.. a ) " 4 -. fi "' Hliiotini Bocl.1, -4 -rtfe 4 NewsiMHr Hit Glut He News Flfty-twe Weeks Each Year Fer 91.50 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 30, 1i)li. NUMBER 44 1 H We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and Victory Bonds at the market. If you desire to buy or sell, call on us Interest paid on Time Deposits Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska Webster County Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $35,000 Red Cloud, Nebraska Edward Flounce, Pre-ident S. R. Fiorance, Cashier MiHiirM::7:OT : -"' ttt- r" tv t't :jT,;'"ii!n:,,;p-,-,"T "v Tiw iianr. H.....I.U nt.iWlll'.liil.. I', J .. IfeJl w rjit,itt'i, t' Thrifty Housewives Come to Us for their Groceries for Five Reasons' They know that they will receive full value for every dollar they spend with us. They know that they will receive only the best qual ity in every article they purchase. They know our reputation for honest -weights and measures and fair dealing. They know that the lines of goods we handle are the best that can be purchased on the market. They know that our prices are right as low as is consistent with quality and quantity. If you are not one of our regular custom ers and do not know these facts, let us ; have your next grocery order and you will be convinced. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware StasiiHiB FURS Character and Quality 1 1 My line of Fur will prove a Rea Benefit to the Buyer assuring satisfaction and r comfort to the buyer. y I urge you to come and sec this V t line, comparing its merit as to VALJJJB'e" STYLE The styles have been selected for their comfort and style. Have iSc&rfs, Gapes and Si lis in Neck pieces. The Muffs are in different shapes, but all good styles. - Mrs. BARBARA PHARBS Sunday Morning Fire Destroys Three Buildings Sunday morning, about two o'clock, tho unex'octed big fire broke out which wlpeil three of tho frame build, lugs out of existence lit the business district of this clly. The ilro broke out in the Horburger building, from some unknown causo, which was occupied by George Trotter (ts a vulcanizing shop, and was discov ered by Marshal Phillips who turned in the alarm. . Tho fire departmont responded quick ly but the fire gained rapid headway on account of tho fact that there was no water pressuro and they worked under diUlcultics. It soon spread to the Dlederlch buildings, one of which was occupied by Jacob Petersen ns a cream station and feed store aud the other by Henry Dlcdeiich as a shoe store and repair shop. Mr. Trotter had sold his business to his brother, Roy, and Mr. Fred lime", but the new proprietors as yet had not taken possession and no stock or II x tut os were saved. The stock was In sured for Sl.lOO. Mr. IIcrburger did not carry any lustiruuce'on the build tng. Considerable flour and olllce fund, ture was removed fioin the cream station aud Mr. Petersen's loss was covered by lusur.ince. Part of the hhoe stock and repair machinery was removed frou-'Mr, Diode-rich's store, but owing to the fact that lie carried no insurance on his stock or this building his loss was very heavy. He carried some insurance on tho building occupied by the Petersen cream station. We have not learned whether Messrs Horbnrger aud Dlederlch have made any plans for the erection of now build itiKi. These lots are an ideal place to build and no doubt someone will buy them and erect buildings that will be' a credit to the business district of tills city. It U time that this city was waking up and getting some new modern equipment for the fire department as tlwy are haudicaped which was proved at this ilro. A now auto lire truck with a pump attachment would help con siderable astbedopartmentthen would have plenty of wator pressure to fight Ores. Met Tuesday Evening The Commercial Club hold a regular meeting Tuesday evening at the club rooms. President Runncy called the meeting to ordor and after the reading the minutes of the previous meeting the bill of E. S. Qarbor was read and ordered paid. F. E. Maurer, of tho road committee, made a report of tho committee that Inspected the road lending to the Kan sas line. Socretary Wecsuer stated that the road grader had been bought and shipped. As soon as the grader arrives Jas. Keagle, Hoad Overseer of Line precinct, will use his engine and work the road. The Club expects to keep tho grader at work until tho ground freezes up. Supt. Holtzen was present and stated that the Red Cloud schools wore pre paring to observe Nov. 11th, Armstlce day, and wanted tho club to unito with them and prepare a cel'obrntlou so that the occasion will bo obsorvod. Messrs'. V. fi Maurer, IJ. P. W'cesnor, M. C Sherwood and A. 11. McArthur were appointed a committee to confer with Hnpt IIoilz.Mi. A ropioseutatlve of tile Tlb'H Route! Nebraska Couple In War Workers' Romance Washington, I) C. Oct. 2S. A war workers' romance. In which tho nriiiel- ptils were a Nebraska young man aud , a gin from tuc bitino stale, was con 6U.ntn.aled here yesterday. Tho groom was'ulllinm uruuo Frame, aged .13, of llluo Hill, and tho bride was Grace Ruth Pilsblc, aged :iO, of Red Cloud. Omaha World. Herald. Tho couple arc well-known young people of this city, as they have resid ed hero for many years The bride Is a graduate of Red Cloud high school, and afterward taught several years lu the rural schools and in the local high school. Mr. Frame has been enuaired In farming several years, and during the past few mouths he has been soil ing farm truotois at llluo Hill. Their many friends here will Indeod be sur prised to learn of their marriage, hut till o.'tond their best wishes for a happy wedded llfo. m ft m Married Last Thursday LastThursday.iilGnlcburg.'Illlnols, nt tho homo of Kev Swan, a Methodist minister, the tnarilaco.of one of Red ! Clou l's popular young couples was solemn!."'. The contracting parties being Mr. Eiflost II. Newhouse. son of Mr. and Irs. 13. H. New house, and Miss Nora .JIU'K&I, Oji!.'L,toF ot Vr"- ul,d. M,'S Robt. E. Mitchell. Iloth the groom and bride arjo well known in this city and come from two of our highly respected families. They graduated from the High School mil he is at J resent attending college at Poorla whore they will mako their home Tor the present. Their many friends hero unite in wishing them much joy and happiness. Married Wednesday Evening Wednesday evening, at eight o'clock, tit the homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. W. H. Roberts, took place the wedding of their daughter, Miss Helen Mac, to Mr. Harold D. Holhrook of Fnirbury, Rev. J. L. Ilco be officiating, the impressive) ring ceremony being used. Miss Isabel'.o Cameron acted as bridesmaid und Mr. Clare Upp in the capacity of best man. Miss Bessie Havel played the wedding march. The color scheme was pink and white, which added much to the beauty of the scene. After the cer emony a luncheon was served. The bride is one of tho city's ac complished young ladies while the groom is one of the highly respected employees of a general store at Fair bury. Tho young coup'.e will mako their home at Fairbury, with the best wishes of their many friends. 15he NB W BDISON The Three Million Dollar Phonograph THOMAS A. EDISON invented the phon ograph in 1877, Later he improved his original phonograph to a point where his business advisers said to him ; " You now have the best phonograph in existence. Let's go ahead and market it." Mr. Edison shook his head and replied : " I am not going to put out a new phonograph until it is so perfect that its reproduction of music cannot be detected from the original music." Thomas A. Edison spent three million dol lars in cold cash to develop an instrument which matched the human voice and all kinds of musi cal instruments so perfectly that the original could not be told from-the reproduction or RE CREATION, as it is now called. Wc arc prepared to sell you today, for &205, an exact duplicate of Edison's three million dollar phono graph. You tnay even have cxtcndcd-tcrms of payment, if you desire that accom modation. First of all, how ever, wc want you to hear this wonderful new instru Incut. ., MaWwc, have the pleas ure of iiciiibust'ratiuii to you that Music's RE-CREA-TION Is a reality and not merely a fanciful phrase ? "B. H. Newhouse Ol'TOMBTlilST and laWBLUR PMSS!E2ESWB!Vi wsmrnsssaEsmrn Answers Final Summons FLOUR TAKES ANOTHER DROP Sunday afternoon John J. Oarber, aged 53 years, 11 months and 28 days, passed away at his homo In this city after an illness of several yours. Mr. Garber was born In Clayton county, Iowa, October 23, 1800, and moved with his parents to this county In 1871, where- ho has since resided. He was married to Miss Margaret Al blight October 23, 18S:i. and to this union were horn two botis, Ttoy aud Hurt, who, together with two brothers, 1 Chniley, of Mnnkato, Kaunas, and Dick, of Alexandria, aid One sister, Mis Tuad Sauudlrs, of Itmvnle, who are left to mourn his deuiU Ho wan an export penman and book We have just received another car load of " Red Moon"3Flour, which is used by a large per centage of the housewives in this locality, and all those using it, know its quality when it comes to making real, first-class bread. "RED MOON" FLOUR PER SACK ... $2 !!!. .,. r. 1 1 . . 1 ' i.uuh.1 w., MnaiMCBB.u, iwui pwunwu .,,. ,.,! ,-,! fiiUlifiill f n Dnnil the merits of this company's to route 1 1 Comt 0Krk oC ,,,, ool,Ilfcy7orhev. boohs. ISoactipn was taken by thol,,;al to,-,ntHor which bo ivs olecMI County Cleilc nnd held the olllco ono Club. Residence for Sale As we are closing out alt our hold logs in Red Cloud wo will offer for sale tho Roy Sattley residence, which we recently purchased, Ininurd on West Fourth avenue. Till- Is n tine modern 8 room dwelling, in ll - i.h condl. tlon. Its priced rlgh'. t i-i!ek deal. For particulars see r- prf, n u.-ok k 'Bdyer FurniturtfBtur. !..' rtud. term. The funeral services wore hdd at the homo Wednesday afternoon, Itov. Copo In charge Interment was mado in the city coinotery. Several electric lights have been in stalled in tho alloys of tho business district of this city so that prowlers can easily be '-Been by tho marshall , while making his rounds at night. Dqring ihe, past few months since we com menced handling this Flour, the price has been lowered twice; and now, we have sliced it again, with $F a deduction of, per sack " Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb. "NOT IN THE COMBINE" mwmmmmMmmmmmmEmixMm ( ; I u M M ! I