The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 27, 1919, Image 1

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5 i
p. t
, 4J
k Ncnspnpcr That Gives The Reus Fifty-two WccKu Each Ycnr Tor 51.50
twrtiofUMwrnLf .iwi-pwwpffvjii ijmhijwim
ea'ijMuifflJif iiwffl' s iiTiaiwtiffliiiiii'fflffljiiiiaiiii i,u i ' i, unuw suit, in vn r .wri i mmnCTiirow -m
We buy and sell all issues oi Liberty and
Victory Bonds at the market. If you
desire to buy or sell, call on us
Interest paid on Time Deposits
Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors
Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Edward Floiance, President S. R. Florance, Cathier
Purchase Guide Rock Garage . Big Event For Farmers .
Chas Phares and Paul Xewhouso ro- Honr Ye' Khiiiiuis of this lelnltj
oentlv purchased the Columbia garage ( '',-,'' Roluj: to lie oiiuthliit; doing
at Guide Rock.' They have seemed ' ' Tiu-nl.y, December 2,
the Foul ugenc) for tlmt tenitoiy l,iit,C"'nmondng at 7:'l0 p in. A icaI pro
us yet have not ilouided whether or not ! of Joy hihI If 3011 miss It you will
they will handle anv other make. ' '' lVy '"""J- 1 egrets In the days to fol
! They Intend to continue to do a gener-1 liw thureforu make arrangements to
ul g.nago and repair business and ,JJ "" " "ml Wile, u you aren't,
without a doubt the patrons of that .dMlol and say that you havont hud
business establishment will continue , ft enj.ijablo time wo will lefuud you
to receive a llrst class service. Mr. Itt,& imit.sloii tuoiiey-boeuudo It's all
Newhouse Is an experienced auto inc.
chatdo belli,' a graduate of an nuto
school to Kansas City. The deal also
Included the electric light pl.iut which
1 arc a Tcrau mw 1. iu .m a im rv r, 1 m mm a v " w nwimtoni
operates In that town, it being iun in
connection with the gaiMge.
... if
Your Next Ord
For Groceries ToUs
Or Send one of the Kiddies
Either way the order will receive atten
tion and you will receive the same high
grade merchandise as you would, had you
called and made a personal selection.
are always welcome at our store. Do not
hesitate to send them to us if it is not con
venient for you to call. Then, too, it will
please them, to assist you in your shoping.
P. A. Wullbraiidt
Groceries and Qucensware
in.uii;,iJ!ilii:'ra:,';niii:ii!'ir.iii'n!.m!u;ii!ni,jn:,!!L:t:uru!!ia.iui!J,aH iTiiiiuwLaratniu'ii'uiiiiiiiiKiiiiinnnxraiiiiGiJiHJiiiuiBnufiKRSMumfliniimiiiiranTniMa
OAVING purchased the Peterson Garage
and taken posession of the same the un
dersigned are now prepared to give prompt
and careful attention to the wants of the
automobile owners of Red Cloud and vicinity '
We have secured the exclusive agency for
the Ford car in the Red Cloud territory.
All Ford orders will receive careful attention
anddelivery made as soon as possible.
The Fordson Tractor will also be included
in our line. Delivery can be made promptly.
A full line of Ford and Fordson supplies
will at all times be carried in stock.
Your business is solicited and every effort
will be made to please.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Be Thankful
The major portion of another yeur
has passed Into eternity, and tinds us
obset vintf one of the. nations oldest
holidays Thanksgiving a day observ.
ed cioh year, since the time of our pil
grim fathers This should indeed be
a day of thanksgiving, the great strife
being over and the majority of those
who deserted the ranks of civil llfo In
order to defend the nation's honor are
with us agalu. There Is not one of us
bo has not something to be thankful
for. While dauie fortune may not
have smiled upon all of us, still, we
should be thankful for what favors we
have received.
Various ways and means of spending
the day are at our disposal The
churches will hold united services in
the evening; many will have their ab
sent relatives and friends around the
fireside once more; the citfes and hotel
ara catering to their patrons with a
special menu; a big 'foot ball game
will be played at 2:30 p. in., which
will be followed by a. big featuro show
at the Orphcum theater at 4 o'clock,
the same performance being repeated
In the evening. All business is sus
pended for the day.
In order to give the "force" an op
poitunity to whet up their appetite, in
the morning, for a big dinner, mj in
dent leligeous meditation, a tiip out
to the ball grounds or a peep at the
movies we are piloting the Chief one
day early this week. To do this wo
have found it necessary to fpeed up
woik and piss up news-hence n no
ticlble lack ot news matter In tho col
11111113 of our paper.
Smith County Pioneer Dies
Monday, Jntncs T. Fruit one of the
old settle: s of Smlli county, Kansas
passed away at his home fifteen miles
southwest of this oity Tho deceased
wasbotuiu Illinois, August 5, lS."iD
and wns tH years of ago at the timo of
his death.
A wile nnd sovoral children arc left
to mourn his departure from this life.
'Pill f,, II, 111 CiIr.a IV1IV.1 liAlrl Wnil
ncsdny afternoon at two o'clock, at tho
Mt. Hope chin on, Interment being
mado iu the cemetery near by.
Tax Notice
going to bu Free.
At our lust meeting we selected a
committee to make luiaiiL'oiuonts and
pieparc a piogiMin and as they are a
keen wide-awake bunch of iellows you
ciii just bet tho ptogiam Is going to'
be all that it should be, and then some. '
The speakers will inclhde such learn
cd men and orators as Carl M. Slatt,
Vice piesldent of the Fatmcis State
exchange; II. G. Keener, of Cowles,
whom you all know is a practical
farmer and good business man; .Mr.
Js'orgard, of Supeilor, who comes to us
well reccommeiided. as an entertain
Itig speaker iiml I. 15. Wagoner, a gent'.f-
inn 11 nnctncvl iwf l ttnti I ti tolnrtt t fi It 11 1 '
Uai ugv,JJii nvuia t s,uwv ta. v
u:ul broa J minded views on tilings por
tiiining to the welfare and advance
ment of tho community.
The Wagoner quartette have prepar
ed a program of music, instrumental
anil vocal'that will appeal to all.
And say, that oyster supper is anoth
er item that run should take Into con
sideration. Flue big ones too, the
choice of the eastern markets and pro
pared by a chef that sure knows how.
This gala event is going to be staged
at tho Odd Follows Hall There will
be accommodations for till and wo
earnestly leqnest all of our farmer
fi lends to be present. Itemember tho
date and tho p'ace and be there.
It. 13 Fshelman ,
Clyde Arhucklo J
John Rjuu
Ira Wagoner Commit to
II 111 1 y Mocde ,
i:. A. Terrell I
M. 11. Corner
tiny Day
Rebekahs Elect Officers
Tho Rebekuh lodge met la3t Thins
day evening and elected the following
ollloeis for the ensuing term:
Mis i:. Welsch, 1 N. U.
Mis. Myra Jones, N. G.
Mis. Marie Hariiiiuion, V. O.
Miss Chun McMillan, Seeictary.
Mis. Lottie Smith, Tieasurer.
The other (ifllcorn will bo appointed
after the elected ollleer luvo boon in
stalled. Mis Myra Jones, who was a delo
gate to the Grand Lodge session held
at York, was piosent and gave a veiy
interesting leport. ,
After lodge the members went to the
dining room and pin took of the ic-'
lofreshmentH which weie seived by
the committee, Mesdumes Uairlngtoii,
Hull'er nnd Smith. UefioshuieuU con
sisted of picssed chiukou and cheeso
sandwiches, cake and colVeo,
All roport b'avlnd had an oujoyablo
Umo. One who was theio.
Red River Early Ohio
$2.50 Bushel
Gano Apples
$2.00 Bushel
The Old Reliable FRONTIER
Brand High Grade Steel Cut
SOc Pound
Farmers Union
J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb.
All tuxes for tho year 1010 woic due
Novombor 1st., 1919, Personal taxes
will be delinquent and draw 10 per
cent Intoreat after December 1st, 11)19.
Itealostate taxes will be delinquent
nnd draw 10 percent lutciest after
May 1st, 1020.
FRANK STARK, County Treasurer.
AT - 2:30
Report of the Condition Report of the Condition
-or -nil.- I opT1IK
Webster County Bank ! Bank or inavale
JED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. ' 0f inavnlc Charter Na. 735 In lite Slate
uiartcrKo.ioiu.iiicnriNinic.i iu thb state 01 0r Hchrnskn tit tlic close oY business
jNoliraxka, at the close ot buslutss Noent-iN t- (,
,.w , , swr wh.
Tho local Masonic. lodge held a spec
lal session Monday afternoon, at which
time they confoired the ffrst and
second dpgioes upon L'nsigu Allan
lihioklcdgo. iu tho cvonlng tho other
degrees wero given, his father, Atty.
L. II, Dlackledgc, conforlng tho degree
of Master Mason, after which luncheon
was served.
MIssJMlnUle Phillips, of Wyoming,
passed nwnmt Hastiugs, Saturday, fol
lowlnganoperatlon. Tho remains wero
brought to this oity Monday. Funeral
serylccs wero conducted from tho Meth
odist church Monday ufternoou, Iter,
jj copo otuolatlng. Interment was made
jr In Red Cloud cemetery.
Merrill-Gillette Nuptials
Married, Sunday nfturuodn, Novem
ber 23, Miss Lois Merrill, daughter of
of Mr. and Mrs. John Merrill of this
city, and Dr. Ouy Gillette of Otego,
Kansas. The ceremony took plnco at
tho home of tho bride's parents, Rev.
V C. Grant of Otego officiating.
Roth theso young people were born
and reared hi Jowoll county, Kansas.
Four years ugo tho brldo, with her par
ents, moved to Red Cloud, The doctor
Is a graduate of tho State School of
Chiropractic, at Topeka, Kansas, re.
oclviug his diploma in 1918,
As yet they have mado no plans us
to their future placo of abode.
Union Thanksgiving Services
Union Thanksgiving servlcos will bo
hold at tho Christian church ne.t
Thursduy evening at 7:30. All church
es arc cooperating .and an invitation Is
extended to all to be present. Rev
Uruce Eshclinau, of Inavale, '.will de,
liver the sermon.
liur lli, 11)13.
Loans and Discounts .. SIOO.'tTMH
0 uifriittH ... 1-itS.flJ
Mlicrl) mill Victory llunilsaiul War
StnliiK htaiaps ll,8ii-'l
furniture anil I'murm. .... 1,000.00
Current epeii8c, taxes and
Interest paid ..., .......... '-',91.1.07
Duo from national and state
banks SW,U0..0S
ctehaiiKO . 790 It
Currency 6,913.00
Hllver, nickels and cents ..
Capital stock paid in ........... ... ..
Surplus (mid ........ "'i.....
UnilU Ided prollta ..... ..... ...
liulh lilimlileposltshiibjtct
to check .. ltK,'(17 07
Demand and Tlmo cortlil-
catcs of deposit..... 7J,CI3.32
Depositors' guaranty land ,..... ....
5 !i3,0O0.00
. 10,000.00
, 8,00'2.1I
. 1,170.1)
... 152,121 9
Total 5 3S0,2Jl.b8
County ot Wtkstur. f
I, H. it, I'l.oiiANt'K, cnsliicr ot tho abovo
niiuicd bank, do hereby swear that thualtovo
Niatciiitnt Is a correct and truo cony o( the
repurl made to lliohtalo llaukliiK Hoard.
. it, n.uniNon,
ATTKir: Cashier.
8. It. I'j.oit.vNPK. Director, .
C. J. 1'oi'K, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me tilts
2lth day of Novoiuber 1UIU.
skat. Iiornnrd MoNoiy
Notary 1'ubllc.
, Loans and DNcouuts
0erdra(ts .... -
I lionds, KeciiilUcfl.JiidgnicntH, claims
etc., Including all government
i bonds.'
Dnuyini; house, furniture A llx lures
Current expenses, taes and Inter
est paid .
Duo from national and state
banks J 12,G70.U
Currency 2,621.00
Uold coin ...., W.00
SHi or, nickels nnd cents ... C03.0I I J, W 1.00
Total $ ID3,83l.3.-
Capital stock paid In -.....;..8 10,000.00
Surplus fund .. ... 8,000.00
Undivided profits . 1.770 63
Individual deposits Kuhjcct
to check M 1111,330.82
Demand certificates of da-
nomt - 100.00
llinocortlilciitesofdopohlt 28,lKI.,i5 177,021.07
Rov. Bates roturncd
evening from St. Paul,
Dcpusltoi's guartuiiy hind ..... i.ioum
Total m f ll8,S(ll,5
County of Webster Is
1,0. It. McCrnry Cashier of tho abovonani
ed bank da hereby swear that tho abovu
Htatnuieiit is a correct and true cony ol tho
repurt made to UiotJtiUo llauklui; board,
' (1. It. Mct'UAKV,
Charles Hunter, Director.
Alfred McCall, Director.
Subscribed and sworu to beforo mo tiils2lta
home Tuesday Kay ot November, mi).
(Seal). ' ' Notary l'ublto.
v-mer'"' i.i...ipi...i .....J ". - - - - - - 1 hi'
; " cyit!r7igM,,,,wf "???.'''
iiiii.iii..'ii''i im'.
n...ft i. . i.l.m.frmirf. n
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