I 3UV W stotlo ,'X w s- "MTsi ,T' -;iV7'ir:TA -v. ravs---c. 'wrtrNisiTiBK-r "- ssr - '-5B2sKW3Sia.i r-Zs-' BT: A KsHsiiapcr That Gives The. News FITty-two VtcKs Each Yr.ar Far $1.(50 VOLUME 48 RED OLOUD, XEBUASKA. DKOISKIJISK l, )'J1J NUMBER 4! ramm Union Flourishes We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and Victory Bonds at the market. If you desire to buy or sell, call on us Interest paid on Time Deposits Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska Webster County Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $35,000 Red Cloud, Nebraska Throughout Entire State The bn event of the teuton, the Farmers Union gathering held at tlio odd 1-ellows hall on Tuesday evening, Opening and Closing Hours for Business Houses of City TJie Fuel Committee ntit with Mayor I'ojie imd adopted the following open ing and dosing order to take eifect at pi found n large riutnhor of tin farmers pnee, for nil business houses, chuiohcs,, 'of theooiintv present. uuinberhiL' over ' '"ll't's' l' l-f direction of tho lliiee hundred. i'eilcnil lui.M Ailiutnlstritlnr for the Kev. Ira Wagoner presided and tlio, conservation of fuel. Edward Floiance, President iDnmiiSKii S. R. Floiance, Cashier raniiaHimw OTHFJfflM Christian Church Sunday, December 4 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Preaching Service 6:30 p. m. C. E. Service 7 p. m. Sermon: ''Legalizing of an Ancient Wrong" . a anniiK following ptogram was given I'liino .solo by Miss Nautnti Corner; Solo by Miss Greta Kshelman; Vocal solo by Maxlne Thomas; Heading "The Farmers (it eatot Product"' Mrs. Itutli Eshelmau; Addrcs by i'rof. l''llley, of the Nebraska State Agricultural col leire; I'iuno Duetto by the Misses Fltzi Address by Carl M. Slutt, vice p.-esl-deat of tho Fanners Stuto Exchange. Among tlie many points brought out by him was, that the farmers of No braska have 17.'. stores, and have uot had a single failure in four years He slated that seven counties of tho state had raised St'iOu.OOl) to boost the farm, ers institution. That the South Platte farmeis of Nebraska had raised gT.'i.OUO for the state exchange. The West j Point store was doing SUM) a day busi ness. That the manacer of the lied Cloud stoic reports that, they are doing a bushiest, amounting to 3l.,U a duy. Geoigo Kailey, inuuuger of the IjchI elevator leports that the elevator handled !!30,00( bushels or-gritin (n .the past year, saving the members of the Union over 870DU iu profits. He stated that statfstics proved that the Unions are making good throughout the whole United States. The Nebraska Sta'te lixchungu sold to Montgomery-Ward 7000 pairs of overalls ami Seurs-Koe-buek (luoO shirts. Ho said that the luirmers Union was the only hope of Coin mbici Grafonola Grocery and Dry Hoods stores open 8:30 a. in., close .1:30 p. m. Lumber mid Coal Yards. Hardware,' luiTlouieut, Hlioe, Clothing, Furniture, Jewelry and unclassified business open '.) a'ii., close r.r.'ii) p. in. Uunks open at ID a. in. close at 4 p, in. i Drug 9toros !) a. in. " 0 p. in. Pool halls noon " Up, in. I Com'rclal Club noon " 0 p. in Restaurants " Moving pictures one show only. Churches', morning services, one union evening service Sunday. Lodgo meetings and dances prohibited Saturday night closing order 0. p. m. for till and same far Xmas week. Coal yards are given spoulal permit while unloading coal P. C. Popo, Mayor, V. A. Sherwood 0. A. Merrick, K. G. Caldwell Fuel Committee. '.. p..m Baker-Newhouse The home of Kev. .1. I, lleebe was the scene of a wedding ceremony jWhvjK Utiitfd the dostlnteb of two of Iff.VTlond's poriiiln'r young people, MUs Osn linker, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Hetbert Ludlow, and Mr. Paul Newhonse, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Xewhouse, on Sunday afternoon. Ilev. Beebe oflluiuted while Miss (Jludys Keufro and Kalph Newliouse acted as the Musician's Instrument the Interior Decorator's Delight Jhe Teacher's Aid the Source of never-ending Entertainment The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" To the musician it is more than the reproducer of tunes It is the RE-CREATOR of Music. To the interior decorator and lover of fine arts its cx quisit Period designs make it a phonograph apart. In the home, its true music-its RE-CREATION of all that is beautiful and real in music is of utmost cultural benefits. Its lighter music for lighter moods is a source of never-ending entertainment. We shall take pleasure in demonstrating the NEW EDISON for you. B. H. NBWHQUSB J I 9 OPTOMBTH1ST and IBWBLOR saving the little towns as p.ived roads j witnesses. and Hiito were taking the people to' Uoth these young folks were reared the larger to.vus and cities, where they I In m,r ll,,dht- l,n,, ",v ;"llus of tho are doing their shopping. Unless the l.ocal .n,h Sl,ho01' Tho . hrlilo. for farmers cm be interested in the bust. ! olue tu,w ,,!lSt WHS hn Mlh'"r " ' ness ol Mm town it will lwv no future. l'0l,,,tJ' AKel's oll,ct, AlNVwliouse. A store or elevator conducted by the sl,,t!3 '-sM '100'- " rtevotwl his funnels keeps the business i.Uhe com j "e to the .study of Autoj and has inunity and make u future for the ,1 reeniy purchased mi interest In tmvi) J h garage In (jjiide Ilock. They will II lw ,.i..i.,.. L-c ,..,.,. in. i... miiKe uioir iiuiuo m nun cuy ' v.w.'iti t v liittl rtr vv- j till' effect that it car of butter was worth A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year A COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA ' with Columbia Records means'; a Christmas filled with merry music . and the coming year crowded with ' joy. Corking good dance records,' popular song hits, gems of Grand Opera -and beautiful symphonies will all combine to give your friends and ' ' family many happy days and evenings every day of every year. -J S.'lO,0(JO and that the farmer servos as a capitalist and a friend of labor and (hat they were the only means of bring ing the two forces together. Following this address the balance of tho program was given which con slsted of Selections by the Male quar tette; Piano duotte by Mrs Wagoner and Miss Greta Kshelman; Musical trio, Naoma Corner, Morrison and Myrtle McUonkey; Headings by Mrs. George Katley. At this meeting a large amount of stock was 'Subscribed for the benefit uud advancement of tlie local Union. A bountiful oyster supper, prepared by the noted chef, Sam'l Jonesj was served, which whs enjoyed by all pres ent. New Assistants in Post Office Married Miss Nellie Kellilier, daughter of Maurice Kelllhor and wife, whs marr ied Wednesday morning to Mr. John Doyle, junior member of the well known linn of Doyle Ilros., atitfonoers. The wedding was solemnized at the Catholic church at nine o'clock by Father Volke. Both bride and groom are most excellent people of tho high est type of citizenship and eminently worthy of tlie congratulations being showered upon them. They will live on the groom's farm seventeen,jullcs northwest of Ksbou. Esbon Tifnes. naranK Special IN QUALITY AND PRICE J For the next 5 days only! a ili ;( WITGHELL OPTOMETRIST ttlufeWi GrforilM -;r-Y -:- Ctlumfcia Rtctr. tmmvmm Monday of this week satv some changes made in the locul post ofllce. Miss Rachel Cowden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Cowden, who took the civil service examination, for clerk, en tered upon her duties, having received tlie highest grades, among tho contest ants for that position. In order to ac cept this position she was obliged to resign, us instructor in School District No. 0, the Norrls district. Marion lllooin, who has been In tho railway mall service was appointed as sistant post master, no male applicants have tried for the pi ice, Miss Clara McMillan, who for many or lodgo. years past has faithfully served the public as assistant in tills olllco was forced to resign, when the local oQlce was advanced to second class, sho hav. lug passed tho ago limit of eliglbloap pllcunts for tlio new position, During the time she has served-in this capacity she bus made many friends and it Is with deep regret that they note her dismissal from service, but it seems that the Uovernraent makes no excenf toas.tolts.ruldfl. . " . rtl?j ti Another Pioneer Passes On Louisa Anno Clark was born August 14, 184H, in Indiana. She was united in marriage to James McN'utt, later moving to North IJ ranch, Kansas. In 1885 they moved to Webster County, where she has sluce resided. Her hus band passed away fifteen years ago, two sisters, Mrs. lUchel Annick and Mrs. Mary Jackson, and two brothers, George and Thomas Clark precceded their sister to the grave She died December 1. 1010, at the home of her sou Oliver McNutt. after an Illness of three years, being 71 years of age at the the time of her death. Two children, Oliver McNutt and Mrs. Kdlth Adams and two brothers John and William Clatk are left to mourn her demise. . The deceased was a membor of tho Haptist church and tho Degree of Hon- Fancy Blue Ribbon Brand Peeled Evaporated PEACHES 28c M 1 -pound package The very BEST Quality 55c 2-pound package Funeral services wero held tills nfternoon at Will, nt tlio South bide Hrethorn church, Kev. J. h. lleebe otliclating. Isadora Johns6n spent Thanksgiving in rHMtlng. "' ' i '' VMfafc? : NOTICE An ordinance passed by tho City Council provides for cleaning snow from sidewalks (occupied by owner or tenant) by five o'clock P. M. We nsk the citizens to cooperate with ua in enforcing this, 6wHnnnce. If anyone refuses to coniply with it, the work will be don4y the citKnd charged Fancy Table Syrup, gallon cans, Light $1, Dark 95c Extra good Tomatoes, No. 3 cans, now sell at 22c can Initial Brand Salmon, delicious, large can for 30c Post Tosties, you know 'em, large size package 22c Fancy glass Christmas jars Velvet tobaco 16 oz., $1.25 Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. , Red Cloud, Neb. "NOT IN THE COMBINE" iiuBmnKinm an airiiUti i nniimi iiin tm traiaKiiiu aiHit n n linn rmii n iuru mi muiu;nin nuciinnnnnuniiitniniitma iminniiiTt rat nnnuu rift mnn uu: m nutnmrcrni u m rtn rrKnu; n mi ui nr e i:i: a ai nuu tani anm IV nun tuxr'ao-iilH.'st theViiroBerty. I , STRHfeT COMMISSIONER. !!:r:;':FARM GOOD CHEAP Easy Terms You will do well to write to' R.M.CraigvBankini Orleans, Orleans. Nek I M V ,jl f fUt,i V i.i.jh i'h ?.': . r -. r f