The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 09, 1919, Image 8

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    , r.wHMkii tWTWWIIfll' '
W.1T J ' W "
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But After Recelvlnj Letter From Ao
rlcultural Department "City Suck
, er" Did Not Invest
A city nmn Rot n very RlowlnR circu
lar from a Chtengo "development com
pnny" offcrlm; lilin ten ncres of hind In
Florida for (lie surprisingly smnll sum
of $'J.G0O n "prnnut unit" tlio circular
culled II lie coulil grow, tlic clrculnr
wild, n thousand bushels of peanuts on
his ten ncros and could ell the pea
nuts allowing for low pi Ices ut SU a
bushel. The city man was Impressed :
but ho "ent the circular to the depart
ment of agriculture with n query ns to
whether or not the Investment was n
trood one.
Following arc "oine sentences from
the letter he got In reply: "Tho lit
crnture is of the hind designed to de
ceive, city people In tho North mid
West who do not know anything about
farming." "The nwrngc return from
ten acres of peanuts would not exceed
5300 to MOO." "You could buy a 100
acre farm In almost any of the coun
ties of western Florida, Including tho
one mentioned In the circular, for the
price these people ask for ten acres."
"Tho whole 'unit' system, whether
It 19 pecans, pearlies, llgs, cuno, pea
nuts, hogs, or what not, Is simply n
means of selling land at three to live
times whnt It Is worth to Ignorant or
unwary small Investors." "To pay $2,
500 for this ten ncres of land would
fctnnip you as a 'sucker' of the rankest
clius." Exchange.
New Process Invented to Pre
serve Surface of Monolith
! In Central Park.
The Secret
By OU11I Frances Pfelffor
Rigors of Western Climate Cautet
Khedive' Gift to Disintegrate.
Painting Ancient Obelisk With
Special Preparation Stay
ed Decay Ruined Por
tions Restored.
Investigation Has Shown That Shin of
Sea Monster Has a Very Def
inite Value.
Although tho personal popularity of
sharks is not likely soon to Increase,
their existence will be more compla
cently accepted If the work already
done through the agency of the United
States government continues Its prog
ress, toward proving sharkMcln a good
substitute for leather. The effort was
begun In 11)10, and It has been shown
that the skin of a shark can bo tanned
by newly dlcoored processes with n
result mm li like a superior grade of
leather. Comuieiclul tanneries are be
ginning to tin n out the product. Shoes
made of It aie being worn; and, like
the pig, of which everything Is utilized
hut the Miucnl, tho shark has been
found generous hi by-products. The
jureau of standards Is now experiment
ing with slunk leather to determine Its
durability, tensile strength, and wear
ing and water-resisting qualities; hut
enough has been done to Indlcntc thut
many persons In the future will go shod
In shark leather, and that only those
who are told will know the difference.
Now Yorkers nwoko ono morning to
Jlnd In their breakfast hendllncs tho
news that a zealous park employee had
discovered signs of disintegration on
tho surface of tho city's most treasured
'antique Cleoputrn's Needle. I'hoto
graphs revealed that the monolith was
peeling, large pieces of biindstono hav
ing fallen from tho tall shaft, carrying
with them part of tho prized hiero
glyphs. London's twin Bister of Cleopatra's
Needle was reported as resting com
fortably and cnduiingly on tho banks
of tho Thames, nnd tho rlvnl port won
dered whether a piepaiutlon would bo
found to stay the nltncks of their
harsher cllmnlu.
Such a preparation was soon forth
coming. A now paint combination ns
a preservative for stone was Invented
completeness In human experience I, T k j moderate doSto, right
Y"",h' !" ft ir." S.,T.,I through the warmer months,
How' universal Is the senso of In
Tlie OIiMIhU was promoted to tlie City
of New York by tlio Fhudlvo of Utt'Pt.
How Bridges Breathe.
T.Ike us mortals, big steel bridges
feel the changes In the weather, and
must lie built to withstand them, or
In the bent of summer n bridge is
appreciably longer than it Is In winter,
and at various times of tho year It
may be longer on one side than on the
other, as when a hot sun plays on ono
Hank, and a cold wind on the other.
Tlie "breathing apparatus" of a
bridge consists of rollers under tho
feet at one end m that the end can
move to and fro freely according to
the expansion and contraction of the
huge gliders.
l'rolMon is made in tlie case of the
Foith bridge for ns much as two feet
of "breathing" of tlio Immense cantilevers.
T li.nlnillt com
man.lur UorrlnEa. U. rf--:
H, N., nfmr n three f
yeni.V effort, olitnln- (
Oil llOHBI'WlOII or It f- 1
arm inoru u iu " i
lirvioiit position, ut
mi expense Of nearly j
JIM.OUO It s tl
imlly swum; Into po
Bltlun at noon, Jhiui
ury 22, ISSI.
Tlio helRlit of this
monument, fiomlmsu ,
to lip, H J foot, 2 .
Inches. Tlio mens- .,
urenient of tlio lao, i ,
miuare through It
uxls, U 7 foct. 8
InehPH. Tho entlro
weight of tho mono
lith ia S19U tons. ,
Since It wns n Har
ried near the torrid
zone, It nun traversed s
the entire length of v
I-cypt. moat of that
of the Mediterra
nean Sea and th
width of thu Allan-
tlo Ocean a (lis- j
lance of 6.100 miles
provlnjf Itself a llrt ,
vato (patolar fnr nim jTS I
.Rtu .aiuf " - yfi
whose HRe lias ex- :
ceeded thirty-live
centuries. in tae ,
couth of IU exist- v
ence It liny at en f
rhnraoh and bin boat .
eoliiB to tholr do- $
Btruutlon In the Kcd t' p'fl
Sea; SlilHliiiK march- r U',a
llltf to tho CoiKiucst , x'Z
of Jerus.ilnni: Cam- 1 Mi
liyscs desolating tho f
lanu; jicroooiui, , j.
Platoand other Orcelt fjj
luum'iua riimicii in r , tz
Plato ami other Creole
ulii.liiiit. nlitmlf Ail 1,1 .
pursuit of Kuyptlan j', Uy
lore; Alexander thai (Vr
Great on Ills vlctorl- , TfZR
i tha land of vjtyj
j bIx and a zttfl
Hlob Temperature May Mislead.
High temperature does not always
mean fever, for tlie body heat may be
Increased by exercise or eating, and
n rise of as much as 1.J1 degrees Fah
renheit has been traced to mental woilc.
Dr. R IJ. Wyun of Indianapolis reports
that drafted men before examination
showed an nverage rise of 0.3 degrees
from the anxiety and suspense, with a
corresponding depression below nor
mal after examination, In 10 nurses
the fall after examination nveraged
0.0 degrees. The psychic rloe plus tlie
dally elevation may lead to false con
clusions If the physician Is not careful.
our e x
half centuries of "l
ltoman Hoverclcnty V J,'?
nnd Christian Httut;- ( K
cla at Alexandria: all .- .,,
the Ioiik line of Mod- ff,i
icm uiieia since ,' ,i
Callnh Omar: and ),
now, IcuvIuk alto- A
Kother Its native land
it Htands looking up-
a.. t... ...tiffin .1...AM.
Ull lllll II1IIIIUII UVU.I' n Tj.
'iH In this imitropolU 'Skjk
whoBd Hlte wus uu- VrSfy
known to the Kastorn r'vjfi
world at a tlitio when
thu Olietlik hud ueuli
In exlsttencii for two
thousand years.
by Dr. William Kuckro, chemist of tlie
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many
years previous coating with parnllln
had been tried, but the application had
not entirely accomplished Its purpose.
Tho new painting process, however,
proved a success. Disintegration was
halted nnd the dumuged parts restor
ed. New York breathed easily again.
His Mistake,
riulhush You know mv wife nnd
ilier sister loot -(,ry imit.i, nllue. I
Wl.iihiirst-Oli. Is that so?
' "Yes. Why. the other day 1 got a
seat hi a crowded trolley car, and
when I got oft my slutor-ln-lnw was
nlso getting ott tlie same car nnd shn
gnve me Hall Columbia for not get
ting up and offering her my sent."
"Well, why didn't you offer her your
seat? Didn't you know her?"
"No, 1 didn't. I really thought It
was my wife!" Yonkers Statesman.
At Saloniki.
Ka1: ri
mm i B
m kdfi 4w 'Mil
jTfgJOr"" " 'if itiF
Even tho Seal
It Is ono of the dlslllusloniueiits ex
perienced by most sojourners on this
planet that the wonderful places of
childhood's enjoyment are found to
hnvo shrunk amazingly on being re
visited In after years. Kven the small
pcoplo find that Imagination jilays
pranks with them, and are driven to
somo such remark as that of the lit
tle 'girl who, on being taken back to
the ueasidb after two years or so, ex
claimed: ''it's tiotUhe same, mummy
darling, lt'8 gone out Of shape."
Farm Lands Grow In Value.
The value of farm luuda Is Incrcas-
I lug steadily tn the United States, the
i average for average grndo plow lauds
rbelDg about 174.31 per acre on Mnrcb
1. as compared Wltn uo.i n year ago,
&lf tiro yrs,Bo,vandJ$58.39 three
years ago. ..,...,
Tlio veritable mountains of relief
supplies turned out by tho millions of
chapter workers during tho war
mado tho Amorlcun ited Cross one of
ttho biggest' "manufacturing concerns",
,ln tho world, with great warehouso
.space at scores of strategic points all
'around the globe. ;
Ono of the biggest distribution cen
ters wns at Sulonlkl, Greece, and In
Hlds picture Bulgarian prisoners of:
war are seen there unloading a ucu
'Cross cargo of 2,!t00 boxes from a
French transport.. At the right la(
seen one of tho American Hed Cross.
rnmlonk. fleets of 'which were used in
Vushlng rellof to points whero the suf
fering was greuusti. i
(Copyright, 1010. by Western Newtpaptr Union.)
"If I do what yon nslc me. and tho
company llnds It out, 111 lose my Job."
"Then I will get jnu n better one."
"I know you pretty near i tin things,"
admitted Mnik Senton, telcphoiio lino
repairer, ''but you tiro asking me to
break tho rules of the company."
"I'll mend them up later," nlrlly de
clared Jasper Wot roll. "If It ever does
get out the men will call It cleverness,
and tho ladles will hall you ns a loyal
emissary of the love god, Cupid."
Jasper Worrell, malinger of the local
telephone line, had got the devoted
Senton his position, but be wns nskliig
his humble pensioner to do n good
deal for him. Jarvls had directed him
to tap n wire lending Into the home of
Hubert llroolcs, to carry It to n certain
secluded closet In the house, nnd put
hi n receiver, nil tho time posing us
a workman engaged In testing nnd re
pairing tho regulnr phone wire.
Here was the Munition: The father
of charming Hlnnche Hrooks had been
defeated In ihc locnl mayoralty con
test the year prolous by Jasper's
father, llltterly llroolcs had resented
the success of his political rlvnl. He
refused to spoulc to any of thu Worrell
family. When he heard that young
Worrell and his daughter had been
seen together on tho street, ho com
niunded her forthwith to hnvo no fur
ther communication, with the son of
his enemy, Blanche wns a dutiful
daughter. Jasper was nil but engaged
to her. Hlnnche met. him Just onco
nnd sorrowfully ndvlsed him that their
dream of happiness was blighted.
"Never, no; abandon the thought 1"
declared Jarvls In his forceful, con
lldent way. "Leave It all to me, dear
Blanche. I've won you, undeserving
us I urn to bo .so blessed, I'll win over
your father, too. Don't talk over that
rubbish of patiently waiting two years
until you lire of age. Leave It all to
me. Within two months I .shall bo
coming to see you three times a week,
with I-'nther Brooks smiling a wel
"But never to see you for eight
wholo Ions: weeks I" murmured
Blnnche. "Never to talk with you I"
"Dismiss that erroneous Impres
sion," directed Jarvls buoyantly. "Wo
shall hnvo the sweetest, coziest, most
blissful chats every evening of our
lives nnd four times a day, If you
wish," Insisted Jarvls, "and here's my
It was n during one, and It quite
scared Blanche. A secret telephone
wns to be Installed In a secluded room
next to, nnd communicating with
Blnnche's owii upartment. All the art
and science expert Mark Senton could
employ wns to be utilized In having a
phone with no bell call. A mere click
would call Blanche ut the other end
of the line at an ngreed on time. Thu
only caution to be exercised was to
be certain that In talking to one an
other no one should overhear them.
And .so Mark Senton, selecting an
occasion when Mr. Brooks was absent
from home, duly lustnllcd the secret
telephone, ami all Blanche had to do
was to lock the door of her room, go
Into the novt apartment, give the .sig
mil and In low-oiced converse thoe
two rex oiled In renewed low making
and tenderness.
All this brought them no closer In
actual contact, nor did It .seem to
Blnnche that her stubborn, determined
father was being miide more approach
able. "Don't worry on that hcore,"
encouraged Jarvls one afternoon. "I'm
winking hard on that end of the prop
osition. Be nt the phone at 8 o'clock
to tho minute this evening, and I'll
be ready to announce the program
that Is going to win over Father
Brooks In n jiffy."
Through the misadventure of a de
lay at the house of a girl friend taken
suddenly III Blanche did not get home
by 8 o'clock that evening. At Just
that hour Mr. Brooks, passing through
the upper hall, noticed an open win
dow' in her room nnd the rain blow
ing In. lie entered nnd closed It, and
Just then n suspicious sound directed
hint to tlie unused apartment beyond.
A series of clicks echoed, then Indis
tinct soumK us of some one speaking
In a low tone.
"Hello!" ejaculated Mr. Brooks In
iiiiiazeinenl, as. tracing tlio sound, he
discovered the secret telephone behind
un old wardrobe. Hu picked up tho
receiver. At onco the words wero
swept to his .startled hearing!
"It's all tight, Blanche. I've fixed
over) thing. My father declines to run
again for mayor. I hnvo got In my
work with the fusion people on a com
promise cnndldute. As I can swing
nil our workers I enn elect Father
Brooks. I'm ono of the committee
coming to apprise him of the situa
tion In the next hour. Kiss your
Jarvls, dear, flood by."
" 'Father Brooks!' 'Kiss your Jar
vls 1' The audacious young reprobnte."
And there Hubert Brooks smiled. He
rather cjiuckled as ho discerned the
cleverness of stills Irresistible son of
an enemy who had undermined his
Ho was smlllntt'stlll ns Blanche, hur
rying and hrVufhloss, nearly ran Into
him In the next room.
"Oh, father 1" she gasped.
"'Oh, father 1'" chortled her sire.
"And, 01" Jarvls 1 Ah. possible, 'fu
ture muyor of'fhls (firlVlng municipal
Itjv I think, I .shall make thut clover
vnmur man my prlme'ralhlstort"
ever i caching for the homcthlng elso
which they crave for tho hour, which
seems to bo the essential need of tho
year whllo wo occasionally meet na
tures who tiro bending every force of
their working yours to tho end of at
taining sino gient nmbltlon, falling In
which, life to them Is but a fraction.
Hubert Carroll.
E. S. Gaa-ber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
, (Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kindt
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
after meals.
Scott's Emulsion
furnishes nourishment of par
ticular value to the anemic or
those underweight. Keep up
your strength. Trust Scott's
Emulsion to help you do it.
Scott & Bowne. nioorafield, N. J. 19-S
Unlets your food Is digeitcd with
out tho aftermath of painful acidity,
the joy U taken out of both eating
and living.
are wonderful in their help to tho
stomach troubled with over-acidity.
Pleasant to take relief prompt and
Hamilton - Omthmr
Clothing Co.
Kwrythtng o M
r my Wmro
At Stratton, Colo.
For Particulars Write to
Jos. A. Collins Land Co.
Stratton, Colorado
105 - Head of Stock - 105
1 extra good Scotch topped Shorthorn bull 10 months old, registered.
This call is sired by Sultans Goods, 545050, nbull that sold for $1250 at 11
months old.
2 registered Duroc Jersey Donrs, vt 150 lbs each; (0 head stock hogs
H. J. and J. W. Wonderly, Owners
i i '
I. ' fl
ThelHarain of Safety
Is represented by the amount of
insurance you carry.
Don't lull yourself into a fancied
Because fire has never touched you
It doesn't follow that jou're immune
Tomorrow -no today, If you have
time and you better find time
come to the ofllce ami we'll write
n policy on your house, furniture,
store or merchandise.
Reliable Insurance
Why Don't You Buy
The Best Range?
You buy tlie best tools to wotk with for your farm
shop or office. You do this as a matter of econ
omy. You know it pays. When you find your
self annoyed with some poor tool you replace it with
the best you can find on the market.
The important part of a home equipment is the
range. Ask your wife or mother if she is perfectly
satisfied with the range she is using Then see
All-Ways Preferable
When you need a new heater see the ILLINOY.
Like all other merchandise we carry in stock, it is
sold under guarantee. All sizes carried in slock.
Bear in mind these facts: We can can promptly
supply your wants in the line of shelf and heavy
hardware. Special orders receive careful attention.
Red Cloud's Leading Hardware Dealer
18 cents a package
What you pay out your 'good money for
is cigarette satisfaction and, my, how
you do get it in every puff of Camels!
XPERTLY blended choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi
nate bite and free them from any
unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or
unpleasant cigaretty odor.
low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re
taining the desirable "body." Camels
are simply a revelation I You may
smoke them without tiring your taste!
Camels win instant and permanent
success with smokers because the
blend brings out to the limit the
refreshing flavor and delightful mel-
For your own satisfaction you must
compare Camels with any cigarette
in the world at any. price. Then,
you'll best realize their superior
quality and the rare enjoyment
they provide. ,
.J3. a""'
'? it"