The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 23, 1919, Image 1

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, p .,. -.m.-,., -. .- ' ,.-. .
V KMKiwamraiiMwisroi
We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and
Victory Bonds at the market. ' If you
desire to buy or 'sell, call on us
Interest paid on Time Deposits
Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors
Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska
Webster 'County Bank
1 fled Cloud, Nebraska
Edward Florance, Preideat
W:'T ':.; ' '.. '.,!':!. "WW
Thrifty Housewives
Come to Us for their Groceries for Five Reasons:
They know that they will receive full value for every
dollar they spend with us.
They know that they will receive only the best qual
ity in every article they purchase.
They know our reputation for honest weights and
measures and fair dealing.
They know that the lines of goods we handle are the
best that can be purchased on the market.
They know that our prices are right as low as is
consistent with quality and quantity. .
If you are not one of our regular custom
ers and do not know these facts, let us
have your next grocery order and you will
be convinced.
P. A. Wull
Groceries and
t:nffiin:.;"iiHfc;''.,wiri; :.;in!
zsri. wfvwwia5
Slip-on Styles zvitk Sleeves
Slip-on Styles wihhout Sleeves
hi Coat Styles with Style
Collars and Belts
lifts. Barbara Phages
Agent gor Ladie Home" Journal Patterns
All Sizes in Childrenfl Half Sox
tnto HIlorlo BofUtj
S. R. Flotancc, Cashier
:: ,r :::..::
'. i ' rii,
A Newspaper That filver, The News
I? 121) CLOUD, X!2r;KAj
Club Will Purchase Grader -
u ifun uit: r.unuj ' VIKU III V.B11I uniltl
Monday afternoon CommisMoiifrr 'JEJjup6 ' '" receipt of The Grant
Waldo, of IiiMVKle, ami If. V. ( owdfti, 38unty Yidotte, published at Pond
W. L. Wcosuer, V. CJ. Hauulton niul Qwt Oklahoma, formerly owned
If K Mamer, n coiiinilttue appotiunl Hiiulitcd by 31. L. Thomas, veteran
by ,tlm Commercial club, went out an 1 , OwOrit cue tiniu in charge of tho
looked ovvr the rond rlitmiui; south yat thi. place, which contains
from the river l.rldgo to the Kansas tjfafJloning account of his passing:
llnm. itml tlicv vfni tlint i liw,.i,,ilc tut '"Whit week this miner Inld hrieflv
I'ii deplorable condition. Mr. Waldo
informed them that the montv In hi jyuwran newspaper man ot me ftud
1 road dWtriet hart fill bean used, and' ''dig-We t, v. ho with his wifo, had ar
j consequently, he eonld dy nothing to ' rTvl t.vo days before from their
setter condition). The memhia of
the Home Guard have decided to use
their fundi to purchase grader and
9 Mudeisttind the county will b-iy lit
i next year. Alter the grader krriveVJ.;
the Club will' hire men to work the!
road Hud keep it in a dnurfkion no thai
l.ll nrtnlii tn-ti li-iut At..... U I ... f....
at nil time-.
; Married
Nidsoii P Ander.vjn, son of Mr. and
Mrs. h. v. Anderson of tui city, nn 1
Mtig ru'llio Iumio Cart wrlght, duugh
ter qi David Cartwrlghtof lisboii, Kan
sas, wore united in marriage by Judgo
Kauney Tuesday. The young couple
is well known in this locality aud
their matiy friends wish them much
j6y and happiness thru life's journey.
Roosevelt Memorial Program
The Senior aud Junior High Schools
will give a Roosevelt Memorial Pro
gram Mopday, October 27, ir. the Sen
lor Eligh Assembly at 2:I0 p. m. The
public ia cordially invited.
Area of Guide Rock Enlarged
Friday. October 10, was another
great day in the history of Guide Kock
when the annexation suit in the dis
trict court was decided in favor of the
village by Judge Harry Dungan Per
haps the above is somowhat mislead
ing when we saj the suit was decided
entirely in favor of the village for the
Holz strip on the west and tho Mass
inger strip on the south were thrown
out. However, the entire block ea,t
of Minnie Creek known as Kast (Snide,
Hock is now a part of the corporation.
The boundary lino now extends due
east from tho high school building to
the George Yung farm, thence south
to the ruilrcmd track. We believ everyone Is prettv ivull MiliMfJed
with the situation as it now stand's.
The Ho!, aud Malinger wtrfps are Larue Thomas, tho youngest son.lives
both practically farm lamia, neither of at' Pond Creek, where he was artoci have ever been used for any. ' atcd with bin father in newspaper'
thing eKe. and perhaps riVer will be ' work and where ho will continue as
while they are 'owned by the present nnhliahni- nf iho VidHv
We welcome our new neighbors on
the east, Wu are glu'd they rue now a
part of the town and will have a voice '
in the city management. When the '
new addition Is laid out in streets aud !
alleys and the entire town is lighted
up with electricity, Guide Rock will
be one of the -most attiniiuu linio
cities in the Republican valley, and we
believe, when all this is accomplished,
that those who opposed the annexation
will be really Klad they are Inside tho
corporation. Guide Rock Signal.
Residence for Sale
As we are closing out all our hold
lags In Red Cloud wo will offer forsale
the Roy Hattley residence., which we
recently purchased, located on West
Fourth avenue. This is a line modern
8 room dwelling, in ilrst class condl.
tlon. Its priced right for a quick deal.
For particulars see or phone IJeok &
Boyer Furniture Store, Red Cloud.
Dr. Warrick, The Specialist will meet
eye, oar, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses fitted at Dr.
Dameroll'fl office, Wednesday, Oct. 20.
Hours 2 to G.
An Art Exhibit and Box Supper will
be given by School Diet. 20 and 27 at
the latter school tomorrow evening.
The beautiful pictures for the exhibit
are loaned by (he Lincoln Fine Arta
jShop, The puplU will give a program.
Fifv&wo Km Each Yc:ar For Sf.ftO
o("ronj-:i :, i!u.
former Editor of The Chief
pijio muMer. denth of 31. L. Thomas,
.UJOMcna iiumo with a view or upend
. inter in Alhambm at Iho
of t! eir daughter, Mr. Earl
e. , at ;-su south Granada. His
tuu!, iluc? Friday morning.
'1 !n was u native of Ohio,
ttg .,.. bum ut Marietta, March
1$'. )'. ; ! cntcciuentiy v. us in L
wa. one of tho early pioneers
ofi'Hehra-ka, going to that s.tato more
th'an.i'iiiy years ago and n well
i hiiuiui in mat sctuuii iu wiu cumin y,
! particularly in newspaper and polit
ical circles.
Mr. Thomas was for forty two years
actively engaged in journalistic work
during the stirring period of develop
ment in tho Middle West and counted
among his friends and asociatcs such
well known men as Bill Nye, Eugene
Field, Walt Mason, William Grant
Allen and others.
His newspaper activities carried
him to many points in Nebraska, and
for some time he was connected with
the Nebraska State Journal and tho
Daily Sun at Lincoln. Other points in
Nebraska where he owned and edited
papers were as follows: The Chief at
Red Cloud, The Journal at Platts
moutht the Republican at Holdredge,
and the Republican at Ber.klcman.
Later Mr. Thomas moved to Yuma,
Colorado, where he was editor and
owner of the Pioneer.
Some twenty-four years ago lie
went to Pond Crock, Oklahoma, where
during the intervening years lie was
publisher of tho Grant County Vid
ette. He was also postmaster there
for eight years under tho Roosevelt'
and Taft administrations. I
Mr. Thomas is survived by a wid-!
ow, three sons and a daughter, all of
whom were here for the burial. j
A. L. Thomas, the oldest ?on, is in
the printing business in Kansas City,
Missouri. Tho second son, Roy W.
Thomas, is engaged in the lumber in--dustrv
at Bvorott. Washington, and
Tho daughter, Mrs. Grimes, rocont
ly came to AlhamuYa, and hor hus
bancb Earl Grimes, is cashier of tho
Lamanda Park Bank. The widow will
remain here for tho present with hor
The funeral service was hold Tues
day afternoon, at 3 o'clock at tho
Turner parlors under the auspices of.
the Alhamhra Elks lodge, of which
order the deceased was a member,
and tho ritual was read by Exalted
Ruler H. S. Farrell. Burial took place
in Los Angeles at tho Hollywood
Mausoleum. Alhambra Federated
News, Alhambra, California.
Contributions Appreciated
A drive Is being mado to pBy off tho
St. 100 mortgage on the Sacred Heart
church of Red Cloud. All those who
wish to contribute will please make
their donations to any of the follow
ing: John M Kvan,
W. I Dklanky,
J HKi'it Pavkmc, .in.,
James Doym: Sit ,
Rkv D. Kitzukk.u.i.
Mrs. Anna Pavlick, w'ifo' of John
Pavlick, and aged about 35 years,
passed away tho last of the week at a
hospital in Hastings. The remains,
wore brought to this city that even
ing, funeral service!! ueing conducted
on Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock, ,
in charge of Father Fitzgerald, after
which interment was mado in the Red
.Cloud cemetery. " J
'nrin .""-i "in r
We Believe in the
Mew Edison " ' '
&F$d! we hetEstgve St yons
If you prefer not to pay cash
.for a Nsw Edison ot this timt, tell ub what
terms would bo convenient.
We believe in tho New Edison. No mere
"Talking Machine," it is a beautiful instru-
ment that Re-Croates the voice.
And we believe in you for the sort ol man
or woman who appreciates the Now Edison
is the sort of man or woman the world be
lieves in.
See the moderately priced Period Cabinets
-iidi uie naw caison -at our store.- And
tell us what is in
E. H. Newhouse
We have just received another
car load of " Red Moon" Flour,
which is used by a large per
centage of the housewives in this
locality, and all those using it,
know its quality .when it conies
to making real, first-class bread.
During the past few months since we com
menced handling this Flour, the price
has been lowered
have sliced it again,
a deduction of, per
Farmers Union
J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Rad Cloud, Nab.
your mind about terms.
and Jeweler
twice; and now, we
v Ills TV, yyv