The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 16, 1919, Image 1

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4 Newspaper that elves He Newt Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Fer 11.50
M ' 1
We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and 1
Victory Bonds at the market. If you -desire
to buy or sell, call on us
Interest paid on Time Deposits
; Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors
guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska
Webster County Batik
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Edward Flounce, Prudent S. R. Flonncc, C.ihier
. .-. ; - , j. j
Thrifty Housewives
Come to Us for their Groceries for Five Reasons:
they know that )(iey will receive foil value for every
, dollar they spend with as.
They know that they will receive only the best qual
ity in every article they purchase.
They -know our reputation for honest weights and
measures and fair dealing.
They know that the lines of goods we handle are the
best that can be purchased on the market.
They know that our prices are right as low as is
consistent with quality and quantity.
If you are not one of our regular custom
ers and do not know these facts, let us
have your next grocery order and you will
be convinced.
Commercial Club Decides Mrs. Newbury Laid to Rest
To have Roads Repaired '1 Juiia.upson was bom in wcicott,
INuw Haven eonntv. Coimocllcut. Dec.
regular meeting of the Chamber ',.,,, ,H:m .,.., .iu., ... tho home of hor
,.., -.-... ,. ,,
Brother in law, C. L. (Jotting, in this
city Sunday, October 13, 1010.
When lours years of age "he wim
licr parents moved to Uristol, Kenosha
county Wisconsin whore she reside!
until her marriage to John C. New.
Unry on Jnly 117, 1870 after which they
moved to.Shlloh, Texas and two ears f
liter therv made their home ut l'ilot
L'olut. Texas' where she lived until!
after the death of her husband on
February 28th, 13DS.
jHiiuary '20, 1003, she with hor son
Julius came to Red Cloud and which
nhice lius since been her home. She
Was the mother of several chlldion, !
three of them dvlnir in infancy. Her
son Julius died August 1, IU0C iu this
Mr. Lee Newbury, of Dallas, ToxaB,
son and only surviving member of the
family reached this city last Saturday
sunning and added great comfort to
her during her last hours.
- She Is also survived by a brother,
Salmon E. Unson of Bristol, Wiscon
sin, and tw'o sisters. Mrs. Mary Marsh
of Lisbon, North Dakota and Mrs
Lucy Stonebreaker of this city.
The funeral services were conducted
by Rev, Mrs. Mitchell, of .Frapklloy
'jfaesdav afternoon at the home of her
brother-in-law, C. L. Cotthg. Inter
ment was made la the city cemetery.
P. A. Wuilbrandt
Groceries and Queensware 1
Slip-on Styles with Sleeves '
Slip-on Styles wihhout Sleeves
In Coat Styles with Style
Collars and Belts
fe. Barbara Phages
Agent gor Ladies Home Journal Patterns
All jSizes in Childrens Half Sox
of Commerce was held In their head
tjtiarters in the Kellogg building Tues
day evening! After the meeting bad
been called to older, the minutes of;
the previous meeting were read and
a number of bills read, approved and
ordered pnld. ,
Iudoor sports will bo on the schedule
for the coming months, as the secreta
ry was instructud to order tho requlr.
ed amount of decks of playing cards
for the use of the members and their
Considerable interest was shown In
the discussion of the matter of anareo
landing, being constructed In lUd
Cloud for the coming year, the secre
tary stating that several lotters had
been received from promotors of this
means of transit. The matter will be)
taken under consideration and taken
up ngalu ut the next meeting.
The house committee was instruct,
ed to draw up a new lease on the pres
ent quaiters for the coming year, sub
ject to several conditions, one of which
was, mat sumcient neat was 10 oe
provided at all'times.
It was decided to give Marshal Phil
lips a membership in the club gratis:
he in turn to see. that the non-members
of the city were not permitted to
use the club room as a loafing -plnoe
on Sunday and evenings.
V. W Cowden stated that the farm
ers residing south of the city had on
many occasions brought to bis atten
tion tho road south of town, also that
Ihey were willing to co opcrnto with
the merchants and citizoiib in placing
this road iti a condition that would
permit travel over it during nil sea
son of the year. Auy one who has
found it necessary to travel over this
road between this city and the Kansas
line-knows its condition. It is a mat
ter that requires immodiate attention.
A committee composed of Messrs V
W. Cowden, W. L. Weesner, W. G.
Hamilton and P. K Maurer wore ap
pointed to &ec what can be done iu the
This being nil business jhut was to
be transacted, the meeting adjourned.
District Court Proceedings
Crlmlual Docket:
State of Nebraska v Grover Snell,
Defendant discharged.
State of Nebraska v Louis Glebe,
Continued for term.
State of Nebraska
Fine of $1C0 paid.
Stato of Nebraska v John Kose, dis
Civil Docket:
Occidental Illdg A Loan vWm, Parks,
Sale confirmed.
Edna M. Uuntjer v Fred Leo .Miller,
Decree of Divorce,
Minnie Westfall v John Turner et
al, Settled and dismissed.
In tho Matter of the Contest of the
Will of Fritz Nebel, Will allowed.
Village of (iulije Hock v Fannie
Crary et al, General llodlnir for plain
tiff. , lied Cloud Auto Co v Frank Derrick,
Judgment for plaintiff for 812!U'.2.
W. II. Tolley v E. It. Slawsou, con
tluued. Win. 13. Tompkins v Margaret Tomp
kins, divorce for plaintiff.
Married Last Thursday
A wedding ceremony which united,
for life, tho destinies of two of Ked
Cloud's well known young people was
nerformed at the homo of tho bride's
parents on last Thursday, at high
noon, the contracting parties being
Misslva Iicne Patten and Mr. Gilbert
R. Deck Rev. Oeebe performed the
ceremony. Miss Faith Koontz was
bride's maid and Eilck Stoluer, of
Guide Rock best man.
The bride is u daughter of Mr. and
Mrs W. A. Patten, having moved to
this city with her parents about lri
years ago. She Is a graduate of tho
lied Cluud High School, and for some
times past-'vns an employe of the Inde
pendent Telephone Co.
Mr. Beck is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Dock of D.nilmry. Ho was
among tho number who served the
cause of fieedom dining the lute, war
and since coming to lied Cloud has
been Chef at the popular cafe conduct
ed by Powell .t Pope.
After a visit with relatlvjs in Dan
bury they will bo at home to their
many friends iu Ked Cloud.
We Believe in the
New Edison
-and we believe in you
4 M
If you prefer not to pay cash
for ft New Edison ftt this time, tell uswhftt
terms would be convenient.
"The Phonograph with a Soul"
We believe in the New Edison. No mere
"Talking Machine," it is ft beautiful instru
ment that Re-Creates the voice.
And we believe in you for the sort of man
or woman who appreciates the New Edison
is the sort of man or woman the" world be
lieves in. i,,
See the moderately priced Period Cabinets
. hear the' flew Edisonat bur store. And
tell us what is in your mind, about tterms.
E. H. Newhouse
Optometrist and Jeweler
' Residence for Sale
As wo are closing out all our hold
ing, in Ked Cloud we will offer for sale
tho Hoy Nattley residence, which wo
recently purchased, located ou West
Fourth avenue. This is a line modern
8 room dwelling, in tirst cluss condl.
tlou. Its priced right for n quick deal.
For particulars see or phone lleok &
Boycr Furniture Store, Red Cloud.
Saturday afternoon tho stockhold.
ers of tho Farmorb' Iudepondout Tele
phono Co. held their annual meeting
ut the court house, and at which time
they re-olooted O. 0, Teel, secretary,
and O. l-J. IUoiey, S. W. Frlsbie, J. IJ.
Hllluger and Uuorge UeanUlcc, as a
Hoard of Dlreutorn, Tho dlieotoi-H
will hold meeting soon to elect a
president and manager of the com
Winter is nearly
upon us.
You Prepared?
War Risk Insurance
The Uureau of War Hlsk Insurance
wishes to omphaslze the Importance to
service men of one of tho provisions of
the War Risk Insurance Act upon the
fulfillment or which may depend the
validity of their claim to compensation
under the Aot.
Tho War lllsk Insurauee Act provides
that "No Compensation shall be pay
able for death or disability which does
not occur prior to or within one year
after dlschargo or resignation rrotu the
service, except that where, after a
medical examination made pursuant to
regulations, at the tiuio of discharge or
resignation from the service, or within
such rcnsouablo tlma thereafter, not
exceeding one year, as may bo allowed (
by regulations, a certlllcato has boon1
obtained from tho director to the ell"ect '
that the Injured poison at tho time of (
his discharge or resignation was unifer. (
ing from Injury likely, to result lu
death or disability".
Many discharged men uienot fami
liar with or arc inclined to disregard
this provision of law and arc allowing
thoir rights thereunder to lapse.
IUcluest for tho certificate mentioned
above should bo made to the Chief
Medical Advisor, Dureau of War Risk
Insurance, Wushlugtou, D. C,
Is the Vegetable department of your cellar
filled? If not, don't pass up this opportunity
to supply your needs. We have a carload of
Cabbage and a carload of Potatoes on the
track and they are priced right.
$2.25 per bu.
2 cents per lb.
Best Quality
Right Prices
Full Measure
'Nuf Said
Better Get Yours
FOR SALE 1280 acres, in tho St.
Francis, Kansas, country. ?17.B0 per
Farmers Union
J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb.