V ' --.,. - -" - -.W V " T . -r "ToSaC; J - m - -l.j)l'- " Vt. . KJ6.0 OLODD, 1YEBRAIKA, OHHF'' V ( 1 J" fe" &-." Pi I' .1. I,' m IF I flH into Look Figuring on the future may not just appeal to every one but the shrewd business man gives the future strict attention. He must it in order to succeed. He must anticipate the future wants of his customers, in order to place his orders, in advance, for the coming season. We have carefully considered the future from every standpoint. We have bought only the merchandise that wc know will please every one of our customers and give satisfaction. If you arc considering the future and purchas ing with views that will insure comfort and happiness in the home in days to come you will find the Geo. W. Trine hardware store has the incrchaneisc that assures you perfect satisfaction in every way. A South Bend Range or lllinoy' Heater, once installed in your home banishes all heater and range troubles, and in their stead supplants a feeling of good will which enables you to enjoy life to the fullest extent. i I A New TIRE $20. Guaranteed Repair $3. WHICH IS IT GOING TO BE ? A few dollars will put that old tire in shape to give you many more miles R. C. SUTTON'S . . TIRE SERVICE STATION . . Free Service -:- Free Air rsmiiEa.vn.'1 T.:mjmE Columbia til feliillf ' III ,jsasi -i ! Sr ' " 1 ' iff ' ' ! 1 - J. C. MITCHELL Cotumbla Grafonolas and Records '..".iujiu SMffiiiiim&i i'!'.,' i ' "h;.ik Christian CI "ip" Sunday, November 3O 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Preaching Service 6:30 p. m. C. E. Service 7 p. m. Sermon: "When the desert blossoms as a rose' Miglff5iMJI1 E. S. Gojrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And ' Furnish You the Fixtures the Future re JJ Or a 8 & S 8 8 8 00 Grafanola Make Your Christmas Merry and Melodious A COLUMBIA Grafanola is a Christmas gift that carries to all the Glad Spirit. The Columbia Records redouble the charm of the Columbia Grafanola. Together lhey will -give all your family all the joy of the world's best music, delight them not only on Christmas day but for many years to come. i i i, umm '"i: ii'wiauairii.'wivjiiiiffi'"' nnmm vmn mn nrrsniiniiuaainwnRieatBr ! lurch Thm Hamilton - Omthmr Clothing COi Everything Mam r Boy Wtar m4 OIw4 Niirsika Dr.W.H.McBridc DENTIST OVBU STATU HANK REDCLOUD ftliBRASK' Wheat Always Preferred Food. While more people nre living in 1 1 t world loilny dependent upon rlco thai upon wheat Tor .sub.slHlonco ntiU n greater number of tliu liimuui family live upon nillk't tlmn any other cereal food, wheat In the preferred food among tho higher civilized peoples The more progressive peoples of tlif enrth Imve ever heen wheat eaters. Grains of wheal have been dlhcovenn In Kgyptlan tombs of tho first dynas ty, dating back -1,000 15. C, whli bread of wheat has been excavattil from tho ruins of the prehistoric Iu'jc dwellers of Wagner nnd Itobcnlmuseu In Switzerland. His Mind In the Clouds. Rev. George Harvest was to have been married to tho daughter of Bish op Compton of London, but on tho morning fixed for the ceremony for got all about It and went off fishing. Much Indignation was felt by the bride and her friends, and tho engagement was broken off. ut the reverend gen tleman's second engagement" wus equally unsuccessful. Once more he forgot to come up to the church and lost Ids expectant brldo lu conse quence. Wanted Only "Overgrown." Florence, hnvlng Invited Karl to her birthday, wns anxiously waiting for nn Invitation to Karl's party. -One day she asked him If she was going to he Invited to his party, to which ho replied: "Oh, I'm not going to have any Ulds nt my party, only overgrown people." To Clean Copper. Half n lemon dipped In salt wll elenn copper boilers, etc., as well ni oxalic ncid will. For Sale The McFnrland rooming house strict ly moilorn and doing capacity hushies.' -J. EvlJETZ, Red Cloud. Nebr. Notice of Administration In the County Court ot Webster County NcbriiHka In the matter cit tliocstatcof Aiulrcw Mnr. tlnson deceased. To All 1'KUSONS Interestcil InSatd Kstate Notice Is hereby llvtn that Osear It. Mar tinson has this day tiled n petition In tin lounty court, prnyltntthiit udnilnlstratlon ot saht estate inny he isriiutcd to himself as ad ministrator, and that said petition will lie heard twtora.tho court on tho 12th diiy ol l)ecomb(r, IUl".atlhohour)I'Jo'rlock, p. ni.. at thocounty court room In tho city ol Itcd Cloud, In said county, when all persons Inter osted In said matter may appear and nhbv cause why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice. ot thulium; ol raid position, and tho hearlnit thereof, ho liven by publishing neopy of this order In tho Ited Cloud Chief, a lenal weekly news paper priuti d and of general circulation In r.ilil county, for thrco consecutive weeks prior lo said day of heiirlni;. Dated this 1 till day ol Novomber IUIU. -tieal) A. t. UAN.N'CV, true copy) County .Indue. In the District Court o f Webster County, Nebraska. Conrait Iliisu-r, I.orn Itasscr.MattUtaSidait. eii,,lolin II. s.iiniicn, l-Mwnnt Itnsser, Kmina Itasser. John lliiser, IJacl Knsnur, Veruiilea lloU'Dinl), John HolL'omb, Henry Itasser, I'hiliitlll's VM All'frt IMiltnsiitraor. Henry t'lileiispernnr, Allien Chlensiifrcer, Jr., Noionleii IItum (nee. Veronica IJIikusiipriser) WsillerUlili.il. spenjor, lutlniirti Ulil(nwtuiuor, Krwlu. lllt lensicrcr, Helen I'liIcnsiiorKcr, Wlllhuii M. l.Inilley, Mhia l.lnilluv Mnry Hnor, Ada I'roy, riiarlciH I'rey, Ilinma I'rey, Jiicol) I'rey. L'lain.Soiuiiiurluilder, Albert Soiniiicrhnhlcir. t.cnn HnrrlH. Arcliie lliiriix, Waller KaMiur, naa K:sscr, ISciij;iiiilii ItnKeiir, llaxol U-M-i-or, Wllllmu ltaher, Arllu H:Her, lU'lemtaiitH. . To Albert I'lilnmiiurncr, Henry I'liluns- ppriccr, Jr., Veronica Hruss (nee. Veronica riilcnspcrgor) Wnltur VhluiiM)Hir(;tlr, IMwanl riiluimporKcr, Krwln I'lilenKpcrner, Helen I'hleiiBporuor, l.ona illnrrU, Arclilu Harris. Iienjnmln Itastcr ami llael ltnsor .SON UI-:hI)I:NT DIJI'liNDANTd. ICarli ot you will tnl.e ijntlco that on tho IQtli. tiny ot No. vemlior lint) the above naniea plaln'mrs itleil thtlr petition lathe DNtrlct Court ol Wob .iter County, Nebraska, against nnlil dcli'inl ants tho object unci prayer of which Is lu He euro a ilecrcoof salil court conllrmliiK thulu terestsauil reupcutlvc vhareH ot tho vailous pUUnllirn niulilolciulanls liuuul to I.ol Six teen UD) Muck Thirty One (III) City of lied Cloud, Wobstor County, Nebraska, ami lor a partition of said real estate between tho vari ous plaliiilirs and defendants In accordance with thtlr respective InlcrcstH and tihnre therein and If same can not ho cqultuiily di vided and partitioned then that said real efitato bo sold under nn order of n;ild court and tho procecdH thereof divided ninoui; tho respective parties acrordlui; vo their Inter ests and for such other and further relief as may bo J list and eiiultatle. Von aro irciiulrcil to answer nnld petition on or boloro tho ilwi. day of December 1'Jlit. Dated this 10th. day of November llil'J. Conrad Itahscr, I.ora Itasser, Matilda .Snla den, John II. .Stladcu. Edward Itasser, Kuiina HiiHiioriohn Itasser, Ha.el Hastcr, Veronica llolcouib, John llolcoiuh, Henry ltiihsir. lly I'red Maurer, Their Attorney, FARM LOANS I am ready to make you a farm loan in any amount and at tho low est rato of interest. It is a well known and conceded fact that I car. get you a loan with absolutely no delay for inspection or otherwise. All that is required Is an abstract of tltlo nnd'your money is ready for you. Office opposite the E. G. Caldwell law office. J. II. BAILEY. Attention Breeders The Cambridge Bivi'ders Hereford sale to bo hold at ( mbildge, Nebr, Dee. 10, 1010, will present mi oppor ttiwly Merer before offered In this loo allty to secure some valuable Hereford iced stock ut bni-giiln prices. On oe omit of the huge number consigned, fancy prlcos eumiot be expected and those who nil to avail themselves or tills bargain counUr side will )0 di.,. appointed. The old breeder will Iihvk i splendid eliuneo to add new blood to his herd and the young breeder who contemplates Minting ii new herd will have the unprecedented privilege of selecting some eh .lee Individuals, that me strong In Atucloty 1 Lit blood. This is an iwceptiomil oll'erlt'g .for the reason that the consignments eon slstsof K) many good matrons with calves by their side and re-bred to the bust Anxletj 4th bulls in the world. Th: produce of the cow will hi most cases pay the bill for the entire lot. ojhiuu luruuis us going into detail re giirtllng this splendid draft of cnttlc; however the manager will be pleased to answer all eliqnities and nmtl you onr copy of the catalog. Our snlo pavilion had been lemoilelcd nd will be warm and conilorr'abl on sale day, regardless of tho weather conditions. .1. M. HollinRSWortb, Mgr. Cambridge, Nebr Col. K I). Snell, Aiict. Do You Live With Your Famllt? Tho Youth'b Companion Is published for those families who purpose to live together, work together, play together and read together. The editors be lieve that a united family meaus a united nation. It is surprising how many stories over '250 me printed in tho 52 weekly issues. Every member of the futnlly vlll enjoy reading Clmtles 11. II awes' serit 1, The Son of n. "Gentleman Horn," in 10 chapters, beginning in mi early issue, and the ri othei serial storks by Elsie Singmaster and others. ..New subscribers for 1020 will receive: i. 1 he Youth'b Companion r2 issues in 1'2M 1. All lemalnlng weekly 1019 Issues. It. ' The Companion Home Calf ndar for 1020. All the above for S3 ,'i0. I. MeCall's Magazine for 1020, $1 tho tnouthly fashion authority. Both put--Ueatious for only 82.0.-1. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Commonwealth are. & St. Paul st., Hostoo, Mass. NOTICE Bceinning with Aug. 1st we will develop any size film or film pack free of chargo when prints arc ordered. When no prints arc ordered, tho price Is 5c for films or 10c for film packs. Quick service: bring in your films or packs today and get your prints tomorrow. Tho price of prints remains as hereto fore. THE RED CLOUD STUDIO "Quality" Job Printing t ,a; i . :r WW1 V ci" tZZ-lZ Camclsare soldo very' wherein tclcntificclly scaled paccaJes of 30 cigarettes or ten pack' ages 300 cifiarBttes) in a glnssino'pnpar covered carton. We Btronfily recommend thia carton for the home or ofice supply or when you travvlt R. J. Rejrnolih Tobacco Co. Wiailon.Salcm, N. C. C71). weu ..v., .'z.: &3SS X- ;;w,'i .- . i. K?M llav...gpureha-o(l a tuneii in Cotoiado, I wl,l Mll at publl- nu.'lio-i om tho W. It. Won.ierly farm ? -ni es south of In .vmI.j 7 nines s,.,rtliof Cir.i; 17 mlUM v i.Buunon, ivun , ami -j-j miles N TUESDAY, &EC. 2nd! Commencing nt 12 o'eliclr 114 Head of Stock 114 22 Head Morses &wd! Mules Hluck mate o yrs old, sound, wt lCoO, in foal tojielc; brown mare 8 yrs old wt 1700, s mud, In fo.,1 to j.r.k; grey mure .'1 yrs old, wt 1 10), s.und. In foal to j.iokjbuy male 8 yrs old, wt l'JOU, sound, In ronl lo jack; buy mare, 2 yrs old wt l.,0, bred i j ! f., fll,j. u, ,, bny ,lf1M.a s an , ,, y (i, w t Q except light wire mult on one; team blueU horses, suinul, 3 yr old, wt sow)- team black geldings, sound, 2 yrs old; pony, smooth ir.Outij, wt U00. ' Team extra well mated bay mules, sound, .'1 yrs old, wt 2200; team brown mules, oiiud, IJ yrs old, wt SHOO; team brown mules, II yrj old, wt 2.'W0, sound bvei!irhKi,tml!!?rltn01il,li,iC! ,0nm blilck 9pri" ,m,les 0l,t of 1COOlb mavi ' uuy spin g muks of 1 i lb mare. .62 MqM f Cattle 2o head of good milch cow,, some will bo fresh soouj lu yearling steers 8 yo tiling heifers IS -pring e.he-! 0 etra good, litgh grade Hereford bull oil ves, w'H marlio.l. ' ' 3(? Head of Kles .1 registered Duroc .ler.ev S ws, will be bred for Anrll farrow, to Hnolsr.vl Hoar; 1 Ueglstered U'lai ; 20 .sliont, weight about seventy.flve lbs each. Lunch Will be Served by Pawnee Ladies Aid J. W. W0NDERLY, Owner W. R. Wonderly & Son, Auctioneer State Bank of Inavale, Clerk Public Sale As I am leaving this part of the country I will offer for sale at public Auction nt the John Wittwer farm, 7 miles south, 1 mile east of Iteil Cloud; 7 miles west, t mile north of North Uranoh, ICitn,, anil in north, 2; tulle east of Leb anon, Kan., commencing at 11 a. m , sharp, ou Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, 1919 140 Head of Live Stock 10 Head of Horses Mack mare, 7 yrs old, in foal, wt lCM); black mare 8 yrs old, bred lo jack, wi. I40oj span of geldings, 7 yrs old, wt 3300; gelding 1 jrs old, wt 1400; gelding 7 yrs old, wt 1000, good sluldlo horse; 2-r old colt; span gcod sucking colts. 70 Hexd of Cattle Consisting of 4 good milch cows, fresh in December aud January; balance fine steers weighing about 700 lbs, 3 yr old heifers and about 40 calves' and short yearlings. 60 Head of Hogs 31 spring shoals, wt nbont l'Jr. lbs., 4 old sows and 25 pigs, about 2 month old Farm Machinery and Feed Lunch Served on the Grounds Terms: $10 and under cash; 12 months at 10 interest. CHAS. WITTWER, Owner Doyle Bros., Auctioneer V. A. Sherwood, Clerk 1-i wa - r .iksTK AV. - Wi! riv"' : 4SS --sr-1-.ifc CAMELS are the most refreshing, satisfytng'cigarette you ever smoked! Put all your cigarette desires in a bunch, then buy some Camels, give them every taste-test nnd know for your own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth body and in many other delightful ways Camels arc in a class by themselves! Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. You'll notronly prefer this blend to either' kind of tobacco smoked straight, but you'll appreciate the remarkable full-bodied-mildness and smooth, refreshing flavor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation! Camels win you in so many new ways! They not only permit you to smoke liberally without tiring your taste but leave no tinpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or un pleasant cigaretty odor! Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! You'll prefer Camel quality to premiums, coupons or gifts! zti: liSV -A .v ,1. V - I, l. 7' '!. r..- j ?.? f& jt'j . kiarr E oi Smith Ookr, Kill ( u tr '1 vh ! 4 V -' v r . Al tetitSi1'1'''' fa&jj&jj