The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 20, 1919, Image 3

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1 1
c a package
before the war
c a package
during the war,
c a package
Dutch Town, In Which Kaiser May
Dwell, Saw Beginning of His
Line's Rise to Power.
, Reports eny thnt tho cx-knlser has
purchased a house near tho historic
town of Utrecht, Holland, and that
he wishes to end his days there. It
was la Utrecht, 200 years ago, thnt
lie house of Ilohcnzollern was first
Urtabllshed In royul rank.
It was In tho pence concluded In
1718 that tho ex-emperor's am estor,
Frederick of Brandcnhurg, received
acknowledgment from tho lending Eur
opean powers of his tltlo of king of
Prussln. This pence put nn end to tho
long war of the Spanish succession,
which ninny clnlm wns begun over tho
fenr that the ruling houses of Franco
and Spain would become-one, and up
set the European bnlnnre of power.
The cx-knlser Is part English, and It
was England, with her continental nl
les of lesser strength, that virtually
established tho kingdom of Prussln.
The Himc pence also made tho duko
jt Savoy the king of Italy, but today
tho king of Italy rules over all of Italy
except Savoy, which belongs to Frunce.
England has retained practically every
thing It Becured at that peace confer
ence, Including Gibraltar and Minorca,
secured from Spain ; Novn Scotia, New
Brunswick and tho Iludnon bay ter
ritory from France as wel as valuable
trading privileges In AfrU-n and South
America, from both Fram.'e and Spain.
Tho real test of tl pong's popu
larity Is tho pnrody.
California Newspaper Man Proved
Himself a Diplomat In Situation
That Called for Tact
While a Los Angeles, publisher was
abrond, a few months ago with a
newspaper crowd, he was Invited, with
tho rest of tho party, to dine with a
duko und duchess who were burdened
with a double lust name, such as-Kelly-Angus.
Tho Calif oi nlan wns In an awful
stew from tho time tho dinner started
as to how ho should nddrcss the hos
tess In case he fell Into conversation
with her, but finally, when tho oppor
tunity enme, he proved himself every
Inch a dlplomnt.
Tho duchess, It seems, wns apologiz
ing for the dinner not being more for
mal, or something like that, and tho
newspaper man, desiring to make her
feel at case, Just reached his right
hand across the table, took the hostess
by tho hand, nnd mid:
"Oh, that's all right, -Mrs. Kelly, all
of us like good home cooking."
Washington Star.
Record Hurricane Damage.
The worst hurrlcnne of which any
record exists was that of October 10,
1780, which started In the Barbados.
An English fleet anchored off St. Lucia
simply " disappeared. Nearly every
building on tho Island was blown
down und 0,000 people burled.
The trouble with the mnn who
doesn't know nnythlng Is that he Is al
ways telling It to others.
Sleepless Nights
and coffee-drinking are closely
linked together with many
If your case is like that, try
Instant Postum
awholesome cereal drink with
a really rich coffee-like flavor
that meets the test of taste, just
as the beverage itself meets the
test of health.
Economical, Ready Instantly, Delicious
Made by
Postum Cereal Company
Battle Creek, Michigan
Sold by Grocer and General Store
Men Led to Give Life Savings to
Girl and to Desert Her
at Altar.
Found Smaller Towns of England .
Were Fruitful Fields for Her
Operations Faked War
London. A rnre und picturesque
person nn adventurers who was not
beautiful has finally brought her
multitudinous and Micci'hsful ventures
to the attention of the ItrltMi police
after ninny jenr.s of perfectly sufo
She Is known as Made Crawford,
and she found the smaller towns of
Knglnnd all too ready to believe tho
old dictum (lint Americans must in
evitably be wealthy, for her most suc
cessful operations were conducted
ploying these ports :
Daughter and heiress of Harry
Wife of (Seorgo Crawford. American
millionaire, whom she divorced In or
der to marry his brother.
Widow of Walter Crawford, tho
brother, who died leaving a peculiar
will stipulating that she should mar
ry "outside the family."
To Desert at Altar.
A working man, who was helping
the girl obtain the mythical fortuno
of Walter Crawford, mythical Ameri
can millionaire, by agreeing to mar
ry her, and leave her nt the church
door, thus complying with the terms
of the will, brought downfall and po
lice investigation.
As the daughter of Harry Thaw,
Music Crnwford had moved through
many English towns, finding wclcomo
und ensy money from some of the
hardest listed folk of the British
Despite the fact thnt she Is slender,
of childish figure, with n slight hump
on her back nnd small fentures, she
was able, by brllllunt conversational
gifts and n bearing thnt spoke "class"
at every minute to win Instant belief
no matter how fictitious her "life
happened to be nt the moment.
She was always beautifully dressed
and she passed through so many va
rious "characters" In the course of
her swindling expeditions that the
most careful police investigations after
She Was Able to Win InsUnt Belief.
her arrest have failed to reveal a
single tangible fact regarding her real
Identity nnd antecedents.
Throughout she looked and acted the
part she played.
Faked War Adventures.
The girl descended upon Woking, In
Surrey, In military uniform, brimful
of daredevil adventures at the front
as driver of staff curs and of ma
chines which had taken scctet mes
sengers on many dangerous missions.
Back of this was Walter Crawford
and his peculiar will. She was des
titute. Her properties In Canada
would bring huge sums if she could
renllzo on them. Wonderful how many
perfectly sano persons helped her I
Her landlady even mortgaged her
home. A garage owner depleted hla
hunk account und borrowed because
ho was to marry her and part at the
church door and get $2,500 a year for
life for parting.
Proves Fatal to Bovine That Swal
lowed It While Drink
ing. Chchalls, Wash. A live lizard In the
lung of a cow caused tho death here
of tho animal.
Tho cow had been ailing for some
time, her condition puzzling veterinari
ans. Sho was finally killed to end her
misery. Then an old timer suggested
ail autopsy.
Tho lizard Was found lodged la the
cow'a lung.
nn a-aaa---.
If Bilious, Constipated er
Headachy take
Tomorrow tho sun will shlno for
you. Everything will seem clear, rosy
and bright. Your system Is filled with
liver nnd bowel poison which keeps
your skin sallow, your stomnch upset,
your hend foggy nnd aching. Your
meals nro turning Into poison, gnscs
and acids. You cannot feel right. Don't
stay bilious or constipated. Feel splen
did always by taking Cascarets occa
sionally. They net without griping or
Inconvenience. They never sicken you
like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty,
harsh pills. They cost so little too
Cuscnrets work while you sleep. Adv.
Nlnht.Tlme How to See It.
Kudltim pulut Is not the nnl.v thing
that will Illuminate a wuteh on a dark
night. So smith lU'iiJiunln V, Lock
wood, somewhat dellantly, for he has
Just Invented a decidedly complicated
device for so doing.
In the tlrst place, you must wenr a
motorist's glove; then you attach your
watch to the back of the cult; next
you adjust tho bulb und shade so tho
watch Is Illuminated. A battery Is
tucked In the tldo of the glevu and
wires run around until they terminate
In two contact points In the thumb und
first finger.
When you wish to see tho time, act
as If you were plnchlm: Home ono
nnd tho lump will light. 1'opulnr
Sclcnco Monthly.
Nam "Bayer" Is on Genuine
Aspirin say Bayer
Insist on "Bnycr Tablets of Aspirin"
In a "Bnycr pnekngc." containing prop
er directions for Colds, Pnln, Ilcnd
acho, Neuralgln, Lumbago, and Rheu
matism. Nnnio "Bayer" menns genutno
Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
nineteen years. Handy tin hoses of 12
tnblcts cost fewcentn. Aspliln Is trndo
mark of Bnycr Manufacture of Mono
acctlcacldcstcr of Sullcyllcacld. Adv.
Unique Shipping. Condition.
During 11)18, for the first tlmo In
the history of Xorwcglun shipping, tlio
number of foreign vessels entering on 1
clearing at Norwegian ports was great
er than those of national registry. This
was due to war conditions. A great
number of Norwegian vessels had
been chartered by the allies for over
sea service, and tho bloekadu and gen
cial restrictions growing out of It had
reduced both Imports und exports to
u very small figure compared with the
records of previous years. Tho per
centage of vessels of national regis
try In the Norwegian currying trade of
1018 was only It 1.0, as compared with
C0.2 In 1017 und G0.7 In 11)13.
" . SS&1tt
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t VYUff V -fWT,JJtw.
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Important to all Women
Readers of this Paper
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney or bladder trouble snd never
suspect it.
Women's complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bltdder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy con
dition, they may cause the other organs
to become diseased.
You may suffer pain in the back, 'head
ache and loss of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irrita
ble and may be despondent; it makes any
ono So.
But hundreds of women claim that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring
health to the kidneys, proved to be just
the remedy needed to overcome lueb
Many send for a sample bottle to see
what Swamp-Root, the great kidney,
liver and bladder medicine, will do for
them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you
may receive sample size bottle by Parcel
Post. You can purchase medium and
large size bottles at all drug stores. Adv.
Talking of Weather.
Patrice When Percy proposed to
Peggy he told her she'd see no more
clouds, no more storms, In her life;
he Intended thnt nil should bo sunshine
for her.
Alice Thnt's so much like Percy.
Ho never could talk about anything
but the weather.
His Lack of Consideration.
"My boss ain't got no respect nt nil
for his help!" grumbled Partner Flint's1
hired mnn. "Why, cotisarn htm, he'd
Just as quick call mo a fool as ho
would his own son-in-law I" Kansas
City Star.
His Choice.
"What drink would you offer an
clcctrlclnn?" "I puppose Ire would
prefer currant wine."
Scandal Is the black sheep of the
family of friendship.
When th
'stf'VKk-J TMncad fccla thlck
Vv ,;?vV;t-or aches, vhcn
of-florts per
imps a coated
toncuo it is the
signal that poi
sons aro accum
ulating In the
Bvstcm. and
should bo clean
cd out nt once.
after meals, bil
iousness, dizzi
ness, acidity of
tho stomach,
offensivo breath
and nlliod ailments results from auto
intoxication or Bclf-poisoning.
Toko castor oil, or procure at the drug
store, n pleasant vcgctnblo laxative,
called Dr. Picrcc'n Pleasant Pellets, cow
posed of May-apple, aloes and jalap.
Kansas City, Ivans.: "Dr. Pierce's
rieasant Pellets hnvo been my favorite
family medicine
for many years. I
raised quito m
largo family and
from tho tiino my
children were
small I always
gavo them the
'Pleasant Pcllcta
They were easy to
tako and pleasant
in every way,
never causing dis
tress. For slutt
pish liver, sick-hcntlnchcs, constipation or
biliousness there is no medicino that can
equal tho 'Pleasant Pellets.' I found them
a great help to mo in bringing up my
family in as much as they havo many
times warded off sick spells my children
would othcrwiso havo had." MRS.
MARY E. BRADLEY. 032 Uomcr Ave.
Ui ' vXF!7t
it r
TTTnnT'rTnnrlm(T nirrtlltlrrilUisI
i Kcatoria Mior ana
Baaut, toGrayand Faded Hair
sun. and i w at artircma.
HIcoChfm. IV ki,rtfbpm,1,Tj
HINDEItCORNS tteam. Onru, CM-
IntlM. rut. .tnim all mill, cnnurua comfort ta ftha
lr(. nwkta walking ciuy. Via. by tnall or a ProM
CUM. llUcosCMiiUMWurkrtetegtt)i.lY J
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 40-1919.
Shave With Cuticura Soap
And double your razor eQlclency as
well as promoto skin purity, skin com
fort and fikln health. No mug, no
ellmy soap, no germs, no waste, no
Irritation even when shaved twice
dally. One soap for alt uses shaving;,
bathing and shampooing. Adv.
When a bachelor meets the right
girl he Is apt to discover thnt he Is
tho wrong man.
Of two evils nlwnys chooso tho one
you might get away with.
Kidney and bladder troubles don't
disappear of themselves. They crow
upon you, slowly but steadily, under
mining your health with deadly cer
tainty, until you fall victim to in
curablo disease.
Stop your troubles while there Is
time. Don't wait until llttlo pains be
come big aches. Don't trifle with dis
ease. To avoid future suffering begin
treatment with GOLD MEDAL Haar
lem Oil Capsulea now. Tako three or
four every day until you feel that you
are entirely free from pain.
This well-known preparation has been
one of the national remedies of Hol
land for centuries. In 1000 the govern
ment of the Netherlands granted a spe
cial charter authorizing Its sale.
The good housewife of Holland would
almost as soon bo without food as with
out bcr "Ileal Dutch Drops," aa she
quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules. Their use restore
strength and is responsible In a great
measure for tho sturdy, robust healta
of the Hollanders.
Do not delay. Go to your druggist
and insist on Ids supplying yon with a
box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules. Tako them as directed, and
If you aro not satisfied with results youv
druggist will gladly refund your meney.
Look for tho name GOLD MEDAL on
the box and accept an other. In staled
boxes, three sizes,
Syrup Purify
Absolute purity-with all Ita own virtues-is ono good "Mon why w'
Jou try 't. auprior aoounaia ia piausau v mm ... ,
osm label and you can depand upon It.
sw mm iwawl mr-m
I sorghum Blend syrup
Mad by aa ic1oIt proeaaa which waVas It wfcolisassfc
conomicaJ and dalklooa from can stowd laoorowaflaids.
ii ii n.i.i .mi iud aa
New Recipe Book Seat FREE . O
Ths roar Scott Boat hum 8tu Co. wt Mutv
Tri.TC'raTC.E&v.A. ' 3CWkjfr
MmttirtmMnm Om-Onaa Sywa
fet Contents 15PluidT)fi
Children Cry For i
aw nnanr.-n PER CENT.
neither Optam,Mwplitani
Mineral. NoTNARCoxK
-. niaricwiess aia.
XEW yggj!
Ctttoria t a harmleM substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops
and Soothing Syrups It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium.
Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee.
For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tha
relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea;
allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the
Stomach and Bowels, aids tho assimilation of Fcod; giving
healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The
Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
In Use For Over 30 Years
The) Kind You Have) Always Bought