The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1919, Image 8

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Mfcv w rjnjai
m &!. muitA, liny
Closing Out Sale
Dry Goods
You must see these goods in order to
appreciate the values we are offering.
This is our regular stock of merchan
dise and are priced at less than the
present day wholesale costs. It's an
opportunity you can't afford to miss.
While They Last 15c to $1.50
Special Prices on All
Mina Taylor Dresses
M. A. Albright
Mr. and Mrs.
Phone, Ind. Store 158 Res, 93
in the
Dining Room
and Comfort
in the Kitchen
In The District Court of Webster
County, Nebraska.
The County of Webster,
Is assured to every purchaser of
The m alleaIle Range
All-Ways Preferable
JOY IN THE HOME is sure to follow if there is com
fort in the Kitchen. We realized this when we selected
a range for our customers. We decided to provide them
with a Range that was as near perfection as a range
could be made--not only one that was good looking, but above
all, a good baker and an economizer of fuel. In the South
Bend Malleable we found the Range that filled the bill in
all respects. We want you to see this range. Call and see it.
Red Cloud's Leading Hardware Dealer
HurIi W. Gulllforrl, Lucy Guliiford,
his wife, Eleanor H. Kunscnmillcr,
Kunscnmillcr, her husband,
real name unknown, Samuel E.
Nixon, Mary Nixon, his wife, John
H. Ifettibono, MarRarct Pcttibone,
his wife, John G. FcrRason, Rebec
ca M. FcrRason, his wife, GeorRe
L. Guliiford, Mrs. GcorRO L. Gulii
ford, his wife, real name un
known, Arthur L. Mitchell. Annie
L. Mitchell, his wife, William
Seward Garbcr, Freddie Garber, his
wife, real name unknown, Lyra C.
Garbcr Anderson, S. A. Anderson,
her husband, real name unknown,
Mattic M. Wiederanders, Bernard
Wiederanders, her husband, Flora
E. Woods, Oscar Tccl, Mary Teol,
his wife, GeorRe II. OvcrinR, T. W.
ThomburR, real name unknown,
Henry G. Kochler, and the spouses
of each of the said named defend
ants, and the unknown heirs, de
visees, lcRatces, personal repre
sentatives of each of said 'defend
ants, unknown claimants and un
known owners who have or claim
any estate or interest in Lots G, 13,
14, IB, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2t, and 22
in Block 27 City of Bed Cloud, Ne
braska, and Lots G, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21,
22. 23 -and 2 J in Block 28 City of
Bed Cloud, Nebraska, and all per
sons claiming any interest of any
kind in said real estate or any part
' Defendants.
HurIi W. Guliiford, Lucy Guliiford,
his' wife, Eleanor H. Kunscnmillcr,
Kun.senmiller, her husband,
rea: name unknown, amuel .Isixoh,
to answer said Petition on or before
tho 17 day of November, 1919.
Dated September 29th, 1919.
By Howard S. Foe,
County Attorney.
Religion In a Dream.
To drenm that you are taking part
In a service In church with a largo
congregation Is snld to foretell riches
Into In life, nut If the attendance la
thin, beware, they say, of Blander 1
Paper Has But One Subscriber.
It bus been the Inllexlble custom In
the Imperial family of Japan, says a
writer In Knst and West News, to
withhold all newspapers and maga
zines from Its members until they at
tain their eighteenth year, but the
rule was waived In the case of Illro
hlto, tho present crown prince. Four
months before his Imperial highness
entered upon his eighteenth year he
was allowed to begin reading a spe
cially prepared Journal.
This- curious newspaper wns edited
by an offlelnl of the Imperial house
hold mid printed In (ho Imperial print
ing olllce. It was set In special type
and printed on thick Japanese pnper.
The reading of It did not require a
great deal of time, for It was of small
size and on a single sheet.
"Rfittlhtmj XV
Ho8t Now, everybody, yatfn
have to drink roar ch&ropngno owt of
Bnrgnndy glasses, and tho caviar
hasn't come, bat I know you don't
mind roughing it Life.
Look for the' test ' 1
Every man and woman on artfc'
has some pood quality, tf yon wul
only take the trouble to look far it
Look at the label on yoar paper and
aee how your subscription stands.
At Stratton, Colo.
For Particular Wrlto to
Jos. A. Collins Land Co.
Stratton, Colorado
TheMargln of Safety
Is represented by tho amount of
insurance you carry.
Don't lull yourself Into a fancied
Because (Ire has nover touched you
It doosn't follow Unit you're immune
Tomorrow -no today, if you have
time aud you better lhul time
come to tho office and we'll write
u policy on your house, furniture,
t'ire or mnnhatidlt.0
Hamilton -Cathar
Clothing Co.
R-elieble Insurance
Kwrythtng a Mh
at may Waara
'Quality" Job Printing
:: i ..ijt.,1 Mjs,a
wu. ,'iu .wwsnwe
Mary Nixon, his wife, John IL Petti
bone, Mnrgaret Pcttibone, his wife,
John G. FcrRason, Rebecca M. Fcr
Rason, his wife, GeorRe L. Guliiford,
Mrs. Gcorpc L. Guliiford, his wife,
real name unknown, Arthur L Mitch
ell, Annie L. Mitchell, his wife, Lyra
C. Garbcr Anderson, S. A. Anderson,
her husband, real name unknown,
William Seward Garbcr, Freddie
Garbqr, his wife, real name unknown.
Mattie M. Wiederanders. Bernard
Wiederanders, her husband, Flora E.
Woods, T. W. ThornburR, real name
unknown, Henry G. Kochler, non-resident
defendants and tho spouses of
each of the said named defendants,
and tho unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives of
each of said defendant?, unknown
claimants and unknown owners who
have or claim any estate or interest
in lots fi, 13, 11. 15, Ifi, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21 and 22 in Block 27 City of Red
Cloud, Nebraska, and LoU G, 8, 9, 10,
20, 21, 22. 23 and 21 in block 28 City
of Red Cloud, Nebraska, and all per
sons claiming any interest of an
Kind in said real estate or any part
thereof will take notice that on the
2G day of AuRUnt, 1919, the County ol
Web.,tcr, nlaintiff heroin, filed a pe
tition in the district court of Webster
County, Nebraska, against them, the
object and prayer of which is to fore'
close a tax lien for delinquent taxes
against Lot G in Block 27 City of Rod
Cloud. Nebraska, for tho year of 1894
and for each and every succeeding
year thereafter to and including the
year of 1918 amounting to the agRre
gate bum "of 155.13; to foreclose a
tax lien for delinquent taxes against
Lot , 13 and 1 1 in Block 27 City of
Red Cloud, Nebraska, for the year of
1891 and for each and every succeed
ing y ar thereafter to and including
the year of 1918 amounting to the
JiRfjrei?ate sum of $269.34; to fore
do .o a tax lion for delinnucnt tnxe."
again -t Lots 15 and 1G in Block 27
City of lit a Cloud, Nebraska, for the
year of 189 and for each and ovcrj
succeeding year thereafter to and in
cluding the yoar of 1918 amounting
to tno aggregate sum of S2GG.01; to
foreclose a tax iien for delinquent
taxes against Lot 17 in Block 27 City
of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for tho yeai
of 1891 and for each and every suc
ceeding year thereafter to and includ
inR th year of 108 amounting to the
aRgregate sum of $110.49; to fore
close a tax lien for delinquent taxes
against Lots 18 nnd 19 hi Block 27
City of Red' Cloud, Nebraska, for the
year of 1892 and for each and every
succeeding year thereafter to and in
cluding the year of 1918 amounting
to the agRregatc sum of $268.23; to
foreclose a tax lien for delinquent
taxes against Lot 20 in Block 27 City
of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for the year
oi iBii and for each and every succeed
ing year thereafter to and including
the year of 1918 nmounting to the
agRrepatc sum of $105.37; to fore
close a tax lien for delinquent taxes
against Lots 21 and 22 in Block 27
City of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for the
yor of 1892 and for each and every
succeedinR year thereafter to and in
cludinR tho year of 1918 amountinR
to the aggregate sum of $287.03; to
foreclose a tax lion for delinquent
taxes against Lot G in Block" 28 City
of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for the year
of 1894 and for each and every suc
ceedinR year thereafter to and inc.ud
ing the year of 1918 amounting to tho
aggregate sum of $152.24: to fore
close a tax lien for delinquent taxes
against Lot 8 in Block 28 City of
Rod Cloud, Nebraska, for the year of
1891 and for each and every succeed
ing year thereafter to and including
the year of 1918 amounting to tho ag
Rregatc sum of $142.13; to foreclose
a tax lien for delinquent taxes against
Lo 9 and 10 in Block 28 City of Rod
Clud, Nrbiuka, for the-j oar of 1894
and for Puch and overv .eucrepdinir
scar thereafter to ard indudinir4iie
ye it of 1918 amountinR to the nggi-e-j
rate :'um or 3'J&,iQ; to rowioeie'a
Wx lien frr delinquent luxes asralnst
Lot-; 20, 21, 22, 2't, and 21 In Block
2rt City of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for
tho year of 1893 and for each and
every succeeding year thereafter to
and intruding tho year of 1918 amount
ing to tho aggregate sum of $494.00
which said tax Hens nro a first lien
upon tho above described real estate.
Plaintiff asks for an accounting
for tho arnount due it; that tho same
may bo decreed a first Ben and that
the said real estate may to sold to
satisfy said amount nnd costs of suit,
and sucli other relief as equity may
All 6f tho above nnmed non-resident
and ttnknowndotendants-.arc roquirod
Very Much Convalescent.
Helen had the whooping cough, and
so was not Invited to her little friend
Margaret's birthday party, though tha
list. liK'liuled nil the other children ip.
the neighborhood. On the morning of
the affair the telephone Irl might have
overheard the following conversation;
"Hello, Is this Margaret Illllueld's
"Is this yon Margaret?"
"Yes. Who Is this?"
"This Is Helen Marten. You are
going to have a birthday party today,
aren't you?"
"Well, say, Margaret. I'm all over
the whooping cough now."
Special Non-Partisan Election
for Constitutional Convention
November 4, 1919
Candidates for Constitutional Convention
46th District
Vote for ONE
V vi" '.
Origin of "Tenderloin."
The name "tenderloin" was origi
nally applied In New York city to tho
nineteenth police precinct. The credit
of naming It Is attributed to dipt. Al
exander Williams, who was placed In
eontluaud of the precinct September
30. 187G. When he took charge he
was asked how he liked the change. J
"Great," was the response. "I've J 'Aft'
roino from a rump district (tin east 3"
side dHrlct) to the tenderloin," nnd
tenderloin It has remained ever slnro. ' Sj
The newspapers of other cities soon ' V
followed the example of the New York
journals In so designating similar dls
trlcts of their own cities.
During the aftermath of influenza or its debilitating compli
cations, there is more than ordinary need that you
nourtsn ana protect every avenue of yoar strength.
scorn EMU1SI0N
because of its efficient tonic-nutrient properties, daily helps
tens of thousands to renewed strength. Those who are
.... H , 'uiiuuuii m vitauvy snouia use tne means
that Help build up a healthy resistance.
What SCOTT'S docs for others it will do for yon. Try it!
.. Bc.uvei craueoi cod-Ilwroil ined in Scott'i EmuUian I, the famous
t o.J.I-I0"??' . ?ad.e. ,a Nomay nnd re fine I In our own American
.. . . Kuuiuuire oi purity onu paiauuur.y unsurpassed
Scott & Bownc, lUoomficld, N. J.
Tho Jarz Spirit.
Waverly fJerty Olddlgad Is crazy
over Jazz music.
Mareella Indeed.
"Yes. I learned thnt when I took
her on a Mdit-seelng trip through the
biggest holler flhop In town the other
"I don't get the connection."
"As soon as we entered the door
and fierty heaid the terrltle din slip
grabbed my arm and said, 'fJee. lot'a
tango.' " Youngstovvn Telegram.
Building Material
MM 18cents Si ll,
w-i'.f.v m.r
ffr z&mzam
.v'l :v m
' ,, 1
'i ff Smokers realize m
'i ikwi. W . , . . , f
, ,, H that tno value is in m
, , '' '' fc the cigarettes and do 3
' ' V. not expect premiums
"i k ar coupons!
...... , . . ,
i. '
If you want to know what rare and
unusual enjoyment Camels provide
smoke them in comparison with any
cigarette in the world at any price!
i . '
El' SH
ni.j '
Cmol nrr mM uveryn'fcnro
in rfrBffienfO- tatl P'
ail of 30 ctfrrttteutfor ten
;iactfu pOO cjtfarWfeO in a
Va itrontly rrcommenrf this
carton for tha horn, or, offlc
supply or when you trav.U
CAMELS are a cigarette revelation any
way you consider them! Take quality,
or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that
wonderful mellow-mild-smoothness you
never before got in a cigarette smokel Yet
Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of-satisfaction
you marvel that so much de
light could be put into a cigarette!
Camels expert blend of choice Turkish
and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them
so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend
explains why it is possible for you to smoke
Camels liberally without tiring your tnsle!
You will prefer Camels to either hind
of tobacco bmokod straighi!
You'll realize pretty quick,, too, that
among the many reasons you smoke Camels '
is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga-
retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor!
Once you know Camels you won't
take much stock in premiums, coupons
or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality!
R.-J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wintton-Salem, N. C.
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