The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 20, 1919, Image 1

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UVovlcft $
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gLa' ''Tfti5Jii"iifTV'E yBSjBBfef Bpjtjw!!y U. UgT I M "H tiaMUy ff j-p !a jEaBlHN 1 fShfmBff0BBBSMmtK'm''SMrL
newspaper That eites The Reus Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50
We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and
Victory Bonds at the market. If you
desire to buy or sell, call on us
Interest paid on Time Deposits
Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors
Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska
Webster. County Bank
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Edward Fioiar.ce, President S. R. Flotance, Cashier
Union Thanksgiving Services
Union Thanksgiving services will bo
held at tlio Christian church next
Thursday evening at 7:110. A 11 church
es aro cooperating and an invitation Is
extended to all to lie present. Rev.
l.ruco 1. .helman, of Iuavule, will de.
livor the sermon.
Thrifty Housewives
Another Bank at Cowles
A charter was granted Thursday by
tlie department of trade and commence
to the Farmers' State bank, Cowlc,
capital stock, S-0,000. The oflloers are
T. .1. Chaplin, president; Arthur Stcniu.
vice president and E.T. Foe, Cashier.
Ft iday's State Journal.
Farmers' Union Notice
On account of not being able to get
the hall Wednesday, Nov. 20 the Local
Meeting of the Farmers Union will be
postponed until Tuesday, Deo. 2 which
will be held In the Odd Fellows hall.
A progiatn is being prepared and a
good time is expected. Everybody
Come to Us for their Groceries for Five Reasons:
They know that they will receive full value for every
dollar they spend with us.
They know that they will receive only the best qual
ity in every article they purchase.
They know our reputation for honest weights and
measures and fair dealing.
They know that the lines of goods we handle are the
best that can be purchased on the market.
They know that our prices are right as low as is
consistent with quality and quantity.
If you are not one of our regular custom
ers and do not know these facts, let us
have your next grocery order and you will
be convinced.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
Injured in Twelve Foot Fall
Ed Mountford is having an enforced
vacation from Ids duties with the E.
W. Stevens plumbing ami electrical es
tablishment and is nursing Injuries
sustained iti a fall at Rlverton Tuesday
Mr. Mountford was Installing u heat
Ing plant in a residence in that town
and when the job was almost complet
ed found that he was short on matei ial.
Wishing to complete the job that night
he went to the Uobart hardware store
to supply his want. The proprietor,
accompanied by Mr. Mountford, went
up to the top floor for the required
nrtiole, using a flash light to light the
way. In some manner Ed strayed from
the supposed path of safety and step
pod into an unguarded opening, falling
to the floor below. In the fall lie co
llded wlte n pump cylinder, the rod
striking his leg and indicting a deep
wound. He also received other minor
injuries, as well as receiving a sovere
shaking up, internally. He was later
brought home to Red Ulond. At this
time he Is able to be out, but continues
to suffer considerable pain.
HAVING purchased the ' Peterson Garage
and taken posession of the same the un
dersigned are now prepared to give prompt
and careful attention to the wants of the
automobile owners of Red Cloud and vicinity
We have secured the exclusive agency for
the Ford car in the Red Cloud territory.
All Ford orders will receive careful attention
anddelivery made as soon as possible.
The Fordson Tractor will also be included
in our line. Delivery can be made promptly.
A full line of Ford and Fordson supplies
will at all times be carried in stock.
Your business is solicited and every effort
will be made to please.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Aviator Seeks Landing
A special meeting of tho Chamber of
Commerce was held on last Thursday
afternoon, to meet and hear Aviator
It. M. Cochrane's proposition regarding
the proposed aviation lauding here. A
committee composed of Messrs. A. D.
Ranney, F. .1. Urlee. It P. Wecsuer
and W. A. Sherwood was appointed to
negotiate with Mr. Cochrane regarding
the selection of a suitable- landing
field, tho erection of a stoiage build
ing for tho aeroplane in unfavorable
weather and the erection of ,a hangar.
Mr. Cochrane is an experienced avi
ator, having been an instructor in an
aerial school during tho period of the
war. The plane would be used for ex
hibition flights and commercial pur
poses should action be taken in tho
matter and arrangements mado for the
Baptist Church Notes
Mrs. C. R. Besse Laid to Rest K
The death of Mrs. dm.. Itesse, Sutur-,
day evening, marked the passing of
another of the pioneercltlzens of Web
ster county. She was among the llrst
women to vonture Into this tlion un
settled west, coming hero in a covered
wagon in 1871. For a number of yeais
she patiently endured theptlvations i f
the comfort.-, of life in order to assist '
in tracing the outlines of civilization
on the face of the broad and fertile
acres of this county. Crop failures,
hostile Indians and prowling coyotes
failed to break her cheery spirit, later,
being lewaided for her eit'orts by see-!
ing broad farms, and busy little cities
whoie once roamed the native Indian.
Mrs, I'psse was born in Wyandotte
county, Ohio on September;), 191IJ. At j
the age of '21 years she was married to ,
II. S. Kaloy, three chlldien being born .
to this union, one passing to tho great
bejond in infancy. Charles and Cora
..-..-. Vl 11 .... .....!.... I...- t.. I
imuw in ui l tun j auititu lll. Hi
April lSSIlsho was united in marriage
to Chas. Hesse.
During IwrMater years she embraced
the teachings of Christian Science and
ussisted in the organizing of that reli
gious denomination in this city.
The funeial services were conducted
from her late home, Mondayuftornoon
with E. J Overing otlielatlng. As a
mirk of respect all business In the city
was suspended during the funeral ser-
VW ...
The Other Half
It is a timely subject in this day of
unrest and agitation, and will striken
responsive chord. A true reflection of
evory day life in American families,
both rich and poor, with characters
whom we all know and whose joys and
sorrows are our own, this production
is human and understandable.
.T. Martin Trent, the hard. boiled
mouoy.kiug; Katherine lloone, the rich
girl whose eyes were opened to the
hard conditions of the poor; "The Jazz.
Kid," tho laundry diudgo who just
couldn't make her feet behave; Jimmlo
Main, the red-blooded sou of toil; Don
ald Trent, who believed 1n "no senti
ment in business"; Caleb Fairman,
who tried to mak a tiuthful newspap
er pay; all these are typos whose paths J
oross and re cross in a play full of real i
human interest, rich in emotional con
tent and genuine clean humor. At the
Orpheum, Friday and Saturday On
Mommy ami xuesuay -iiie xuruin mo
Road". A better picture never was
made. Regular prices.
m-m -.
The Three Million
Dollar Phonograph
'HOMAS A. EDISON invented the nhon-
ograph in 1077, Later he improved his
original phonograph to a point where his
business advisers said to him : " You now have
the bQst phonograph in existence. Let's go
ahead and market it."
Mr. Edison shook his head and replied : " I
am not going to put out a new phonograph until
it is so perfect that its reproduction of music
cannot be detected from the original music."
Thomas A. Edison spent three million dol
lars in cold cash to develop an instrument which
matched the human voice and all kinds of musi
cal instruments so perfectly that the original
could not be told from the reproduction or RE
CREATION, as it is now called.
Wc arc prepared to sell
you today, for $285, an
exact duplicate of Edison's
three million dollar phono
graph. You may even have
extended terms of payment,
if you desire that accom
modation. First of all, how
ever, wc want you to hear
this Wonderful new instru
ment.'' J'-
May wc have the pleas
ure of demonstrating to you
that Music's RE-CREA-TION
is a reality and not
merely a fanciful phrase ?
B. H. Newhouse
Preaching at U a. ni. and 3 p
Sunday school at 10 a. in.
The social afternoon meeting
well attended, about all the Protestant
churches of the city being represented
and taken part Many saying they
had received much benefit from tho
mooting and expressed the hope that
there would be more meetings like it
hold. Well, why should not any
Chrlstlau enjoy mingling with the
Raptlsts, thoy aro purely democratic
and Mr. Ridpatli tho great Mothodlst
historian said during the first century
all christians were Baptist. Friends
all como again.
Wo hope to make theso afternoon
meetings popular by arranging so that
ttho different groups of christians may
hive some part in them ami we hope
to make such arrangements soon.
To The Public
We take this means of extending our
thanks to the people of this vicinity
for tliolr liberal patronage, during tho
tlmo we liavo conducted the furniture
btore in this city. Also for tho many
business and social courtesies shown
us while In your midst. It Is with
considerable regret that wo take our
departuro from your Halving little
city but as circumstances forced us to
close- out our business here it makes it
necessary for us to do so in ordor to
look after our other business interests.
It is our hope, that at some future
time, circumstances may so shape
themsolves that we may again join
your business circle and make this city
our place of abode. Again thnukitig
you for past favors, wc ore,
Mice and other pest need
no longer tolerated in
or around your home
Rat Annihiliator
The Modern Rat Destroyer kills and complete
ely consumes the body of the Rodent, leaving no oder
It realy does what others claim to do. It is
harmless to handle, but do not take internally. Safe
- sure and sanitary. Animals of the Canine and Feline
species will not eat it. A Guaranteed Exterminator.
We have the Exclusive County Agency
for this preparation. We handle only first quality
merchandise in any line therefore you are assured of
the highest quality when you make a purchase from us.
Rat Annihilator does not depreciate in efficiency
and is protected by our guarantee, regardless of age.
Farmers Union
Congregational Church Notes
Treadling services every Sunday
morning at tho Congregational church
by the Pastor, Rov. Walter Spencer. j
Special music noxt Sunday by a ma'e
Sunday School at 10 o'clock,
You aro invited. j
J. F. Edwards, Mgr.
Red Cloud, Neb.
Tax Notice
Attimil tlln 17pl niriMi1Clii.tni.lnit ll'r.rtf
l.ill Game Thanksglvlug day, I
Alt taxes for the jour 1010 wore duo
November 1st,, 1019 Personal taxes
will bo delinquent and draw 10 per
cent interest after December 1st, 1010.
Realo.tato taxes will be delinquent
and draw 10 percent inteiest after
May lbt, 1020.
FRANK STARR, County Treasuror
NOTICE Beginning with Aug-.
1st wo will develop any size film or
film pack free of chnrgo when
prints aro ordered. When no prints
arc ordered, tho price is Cc for films
or 10c for film packs. Quick service:
bring in your films or packs today
and got your prints tomorrow. Tho
price of prints remains as hereto
. "Quality" Job Printing
Sec tho Rosier !ino of coats and
suits at II. A. Albright's storo on
Friday and Saturday of this week.
Quality material; latest styles; liber
al discounts.
Warren Sutton unit Henry Coulson
have purchased the repair department
of tho Hall garage, taking immediate
po -.session of tho same. Both of theso
gentlemen aro experienced mechan
ics in this line and without a doubt
will meet with success in their busi
nos venture,
? ,