Fur The muff to match 1 smaller than the nverage, but It Is soft and nearly flat In the npproved style. Seal and leopard are combined In ,the cblc coatee at the left In such n way that each enhances tho beauty of the other. The leopard skin looks HKo n small sleeveless Jacket and Its bril liance Is softened by tho Indeflulto marking1 In the pell and a very gen erous shawl collar of sealskin. Thlf wrap has three-quarter sleovcs and a narrow belt of sealskin. It extendi in panels (thnt widen toward the boil torn) below the waistline nt the back and straight In front, leaving the hips uncovered. (I - f -' joCcas srwr. a An Ideal Trimming. How glad one ought to ho to see tho ostrich feather como back as trimming for hats for middle-aged women. It has n softness about It thnt no other hat ornament over had and Is more becoming to old faces than the .harsh trimmings that have been In vogue so long. For Chandeliers. Apply pure vlnegnr with a smnll spongo; afterward wash In soapsuds nnd polish with flannel or cIiiiiiioIm. To renovnto tarnished metallic parts paint black with tho dull black paint used for ebonlzlng. Or apply white; gilt or any other enamel palat desired. j?c a package rrkjKy package a 5 c a package THE FLAUOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! FTkTFaHJ rwrtvoftwj KNEW HE WOULD BE THERE Innkeeper Evidently Had Implicit Faith In the Punctuality of HIb Coming Guest. An old Englishman, James Scott by name, traveled about on business un til he was nearly eighty years of age. lie hecntno celebrated for his punctu ality and methodical habits. Upon one occasion a gentleman slopped nt an Inn much frequented by Mr. Scott and saw a fine fowl cooking. "Thnt looks very gooit" bald the hungry guest. "You may scrvfx thai for my dinner." "You cannot hnve that, sir," replied the landlord. "That Is being cooked for Mr. Scott the trawler." i "I know Mr. Scott very well,'' said the gentleman. "Is. he stopping here?" "Ob. no, sir," answered the landlord. "Hut six months ago he ordered u fowl to be lendy for him at precisely two o'clock today, and we ate expect ing him every minute." Too Obllglnj. Marie Dressier, the head of the Chorus Olrls' union, said, during the chorus girls' strike In Nuw York: "We nre striking, too, for a clean life. Too many of the men In the theatrical profession expect the chorus girl to be er well, to be obliging. Like the French maid, you know. "That new French maid of tho Smlth-l'otcrsons Is an obliging crea ture,' said a clubman. " 'Yes?' said another clubman. 'Yes? How so?' "'This morning,' said tho first club man, 'I saw her out with Mrs. Smith Peterson's baby, this afternoon with Mrs. Smith-Peterson's dog, nnd this evening with Mrs. Smlth-I'eterson's husband."' Detroit Free I'ress. noiu up. "Here's a mini ulm as held up In a taxi." "How miii b did (lie chauffcui charge him?" .lodge. Talk Isn't nlwnys cheap when money talks. A Health-Building Food GrapeNuts A blend of wheat ancl barley prepared to di gest easily and make and keep people strong. "There's a Reason" uemre m& war during ihe war NOW CLEARLY WITHOUT THE LAW Wlce Judge Quickly Pointed Out Why Musician Was Manifestly Guilty of Loafing. A man was brought Into court re cently under the anil-loaflng law. The Judge looked at him for a moment and then asked: "What Is your occupation?" "I mil u musician, your honor," was the reply. "In that case I'll have to find yon guilty of loafing." "Hut, your honor," protested the man, "I'm regularly employed by the church as an organist." "That only confirms my opinion," said tho Judge. "The law requires ev ery man to work, but your occimutlon requires you to play." I Mysterious Theft of Diamonds. Precious stones, worth almost $.100, (XX), In transit between London and Ceylon, have disappeared. This In said to be the biggest robbery of Its kind between London and tho lOast, though there have been many greater between other places. Tho famous pearl neck lace case between Loudon nnd Paris of a few years ago, In which tho pearls were replaced by lumps of sngur, hv volved an amount of ?7-10,000. Thero Is n remarkable loHcmhlanre between this case and that on tho Nagoya, which occurred last July. On thnt occasion diamonds worth $250,000 were stolen from tho vessel In transit to India. Subtle Scheme. "I have often thought, Mrs. Welfare worker, that It would he an admirable Idea to get Intoxicated, get arrested, and thus be able to write up what happens to thci-e members ot the world's unfortunates." "Well?" said the rich lady. "Could you supply the necessary li quor?" Louisville Courier-Journal. Tho natives of the Andaman Inlands average three feet eleven Inches In height and weigh under 70 pounds. 17