The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1919, Image 5

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    A ? HP1!,, ,,
J as Tarn ta iir 5
(lutes Half Soles bnnlsli tire trpublos
Next Tuesday is election day.
Eat and drink 'at Powell ifc rope's
CHfa. tf
Geo. Air.up of Rivciton was in the
city Tueaday.
Mrs. John Aubuehon spent Monday
in Hastings.
C L. Herrick of Inavale was in the
city,, Saturday.
Miss Minnie Christian spent Satur
day 'in Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oattnan spent
Friday in Hastings.
FredPhares attended the football
Came at Alma Friday.
Ifrod Turnurc is driving a new
Buick Sedan automobile.
Good meals good service moderate
prices Powell & Pope's cafe.
Mrs. Bert Sherman went to Supcr
ior'lWednesday to visit friends.
Misses Myrtle Gclwick and dna
Frey spent Saturday in Hastings..
Mrs. IdaHay'es) of Superior, is yis
iting relatives' in tfie city this weckT
FOR SALE-The- McFarland" Room
ing House, modern and doing capacity
bnsines6-J. E. BET, RcdCldud.Ne'b.
Mrs. John Rutledgc of Inavale
spent Monday with her mother, Mrs.
Gricc. " " '" '
Mrs. Lottie Morh art. went to Adams
Friday to visit her sister,' Mrs. W. B.
Leggett. -
G. W. Lindsey departedi the last of
the week for his home at San Diego,
Attorney E. G. Caldwell ,was iii
Bloomington Wednesday attending to
some legal matters.
W. G. Hamilton, Herb Ludlow and
several others attended the football
game at Alma Friday.
Clarence Kizcr and Sam Jones re
turned home Tuesday from a few
days sojourn in St. Joe.
The first snow of the season fell
Monday morning, but evaporated be
fore it hit the ground.
Mr. and Mrs. Ncls Anderson are
home from Wray, Colorado, where
they spent a few days with relatives.
Roy Garber and wife of Fullerton.
are in the city, being called here by
the death of his father, J. J. Garber.
The paving gang is excavating on
west Fourth Avenue, preparatory to
laying tile for a storm sewer sys
tem. Mrs. Peter Mcintosh was railed to
Superior Friday on account of the
sickness of her sister, Mrs. Grant
F. J. Gricc of the Gricc & Grimes
diug store is in Lincoln this week,
attending a meeting of the Rexall
dealers of the state.
Mrs. C. F. Gund icturned to Blue
Hill Friday after visiting with her
sisters, McMlamcs E. A. Ctcightor.
and'W. A. Sherwood.
Mrs. Thos. Hansen, who had been
visiting her sister, Mrs. A. R. Sala
den, departed Wednesday morning
for her home at Rosalie.
Mesdames Rufina Stewart and W.
J. Easton, mother and sister of Mrs.
W. A. Mayr.ard, went to St. Joe on
Monday to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hauck returned to
their home at Coffeyville, Kansas, on
Saturday after visiting with their son
and his wife at this place.
Friday and Saturday
The Merry
t i
A romance of the Circus and
,. the' Open life.-r-Fun and
Thrila-p!eniy. , , ',
Comedy'Hr First Kits'
.First sjiowat 7;30 '
Admission 20 and lie
Monday and Tuesday
in a big special production
WE are laught to Forget
and rorgive.
We will leave it lo You "If
ell sins should be forgiven."
Admission - SOc and 25c
Plus War Tax
All You Need
Is a and
Al Hoffman spent Tuesday in Blue
M. A. Mercer spent Tuesday in
Rev. Cope is spending the day in
Dan Leonard of Rivcrton was in the
city Sunday.
Mrs. W. G. Warren spent Tuesday
in Hastings.
R. E. Mitchell returned home from
Inavale Tuesday.
'. M. F. Rickard of Guide Rock was
in the city Saturday.
For good eye glasses and specs tee
Mitchell The Jeweler.
Miss Julia Warren spent Sunday
with friends at Superior.
" Miss Mabel Bailey spent Sunday
with relatives at Cowles.
, Mrs. Ida Hayes returned to her
home at Superior Wednesday.
Mesdames Wm. and Luther Crabill
went "to Hastings this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Best Harden of Frank
lin were in. the city Tuesday. ,
'Father Fitzgerald went,, to St. Joe
Tuesday to visit a sick' friend. ' '
. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Huff cr, of Ax
te'.l are visiting their parents in the
city this week. " '
Pete Eastwood and J. E. Morris of
Riverton were looking after some
business matters in the city Tuesday.
Geo. and Frank Amack, Chas. Ailes,
Harry Moede and L. C. Bloom attend
ed a Farmers' Union meeting in Su
perior on Tuesday.
Clifford Pope returned home Sun
day from Maryvillc, Kansas, having
resigned his position with a photo
graph studio at that place.
W. G. Hamilton went to Holyoke,
Colorado, Sunday evening to look af
ter the interests of Hamilton and
Cather in the Amack Clothing store.
Mrs. Thos. Kralick and daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Beardslee, returned home
Wednesday morning from McCook, at
which place they had been visiting
Last Saturday, while working on
the bridge gang, Vencil Zajic had the
misfortune to have an axe slip, strik
ing him on the knee and cutting the
knee cap in two.
FOR SALE Good quarter section of
and with good improvements, 4 miles
south of Inavale, Nobr.. on ensy terms.
Write for full description. C. F. Cnth
r Red Cloud, Nebr.
Mrs. Thos. Emerton and daughter,
Nellie, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin De
Lano, autocd to Superior the last of
the week to visit Mr. Grant Houchin,
who was quite sick.
Last week a couple of young speed
demons hit the dust for other points
on account of the fact that they vere
speeding and were notified to appear
before Police Judge Burden.
Last Friday the High School foot
ball team went to Alma where they
met the Alma team on their gridiron
Our boys played a fast game and
won by a score of 19 to 12.
Mesdames Geo. Scott and W. E.
Rounds of Grand Island were called
to this city Friday by the serious ill
ness of their father, A. Mcintosh.
Mrs. Scott returned to her home on
Mrs. Grant Houchin, wife of Grant
Houchin, passed away Sunday at Su
perior. The funeral services were held
Monday and interment was made in
the Martin cemetery southeast of this
city. Besides a husband and children,
she is survived by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Emerton and several
sisters and a brother, who are left
to mourn her death.
The members of the Webster Coun
ty. Farmers' Union held their auunal
meetingVfrthis city 'Saturday after
noon in the Christian church. A large
number of members were present and,
the following officers were elected
for the ensuing year: I. B. Wagoner,'
president and John Ryan, secretary.
ine wagoner quartette rendered sev
eral appropriate vocal pieces which
were very much appreciated by those
in attendance.
NOTICE Beginning with Aug.
1st we will develop any size film or
film pack free of charge when
prints are ordered. When no prints
aro ordered, the price is 6c for films
or 10c for film packs. Quick service:
bring in your films or packs today
and get your prints tomorrow. The
price of prints remains as hereto
W. G. Hamilton returned home
from Holyoke, Colorado, this morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Gather returned
to their home at Mnnkato, Kansas,
Mrs. C. E. Eldicdgc is 'home from
Iowa and Kansas, h(-c she had been
visiting lclatives.
Rollic Lawrence returned Tuivday
from Boone, Iowa, where he had been
visiting his sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Lippincott
arc the parents of a baby girl, born
Saturday morning.
Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue
Hill was attending Equity Court in
the city this week.
The Board of Directors of the Farm
crs' Institute will meet at the Court
house this evening.
. Ralph Ncwhouse went to Hastings
Tuesday morning to play in an or
chestra in that city
,G!cn Fcarn returned to Graf tor. on
Tuesday after visiting with his wife
and other relatives here. ,
Friday eight is Hallowe'en and the
citizens should see that their movable
property is under cover or fastened
down., , f
Dick Garber of Alexandra, Nebras
ka, Nvas in'the cjt'yWedncsday attend-1
iiV&Yttic'funeraPof ,his brother, J. J.
'Mrs. Alice Ely and family of Guide
Rock were in the city Wednesday at
tending the funeral of her uncle, J. J.J
Jacob Petersen has rented (he Wil
son building on "east Fourth jAvcnuo,
and will "again "open up a feed store
and cream station. '
Powell 'and Pope have rearranged
the dining room ,of .their cafe which
adds considerable convenience to both
customers and proprietor.
G. W. Davis of Chicago, represent
ative of a Shorthorn' cattle paper, was
in Hie city Wednesday inspecting the
blooded stock in this community.
Rev. J. L. Bcebe informed us this
morning that Webster county had
raised its quota of $2600 in the coun
ty drive for the Salvation Army fund.
Lee McArthur will go to St. Joe on
Sunday where he will appear as a
witness for the street railway com
pany in a damage suit which he wit
nessed in that city some few months
Tuesday afternoon, while shredding
com fodder at Chas. Whitakc'r's,
Chas. Gurney had the misfortune to
get his left hand in the shredder and
lost a nail off of one of the fingers of
that hand.
The City Council held a special
meeting the first of the week at which
time Henry Diedcrich appeared and
asked that they grant him a tempor
ary privilege of putting up a frame
20x24, on his lots, for six months,
and at the expiration of. tins time. he
agreed to have the building torn down
and the lots cleaned up. The Council
granted him this privilege.
Only in the sense that the Bible is
a "war story," for the reason that it
deals with a multitude of wars, is the
new production of "The Unpardon
able Sin" a "war picture." Just as
the bible in its entirety is a narrative
of war, adventure and exploration,
just so, "The Unpardonable Sin" is a
creation for entertainment purposes
made with incidents of the recent
World War as a background. Insofar
as the war incidents deal with the ac
tion of the picture, it is unquestion
ably true that they might just as well
have been chosen from some earlier
war in the history of the world. There
arc no combat scenes, adroitly staged
to hold the interest, no atrocities pic
tured to arouse sympathies and stir
up hatreds. A love story, a talc of
adventure, some facts to make one
think all these have been combined
to make "The Unpardonable Sin"
just what critics everywhere concede
it to be, namely, one of the foremost
screen attractions which has 'ever been
produced. At the Orpheum Monday'
and Tuesday. ,
For Sale
The MoFnrlnnd rooming house strict
ly modem mid doing capacity business
J. E. BKT55, Red Cloud, Nebr.
ine ruLioTO tell em all about
Exhilarating Burlosaiio: Vnutlevilln
Equtpig). tillllant Scenic f ntlrcanrtnl
Everybody Goon: Aatt Anybody
You'll Like AS
this soothimr. heal
ing balsam. And i
IrmiHl fiArl that it- will "
(rive almost instant re
lief to severe coughs.
colds and all irritations.
of the bron-
--. vnh. . rt m
Trade-Mark la th.
Ign of Parity and
Wltk MeitWI aaalattlratu
i3 a remarkably effec
tive remedv. coirmHsini?
the well known medicinal
nroncrttea tf Whlto Fine. Wild
Cherry. Balm of Gllcad Umli. Illood
Root, Glycerine. Menthol nml Euca
lyptus combined In very nsfrecable anil
aromatic form. Tho formula U timu
trleu nnd proven. At aro Joi
cnuurcn ut jor (jrown-upo.
Sold by
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist
Even God would not forget-
"Could Not Forgive'
XX y!en lhe faul fc.commftte
WOMAN hides herself-- MAN walks
proudly erect !
5 SSEXte11 for MANSb bitter
0IIS TALE of love and
adventure EVER
JpS I,.
mm I i
!1BsK imt?OtJF JBshBsm " INV VbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB
Orpheum -
Monday an J Tuesday.
Admission 50 and 25q w!ir '!
District Court I'roceod'ims
Judge V. A. Diluoill; the new
Distiict Judge1, who lias succeeded
Judge Dorscy, and Couit Reporter D.
M. Baird of Hastings, held a two day
Equity term of court here this week.
Among the cases disposed of wcio:
The Claik Implement Company vs
Wm. Wallace, Hearing on motions.
Charles T. Smith, vs C. B & Q. By.,
Hearing on Motion.
Mary Limko vs Herman Limkc ct
al, Partition ordered, Referee ap
pointed to make sale.
Lydia Phillips vs Norman Phillips,
Decree of Divorce.
Frank Starr vs C. B. & Q. By.,
Hearing on Motion
Judge Dilworth will hold a special
term of court here on December 28th,
without a jury.
bang BANG!
The United States Railroad Admin
1st ration is conducting a "National No
Accident Drive," which is 'being held
from Oc'ober 18th to October 3 1st. in-
ojiwive. The McCook Division Safety
Committee of the Burlington route
is conducting a drive and trying to
boat all former records.
" W. T. Bohrer and son Lewis, of Red
Clond, Nebr., arrived Thursday for a
visit Vrilh Merle Bohrer, who is anoth
er son. . They are so pleased with the
country that they have decided to lp.
cite here, and on Tuesday of this week
enttred sectional filings on land on
the south slope of Juniper. Moffat
County (Colo.) Dell.
Mr. Bohrer returned home the first
of the wetk after visiting his son,
Merle, at Maybell, Colo. He states
that it is a grand country out there,
and he bos tiled on land there and ex
pects to move on tho same in the
There goes another tire
Happy Thot'-Go to the Tire Service Station
and put on one of those Peerless Blowout Boots. Guar
anteed not to crack, and it will take you home. Then
bring it in and have it repaired.
- Free Service -:- Free Air -
r -" ?s
Vitanola Phonographs
"As Natural As bite."
Inexpensive Fun.
Probably complainfng about every
thing all the time does no real good,
but It seems to he about tho only way
wo can have any fun nt all and still
live within our menns.-Ohlo State
Wheat Berry Perfected.
Mnny of tho present superior whontfl
producpd in tho United States wero
introduced Into this country from
Asia, Kurono and South America, and
nccllinntcd to our country while under-'
going tho test. They Imvo been bred
nnd crossed until a berry hns been
fcecurcd which will ndnpt Itself to tho
region requiring a wheat crop.
NOT UNTIL you hear this wonderful instrument do
you realize how natural can be the reproduction,
of the human voice. '
The Vitanola Plays all records properly without ex
tra attachments.
The Vitanola stands out among all phonographs in'
beauty of designs and finishes.
The Vitanola is the phonograph that you said some
one would some day make it. It is
here ready for your inspection. Ready to stand the
test of comparison.
Do Not Buy until you have heard this wonderful
reproducer of voice and instrument?.
Graham Furniture Co.
" rim stord o;; quality,"
Red Cloud ftftffi;'