fCie0r1t9tW&0yft&&QnSGiJ 0 BID CLOUD, KlVlAiKA, OXIBV JS i r m E ? . H mi FOOT BALL I SUPERIOR KS RED CLOUD Thanksgiving : 1919 h THE DRESS -UP TIME There'll be a big foot ball game between Superior and Red Cloud A Real Championship Affair Hundreds of people will be here from the surrounding towns What looks better than a well dressed crowd and what looks better on a well-dressed crowd than Kuppenheimer and Cloth Craft Suits and Overcoats $30 - $35 - $37.50 - $40 - $42.50 to $50 Cowden - Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE D FURS Character and Quality My line of Fur will prove a Real Benefit to the Buyer assuring satisfaction and comfort to the buyer. I urge you to come and see this line, comparing its merit as to VKLAJE STYLE The styles have been selected for their comfort and style. Have Scarfs? Capes andStoIls in Neck pieces. The Muffs are in different shapes, but all good styles. Mrs. BARBARA PHARBS m a Bach Fur Co DUMB YOUR RAW FURS it means Highest ruling Market Prices Honest grading of the sizes The most liberal assortment made Courteous treatment, square and right Prompt returns and sound advice As to the Market's fall or rise. Ask for our pries list. It will open your eyes as to what Raw Furs are worth these days. Do not dispose of a single skin before you have had our valuation. Bach Fur Company BUYERS MERCHANTS EXPORTERS - of American Raw Furs 108-110 West Austin Ave,, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Direct representation New York, London, Paris, Leipzig rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraeka. PUBLISHED EVERY THUR8DA4? fntered In the 1'ostofllco at Hed Cloud. Neb m Bccond CI&m Mutter h ' A. B. McARTilUR, Editor and Owner fMK ONLY DKMOOUATIU PAl'KIl WEBSTER COUNTY IN Advertising R.ates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local, " ", ' 10 & 12J 4 ' '' America's Unique Publication The Youth's Companion prints week after week the best of everything that Is worth while and for every age. No other source will give your family what The Companion furnishes, or so much for the price less than 5 cents a week. The Companion creates au atmos phcre of loyalty to the family and to the country, of unselfishness and. high purpose. It inspires, It suggests, but always eutertalns. It makes actual, normal life fascinating, and never panders to the trashy or worthless or worse. No family should miss the pleasure of reading the delightful serial stories by Elsie Slngmastcr, Capt. Theodore O. Roberts, and others, to bo published during the next year. If you subscribe at once you will receive all the extras mentioned in the following offer: New subscribers for 1020 will receive: 1. The Youth's Companion-!)'.! issues hi 1920. 2. All remaining weekly 1010 'issues. .'). The Companion Home Calendar for 1020. All tho above for S2Do. . McCall's Magazine for 1020, $1 the monthly fashion authority. Both pub lications for only S2 or!. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Commonwealth nve. A: St. Paul st., ltoston, Mass. Kansas Pickups Smith County (ieo. Ring is putting up a windmill on the Jerry Dunn place. Mrs. Clara McCoy, of Yuma, Colorado, Is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Frickcr were Sunday visitors at Newell Marrett's. Mrs. 13. F. i'ayne made a business trip to Smith Center, Saturday. Mrs. Al.ina Fieldgrove visited with her home folks, the Geo. Matson fami ly, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eafl Abbott spent Sat urday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Mary Marrltt. George Rohrcr and wife of Smith Center spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. P. M. Brown. ' Earl Abbott had the bad luck of And lug one of his good milk cows dead. Slio had got fastened in the manger. There are several cases of smallpox in Lebanon and vicinity. It first broko out In the Lebanon .school. However they are keeping them closely quarantined, M. E I'ayne and family of Lebanon, Mr and Mrs. .Burton Iiiowu of Esbnn, Mr. and Mrs. Win, .(Juinti, Mr. and Mrs. (HI is Price and ltobt. Lannigan and family ato Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. E B. Spurrier. Tho occasion behiK the birthday anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Spurrier, Robt. Lannl gnu and M E. l'ayno. Mrs. Spurrier slid she had thought sho was getting old enough to not have any more birthdays but really felt younger after such an enjoyable day spent with fi lends and neighbors and will look forward to another gathering next year. Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will meet eye, car, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses fitted at Dr Damerell's office Tuesduy, Nov. 23 Hours 2 to 0. FOR SALE Good quarter section of and with good improvements, 1 miles south of Inavale, N on easy terms Write for full description. C. F. Cath. ir Red Cloud, Nebr. Nebraska's quota In the Red Cross Christmas Seal campaign is six seals per poison. They sell for one cent each. This is certainly a modest re quest compared with most of the de mands that will be made. The seals will be placed on sale December 1st, Try The 'Ad Route' to 'Success TheMargln of Safety Is represented by tho amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Because (Ire has never touched you It doesn't follow that you're immuno Tomorrow no today, if you have time and you better find time come to the offioo and we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. -LATER MAY HE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.elifxble Insurance yeseeM aaasBBam av 4eaBBBBBaasa r mmmmmmm. VP i JLr K mm arm .mm MmR mMniUL MmflFUMMtM A man's1 best pal is his smoke S!tt68!v" ccLuckkind of low? Time for a smoke'5 Ches. Field IIGHT up a Chesterfield. Now you're in ! .stuck. No mistake about it, Chesterfields ' sure do come through on "Satisfy"! t None but the finest varieties of Turkish 1 and Domestic tobaccos, specially selected and expertly blended is it any wonder that Chesterfields welcome comparison with the best you ever smoked? Ordinary blending brings out flavor, of course, but blending by Chesterfield's proc ess brings out a new flavor a flavor that "they" didn't know was there. And this blend is exclusive based on our private formula. It cannot be duplicated, cr even closely imitated. You get "Satisfy" in Chesterfields and nowhere else. And the special moisture-proof wrapping lets none of their flavor escape. dQffJJvXA$Mxluoe(2 Kesterfie LW "Vise 20 for 20 cents AELBTTTPtt mfk Mm M and the blend can't be copied Coming to Mankato Dr. Doran A Specialist, Not in Name Only, But by Experience of Almost a Quarter of a Century. Does Not Use The Knife Will Give Free Consulta tion on Wednesday, O J At November w the Commercial Hotel from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m One Day Only They Come Many Mllei to See Him. I DR. DORAN is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery, and is li censed by the State of Kansas He vis- Its profesblonally the more Important towns and cities, and offers to all who call on this trip consultation and ex- amlnation free, except the expeuso of treatment when desired. According to his method of coming to your nearest city to see patients, he gives all the slok people an opportu nity to obtain the best that medical BOlcnce can offer right at homo, He does not operate for chronlo appendi citis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit many wonderful results in diseases 01 me siumucu, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed-wetting, catarrh, leg ulcert and rectal all merits. If you have been ailing for any length of timo and do not get any better, do not fall to call, as Improper measures rather than disease are very often tha oause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that examina tion on this trip will be FREE, and that his treatment la different. Married ladles must come with their husbands, and children, with their parents. Address: Medical Laboratory of DR. DORAN, 335 3tJ Boston block, Minneapolis, Minn. i 5 I Mr. and Mrs. I ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Ind. Store 158,;Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB WWVWWWrWWWWWWVlfl Have You a Mortgage On Your Farm? fF so, do you know that you will be able to pay It when It la due li you are not sure yoa can pay il when due, aie you certain you will baable '' to renew it, or borrow elsewhere at the lime? II you are certain you can bor row elsewhere, do you know what interest you will have to pay? Would you like to have LOAN AT 'SIX PER CENT INTEREST, NO COMMISSION, that would extend over a period of thirty.three years il you wanted it, or optional at any time? II so come in aid have a talk with me. I Represent Peters Joint Stock Land Bank of Omaha AU Loans are Made Under the Supervision of the Federal Farm Loan Board, Bureau U. S. Treasury The Peters Joint Stock Land Bank does not require the borrower to sub scribe lor stock in the bank, the borrower assumes no liability other than that represented by hi note and mortgage, the borrower does not have to joia an assodatioa to obtain a loan i the Peters Joint Stock Land Bank, 1 have already taken some and am ready to take more applications lor closing on or before March I, 1920. Better start now and not take any chance ol change in rales. SIX PER CENT. NO COMMISSION. Geo. W. Hutchison Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Abstracts punMrc ) Office, Red 33. lad, 63 Red Cloud PHONE5 J Rei!dencei 177 Nebraska i It i '4