The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 27, 1919, Image 3

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rw rr y A-fflr-w. w rt, 0
Bat and drink at Powell A Pope's
Cafe. tf
State Agent 0. D. Hodge Is home
this week.
J. L. Christian is visiting his wifo
nml family.
Mrs. Frank Tctcrson spent Tuesday
in Hastings.
Morris Groat was down from Ina
vale Tuesday.
ff' Everett Bean was down from Ina
valc Monday.
G. R. McCrary was down from In
avale Monday.
Hude Robertson was down from
Blue Hill Sunday.
Roxie Weaver was visiting friends
in the city this week.
Good meals good service moderate
prices Powell k Pope's cafe.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Burch were
down from Inavalc Saturday.
Mrs. Alice Hosmer went to Clinton,
Illinois, Monday to visit relatives.
A cement walk is being laid in front
of the Besse Auditorium this week.
Fred Temple of Kansas City spent
the last of the week with friends hero.
Charley Fox of Giand Island is vis
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rickerson
spent Sunday with relatives in Or
leans. Lincoln Mudd and Lloyd Craig re
turned to Bird City, Kansas, Sunuay
Misses Minnie Christian and El
tina Rickard went to Hastings Wed
nesday. Miss Minnie Christian cntcitaincd
the Teachers' Whist Club at her home
Friday evening.
Mrs. L. V. Pegg went to Grand
Island Wednesday to spend Thanks
giving with friends.
Messrs. Beck and Boyer returned
to their home at Osborne, Kansas,
the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Layf Galbraith left
Monday for Laurel, Montana, after
.visiting relatives here.
Dr. Wilson went to Lincoln Wed
nesday evening to attend the Advcnt
ists' Conference meeting.
Herb Ludlow, Will Sunberry and
several others from here attended the
football game at Superior Friday.
G. J. Wairen went to Beatrice Sun
cay to visit his aged father who has
been quite sick the past few days
J. W. Wonderly of Inavale was Jn
the city Thursday evening enroutc to
Munden, Kansas, to attend a horse
Miss Vashti Roubal went to Blue
"HOI Wednesday to spend Thanks
giving with her sister, Mrs. Eimo
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crabill and Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Mizer left Monday for
.California where they will spend the
LeBtcr Amack returned home Wed
nesday morning from St. Francis,
Kansas, where he had been visiting
Mrs. Ancil Crabill and children
went to Hebron Wednesday to spend
Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs.
.W. W. Wright.
Ensign Allnn Blacklcdgo, who has
been stationed on the Cruiser Okla
homa, of the U. S. Navy for the past
several months, is visiting his par
ents, Attoincy and Mrs. L. H. Black-ledge.
Bay Bread at Powell and Popes
J. H. EUinger spent Wednesday in
rDati Pumroy was down from Riv
ertOBf Tuesday.
Art Gilbert returned home from In
avale Wednesday.
Ed Himcs of Happyvillc, Colorado,
is visiting friends and relatives here.
Mrs. Roy Oatman and brother, Will
Rantz, spent Saturday in Hustings.
Mrs. C. H. Potter went to Lincoln
Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs.
D. D. Snnderson.
Rev. Utile? will hold TliiUilsfilng
services tit 10:30 ihi? morning at tho
Episcopal church.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Woolard, of Con
cordia, Kansas, who had been visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rcgester,
went to Chester Tuesday to visit rel
atives. While out hunting on his bi other's
farm near Inavale the last of the
week, Arthur Gilbert had the misfor
tune to discharge a gun accidentally
and put a few shot in the end of his
Tbo Farmers Union Elevator will
have- a car of oats and corn within a
few duyb. Phono in your order now.
New Columbia Records arc on sale
the 10th and 20th of every month. The
Christinhs records have arrived. Uonie
In and hear these flue selections. J.
(J. Mitchell The Jeweler, Columbia
Gnifonolus and Kccoids.
(Officially Endorsed by the Inter
church World Movement of
North America for Use in the
Churches of all Protestant De
nominations Paiticipatlng in the
Almighty God, Who in earlier days
led our fathers foith into a largo in
heritance, give us grace, we humbly
beseech Thee, to pass through these
days of unrest and turmoil in confi
dence and courage that what has been
so well begun will come to rich com
pleteness. Bless our land with the fruits of
honest toil. Save us from the discord
which misunderstanding brings. Keep
our feet in the path of righteousness.
Teach us to love liberty and justice
and to practice them to the upbuild
ing of the entire world as well as our
own native land. Fashion Into one peo
ple the multitudes brought hither out
of many countries and make them
true Americans.
Give us grateful hearts for the
abundant harvests of the year. In the
time of our prosperity temper our
self-confidence with the recollection
that "every good and every perfect
gift is from above." Let no anxiety
rob us of the consciousness of Thine
abiding love. In the day of trouble
suffer not our trust in Thee to fail.
Be patient with us when our purposes
break down or our endeavors seem of
no avail.
Go with us into Thanksgiving day.
Teach us to give thanks for all the
blessings of the time, to dread noth
ing but the loss of Thee and to per
ceive the sun of Thine enduring love
forever shining behind every cloud.
I Bless us all at the Thanksgiving
t Board. Be with those who cannot be
with us as well as who can.
Make us, wherever we may be, one in
that unity of hope and faith and love
which neither time nor distance can
destroy. And send us forth into the
future with Thanksgiving faces amt
Thanksgiving hearts eager to labor,
strong to endure, and useful to the
land we love. Amen.
There is a charm, an invisible
enchantment about these beau
tiful Christmas display.
The reccpitenl will need no other
introduction than- "h Came from
BrachY ' to make her, or hit, hapi
ness complete.
The ilote it striving lo terv aveiy one of
id pittoni well, but we want to imprcw
upon you the wiidom of shopping eily
eatly morning shopping ii, ol coime, the
Lett time (or everything it then t id bed.
Hastings, Nebr.
The Store of the CliriitmM Spirit
Farm Bureau Notes
The Annual Meeting of the Webster
County Faun Buicau will be held on
Tuesday afternoon, December 2, in
the Couit Room of the Court Hoasc.
We now have the necessary three bun
dled members to comply with the new
Farm Bureau Law and membership
curds urc still coming in. On the
above named date all members are in
vited to uttend this meeting and or
ganize themselves into a society
known as a Farm Bureau, adopt a
constitution and by laws and elect
County Agent's report for past year
and address from an extension Spe
cialist of Lincoln and the Guide Rock
High School male quartette will be at
this meeting. Plan now to attend.
Ten Ways To Kill An Association
1. Don't come to the meetings.
2. But if you do come, come late.
' 3. If the weather doesn't suit you,
don't think of coming.
4. If you do attend a meeting, find
fault with the woik of the officers
and other members.
5. Never accept an office, as it is
easier to criticise than to do things.
6. Nevertheless, get sore if you
are not appointed on a committee, if
you do not attend the committee meet
7. If asked by the chairman to give
your opinion regarding some impor
tant matter, tell him you have noth
ing to say, then after the meeting,
tell everyone how the thing ought to
be done.
8. Do nothing more than Is abso
lutely necessary, but when other mem
bers roll up their sleeves and willing
ly, unselfishly use their ability to
help matters along, howl that the as
sociation is run by a clique.
9. Hold back your dues as long
as possible, or don't pay nt all.
10. Don't bother about getting
new members; "Let George do it."
County Agricultural Agent.
-, -J. .
' V'
Cross out
the crosses
X X E (X
.vu. ; ,-..-
" '
WHEN you buy a. car fully
equipped and after a
few months your battery fails,
what are you going to do?
Going back to buy another
of the same make? Or this
time, will you play safe?
Real safety means the new
J&'v1", "'"i
with the
Philco Slotted Retainer
for that is the battery that is
guaranteed for two years
the longest, strongest battery
guarantee ever written. Why
take a chance? Play safe!
by Red Cloud Battery Service Station
"OMAHA'S fMt0,ntjrl7 VISIT
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
EqulptiB. Brilliant Senile Eailrtomml
- Everybody Goes? Aak Anybody
Buys "Century"
'The Beat Sheet Musio
.Op EN cents buys the world's best
I A sheetmuslc In the Century Ed
ition. Written exactly as the master
minds conceived them printed on
the best of paper. Think ol buying
lor only iuc sucn lamoua mastcr
tpleces os:
SCI, rvt tnd IVujnt
&3. II 1otor.
IMJ, Mirth Huim
jJV. UL! LIliM
1910, Ilanrt Cipric.
IMI, (l.rott. from Miction
11(2. Khtihrilf D.nte, UrrgrV
l3,Jo!hrrIChmlul I
(II. la Ifall Cnitunw V.Im
9IS, trcni) by llbhin
Ittl, Caiuonetl. op. 33
. lUS.IIuleklni'elU
1. M.iirlnla
J70, Httim lr (Mi7tt
m. VkIm
You'll find them all
among the 2000 seli'c-
lions in Century's JcKlTlT&v
Ctet catalogue.yr QCtiiJKy
see for your
Repairing, charging and distilled water for any battery
1vf.' AsPhiladelohia Diamond GridBatlerv to fit anV car.
V V. '". i?i
A man's
best pal
is his smoke
take it easy for a while"
Ches. Field
A CIGARETTE that invites you to enjoy
a smoke as you never have before"
that's Chesterfield.
Not merely fine tobaccos, mind youi
though we use the finest of Turkish and
Domestic leaf, but an exclusive blending
method that brings out hidden flavors
flavors that others have failed to find.
That's why Chesterfields are different.
That's why they satisfy. And this method
is a closely guarded secret. That's why
none but Chesterfields can satisfy.
And Chesterfields reach you in prime shape
for smoking always because every separate
package is wrapped in moisture-proof glas
sine paper. a sa
S A 3H H' IP IF 31 jSyipc
nm the blend ii$W '
20 for 20 cents can 't be copied SSyjr ,
Sold by
Chas. L. Cotting
" The Druggist
Wc will have n car of oats and corn
soon. Lcnre your order now. Farm
urs Union Elevator.
FOIl SALE Good quarter section ol
und with pood Improvements, 1 miles
south of Innvnle, N on ensy terms
Write for full description. C. F. Cittli
'jr Red Cloud, Nebr.
wither Spencor of the Franklin Aca
demy will occupy tho pulpit nt the j
Iloptist chinch noxt Sunday, 3 p. ir.
A mule qunrtettu hub also been enur
ed to assist in the services that dny.
An invitation U extended to nil to be
m m m
In the District Court of
Webster County, Nebraska.
Conrad Nasser, f.ora llaxscr, Mntlldii Snla- J
den, .lohn II. Halmlen, Edward Hawser, liuiuin
ltiiRsur, John llasBor, Hacl Hastier, Veronica
Italcomb, John Holcomb, Henry Husxer,
- IMiiliUlirs.
Albert UlilciiHpcrgir, Henry Uhlcnsptrucr,
Albert UhlciiBperKcr, Jr., Voronlca lirunn
(ncc. Veronica Ulilunsptrgcr), Wnlter Uli
dispenser, KnUnUlileiiBperger, Helen Uh
l.'acH of tlio above named defendantn m HI
i l;u notice tlmt on the 10th. lay ol Novem
ber 1U1U, tho above named plalntlirH filed
their petition In the District Court of Web.
Kttr County, Nebraska, ntialnst said defend.
nnts, the object and prayer of Uilch Ih to
secure a dcerco of snld court couilriulng the
Interests and rcspeothu shares of the vart
iiuk plnlntiiranddcfcndautNln and to tho
North Katit (Quarter of Section i:iahteen (18)
In Township Two (.'), North of Hango Ten
(10),We8tof,tho6th. I'.M. In Webster Cuuutyi
Nebraska and for a partition of said real
isiruouiuoiiK uiu vunmis planum n iiihi uu
fcndanis in accordance wllli their respective
IntcrtHtt and shares therein and If saino can
not bo equitably divided and partitioned
then that said real estate bo sold under an
order of said court and tho procteds thereof
divided among tho parties according to their
respective Interests anil for tuieh other and
fin titer relief as may bo Just and equitable.
You are required to answer said petition on
or boforo thoUJnd day of December 1010.
Dated thlsiOlh. day of November I'JIU.
Conrad linger, l.ora Itasser, Matilda Hula
licit, John II. Haladcn, I M ward ItasHcr, Imiuui
Hither, John Knsser, llael llasser, Vcronlta
Iloleomb, Joint Holcouib, Henry ItiUKCr,
Ily I'rcd Maurer.TlKlr Attorney,
the.Kltchon CabinQt that saves miles'of slops'
.abn wvnnv .tVEy.A i i x
mu ri-ai-nn.-'WiiHK .
.H IJR ll ifs.rr .NMHrWfiNJsM ' .X
"- rm rm r t -mmih
H IT i" fuB
th , v s .. t nt
wnaTiouueT wine
JtKo Extra Cost
Hoosier's Celebrated Flour Bin
Beind mado entiroly of metal and glass, the flour bin in
Hoosior Kitchen Cabinets leaves no place for dust or germs
to Ipdge. Tightly fastened to tho cabinet, it is never dented '
never spills, never gets out of order. Beyond question it is
tho easiest to fill and keep clean. Iloosier is the scientific
cabinet the one you should own.
Graham Furniture Company
"The Store of Quality."
We deliver free 0 eftarge to any part 0 the city or ih country
I, J
fcafca.-iM ...u-jM,jMJ....,j, I ' J" Jk,- fr'.t . .,rr ...-I