The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 09, 1919, Image 5
4 I HP OLOUDWllKAIKA, 0HI11 H li? Hi jUfUL' v LAS TOLD TO US ?; dates Half Soles banish tire troubles Glen Frcy went to Omaha Tuesday. Ent and driuk nt Powell & Pope's Cafe. tf C. F. Cather went to Omaha Tues day. F. G. Turnurc went to Falls' City Tuesday. 1 Mrs. John Potter spent Tuesday In Hasting. Mrs. Glen Fcarn went to Hastings y Monday. & State Agent 0. D. Hedge went to f t Omaha Sunday. G. W. Lindsey has returned from New York City. Bruce Frame of Blue Hill is in the city this week. Mrs Mary Polnicky went to Hast ings this morning. F. C. Buschow of Blue Hill was in the city Wednesday. Rev. J. D. Hammcl returned to Courtland Saturday. For good eye glasses and specs see Mitehe.l The Jeweler Miss Edith L. McKcighan spent Saturday in Hastings. Chas. Bessc returned home from Imperial Friday morning. Miss Belle Spanoglc went to Lin coin Friday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bailey have re turned home from California. Miss Josie Igou returned homo from St. Louis the last of the week. Mr. Will Kbats of Scotts Bluff was in the city the first of the week. Carl Davison of Superior spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Jcrnbcrg. Misses Ethel Owen and Greta Tuv nure spent Saturday in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cummings of Riverton were in the city Friday. Sam Temple of Kansas City is in the city this week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuller were down from Cowlcs Tuesday evening. John Edwards attended the ball game at Hastings Tuesday afternoon. Lawrence Means and Hugh Carter went -to Lincoln this morning to at tend college. Mrs.'S.-Hoskis returned to Guide Iofck .Monday after spending Sunday with Mrsr Arthur Drain. Mrs. if. McDowell is visiting her daughters, Icsdajn&Ijuifty-' and ,Da: vis, at Axteli, im ilockJ d Auto Owners see Gates Half ole. Buy lit end at Powell and Popes Do you know Gates Half Soles for worn tieiwK Miss Pearl Haskins went to Hast ings Monday. Hood meals good vcrvlce moderate prices L'owell &. Pope's cafe. Attorney F. J. Munday went to Lincoln Wednesday morning. Mr. r,nd Mrs. Miner Sherwood arc the parents of a baby girl, born Mon day. Don Hcaton arrived home Saturday having been discharged from the army. Frank Richr.rdson of Cheyenne, Wyoming, is visiting his wifo and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens of Hast ings spent Sunday with relatives in this city. Gary Zeiss left the first of the week for' California, where he will spend several months. E. S. Garbcr and Clare Pope at tended the ball game at Hastings Tucs day afternoon. Attorney E. G. Caldwell went to Lincoln this morning to attend the Supreme Court. Mrs. Wesley Throckmorton left on Saturday for Parsons, Kansas, where she will visit relatives. Mi's. L. V. Pcgg went to Grafton Saturday to visit her son-in-law, L. B. Thomas and children. County Treasurer Examiner C. D. Hobinson arrived home Tuesday to visit his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Satttey left Tues day for Greeley, Colorado, where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Zeiss left Mor. day for St. Michael, Nebraska, where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Longtin of Alliance arc the parents of a baby boy, Marvin Anson, born October 1st. Rev. G. L. Sharp, of Lincoln, will preach both morning and evening at the Baptist church Sunday, October 19. Miss Zclma Harmon, who has been visiting her uncle, A. T. Holtzcn and family, went to Belvidore this morning. Mrs. Frank Peterson and children went to York to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Crone, the first of the week. Elton Pope returned home Sunday evening from Maryvllle, Kansas, s brother, ,-Miu Helena Rathien and brother, AW,avciiitlto;Cu2de Rock this morn- sftAhefr'toster. u iWtWMi FOR SALE 1280 acres, in the St Francis, KcnsaB, country. 1P perl Joe Crow is in Republican City look P ater;ine,J; $f AuW'fArVri 'which' MWt occupy ttt.comhig1ycar..'2 Frank Hutchison came down from ftcok Sunday" totisitf nls iincie and aWf.MrJ'and Mrs. G. W. Hutchison. .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Corner of Blue Hill spent Sunday 'afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Corner. During the week of October 27th, a nation wide campaign will be made for .'the purpose of raising a fund of 5,000,000 for a Theodore Roosevelt memorial. F. J. Grice has been select ed as chairman for Webster county. For Sale The McFarland rooming house, strict ly modern and doing capacity business J. E. UKTZ, Red Uioud, Nebr. vbere,he had been visiting his Gilbert, R. Beck and Miss Iva Pat- ORPHEUM Friday and Saturday William Farnum in a Wm. Fox product ion o! another Zane Grey romance 'The Lone Star Ranger' A greater love story than !Riders of the Purple Sage More thrilling drama than 'The Rainbow Trail', A wonderful picturization of the rangers of early days A picture true to spirit and character is shown in the William Fox .Production based on Zane Grey's'nov el, 'The Lone StadRanger'. featuring William Farnum In his presentation of tile herofc Ranger, atrongj, magnetic, un ' afatd, Mr. Faruujtt 1h said t'oout; do even his , previous splendid work ri Zahe drey'srRltlert'of the Purple Sage' ami 'The Rnln- W t Admsal9nUOq,lnplijull)jtKwar,, .Mti ?re&taa&Wtt4 ten, both of thVs 'city, were granted ta mnitHififrn ttjiXAek ttr Ti fl jliVn.' PattnnU. ATI Monday. f Wednesday Jvdgc Ranney granted a mrffijlagc license to Ncls P. Nelson and Miss Josephine Doose, both of There wfll "be preaching servicesat the Congregational church next Sun day morning at eleven o'clock. Sunday School at ten a. m. Mrs. G. W. Cook returned to her home in Council B!uffs Tuesday, af-, ter visiting with her brother, W. A. Maynard and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Molznhn return ed to their home at Imperial Friday, after visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Molzahn. Mrs. Fred Clark, who was called here on account of the illness of her father, W. B. Campbell, returned to Guide Rock Wednesday. Clarence Prcttyman was down from Alma the last of the week. He and ye editor were comrades for eighteen months while in the army. W.'G. Knight of California, former ly 6ditor of this paper and an old settler of this county, was visiting friends in this city this week. Grant Turner, the popular Adams Express agent and drayman has purchased a new "Reo Speedwagon" frurk to add to his equipment. The persons owing me on account or notes can settle the same at the Peoples Bank or with Oscar Satttey ROY SATTLEY Last -Friday afternoon the Red Cloud High School and Chester football- teams met on the local gridiron where the latter team was overwhelm ingly defeated by a score of C9 to 0. Mrs. A. A. Brindle returncdto her home at Council Bluffs Monday after visiting with her sisters, Mcsdames Frank Campbell and Webb Reynolds. FOR SALE Good quarter section of and with good improvements, 4 mile south of Inavale, Nehr.. on easy terms. Write for full description. C. F. Cath jr Red Cloud, Nebr. Last Friday morning Chet Sheeley, who was operating the cement mixer for the paving gang, in some manner got his leg into the machinery, badly bruising the flesh of this member,' but no bones were broken. , ; Mrs. Cora E. Rreretnn .. oft thin morning for Scdalia, Missouri, where1 she will look after some business 'af; fairs. She expects to return iri'nbout a week and spend the winter ' here with her mother, Mrs. C. 'R'Besse, Mrs. Bertha Gulliford returned to, her home at St. Paul, Nebrask1 on, Friday. She accompanied the remains' of her sister in law, Mrs. Glen Beri? son, to this city, where interment was matin (n tlin flltlt wkmAJi... lf. Dah? MMUU it frl.U VIVJT fcLlllbKI jr.. mis, ajvii- son' was formerly Mis Nellie Gulli ford and' she was killed by her bus- Wjlliam Farnum at the Orpheurn theatre Friday and Saturday, iuflLW William Fox production, "The 1one Star Hunger" a dramatization of tfcc novel of that name by Zane Grey, author of "Riders of the Purple Sage" and "The Rainbow Trail" in pictur ization of which Mr. Farnum has ap peared with such marked success. "The Lone Star Ranger" is a stir ring talc of the exploits of a member of the Texas Rnngcrs, who, single handed, breaks up the stronghold of a band of cattle rustlers-. The scenic effects that frame tho dramatic action of this story were photographed in picturesque mountain fastnesses and or. the desert. September Weather Report Temperature: Mean 75 deg., maxL mum 10.1 deg. on Oth., minimum 4.1 deg. on 22nd. Precipitation: Total 8 41 inches. dumber of days Clear 'JO, partly cloudy .1, cloudy 7 Prevailing wind Direction S W 8 days. Rainfall since Jan. 1, SS.fiS iuches. Chas. S Ludlow, Observer. - Farm Bureau Notes COMMUNITY MEETINGS On account of rain Mr. Newton W. Gains" was unable to fill his dates of September 17 to 19, but he will be back on October 14 to 16, and tho fol lowing schedule is made out: Tues day night, Oct. 14, at Square Deal school house, Dist. No. 36, at 8:30 o'clock; Wednesday, Oct. 15, Highland Dist. No. 40, 8:30 o'clock; Thursday, Oct. 16, Indian Creek school house, Dist. No. 14, 8:30 o'clock. It is a real treat to hear Mr. Gains lecture. Try and come out to these meetings. HIGH SCHOOL DATES Mr. Gains is an ex-school man and is very much interested in school work. His High School dates 'arc as follows: Wednesday, October 14th, Guide Rock at 1:20 o'clock; Eckley at 3:30 o'clock; Thursday, October -15th, Bladen at 1:20 o'clock; Blue Hill at 3:30 o'clock; Friday, Oct. 16, Cowlcs at 1:20; Inavale at 3:30. ' SCRUB SIRES f v October 1, 1919 may not seem markedly different from any- rthcr days, but to America's live stock In dustry it is a day of days, for it in augurates the Federal and State on slaught against scrub slrps.By .the. time the ' earth completes anotherftcy- cle the nondescript mongrel jmgl&s of Vie DreeuinK wonu win uc uuuuw onVohfop' journej toflblivlftn. i l. fanned that ere Oct. 1. 1919 has manjranniyersaries ihe fft c. to , inferibf herd' Headers' anflecksJeadV ers wiU be complete and that the United States will be scrub' fee. ' ' HENRY R. FAUSCH, ' v County Agricultural Agent. Professional Enemies of Crocodile. T;liere are men whose business It U to witch crocodiles and who earn their living by that means. And. whenever n human lining has fallen a victim a professional crocodile catcher Is aked to help to destroy the murderer,", and a large reward offered him. The ma Jorlty of natives will not Interfere with the reptiles, or take any part In their capture, probably fearing If they do anything of the kind they themselves may (some time or other suffer for It by being attacked by a crocodile. Balancing Trade. Where one country exports exten sively to another and buys nothing from ft the checks and drnfts given In payment do not balance and It be comes necessary to ship gold or other wise readjust accounts. This Is ex pensive and makes It necessary to pay a premium In exchange. This pre mium Is virtually an addition to prices paid. When It becomes too'hjgh pur chases wlU be made In other Markets. Thus will trade be lost, unless It li balanced".' ' ' " You'll Like ir? this soothintr. heal ing balsnm. And vou'll find that it will give almost instant re lief to severe coughs, colds and all irritations of the bron chial tubes. i'i1! ?4 The Nume Trade-Mark it tho lL'n of Purity anJ Quality. flwg&c PINE BALSAM Wila khatbl aaJ Eaubm is a remarkably effec tive remedy, comprising the well known medicinal nntoartlca of White Pino. Wi)J Chcrrv.-Rtlmnf Oilud Ruili. Blood ftaol-Glveerina. Mtnthrl and Koca- ' IVDtua combined In vary arrroblc and k roinaUc.forai. Tha formula it tima , tried and proven. ,Aa aalo lor cniKiran as lor fcrown-upa. .clMLi, ' Mt yW JLJ! " .liWLJ'Jll - J7. kiwi i -9xL& zzzzfcZSCJ -5 Fall Showing m Beautiful furniture Every piece designed by an artist Every piece rich in Quality (LEvery piece built b1l a mechanic ffi s iJ) L w?& VI M 4 s & -rra r-i j A ,ilv m 3 XVtr, rfsLfT- PRV .-Sffe 9I6 The Graham Furniture Co. RED CLOUD the: store of quality McFarland Building HASTINGS Seems to Be General Opinion. "Tell mo .what company you keep, and I will tell you what you are," Is a proverb that Is found In similar form among the French, Spanish, Italians, putch, and others. Anything so widely accepted must be true. The jury in the case of Kent vs Red Cloud brought In a verdict of $.100 dam ages for the plaintiff. On Sunday evening some auto speed demon ran into the marker on Fourth Avenue and Webster street and demolished, the same. Supt. Brad ford erected a new one in its, place. ThmiKlAT HOME EXPECT YOU I nt r ulus To tell em all about 'MMk'lf9nlrtgM-fWd VISIT ExhilvatiRf Bwlmm; VtvkmHk Itip alt lit rillll tNI friMUIl. FtMf Cllfat,fcrNM i tjHttt. trfflliil SmU lulmfcitl LMIES MME MATIKE (KIT EEIMY KvcrybosV Ask. Anytody UWm III MNIIT MM IMTIHr "" ' ) :.' !iiEiiiiiii:ciii:iii!EiiiiJ!iiiiiiaiiii!ira!i;iH!afii!iair,Eiiraraciiai!iiii!i!ii!t i 1 v ' irjiiiimitTOiiiiiirjiaMiiiiiii.ipipqp ii a iiui Your 4 Money! ril i JA ft row va sdbT r.- Cfcas. L. Cotting . -d aSBVas i'. mi ei v 'Ji - LJ Jl r 1. ".f.i 1v'C Tr it'r What ivill it buy hi Clothes THIS FA L L ? You're pretty sure your going to pay a good price for clothes this fall; you're not so certain that the clothes will be as good as the price S I 0 11 You can be 100 per, cc7it.sure Come to this store; you will get Hart Schaffner and Marx clothes; all wool, stylish, guaranteed; as good as ever. Your money back if you tHinlc you don't get your money's worth. Tie Hamilton-Cither Clothing Cq. 1 Mi me The Home of Hart Schaffner 8c Marx Good Clothes HtWK i Ilieprugj(iat. f rvi MSS W . -'.W..iW-rr- jn a